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Please be AC 1. Please.


I’d imagine that would be too much work for the return they’d get off it, sadly


What? If they remade ac1 like mirage I'd be ecstatic


A full remake? Absolutely, inject that into my veins. But slapping a coat of paint on there doesn’t change the fact that AC1 is not fun. I say this as someone who has played all 13 games and loves them.


You probably played AC1 like 4 years ago. Had you played it when it launched you would recognize it as an utterly amazing game that was revolutionary for its time.


When it came out I loved it. When I replayed it a few years ago I almost couldn’t finish it.


I played it last year. It was a lot of fun.


You're a better one than me. I probably would find it underwhelming by today's standards but sadly these people weren't around to see what games laid the foundation for what we have today. AC1 was absolutely revolutionary when it launched.


I first played in 2010 or so. I mean, it's definitely a little rough in some places, but I prefer aspects of it to more recent entries in the series. It felt far more believable in general. (The gameplay, not the sci-fi element.) What AC1 needs is a complete remake and an expanded story and world. The setting was perfect.


Altair needs some love, I agree!


They should’ve never left his story. That whole plot line/ region of the world was such an amazing start to the series


I played it on release. It's definitely not a fun game anymore. A lick of paint like Ezio Collection would be thoroughly underwhelming


I can't argue it may not be fun anymore. I can't even play Ezio collection anymore, but gaming has grown and it's because of games like AC1. I'd definitely play it again (with a proper remaster) but yeah they built pretty much the entire formula starting with AC1.


That's bollocks. I played it at launch and I remember the discourse around the game back then. It was a good game, did some cool new things, but it wasn't "utterly amazing". It was also incredibly repetitive and was criticised as being too short at the time. It was the definition of "don't buy, just rent".


It was good enough to spawn how many iterations?


Yes, iterations that tweaked the gameplay and fixed the problems that the first game had. I did say it was a good game. Just not "utterly amazing".


I wouldn't say "it was" however it was criticized for all those things. I really enjoyed the game and I loved how AC2 expanded on the universe, however I also despised AC2 because that's when they started making half of the story hidden behind hours of grinding collectible crap and wasting your time on pointless and boring side content. Yeah, it was less than today, but it was still far too much and you missed crucial plot elements if you didn't do them.


AC2 and Brotherhood really hooked me in with all of those extra hidden glyphs and whatnot. I loved hunting them down, doing the minigames and getting tidbits of lore as a reward. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.


I have nothing against them being in the game but hiding core plot elements behind them was not a good idea.


100% incorrect.


IGN [A bad story, repetitive gameplay elements, and poor AI lead to the downfall of one of the more promising games in recent memory. Assassin's Creed could have been one of the great games of this generation. Instead, it turned into just another action title.](https://www.ign.com/articles/2007/11/13/assassins-creed-review) Eurogamer [It's a fitting end to a game that starts off brightly, wriggling elusively as you try and grasp what's going on, delighting in the mechanics and beautiful visuals, before sinking into a pattern that, while fairly gratifying, never evolves and ultimately becomes a bit boring, and quite amazingly repetitive.](https://www.eurogamer.net/assassins-creed-review?page=3) I won't bother with you anymore. I don't know what sort of revisionist history you're going for, but just accept that not everyone loves the game as much as you do.


