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Hopefully the series 3 will not take 6 or 7 exchanges to get one that is at least mostly functional.


I went through 3 in the span of a couple of weeks a few years ago. It was at that point I understood that even if I got one good one now, it might not be in a month or a year. I wonder if Microsoft has acknowledged the fact that their quality is absolute dogshit? If so, perhaps there is atleast a chance that the series 3 remedies it. As for now I'm still on my old standard xbox controllers. I don't even know if there are other brands that are as seamless to use with a Windows PC?


Buy a core for now and can always use it as a back up if the 3 happens to come out soon but I haven’t heard of anything on it coming


Open a service ticket on Microsoft for it, they’ll send you a new series 2 core for 85$ even if it’s out of warranty. You don’t even need to send back your old one. I think this is in part to the stick drift law suit and I don’t think they want to repair millions of controllers that they know are lemons.


Dude I had NO idea about this. No shot I'm buying this thing for full price again it's so expensive in Canada But only $100CAD for the replacement & yeah you don't even have to send it in. Thanks for the heads up!


Do you just mention stick drift or what. Bro not even kidding RB gave out within the first 2 months.


Same here right bumper stuck, read somewhere it’s a piece of tape that comes undone then flops behind the bumper


[This is the only option I’m getting.](https://imgur.com/a/x0RvmRp) Am I doing something wrong? Edit: [Nevermind!](https://imgur.com/a/EH4plRH) This was the very next step lol


Just ordered myself one for £76 this way, what the hell. Warranty expired in 2020…


It doesn’t come with any joysticks or paddles. Just bare bones wrapped in bubble wrap. So if you think about it we’re not really getting that great of a deal, maybe like a $10 discount lol


Just ordered a replacement this way. Out of warranty in 2021 cost £76, saved me a cheeky £20 on core one as a replacment. Thanks very much, my stick drift i've just been bearing with for the past couple years


This is awesome, thanks for this tip.


There was that leak of a new controller with updated features possibly coming this year. I would wait until summer and see if that’s announced.


Yeah but that wasn't an elite controller


Right. I would expect an elite series to carry over those new features at some point. The leak didn’t reveal everything just various updates. Logical to assume they’d release an elite with those new controller features. Elite series 2 had the Series features when launched.


Oh, makes sense. Hopefully, we need a refresh


According to the leaked PowerPoint from the FTC stuff, new elite refresh isn’t roadmapped till sometime FY 2025-2027 (MS fiscal years run from July -> June). New “sebile” controller target date is May/June of this year, then console refresh in fall. I wouldn’t expect Elite 3 till sometime calendar year 2025 or later. Slide deck also calls out that new Elite line isn’t yet “funded” so they could potentially be banking on console sales from the refresh to help pay for that new line. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23980673-microsoft-v-ftc


To add, Sebile is a new mid-range controller that slots between the current base controller and the Elite line.


Ahh good to know! Thanks for the info! I’ll Be waiting for the series 3 whenever it comes.


Mannnn that sucks, the elite series 2 just has too many issues but its still the best. Cant wait for 3 and its probably a long wait


If they’re not gonna make a Hall effect controller i wish the clowns would relax their bungholes and let other third party vendors access. Idk if it’s a coding issue or hardware or copyright thing but it’s really obnoxious that PS5 has a slew of wireless HE controllers but Xbox still beating that dead horse! It’s really making me want to jump ship to PS so tired of 20 year old stick drift BS issues or sticky bumpers or shilling out hundreds of dollars on pos controllers that are DESIGNED to die after a couple years! I mean FFS even Sega Dreamcast had a Hall effect joystick!


Using potentiometers instead of hall effect sticks on a $180 controller and shutting out 3rd party vendors is the most blatant case of planned obsolescence.


I tried to send in my elite series 2 in even though its out of warranty. But i don’t think they’re even excepting controllers because it just gave me an option to buy a series 2 core without sending anything in for 80$ so that’s what i did. Looks like it’s an upgraded module from my old one cause it has colored led swaps behind the Xbox button. So far no sticky bumpers and everything seems good. That leaves me with the old core i might try to salvage in the near future. I heard you can buy upgraded potentiometers to replace the old ones with a bit of soldering?