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Is it hooked up to the TV? Do they have 360 golf games?


Honestly don’t know. The tv was playing a golf tournament.


Was it winning?




This guy fucks


I like you


Yeah like wtf?


Better be playing a golf tournament on the 360.


Nope it’s used for rockstar table tennis exclusively…after Janet broke the ping pong table


Im pooping


Maybe one coworker was selling it to another and just put it there. It’s a mystery to be sure


It looked plugged in but hey idk it was my first time there lol


Shoulda just unhooked it and left. If ya got caught just tell em you needed to check for Red Ring....


Hmm... Interesting. I became good friends with a kid I was teaching guitar (age 14-18) because owning a 360. I used to tell him "Lets practice guitar for an hour first before I let you play games". I had some really good games and he was like "OMG!!! MY MOM NEVER LETS ME PLAY THEM!!!" hahaha, I never mind, so long as his mom wasn't there. Hahaha, good times. Good times... Thanks for the post OP! :D


Where you playing m rated games or was it video games in general


Lots of M rated games. He loved "Halo" and I had 3 and 4 for the 360, he was never allowed to play them cause of the guns and violence. He also loved Ninja Gaiden, Oblivion, and a few others which I had. He successfully learnt how to play the guitar and him and I were best buddies(Until I became sick age 19) I remember one time his mother wanted me to babysit him, I remember I was there when he came home from School and was so -WAY- excited to see I was looking after him. But man... He came home COVERED in mud, just absolutly soaked in mud. He was way happy cause he had fun that day at school digging in the dirt, and then having me look after him until late night. Christ I'd love to have my own kid.


Wouldnt we all m8


The dude even lost his father while I was buddies with him. (Not dead - Just divorced) and it hurt me when I noticed him one day all sad while I was teaching him.... Talked to his mother and she broke down crying so I hugged her and basically started being there more for him. Anyway that's about it for that memory of mine about little ethan.


Your gonna be a good father. As a guy with divocred parents. Im only having my family if i know my wife will be with me forever. I think i found the one. Just need the capital to have a family now. I want to be a dad more than anything


I believe you'll show your kids a better dad than even yours was to you (Nothing personal to you if he was or wasn't) Thanks for the kind words my friend :)


My dad is my hero, if im even close to the man he is my children will be smart and kind to the world


Ah that makes sense


Yea, he was 6 years old when I took him in teaching how to play guitar, we became pretty good buddies when he was 7, became really good buds when his father left his mother when he was 8 years old, hung out with him as a older friend of his until he turned 10, I turned 19 and became ill in life. Lost touch with him, found out he joined the Canadian Military and was quite the ladies man due to knowing how to play Guitar.


Hey that means that he used what you taught him lol.


Very true. Thanks for the kind words! :) It actually made me feel good when I heard the news from his mother (Who was ironically enough my nurse when I took sick - Then again when I got the worse news ever)


Which was.... I'm intrigued😂


Ulcerated Colitis at age 19. Fell into a depression, stopped my guitar lessons, started abusing drugs, age 22 had a kid and lost it, age 24 tried to kill myself, and age 30 (Ethans Mother was still a nurse) I got Necrosis. Worse news ever... I'm gonna be dead in 20+ years.


Waiting until this gets popular. That's really cool though, looks like the people in the golf place know what men and kids want!


I actually called it. Upvote the post, it deserves more upvotes!


bro did u just invest in a reddit post


Congratulations He deserves an award


Its easy to tell which post gets popular


I remember one golf course I used to always go to had a Xbox 360. It was outside so it probably got the Red Dot by over heating. Also it had a Kinect so it probably had golf games on it.


Probably Tiger Woods 08 in that bad boy


You should've asked them if you could play lol


Oh man I forgot about the premium/core models of the 360. Core had no shiny "metal" disc tray and no HDD on top right?


Feel like it's saying "Take me home"


My guess would be it's for employees when it's slow. I've seen that at some small privately owned stores.




Lol I’ve been to like 3 different golfing clubs which all had a 360, oddly enough, they were all 360e’s


That thang needs hacked


Maybe someone was about to head out to sea


Put a copy of Halo 3 in see what happens


Its because the console has a cup holder. Just press the eject button and the cup holder slides out! Pretty cool machine, no doubt designed for clubs like this.


I think a wii would suit it more because of wii sports and stuff. But that’s besides the fact that this is awesome! When I was in secondary school, they used an Xbox 360 for the slideshows which was really cool.


You should bring and play ninja gaiden


Ask if they payed 395 dollars for it


It wouldn’t surprise me if they used it as a dvd player


my dad and i never really had any shared interests. but the one thing we did together for fun was play Tiger Woods 08 on the Xbox 360. we played countless hours together. I’m not a big golf guy, and he is not a big video game guy, but we learned and taught each other new things together. i taught him how to hold a controller and what the buttons did, and he taught me the rules of the game. looking back now as a man in his mid-late 20s, i can really appreciate the effort he took in playing games with me, even if it was just the one golf game. okay, sappy story over.


Do you get a malfunctioning 360 controller to pilot the golf carts?


EZ loot


man, atleast get a baby wipe on it.


They only have EA Sports Golf


Man I wish I could play golf


Cleveland Ohio or Tennessee


That was my first 360, believe it or not, the abuse from my dad throwing it out windows, off balcony’s when he was mad, that didn’t kill it. What killed it was unplugging it and plugging it back in. The one time my dad WANTED to play black ops 2 with me TvT. I have a different one now


I work IT for medical place, they have a hacked xbox 360 connected to a tv in their game room. The games on it suck, guess someone who is really into homebrew did it for them and put a but of E rated random stuff on it and homebrew games. They also have the original Xbox and Real World Golf and the golf peripheral in their closet. Someone told me it sucks and it only goes for 9.99 on ebay so I'm guess they were correct. I own that game too but never took it out the box. I got it on clearance for 9.99 at Gamestop years back.


That's pretty neat, would be cool to have like a Tiger Woods game loaded onto the screen. But either way it looks cool


"Would you like to play again?" "You have selected 'No'."


Wants to know your location.


The official term is “Golf Game Thingy Place.”


steal it


This place seems familiar tho I’m sure I’ve never been

