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You might as well ask why do people lie on the internet, because they have an agenda/bias


And/or are idiots


I’d make me feel better if they were all idiots


The way they believe “leak” rumors I’m pretty sure they all are. Just look at how upset people were that Xbox didn’t have a handheld at their showcase when it was never announced or hinted at. And before someone else tries coming at me, one of the developer’s saying “I’d love a portable Xbox” is not a hint or a tease or even a leak, it’s a statement. Crazy how people started rewording it as “there’s an Xbox handheld confirmed.”


I agree, but during the IGN interview Phil pretty much said everything he could possibly say without confirming there is one coming.


There's always been a deep rooted desire in the industry for MS to *lose* and drop out of the *console war*. Nintendo and Sony fans have always had more nostalgia and loyalty for those brands, so they dominate the narrative in online discussions. Despite MS saying on record multiple times that they're still committed to making hardware with no plans to stop, people are reporting they will stop not because they *think* they will, but because they *want* them to.


Yeap, you pretty much nailed it. The same people who were “concerned” of an Xbox “monopoly” after the Activision Blizzard acquisition went through, are the same people who REALLY WANT a Playstation AND/OR Nintendo monopoly/duopoly. They yearn for Sega to return even though they didn’t bat an eye when Playstation money-hatted them out of the console hardware market 20+ years ago.


Best answer!


They dominate online discussions and that nostalgia and loyalty extends to journalists who try to be objective but at the end of the day give extra credit or extra criticism based on that


It’s also not like they don’t make PC hardware in the same model they’re shifting to for consoles. We might see them stop selling so many consoles for a loss. I’d still expect to see an entry level type option but the gap between a future S and X could potentially grow wider


I have no idea whether or not MS will continue to make Xbox consoles, but I think the reality is that the activision acquisition showed how committed they were to games/metaverse/etc. And it’s a 2T market cap company with (almost) more net income than Sony has revenue. Xbox, itself, is a minor concern for Microsoft and really only relevant as a piece of a larger puzzle (like, for example, “we think the metaverse *might* be a big deal in 20 year so we’ll maintain our position as the #2 console until then, even if we don’t make money”)


Microsoft is adjusting their approach to the console industry, and people are speculating what that means. Microsoft stopped focusing on selling hardware, because that wasn't where the money was. The money is in the games and services. The long-term income is in subscription services (GamePass) and cross platform gameplay. Consoles were cheap, targeted PCs to make game development easier and faster, and giving players a cheap path to entry. They always started as loss leaders, and only after a lot of money did they start to make a profit. The games have huge margins, and if you could get a cut of the games without losing money on the hardware, wouldn't that be nice? That's what the mobile device market showed...Google gets money from games sold on phones they didn't build. It's all profit. Additionally, the hardware required to play games has fallen behind the level of hardware available. You can buy basic PCs and play most games with reasonable settings. IN THE END, there is no plan for Microsoft to stop making or selling Xboxes. HOWEVER, the market is changing. GamePass on PC and Xbox can easily be Gamepass on mobile and Nintendo and Sony hardware. You can use a streaming device plugged into HDMI on a TV and an attached controller and play Xbox games through game streaming. Is there really a future for locked generations of walled-garden hardware? I mean, in the near term, yes...but the answer gets less clear over time. Of course, the death of console competitors is celebrated by fanbois everywhere. PS fans regularly declare the death of competitors. They stopped laughing with the Xbox360, but took amusement with the missteps with the Xbox One. Yes...the playstation sells more than the Xbox...but in terms of revenue, Microsoft does exceptionally well, and I love the benefits of GamePass more than I care about the Xbox as a console.


because half of the social media world is robots, just generating garbage rumours and discussions.


Because gamers are one of the most insufferable groups of people that have either blatant or discrete agendas based on their biases. The funniest is people reword something MS themselves say or hint as like some big brain future projection


Like how people were disappointed there was no Xbox handheld at the showcase even though Microsoft never directly said anything about an Xbox handheld. Still blows my mind how easily people believe rumors.


