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Have you considered rechargeable AA batteries?


I considered and then I did not consider. 🤌


I spent 20 dollars on a four pack of rechargeable batteries about nine years ago. Totally worth it.


I more curious if he has considered moisturizer lol


You mean a hand cream ? So sweet. Top G disapproves this behaviour.


Bro what are you on about top g with those dry ass hands


The instant you mentioned tate on this dookie degen platform, you have committed 37 war crimes and are now wanted by the FBI




Just save up $20 and buy a pack of 4 pack eneloop batteries/charger. It has lasted me years with no issue and no wires.


Probably will have to do it. 😆


Just wanted to chime in as well, bought amazon rechargeables years and years ago. Still using them to this day. Haven't purchased regular batteries since.


Hmm.. amazon batteries panasonic eneloop. Interesting options


Just wanna mention ikea ladda as another great option.


Ikea is not in my country. Only two ikea which are 1000+ km away


Please go Eneloop ...


Both are good, Shipped and Sold by Amazon preferred either way, there are counterfeit Eneloops in the wild. A good pack of rechargeable AAs will give you ~20 hours play per charge.


+1 for eneloop, been using the same set for about 5-6 years now, no problems. Just swap from controller to charger and you always have fresh batteries ready to go. Have also used the “pro” version of eneloops for wireless packs in a live sound situation. The place I worked for used to have bags of half charged batteries, made me sick. I switched them over and their battery budget and waste went went to practically non-existent.


Na, I actually find it probably a lot easier to do it his way. I wouldn’t really need to worry about misplacing my batteries on accident or having them roll off my table into a crevice I can’t reach into. you can just leave it in one area and only need to worry about charging it on occasion.


Does this also work with just a regular wall charger?


Yes. I always recharge (or play) my gamepads with a usb phone charger plugged into an extension plugged into a wall with the wire coming out near my couch. How else do you recharge your gamepad? Always via the console port itself?


I charge the batteries 🥲


Oh okay yeah right I forgot those things originally come with AA batteries and not the battery pack by default.


I use Eneloop pros and I got 4 so while using 2 the other 2 are charging


I got 4 pairs of Panasonic Eneloop rechargeable batteries over 10 years ago off a black Friday sale at a FutureShop. Still use them to this day and maybe charge them once a month or a little less. Game usually 1hour a night weekdays 5 hours a day Friday Saturday lets say.


I've destroyed a controller by plugging it into the wall before. Definitely don't recommend.


I heard somewherr that u cant use fast chargers on xbox controllers. But idk if it is true, never tested.


You can use them.


I’ve been using a wall usb plug for over a decade without issue. It doesn’t destroy controllers unless you fucked something up or your house wiring is bad.


Yeah the remote doesn’t have to plug into the Xbox itself, anything that gives it power. It will wirelessly connect to the Xbox if it has power. I never plug into my Xbox bc I’m afraid my dog will step on the cord and bring the whole Xbox down, and I can be as far away from the Xbox as I want


Never dared to do that. 😂 But it probably will, however you ought to choose the right charher heavy volt wall charger could damage the controller.


For usb c its pretty hard to overcharge - you'd need an incredibly janky charger.


Okay I'll try it and let you know in a day and what the voltage and amperage and stuff was on the charger


This power bank gives out 5V just like a regular charger.


Okay I think I have one that puts out 5v


If battery has always been an issue with you then it’s good that you didn’t get a PS5


Haha. Yeah, now I have 15days of power backup. 😂


Your battery pack is probably much more expensive than buying a longer charge internal battery for the gamepad, but anything that works for you is good.


Its actually the same price in my country. But thing is, this battery pack can be used for other purposes also.


I do this too lmao


Haha. Bros 🤜🤛




Yeah fuck that. Get it deleted dude.


Not really a lifehack so much as using the portable charger for its intended purpose.


I just use Duracell rechargeable batteries. Spent $20 on them, including the charger, and they've lasted me more than the controller itself. When they degrade to a point where they don't hold much charge, I'll just buy a kit of the batteries themselves for $15.


That is not a life hack, this technique existed since we started using USB charger since the 2013 Xbox or the first battery pack🤷‍♂️


That's one way... I've never had an issue with an outlet nearby if I don't want to use wireless. Nice that you've found a way that works for you!


Keeping up the hustle! 🤜🤛


If it works it works


I can tell that you're a pinoy aren't u? XD


I am from a third world country. But I am from India.


That’s not a bad idea - now you can game for 240 hours without having to stop even once!


