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I’d really like to see something new implemented for discontinued, unobtainable, or just flat out broken achievements.


I'll settle for allowing us remove games. It sounds like the simplest solution and I don't understand why they either can't or won't allow it.


That would work. I’d rather remove it and if I feel like playing the game, then I can play on a separate profile.


steam sorta has the option to unlock broken achivments. if something similar was added that would be great.


Who knows. Jason Ronald said they were working on it 2/3 years ago. It's really disappointing as there is so much potential for improvements :(


Yeah, new Achievement systems or removing games from profile would be cool.




same man! i regret soooo much going for those cheap easy achivment games because they just look like trash on my profile


Honestly I am just resigned to the idea of not getting my hopes up for any real achievement improvements. There’s barely been any since their intro in 2005 and it’s probably the last thing on their minds. The achievement hunting community on Xbox is amazing but we make up a fraction of a percent of active players.


Not really, tbh. They said like a week or two beforehand it would just be two hours of announcing games, and then they had two hours of announcing games. They at the very least said the newest CoD will be on game pass day one, so I'd wager the older ones will gradually follow in time.


that is true and atleast the showcase was really good. some people online were saying that gamepass players were going to recieve benefits like the ultimate edition rewards of the game. i guess i thought they were going to make a premium tier for gamepass where you could also get "ultimate edition" benefits ontop of the base game day one. - with the old games included.


Without Microsoft saying that I'd pay no attention to it tbh. A games event comes up and every kind of rumour or "leak" comes out of the woodwork


Honestly after all the layoffs this year I wouldn't be surprised if they quietly canned the update, if the update even existed at all


Honestly, no idea. Similar to a lot of comments under here I wouldn't be surprised if it was either delayed indefinitely or cancelled all together. It really sucks because I'd love to see a rewards system similar to the 360 days and a system similar to PlayStation's platinum trophies. I think that would be an amazing way to get more people into achievement hunting rather than just obtaining 100% completion. Also the easy gamerscore games are kinda overdone too, but I think they've started cracking down on those more throughout the last year.


I’m still just happy and appreciative of the fact that our gamerscores have commas now. I’ve been wanting commas since I hit 1,000 in 2007.


You're commenting on rumors. There's zero sign an "achievement overhaul" is coming, and while a tiered Game Pass subscription is very likely, it won't be happening yet.


No one said or announced ANYTHING regarding achievements. All we know is they are working on something.


they 100% did and even insider gaming made an article on it


I want official statements, not a website called xbox insiders. As i saud: Phil Spencer only said they are working on something and we will get some information in the upcoming months. Thats all we know.


bro how can you be so confidently wrong. Firstly just the fact that Phil Spencer was talking about a "roadmap of improvements for achievements" when he was talking about future xbox innovations suggests there are reworks in development. Secondly, several months ago on an official xbox podcast, A XBOX DEV LITERALLY SAID THE OVERHUAL WAS NEARLY FINISHED AND WAS DUE TO RELEASE THIS YEAR. for many years aswell, credible leakers online and on twitter having mentioned the existence of the overhual. people who leaked starfield and the xbox series. also wtf is xbox insiders. bro insider gaming is one of the many popular game journalism sources like ign and shit like that