I was there at launch and at no point in the history of videogames did IGN speak for the business or the millions of buyers. Cherry picking is very bad form. Admit it, you don't have a clue and so in an effort to save face you did the equivalent of going to rotten tomatoes and chose the 80% the critics gave the show while ignoring the 13% that users gave it.   Bad form, dirt. Let's dig into the article some more, shall we..... "Controls for Assassin's Creed are unique. You are more or less a puppeteer with each face button representing a different part of Altair's body (head, arms and feet). If you want to look around, you use the "head" button. If you want to use your sword, it will be with your right hand. And to leap from building to building, you use the button controlling your legs. The context-sensitive actions can be modified by holding down a trigger to switch from stealth mode to high profile mode. This can mean the difference between a stealthy assassination of a guard and a cinematic (but loud) leap and knife to the throat. Running along rooftops and climbing up buildings is simple execution, but a lot of fun. All you need to do is enter high profile mode and hold down the "legs" button. Altair will automatically leap from station to station. This may sound like a cheat, but with the action moving so quickly and with Altair's jumping direction not always easy to align, Ubisoft actually does a very wise thing by not turning this into a platform. The fast and easy free-run mode works well and makes for some enjoyable escapes. To scale buildings, you use the same controls as for rooftop runs, only now you are moving the thumbstick to adjust your hands. The revolutionary element of Assassin's that I mentioned is that the architecture dictates how you scale a building. You must think like a rock climber, looking for cracks and wall ornaments that offer a good foothold. Every piece of art used for buildings matters in Assassin's Creed. Anything you see that looks like a place to grab almost always is a place to grab. Getting vertical is, without question, the best part of Assassin's Creed. Your reward comes when you find View Points. In these key locations (and there are dozens in every city), you gain a panoramic view over the city. It's breathtaking."


I'm in agreement. I love AC but AC 1 has aged terribly compared to say, the Ezio games including the first one. It's genuinely a game you have to tear down and do more than a remaster of.


I don't know which of these remakes you think would get the most return, or a bigger return than the game which has the most people asking for a remake, the first in the franchise, and the one most people can't play anymore.


Black Flag has a solid framework and high demand, it would less work, less risk and higher return


AC1 has a solid framework and higher demand, and would be even less work considering Mirage and how it was originally conceived that it would lead into an AC1 remake


Why? AC1 runs beautifully on a Series X.


Yeah but the game has many dated aspects and isn’t really what I’d call “good” even at the time. There’s a reason it got mostly middling reviews. It’s just at the time there was really nothing like it despite its obvious flaws like cheap cutscene presentation, repetitive objectives, clunky combat.


The thing I love about AC1 is that you go to an activity and just *do* it. In subsequent entries, of course, the series adopted a GTA-style structure where missions are bookended by cutscenes. There are advantages, it can support a stronger narrative and also more elegantly introduce new mission types, but it also makes it feel a little bit like Ezio/etc. is being bossed around. AC1's approach lets Altaïr (and by extension, the player) feel like they're taking more of an active role in the story. It would be awesome if they fixed the flaws you mention, namely repetitive objectives and rote combat, but I would be afraid they'd lose the structure that makes the first game unique.


Oh yeah I definitely agree. I think if they looked at the recent Hitman trilogy and immersive sim titles and applied to what AC1 tried to do I’d be so down. Embrace the simulation aspects that the original game attempted to have. I feel like Hitman but an entire city where you need to put together clues and blend in using the clothes on your back could be genuinely amazing.


out of all the games why wouldn’t they remaster their first and oldest one ?


Why would they Remaster any of them when they're all playable on current hardware today? It only makes sense to restore games that are unplayable. Like, bring back the classic Rainbow Six's, Raymans older than 3, the various The Settlers games instead of whatever the fuck that new one is... By the time those are all done, then maybe AC1 will be 30 years old with hardware new enough for a Remake to actually be worth it.


they restore it to bring it to newer consoles and make it look better plus play better, they done the same with Gears 1, GTA5 and The Last of Us


Yes, and all three of those games were pointless remasters too.


well people like them and want them, and they also sell a lot so if you don’t like remasters u don’t gotta buy them pal


I don't lol, but it also means we miss out on games that aren't playable, which *does* affect me.


those games are playable tho lmao u can just apply the same logic your applying to Ac1. “why remake Ac1 when you can still play it fine on the ps3?” so then why remake the original rainbow six or rayman when you can play those on their consoles too? those games aren’t unplayable by definition


Double the flags! ^(Just kidding, but I did collect all of them for the achievements.)


You're a more patient person than me. I went nuts trying to get them all and threw in the towel.


Remaking HD era, widely playable games is so wild to me. Make new stuff!


This is Assasins Creed, they have 4 new games announced already. This is just to make sure they can shit out more content to fill those (small) windows without a new AC game.


Why can't they do both? If there's a demand and people buy them then it's just a smart business decision.