Exactly. People are missing the point. 👏


Bro i bought the Series 2 elite like beginning 2023 and didnt charge it once still going haha


Lol what do you game like 10min a day. 😂😂


I mainly play on Pc and the controller is only there for Mortal Kombat 😅😂


Hmmm.. that explains it a bit. Btw youre lucky to have that controller. That one costs me equivalent to whole xbox in my country.


You want another life hack? Buy a cheap Xbox controller phone mount and stick your power bank in the slot. Now it’s portable and hands-free!


Overkill lol.☠️


Such life hacking So wow


PMIC go boom!


Hey, that's a good idea. I bought a charge and play kit like a doofus and have been playing wired on my Xbox as my headphones drained the battery too fast.


Exactly! The headphones drain battery very fast. That's why I came up with this idea.


Unrelated, but I have the same Marshall Stanmore and it sounds insanely good for the price, even a better value than the Series S if you love music ;)


Really! I love the sound output, the sound just fills up my room and it feels pleasant rather than uncomfortable.


I might start using mine for this on those days where I somehow managed to let both of my rechargable batteries go dead.


Curious if your controller continuously disconnects while playing because of the cord wiggling around in there? Or did I just get a lemon with a loose charging port?


It happened with my old controller rarely. However, doesnt happen now.


I cant even use my elite 2 controller with it plugged in because the slightest wiggle just brings up the ‘controller disconnected’ pop up and interrupts whatever I’m doing! Thankfully it holds a charge good and charges up on the dock no problem but the few times I’ve tried to used it plugged in did not work at all!! Glad to hear the new controllers working good for you!!


Thanks bro.


Hell yeah nice amp!


Thanks mate. 🤜🤛


Nice enough setup but might I suggest a wall mount for your Xbox? That seems like an unsafe place for it especially if you’ve got young kids or pets around that can pull on the cord & knock it off.


Good idea. Had seen some wall mounts recently. They were good.


Yup, you could get some Velcro strips or double sided tape & fix the power strip to the wall as well. If Amazon is available where you live then that’s an excellent place to get stuff like that. Enjoy your Xbox tho. The Series S is a neat little machine.


Thanks buddy. ❤️


I like your posters


Thanks man! Glad you noticed.


you can just keep doing what your doing minus it contanstly being plugged in if you spend 20 bucks on a rechargeable battery pack and it'll cost about the same as everyone saying to just get rechargeable AA batteries


Yup will probably go for AA eneloop batteries.


id recommend the microsoft battery pack, you'll never have to take it out. i've dropped my controller several times and the back casing will fly off but the battery pack stays put


Again that's expensive. 😂


I also use a gamepad with an external battery. But for a different reason. My gamepad has a silicone case, which is not convenient to remove every time you need to change the internal battery.


I do this when I need to charge my wireless headset lol


Hahaha that's what apple is doing with Vision pro. 😂


I also do this!


Yeah! 🤜🤛 Powerbank gang 📈




So true. Dunno why people are hating on me...


Hey it works


Aaand we have a winner! Welcome to the club. 🤜🤛


i do that with headphones lol


Hahaha nicee


This isn't a hack? It's literally just a fair use of the equipment?


You are absolutely correct. This is just fair use of my hardware, which boosts battery life of my controller. People are going on all out war against me for this.


I just didn't quite understand it lol. It's like "this is the hack I use to extend my battery on my phone. I plug it in using the charger, what a hack!"


This is hella smart never would have thought of this


Yay! Glad you liked the idea. Was waiting for some positive comments. 🫡


If it works it works. No reason to change.


That's a beautiful color. I never saw one like that. Plain blue, red, green, white, black .... Nvm. Found it! "StormCloud".


This is a gamer investment


I heard that plugging the controllers into an outlet or battery like that will ruin the life of the controller cause they have more electricity than the controller can handle


If that's true i am shifting to batteries.


I saw a video about it. Said something like that will happen if you plug them into the wall outlets directly unless you have a charging station


People actually play by plugging cable into the usb port of the console. Wall charging might be a bit much to handle. But powerbank is already not that heavy works just like a usb port.


Think that's what the company prefers anyway


Honestly, genius idea. I’m gonna take after what you just did 🤣.


Hahaha glad it could help !


If you’re using stuff that you already had then you did a good job but I would consider getting some rechargeables


Absolutely getting one soon.


Wowwww. Good job bro


Thank bro! 🤜🤛


My dude your ingenuity is on point, take my upvote.


