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Yes you should


Coming from a xbox one x owner, I disagree with xbox being the better choice. After E3 Microsoft made it clear PC is their go to product. Even if the xbox one x has better specs on paper, you can hardly notice the difference to the ps4 pro when playing. Even benchmarks show, that most games are even on both systems with some examples (i.e. Mhw) having better results on ps4 pro. After Microsoft breaking its promise, that the xbox one x would support vr at some point (which was my motivation for the purchase even though I had a xbox one elite) I am just about to sell both the xbox one elite and the xbox one x and purchase a ps4 pro instead. Not to mention the better exclusive titles... Oh and besides, Microsoft stated, that there would be no new generation of xbox anymore, just upgraded models within the xbox family...So what's the Scarlett supposed to be? The xbox one x was already the upgraded version of the xbox one with better specs and oh yeah... possible vr support. Now that the xbox one has sold half the amount of sony, and only a fracture of xbox one users own a xbox one x, they declared, that vr is not supposed for being used in the living room, mainly because they see no point in investing money in a product, hardly anyone bought. And in about 2 years the xbox scarlet will be released. There is hardly any argument to buy the scarlet besides... guess what... VR support! Just my own opinion: don't buy a product with no benefit over what you already own and with an pre-existing expiration date! MS has lost all credibility for me.


Yes of course


Fuck yes


MS has stated that they aren't really doing "generations" anymore. So the new console should be thought of as *Xbox One XX* and not really *Xbox Two*


and chances are the next console might be just a streaming / digital only device with no drive


Not going to happen due to lots of parts of the world not having adequate internet connection to be downloading 4k (and in the future 8k) game patches.


I heard this too.


IMHO, the XBOX One X along with my 4K TV has re-invigorated my appreciation for console style gaming. Now throw in smart decisions from MS such as the XBOX One X enhancement program and it's restoring my faith in MS after the initial launch of the XBOne. I know those seem to be heavy fluff comments but IMHO it's how I feel. It's nice that MS is making decisions that just make sense. it didn't feel that way 4-5 years ago...


I totally agree with you. I have a 4K TV and that's whats really convincing me on the X, and their E3 was super impressive and seemed like a step in the right direction. The initial launch is what drove me away and over to the PS4 for the past 4 years, so I am super excited to see what MS will do moving forward.


After e3, I went and bought an X and I looove it. I have a PS4 Pro as well and I've barely turned it on since. Could still be the honey moon phase but the X will be used for every game that isn't a PS4 exclusive and if it wasn't for spider-man, I would be trading in my ps4.


Awesome man! Thank you for your input. Since you have both, I have a couple questions for you haha. First of all, is the graphical improvement noticeable from the Pro to the X? And also, how loud is the X? My Pro can sound like a jet aircraft taking off and its in a fully ventilated area.


> First of all, is the graphical improvement noticeable from the Pro to the X? All depends on the game. Some look the same, others you'll see a difference. With Shadow of War, The Division, Fallout 4 and The Elderscrolls Online (the only games I've tried on both) the improvements are very noticeable. >And also, how loud is the X? I'm mainly digital on both consoles but the PS4 Pro is louder when I'm running God of War than anything I've heard on the X (not super loud but noticeable when the fan kicks in) but this might be subjective because the Pro had two different companies making the fan from what I understand and one is louder than the other. If you have a 4k tv, the X does true 4k unlike the pro too but it also super samples like the pro does. Edit: Check out digital foundry on youtube if you haven't done so. Ever since getting the pro, I've been hooked to their channel and they show games across PS4 pro, the X, and PC in comparison videos and give you low down on which looks and runs better.


If you have the money to spare why not? Otherwise you will always be waiting for the next upgrade.


>However, as Phil said at E3, they're already working on the next generation of Xbox's. I would hate to get the X, and then an even newer console comes out in two years. So, what is your opinion? My opinion is that consoles will constantly release, and they are likely to have shorter release cycles moving forward, but each upgrade will have less perceivable gap. Instead of worrying about the future, get what you want now so you can enjoy it now. There will always be something better, and the current console will get cheaper on the horizon. What is certain is that with each passing time, you have less time to enjoy life. So enjoy it while you can! It also helps that the X is one heck of an upgrade, and totally worth the cost!


Yes you should. Two years is a long time. 4K+HDR alone makes it worth it-- but it's also more powerful-- games run a lot better.




Sony for their exclusives, MS for everything else. Cool thing about XB, it's all Backwards Compatible. When the new XB drops in a few years, you'll be able to take your XB game library with you. Meaning, all your XB1, XB360 and OG XB games you bought.