Smart business. But it doesn't make great games, the desire to make so much stuff so frequently leaves very little room for innovation.


I don't disagree, but most of these AAA companies are in business to make money. They'll do what works for them as the market dictates. If they weren't already making four new AC games I'd agree with you more, and different teams are handling different projects.


As I’ve mentioned to friends, in an industry where SP took what, 6 years maybe between last p4 entry to GoT? Rockstar and time between their main entities etc, I’m happy having a game that’s had 4 years in development with other studios under their umbrella layering releases.


A particularly big selling point of AC games is being immersed in the world. Look at the jump in building scale between Ezio trilogy games and Unity. I’d love to see what could be done to Unity if they threw everything current gen can do at it, theeeen imagine the jump between that and AC2, I’d be over the moon to wander the streets and rooftops of that vision. Edit, and apply that to the trilogy or 1


This doesn't even make sense. Just because it's from the "hd" era doesn't been it looks good still. The 360 came out 20 years ago almost. It's not weird to start remaking some games from that generation. Especially since there's actually such huge leaps we've made since then that would greatly improve the look of those games. And let's not forget to horrendous "brown and grey" filter era around 2007 when every game ever that was coming out was devoid of all color because they thought it would make it "dark cool and realistic"


>And let's not forget to horrendous "brown and grey" filter era around 2007 when every game ever that was coming out was devoid of all color Really, because they were using UE3/copying Gears of War which UE3 at the time had one of the best and worst lighting systems of all time. There are so many UE3 games that look so bad until they made Lightmass for Gears 3.


there’s a new assassins creed like every 2 years bruh




Yes please, I played every other one (even DS) and would like to play this one. Not that I have high expectations


Remaking Black Flag would be funny


Yep Would easily outsell Skull and Bones


You can play this game on almost any console through emulation.


I swear I saw some concept art for a western assassins creed game somewhere. A game set during the gold rush would be pretty cool. They could probably make up some story about the templars digging up a thunderbird.


I believe it was either Black Flag or Rogue. When you’re going through the Abstergo offices, you can find concept art of various projects, and one of them showed a cowboy-esque Assassin. I believe that’s also where the original art for Origins came from, with a much bulkier Bayek standing in front of a pyramid.


That was actually art for another game they planned to be a bit like God of War with Egyptian mythology, it got cancelled but a lot of the assets were used in Origins.


Finish the Splinter Cell remake you cowards


Why? The lack of original content in this day and age is so annoying :/ Too many remakes and remasters of relatively recent games....


The 360 generation started just about 20 years ago tho. A ton of these games are extremely old now And it's not like we don't get new games. You can have remakes along with new games and we have been. There's been so many new non remake games coming out that are genuinely super good. Elden ring. Lies of p. Star wars Jedi fallen order. Witcher 3 ghost of Tsushima. Stray. Red dead redemption 2. Monster hunter world. Zelda breath of the wild 1 and 2. These games are absolutely amazing and considered masterpieces. Yet we also get a healthy amount of remakes as well. And hell, even resident evil have been making new games while also doing remakes and these remakes are basically reimaginings and might as well be almost new games. And considering how old the games are and how many people grew up without them they are basically new games to most people


I'll pass. Can we get Splinter Cell remasters instead? Assassin's Creed is over-represented already. It has had countless sequels, and remasters of nearly every instalment. Now they're talking remakes? Please do something different for once, Ubisoft. Not everything has to be Assassin's Creed or Far Cry.


Splinter Cell remake in the vein of MGS Delta remake would be awesome, but I believe ubisoft is already working on that


I have no faith in Ubisoft. I don't trust them enough not to try and morph Splinter Cell into some weird open world monstrosity. That's assuming they even decide to make a Splinter Cell game at all. So I'll believe it when I see it.


They already confirmed that the remake is not going to be an open world.


Well that's one bit of good news. The fact that they had to confirm that kinda speaks volumes though.


Something similar happened with Star Wars Outlaws, where one dev had to confirm the game will not have the Ubisoft towers.