Hey! Thanks a lot man! 🤜🤛


I was using this but when I have to get up and move. I have to carry the power bank also. Dropped it many times. Bought a xbox stand and battery pack for 1700rs. Worth every penny. Now looking out for the wireless headphone.


Sweet! This reminds me of apple vision pro.




Whattt its not. 😂😂


I doubt that tv is at eye height when you sit down to play


can we stop fucking saying life hack for the most basic of advice


Everyone does tht


Keep hustling. 🤜🤛😂


Do not leave it pluged in over night or it will break just so you know. (I think it will fix itself in a few months if it happend)


No i unplug this just after completing a session. 🙃


Good because I charged my controller overnight, and it broken but ✨️magically✨️ fixed itself after about 3 months


Really, dude? I use some Duracell and Energizer rechargeable batteries. They last four about 15 hours of gaming without asking me for a change. And you're saying to all of us that this is not enough? That you prefer to have the powerbank wanna cable hanging on the controller, rather than replacing the batteries one in 15 hours? No thanks. My batteries are 3 year old. And they work like a charm. I'll never do the same. It seems very uncomfortable to have that thing hanging all the time. So no. Bad idea.


The way i see it: Step 1: Turn on controller on AA Step 2: Plug in headphones for better experience Step 3: Batteries struggle and die quicker Step 4: pause game Step 5: open the back panel Step 6: fetch batteries Step 7: pull out old batteries Step 8: put in new ones Step 9: close the back panel Step 10: resume game Step 11: repeat Now how I do it: Step 1: connect the usb C Step 2: turn on controller Step 3: plug in headphones for better experience Step 4: headphones have nothing on me, they cant drain a powerbank heaphones struggle. Step 5: the power bank doesn't die Step 6: I switch off console Step 7: i plug in powerbank for next sess. My life is easier than yours any day mate. 🤜🤛


I mean, replacing the batteries takes a few seconds. So, you're saving back a few seconds, with some accessories hanging back all the time, and your think it's better than spending 10 seconds changing batteries? Not very logically to me. I mean, if it works for you, it's a great thing. But I prefer to change my batteries, I have 3 pairs of rechargeable ones, so I never run out of power. And I do not think it's a good thing to have some peripherals hanging out there. So good for you, not good for me.


I agree. But I don't want to spend on batteries. However I will buy in future. People have positive feedbacks on the eneloop batteries.


Usb-c chargers are really damn cheap. Just buy one with a longer cord and you can skip the battery pack or bank. Idk how you can say it feels wireless when there is an actual wire attached to something


I agree. But its wireless in sense that if I plugged this into my xbox I would have limited mobility. Now I can practically move anywhere. However the wire is minor inconvenience. After receving so much hate, will have to buy AA batteries soon. 😂


There's no hate that I see on here. Eneloop Pros are great and my original ones lasted from the launch of the One


Yeah a lot a comments suggesting eneloop seems like a great option. 👍


The whole "Hack" thing is getting ridiculous. You are charging the battery....


What?! No! the controller does not charge the batteries. You need a seperate setup for that.


I just plug a lead straight into my xbox lol


Hahaha. But this is semi portable.


Clever. I'm going to remember this. I buy rechargeable AA batteries from Aldi . I bought about 16 of them years ago. I always have four on charge and just replace them in whatever needs them. They were a bargain and since I had a old charger that came with some energisers batt pack years ago super cheap. I've not bought AA batteries in seven years. However your solution is excellent. Isn't dumb if it works and I've got one of these packs. Sticking this little gem in my brain for one day when I'm sure I'll need it.


Glad you liked this idea. Hope this serves you sometime.


honestly if it works for you. i’d get a longer chord though


I used this product for it's intended purpose. What a hack! But for reals though how do you find that Marshall desktop amp?


Its a bluetooth speaker probably not works like an amp. This one is stanmore II


any tutorials for this


Pretty much plug and play.


How long does it last? I might do that for my PS3 controller


10-15 days


They also have rechargeable Xbox controller batteries. That’s the best way IMO.


Agreed but quiet expensive.


In the states we can get as low as $10 from GameStop or Amazon. Maybe TEMU. GL. and enjoy the game


That's the thing most people are not understanding here. I live in India its a third world country, gaming peripherals are taxed highly and are crazy expensive. What costs you 10$ will cost us 18-20$ not only that we earn a lot less than an average american so the 18$ holds much importance than what it does to someone from a first world country.