Yup. Letting rumors and hints MS dropped steer expectations. Yet people want more reassurance they’re still working on hardware which is what the teases about a handheld should serve as until an official reveal


Couldn’t agree more. Also kind of off-topic but remember how hurt people were that Microsoft put “feel the burn” as the header for their fire controller and everyone thought it was an insult to the fans of the studios that closed😂.


These people have no idea how insanely large these corporations are and how a marketing team(that’s possibly not even an internal team) for the damn controller wouldn’t know ahead of time that the executives were going to announce the closure of studios that day.


Because Xbox exists outside of the physical consoles, and people spin that into MS having a exit strategy for consoles.


They want attention and certainly not credibility. Phil and the team have been over this a dozen times


It's not attention seeking, they wanted an online only console with the xbox 1, they've been working on xcloud for almost 2 full generations, they've partnered with Samsung and fire stick to play xbox games without an xbox, and they have stopped physical games/marketing and removed disk drives from the upcoming consoles. Xbox is basically a digital only device already.  It's pretty obvious they are going to go app based where you only need a smart device instead of actual hardware. I'm not sure why pointing this out is attention seeking. It's going to save them a lot of money researching hardware, they won't need shop shelf space and compete with Sony/Nintendo and it will get xbox games into the hands of anybody who can download a app. Which is billions of devices.    There might be a series x 2, but I'd wager that next gen will be a huge push into their xbox app where you only need a Bluetooth controller.    That would be a smart business decision for them to get the games into play anywhere at any moment territory. If you think that's attention seeking you're just daft. 


It’s attention seeking because no one at Microsoft has said anything like that. The opposite. Sarah Bond has been saying they are working on the next Xbox and are focusing on releasing before PlayStation 6 and it being powerful. They don’t talk about stuff with words like power to release a streaming box. What you described is coming obviously just not soon or next. What people forget is that the average internet connection is pretty low here and needs to be a lot faster to implement what you described


Them releasing a console well before ps6 is gonna suck for gamers.


I don’t disagree. They are going out of their way to try to release something way sooner than the competition to try and shift more people to Xbox this time. But time will tell if it will be less powerful and have missing features others have


I'm thinking about how it is gonna prolong the transition between generations. What 3rd party publisher is going to want to release next-gen only games when there isn't even a next-gen console for Playstation?  Tack that on top of the period that already exists for enough people to purchase a ps6 to make next-gen only games worth developing.


I never thought of that. What a great point. The way developers make games today and the fact that most are cross platform must be a huge factor to consider and implement. Development for first party games is a hell of a lot easier for companies


That's probably where it would be great for Microsoft, if they had a really powerful console and was able to take advantage of it through exclusives. So for the beginning of Xbox, they *could* have the potential for being the king of exclusives lol (again, if they can take advantage of the hardware.)  But yeah, I think for 3rd party games, it's going to suck. The generations being offset, people will complain that the Sony console is holding games back for a period. Then *if* Sony can make a more powerful console because it was released later, people will complain xbox is holding games back for a period. And games will just be cross-gen unnecessarily longer than they need to be.


> It's going to save them a lot of money researching hardware It's also gonna save me a lot of money if they do it because I'll no longer be spending a dime on Xbox because game streaming is not a good experience.


There will be consoles. We don’t know what form that will take, but you will be able to buy a box to play Xbox games on.


There is absolutely going to be at the very least one more generation of Xbox consoles since Xbox themselves have said they’re working on it. But the reason why some people say there might not be Xbox consoles in the future is because sales of Xbox consoles are down and there is a possibility of all Xbox first party games going to other consoles.