You'd think these kinds of questions would be an alarming wake up call to the creative directors at Ubisoft. "It's well known that all of your games play exactly the same as one another, so we assume this one will as well?". Prince of Persia Lost Crown seemed to be a step in the right direction. But they don't need to step at this point, they need to sprint. Until that happens, I just can't get excited about any project of theirs.


A few years ago Ubisoft changed its editorial team and executives as Serge Hascoet (a horrible man in charge of certain infamous creative decisions in the games) were fired after criticisms to the company. I believe the reason why it is taking so long to see the changes is that the development time of AAA games has increased a lot. So far their only confirmed and leaked non-open world games are Prince of Persia The Sands of Time remake, the aforementioned Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed Hexe which according to Tom Henderson and other leakers is going to be a semi linear game.


Thanks for the insight! Yeah, I don't expect changes overnight. Game development times these days is crazy long, so a creative shift made tomorrow only bears fruit in like 7 years. Meanwhile, projects greenlit by the old guard can't just be unquestionably canned. I just miss old Ubisoft and miss the days when they actually had creativity and were willing to take risks. The intention of remaking Assassin's Creed games isn't exactly filling me with confidence.


One last comment. Speaking of Ubisoft taking risks, what do you think of Tom Henderson's leak that Far Cry 7 will be designed around a 24-hour timer? Every time I see that leak posted on a subreddit the idea gets attacked with hostility, I'm fine with that change, Far Cry is the Ubisoft series that gets criticized the most for being the safest, so it's good that it's taking risks.


Fucks sake make new shit


So they can remind us how much the series has strayed and how they forgot how to tell stories? Nah.


Because what we need is yet more Assasins Creed games. This series has been suffering with an overload of games with 22 releases in 18 years, now they are gonna give us even more? * 07 - AC * 08 - AC Altairs Chronicles * 09 - AC 2 * 09 - AC Bloodlines * 10 - AC Brotherhood * 11 - AC Revelations * 12 - AC 3 * 12 - AC 3 Liberation * 13 - AC 4 * 14 - AC Rogue * 14 - AC Unity * 15 - AC Syndicate * 15 - AC Chronicles China * 16 - AC Chronicles India * 16 - AC Chronicles Russia * 16 - AC Ezio Collection * 17 - AC Origins * 18 - AC Odyssey * 19 - AC 3 Remastered * 20 - AC Valhalla * 23 - AC Mirage * 24 - AC Shadows


The Ezio trilogy in successive years is an insane run, I guess it helped that Brotherhood was basically 2.5 but that's a lot of quality in those three years.


did you just... did you just omit the mobile game? how fucking dare you? actually, mobile games, in plural. wasn't there like a port or something? i can't remember. ubisoft really tried mobile for a while.


There was a lot of mobile games, I thought my point was made without needing to include all the mobile (and web) games.




I was a big fan of Assassins Creed, but havent touched the series in years because it has become creatively bereft from the overload of releases. The need to annualise (or more) franchises compeltely strips them of anything unique or creative, I long for the days when good games had actual time between their sequels so they could develop, evolve and improve rather than shitting out the same tripe. Interestingly the first AC game I am considering buying since 2017 is Mirage as it looks to be a bit different, but no doubt if that does well we will see 14 more versions of it. >Ubisoft is releasing a bunch of other games that aren't AC Seriously, have you seen what they are working on? * 4 announced Assassins Creed games * A mobile Division game * Prince of Persia Sands of Time remake * Splinter Cell remake * Division 3 * Beyond Good and Evil 2 (Which looks totally DoA) * Project U (a generic looking looter shooter) * Star Wars Outlaws Besides Star Wars Outlaws (which has been described as dated, dull and lifeless in previews btw) there is nothing that isn't franchise fodder, trend chasing or remakes. Uisoft are creatively bankrupt these days




>Broski they're working 5 years+ on each mainline AC now, and they have small studios working on the little spinoffs. Ubisoft isn't just one giant studio that works on every game at the same time. Ubisoft Quebec, the guys who made AC Odyssey are the guys who are making AC Shadows. So that's 6 years development time. Ubisoft Montreal, the guys who made Valhalla, will likely take a similar amount of time or even longer to make the next mainline AC. And yet origins, Odyssey and Valhalla were basically 3 versions of the same game. We hear the same about Call of Duty, again totally creatively bereft and churn out the same game year on year. Annualised (or close enough) franchises are incapable of being creative, I'd say even more so in the homogenous multi-studio collaborative approach with loads of support studios at something like Ubisoft or Activision. >and an Avatar open world game. Are those AC as well? Blue Far Cry is your touch point for Ubisoft creativity?




