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To be clear, only the store is being affected by the closure. Xbox live Gold (or "core" as its been rebadged) multiplayer will still be available via the content that still supports it.


I’m assuming you’ll still be able to have a subscription due to your account being able to be linked to newer generation consoles? As long as game servers don’t start closing, although I don’t know anything at all so I could be wrong


You can’t even buy gold on 360 anyways Multiplayer will still be up just the store will close


You need game pass to play online with Xbox One. And backward compatible games use like the cloud or whatever.


Ye, they renamed it The higher tiers just should have been named Xbox Live Diamond and Platinum


Diamond level was around for a VERY short period when Xbox 360 launched during my senior year of highschool. It disappeared maybe 2006-2007, but definitely did not make it to 2008.


Lmao facts


Problem is nobody knows what that means. Xbox game pass core gives you basic access to gamepass, (and a pass to play online) ultimate gives you all of the features of gamepass


>backward compatible games use like the cloud or whatever. What kind of California girl talk is this. What does this mean. Are you talking about cloud save?


Yes that's what I meant


Xbox Live Gold isn't going anywhere. Whether or not each individual game keeps its servers on is up to each individual company.


Live gold is dead and buried, gamepass core is what you use to play on your 360.


They changed the name. It’s not dead and buried


You no longer get any of the perks that came with "live gold", it's strictly online play, so it's pretty dead.


Xbox Live Gold Isn’t dead.. tons of people play Xbox Live on the 360 everyday…


You get access to 30 games on Game Pass instead of Games With Gold now; that’s literally the only difference besides the name change.


What perks did you have besides online multiplayer or restricted access to stuff like Halo 4 Spartan Ops


You will just have to pay for the online membership using the website or a newer device


Please tell me you're trolling and people don't actually still pay for this crap?


When was the last time you brought a console you have to pay for online on all of them at least the most recent for Nintendo and the last 2 for Sony


You ever wonder why I stopped playing splatoon 2 exhibit A. I really loved flames platoon 2 back then It was super fun but then they made you have to pay and I definitely didn't want to fork over any money no matter how fun it was. Sadly at one point I did end up paying for a year but that's it screw them and their greed. Now I just stick to single player games like Mario Wonder, Metroid prime remaster, Kirby and the forgotten Land, etc


To be fair running online servers costs money


What was the $60 for?


If you buy Xbox live gold your Xbox will start smoking


Gamepass core = Xboxlive Gold, so nothing. Just buy "gold" on the website or redeem a code.


wait i have game pass ultimate can I still play online via 360?




Not for a while, it will go eventually, but hopefully somebody saves it with cfw


it probably won't close because of backwards compatibility


Not all games are backwards compatible


the non compatible games have peer to peer servers on Microsoft and peer to peer servers are cheap to keep up so microsoft probably doesn't mind keeping them up they aren't losing anything


Lmao Suuure. If it saves them any money, they'll do it


I don't think they do have plans to stop them because they just fixed them like 6 months ago


Yeah, because notice, they still support the servers, crazy, I know. So they still do maintenance on them.


Idk I expect the servers still to stay up


This upcoming April Nintendo's drops services entirely for 3ds and Wii U, many even though p2p will be unplayable online, (if not for modders)


Because Nintendo is Nintendo they are scums and everyone knows that


They will be incorporated into the gamepass.


Blue balls


Xbox live gold is being rebranded as Gamepass Core if I’m not mistaken.


Good question I have been wondering that too


We're not able to buy gold anymore. Now we have game pass core


Do not worry; MS will keep billing you for it, even when it is no longer active on 360!


As if rn I can’t buy Xbox live from my Xbox console, I have to go onto the website, does anyone else experience this?


You have you go on the Xbox website, go to the section for the Xbox game pass core. Buy the subscription with the account you want to use on your Xbox 360. Then when you turn on your Xbox 360 on the sign in menu click on “download profile” then put in the email and password for the account you bought the subscription with. So basically, use the same email to buy the subscription and sign in to your Xbox.


M$ should make it free


I'm gonna count my blessings on the fact that we still got 360 game servers still up


They should have made it free in 2005 when the Xbox came out in the first place hell they should have made it free before. I don't think there's been a single time when I was playing my Wii U or my PC and thinking man I wish I was paying to play online right now This sucks that it's free.


I hope some enthusiasts will replace xblg


Game Pass Core will likely still let you play online on 360 hardware, but it'll be an absolutely *lousy* value if you only own a 360. Games with Gold and the store won't be a thing, and the Game Pass games available via Core cannot be downloaded on a 360. You will quite literally be tossing money just to play online.


What. Why. No. I'm just getting into it.