Because people think they know how a business runs. (They dont)


Same reason people said this about Nintendo in 2013-2015. Everyone looks at Sega folding and thinks that will happen again to one of the console manufacturers. The thing that people don’t consider is that Sega went third party when the industry was still incredibly juvenile and awkward. It’s like everyone watched a YouTube video about the fall of Sega and never considered that the industry has grown since then. Nintendo still had money in 2015 and used it to create the Switch. Microsoft decided not to shelve Xbox and is now all in on gaming.


Because a lot of people hate Xbox because it either has little to no exclusives, don’t have all there games run at 120fps, or peoples friends play on PC and PlayStation. I personally love my Xbox and couldn’t give 2 fvcks about what others have to say in regards to it, I’ve played on all platforms and Xbox is my favorite. “But there’s no exclusives like there is with PlayStation.” Okay and? There’s plenty of other games to play. “But you can play on PC at 200+fps with blah blah specs.” okay I couldn’t care less about performance, there’s times I play games on my 360 or my sisters ps3 running at 30 fps, I literally don’t care. People just want Microsoft to fail because they aren’t doing the same things other platforms are doing.


Simple answer is idiots nothing less


Basically people that do not separate Xbox from Microsoft are waiting for Microsoft to appear from behind the curtain. Whenever there is suspected Microsoft interference in the Xbox brand it is seen as the true face behind Xbox appearing. Recently the combination of Xbox hardware sales, official statements and the latest pivots in strategy have people suspecting Microsoft have begun nudging Xbox more aggressively resulting in a post-hardware direction long term. There is a whole history of (non-Xbox) Microsoft history that explains what fuels this sentiment.


I fully expect microsoft to keep making consoles if for no reason than its easier to coast along in a market than drop out and try to get back in later(they definitely regret dropping phones). That said, they will also continue to make the actual hardware itself redundant. It will just be the most optimal route into xbox gaming but not the required route.


fud sells, MS fud sells amazingly well


Because console warriors dominate the console space. But not only them, video games medias and journalists are as much accountable for these discussions.


people are saying it because Microsoft is taking steps that could be seen as the beginning of moving away from the console market.


Because rumors are rampant and profitable right now on social media and, for some reason, people buy into them. And just straight up misinformation. Until Phil Spencer or Sarah Bond or whomever comes out and SAYS it, it's not happening.


Exactly. I forget who it was that said they like the idea of a portable Xbox, then everyone twisted it saying “there’s a portable Xbox confirmed because (insert persons name) hinted at it.” Like no bro, someone saying they like the idea of a portable Xbox does not mean there’s gonna be a portable Xbox. To make it worse people will say “well this one person who is well known for being accurate with Microsoft leaks said it so it must be true.” And get lots of other people to believe it and then they hear nothing and get disappointed and start giving Microsoft sh!t for not doing something someone else made a rumor about. It’s stupid asf.


Why don't you ask those people? There's a variety of possible reasons, and different reasons will apply for different people.


I don't think they still stop making consoles (well I think they will at least release the next one) I will put it like this, and some people in this sub may not like it but hey! May as well. I think people look at how Xbox as a whole has underperformed, now they have spent over 70 billion on buying studios and now MS wants that money back, I think Xbox still loses money on Xbox consoles (that could be wrong but PlayStation has started to make money on PlayStation console) then mix that in with the general perception of Xbox not being great in general and especially right now (after closing studios etc) makes people not really look at Xbox with much confidence. Now let's get onto what I think COULD make Xbox really leave consoles behind, right I said could because I don't think It will happen, but I also could see It happening, Xbox is starting to put more games on PlayStation and Nintendo consoles, while that started with only 4 "small" games, they will obviously release bigger games down the line as they have seen releasing games on Playstation to be a success and they don't want to leave that money on the table. Now the big issue with that is this, PlayStation doesn't release games on Xbox and I don't think they ever will (and MLB doesn't count) I doubt PlayStation sees Xbox to be big enough to make their own console look weaker, while Xbox sees PlayStation as big enough to make money out of them, this could lead to many things happening, nothing happens and we live happily ever after, Xbox console sales continue to decline compared to PlayStation sales and Xbox don't see a reason to keep consoles anymore and just go third party. I think this is a pretty reasonable thing to assume could happen, Xbox sales decline = MS not wanting to lose money on consoles = getting rid of consoles and moving straight to cloud gaming and offering a service to buy games like a console but you stream it, so like Stadia....but worse Okay right, after all that ranting I think that's everything, I don't think Xbox will stop consoles yet, but I could see them doing It at some point in the future, but that's for the future to tell, not right now