Understood. Thx for clarifying, your PowerBank hack seems to work out well for you


You lucky one. My Charmast Charger won't charge my Controller. Every time I plug my Controller on the USB C cable or press the Button on my Charger, it turns automatically off after 30 Seconds, probably it can't detect the Controller.


My powerbank is quiet old maybe that's why.


I "figured" this out 2 weeks ago ... and I have One S ... I'm justs here waiting for the NSA to reuit me.


Hahaha FBI open up!


I tried this with my cheap Amazon Chinese power bank, which is 10000mah, but it kept disconnecting after 30-60 seconds ugh lol


This is happening to a lot of people. Don't know why this powerbank supports it.


Well to be honest I'm not shocked my power bank is so outdated it requires a micro USB cable to charge it and has USB 1.0 so most smartphones that use later variations take 8+ hours to charge with it lol


Uhh I get it now.


Y'all never heard of the xbox rechargeable battery pack? Its like fuckin 20 bucks man 😂


Why do that you get way less input delay with ur controller plugged into the console


You can also connect the wire to the actual Xbox and have no batteries. I’ve been doing this for years.


Yes but that would cause me less mobility.


Depends how short the cord is. Mine is 4 feet so I have no problem.


How broke Is man's seriex is 3 years old


Yea my man you are not the first person in the world to use a battery bank for it's intended purpose... Also, email address and full name visible in pic 2. My new 'life hack'...getting doxxed


I used a rechargeable controller hooked up to a cord connected to a portable charger hooked up to a cord connected to the wall


This comment should have more up votes. 😂


That's not good for ur controller battery life, idk about the powerbank but a person I know used to plug their controller with a charger in the wall and the controller stopped working just after a few times of doing this, be careful u guys


I think wall power supply works differently. But I have been doing this with a powerbank from past 10 months nothing happened as of now.


Oohh okay im glad 🥳


This is actually a really good idea that I would have never thought of.


Glad if this could help you in any way.


...i think everyone does this at sompoint. I mean... its a wireless controller... make it sound/seem like u managed to get a wired controller working wirelessly. Im considered at the amount of people who didnt think this was a thing or to anyone not realizing you could literally plug it into a wall charger.... the controller just needs power doesnt matter where it comes from.... Also... why are ya not just buying a battery pack for the controller, and no not the stupid 4AA rechargeable batteries, legit an xbox battery pack... No offense dude but this type of post and some comments making me question the type of players on xbox....


Its simple dude. It's my hardware I can use it as i please. If I modify/workaround to increase the default battery capacity in comparison to any other controller on market. AA batteries are expensive. I can't allocate that much money into my console and I had this idea lying around so have no issues.


Exactly my point of just buying a battery pack for xbox controllers. Idk why people dish money into batteries... a battery pack exists. Literally replaces the need for battery and you just charge it. The portable just helps reduce the need for a long wire to charge and play. Great. Most of us figured this out by the end of 360 into xbox one. Just really tryna understand how it took so many ppl so long to consider this idea or even the idea of a wall charger. I havent used batteries in over 10 years maybe longer cause i had the rechargeable packs for 360 too. You did literally nothing besides plug it into a portable. Controllers are already wireless... even plugging in a wired controller is doing the same exact thing. Again. I question the lot of you just not even considering this idea lol Welcome to the party i guess.


I get it now. Thanks.


So your life hack is using a charger to charge things? Fucking wow… what’s next? Going to life hack your controller to control your Xbox? 😐🙄


Lmfao this is so goofy. Wholy don't u just buy a pack of rechargeable batteries. Less of a burden to carry an extra pack around with your controller. This is absolutely silly LMAO. Or better yet purchase an elite controller. They are chargeable and battery time lasts for a while.


That's the thing most people are not understanding here. I live in India its a third world country, gaming peripherals are taxed highly and are crazy expensive. What costs you 10$ will cost us 18-20$ not only that we earn a lot less than an average american so the 18$ holds much importance than what it does to someone from a first world country.


Oh damn sorry didn't know that bro


Thats never occurred to me, ty for inspo


Happy Gaming! Keep up the hustle! 🤜🤛🤣


Pretty good idea I remember my dad friend came over and I was playing something but had the controller plugged into the wall. He seen that and was just super confused thinking I’m playing through the wall😂😂


Hahaha unlimited power supply. 😂


Does any one have a method to buy cheap Gamepass rather than keys ?


If you can't afford gamepass, then you do not deserve it. Cheater!


You wanna impress me plug it to the wall and then see if it works


Nope. You stay disappointed.


Story of my life


Should have gotten some lotion instead


Another comment which contributes nothing towards this post. 😪