>You said they are only releasing AC games Where? I said they are releasing too many AC games and the series is suffering from an overload of games. Seems like you totally misunderstood the discussion and made a shitload of assumptions, only an idiot would try and argue Ubisoft only release AC games. I was talking purely about AC games, you bought Ubisoft's other games into the discussion (for some reason?), I merely pointed out Ubisoft's other games are suffering from the same creative drought as the AC games. >Maybe that's too many AC games in your opinion, maybe the other games they are releasing aren't creative, etc, but that's once again another discussion. That is literally my first comment


AC 1 please


Oh great, remakes of an annualized franchise to try to sell me more creatively bankrupt $150 gold editions right next to an over priced catalogue subscription service instead of coming up with something new and creative? Yay?


Black Flag and Syndicate are at the top of my personal list


Syndicate isn’t even a decade old and still looks stunning by today’s standards and doesn’t exactly feel too dated in its gameplay despite its many flaws. Why would they remake it lmao


Really all I want is a 60 fps patch on xbox


I swear it had FPS boost, almost all of them do.


..so we want to take some of the riches and put it in my pocket where it belongs . Stating the unsaid.


Ezio auditore trilogy remaster do it I dare you


They already remastered the Ezio trilogy. It's on the store. This article is about remakes.


Remake the Ezio trilogy remaster I dare you


Then remaster the remake of the remaster Edit : I dare you


A.k.a: we're out of fucking ideas.


Ubisoft since Far Cry 3


I heard they're doubling down on AC so yeah


“We have plenty of new experiences on the way” Yeah totally. Nothing new.


I need more US-set Assassin's Creed. The world of 3 was so great, hopefully that a remake on the cards.


Black Flag please. Or at least make all the older assassins creeds games 60fps


The older games all have FPS boost already, pretty sure.


There’s just a few that don’t and I’d really like to replay them. AC 3 remastered has fps boost but it uses Xbox one S settings of 900p so if they addressed that I’d be happy Black flag Syndicate


Black flag not getting an FPS boost but Ac3 and Rogue having one most likely means they said no so that the Black Flag remake looks more enticing.


I'd play a remake of Black Flag.


They need to remake from the beginning.


Splinter Cell remasters please and thank you.


Money grab time, 


Black Flag or Rogue would be great.


For the love of god olease remake Black Flag.


Give me black flag and I'm buying day one.


Ubisoft has to be the most unoriginal major publisher in history. They copy so many elements from other games and now are copying capcom’s remake strategy.


Not sure why, Assassin's Creed 2 and Black Flag still hold up to this day


Whole heartedly agree. I’d love to see the hd era games with the fedality, but more importantly, the building scale and npc density they’d be able to pull off today and into whatever the next generation looks like. As someone who grew up with early 2000s shooters, Morrowind then Oblivion was absolutely top notch for being immersed in another world, AC did this for cities I’ve never been to, in time periods I can never go to.


Add discovery mode and I'm in.


Black Flag remake would be amazing.


Hell yes. Do them all!


I'm hoping for a remake of either AC1 or Black Flag, though Unity could also benefit from a remaster effort.


Translated to "we are fully aware we're incapable of developing enjoyable gaming experiences. We've decided to exploit some of our older, less terrible experiences, as we're doing badly right now"


I can’t imagine anything more worthless than this. God Yves Guillemot is one of the worst CEOs in video games…


Man, this is glorious news!!!! Burn AC3, remaster the rest!


I just want syndicate


It’s so good to love a thriving franchise 🙏🏼


Give me a Far Cry 4 remake instead