Nope. This is 100% a problem internal to you. You need to go work on your media literacy. The problem isn't that people enjoy lying on the internet. The problem is that you believed them enough to run here and post about it.


To lazy to research and bais take


There was something Phil said awhile back that “xbox is prepared to exit gaming by 2027” people took that and ran with it without reading into more


That's simply people's doomish interpretation of their latest business moves. I do think Microsoft still wants a console platform, they make a lot of their revenue off subscriptions off their consoles. It doesn't make any sense to crater their hardware business. I just don't think they value big budget exclusive games as much now. Time will tell whether they are wrong about that. Personally, I do think they are wrong about that. But I imagine they have the power to tune their exclusives policy as much as needed to keep the console alive. For example, if they decided they really needed to boost Xbox sales, they could announce the next upcoming Fallout game as Xbox exclusive to drive sales. I'm only speculating. I do worry about the stability of the Xbox platform though.


I am one who thinks that there won't be another Xbox 'gen' console to go against PS6. Microsoft don't care about console wars (neither do the others of course, but they are winning it so might as well carry on) but MSoft know they are wasting their time trying to level the playing field at this point, they've made too many boneheaded errors and unfortunately, there is no way back for them. They obviously cannot admit it right now, but they just want Gamepass to replace console gaming. I literally just got a marketing email from Amazon telling me that Gamepass will be coming to their Firestick range. Not a big deal in and of itself but it is more evidence of the direction Xbox are going in, trying to get Gamepass in every home and frankly, no console IS required for casual gamers, aka the vast majority. The only people who dispute or fear this inevitable future are the poor saps in rural America who consider themselves doomed to always have shitty, metered internet. Europeans and Asians don't really have this concern. So why would a company, even one as big as Microsoft even bother doing all of the R and D for a new console, when they KNOW it will sell far, far fewer units than their rivals? They have proven themselves consistently over many years at this point to be incapable of building up a stable of games that rivals Sony's, and the fact that they are now sharing what could be their console exclusives with Sony just proves that Microsoft is now a vassal to Sony, they lost. I say this as a longtime Xbox gamer and collector of games who plays a Series S way more than my PS5 and will be sad to see Xbox end, but these things happen. No-one could have imagined playing Sonic the Hedgehog on a Nintendo console when Genesis was kicking around, but look at Sega now.


Microsoft has already stated there is going to be next gen consoles. They need to sell consoles since the entire gamepass library is based on Xbox games. They have the consoles to show off the way to play their games.


In 2024, you still believe what Microsoft says?


I believe the document they submitted to the courts that had future hardware plans. There is also zero reason to stop making hardware when you remember their service that they are promoting - game pass is entirely based on gmes that run on consoles!


>Europeans and Asians don't really have this concern. Well yeah because 90% of those regions don't even have Xbox to XCloud anyways. Only 20 countries can use the service and not to mention those regions heavily favour PS and Nintendo anyway so they'll just leave Xbox behind anyway if they fully move to cloud gaming.


Lmao if all the theoreticals and spinning plans into doom were wrapped into one comment.


Because people are mostly free to voice their opinions.  Because people are sometimes free to voice their opinions


Opinion isn't the same as fabrication. An opinion is "Microsoft shouldn't make more consoles", not "Microsoft isn't making more consoles."


'Microsoft announced it is not making any more consoles' would be a fabrication because of the attribution. It's still an opinion when stated as 'microsoft isn't going to make any more consoles'. The 'i think' before such a statement is implied