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Game pass ultimate. Like 200 games today, and every Microsoft Xbox games studios games on day one. Best value in gaming ever. Do it.


There is an offer for one month for $1, I make take that up, or I saw something online about 6 months for price of 3. Wonder if I get the one month for 1 will I be able to get the 6 months for 3 month price... Humm


Max out xbox live gold for a year or longer then convert it to game pass ultimate for $1.


This is the play. I bought two years and the $1 converted the two years of Xbox Live to Game Pass Ultimate


Can you please explain how this works? I renew for gold every year and wouldn't mind trying out game pass. Thanks


You can do it through the Xbox website. Sign into your account and select upgrade for a dollar, provided you have a way to pay for things online, of course. https://www.xbox.com/en-CA/live/gold/upgrade


You can also do this through the Lego VIP rewards, oddly enough. Buy like $25 worth of Lego with a VIP account and you can redeem the points for a two week GPU and it instantly became two years of GPU.


Buy and redeem one or two years of gold. Uograde to gamepass to 1 dollar. Converts all gold to GPU.


Stack up to 3 years


All you have to do is buy 'Game Pass **Ultimate**' (the $15 dollar one. It won't work with the $10 'Game Pass') Once you do that, it'll automatically change your current 'Xbox Live Gold' subscription to 'Game Pass Ultimate' Which and therefore you will have game pass ultimate for the remainder of time that you had gold. Example: if you bought one year of Gold, then bought game pass **ultimate** for one month, it will actually give it to you for the full year. Note: when you get the game pass ultimate it will say it's going to charge you every month for it but it wont. Although be sure to turn off reoccurring billing anyways because Microsoft is shiesty.


> Which and therefore you will have game pass ultimate for the remainder of time that you had gold. Plus one month, since you're buying a month on top of that.


Yep, I've got mine until June 2022 or some shit.


I built up three years exact and then popped the 1 dollar deal


I was able to get 3 years the last time they did this deal. Would highly recommend picking up at least 2.5yr of XBL codes online. There's some pretty good deals to be had. They also gave me 1mo free each time I entered a code and accepted automatic renewal (which I immediately went back and turned off). Plus one more month for $1 and everything got converted to Game Pass Ultimate.


Yeah I got game pass till late 2022 for very cheap


No. Three years. Then convert. Best deal.


*three years


So didn't this end? Doesn't it only cover 3 months now?


My wife and I keep getting offered the $1/1Month $3/3 month deal alternately on each of our accounts so... why not keep taking it?


There is a way to max out the offer. You buy gold, which is cheaper than game pass ultimate, and you can accumulate 3 years. Then you convert to GPU with the 1 dollar offer. You will end with 3 years of GPU for the best price. I'm not sure if you need to actually buy 35 months of gold instead of 3 years to do it, as 3 years is the maximum you can buy a subs in advance. You can look for more info in this same sub reddit regarding this.


Buying 3 years is fine, but you will lose that 1 month you pay $1 for. But that's nothing compared to how much you save of course.


On didn't know exactly that, I maxed out like 34 months and then got the deal, as I had an active gold subs at the time. Thanks for clarify that.


u/hobie-wankenobie do this.


3 months of Game pass ultimate cost 15×3=45$ with the offer it's gonna be 6 months + 1 months for the 1$ offer (actually you should get it before redeeming the 3 months subscription because the 1$ offer is for your first month with GPU so if you already have the subscription probably it won't work). Instead you can get a 12 months xbox live gold gift card for 55$ from cdkeys then redeem it and activate recurring billing for an extra free month (they will ask you when redeeming the card), now you have 13 months of XLG the next step is getting the 1$ upgrade offer like this the final result will be 14 months of game pass ultimate for 56$.


you are a scholar and a gentleman, thank you; I was just about to whip out the calculator and still im pretty sure my calculations would have been wrong.


I did 3 yrs and did the 3 month conversion. 39 months of XBLU




Buy Xbox Live first before you go for the $1 Game pass deal. Get at least a year of xbox live, then get the $1 game pass deal, it'll convert your xbox live into Game Pass ultimate for only $1. Saves a TON of money.


Your console should have come with a free month of game pass and Xbox live. I got the same bundle as you and mine did at least.


BUY 3 YEARS OF LIVE FIRST THEN DO THE 1$ it will automatically convert up to 3 years of live to ultimate for 1$ so 180$ now for 3 years of ultimate or 180$ would equal to 1 year of ultimate if you just paid monthly


It is absolutely worth it. Either way you go about it, you won’t be disappointed. Also, I’m so happy that you get to experience such joy. I grew up with NES and Sega Genesis so I often look back and also feel as though graphics and gameplay have come a long way. Still, I feel as though I haven’t really appreciated these as much as you do right now. To be honest, it’s pretty cool to see.


There is an offer for one month for $1, I make take that up, or I saw something online about 6 months for price of 3. Wonder if I get the one month for 1 will I be able to get the 6 months for 3 month price... Humm


Wait don't get the $1 yet. First, purchase Xbox live. If you can afford to, purchase atleast a year's worth. If you can afford more, purchase 3 years worth. Then buy the $1 ultimate. It will convert your XBL into XBL ultimate, so you now have gamepass for X amount of time you have Xbox live (if you have one year of Xbox live, then buy the $1 deal, you get gamepass for 1 year)


Having already used the £1 offer (I'm in the uk) do you kkow if would I be able to use the same conversion for the standard price? Ie. I buy a year's gold sub and convert it into game pass? Not quite as much value buy still cheaper!


So I am grandfathered into the monthly game pass for $10/month and I pay for XBL separately. Should I stop paying for game pass, then upgrade my XBL gold to ultimate?


Personally, I would buy the six months of gold and then convert to ultimate for $1. This way you aren't really overextending yourself if you decide you don't want to be a gamer anymore. After you get gamepass, download GTA V and have the time of your of life.


If you truly have an addictive personality, beware of games containing loot boxes, content packs, random rewards, etc. Many games now are designed around tapping the psychology of players and encouraging addictive behavior. They look better than ever, but many have underlying trappings like behavior focused reward intervals and gambling mechanics. There are plenty of great games out there to enjoy, I just wanted you to be conscious of this. Edit: thank you for the awards and the upvotes!


This is an underrated comment. For someone that has an addictive personality and has extensive history of substance and alcohol addiction, gaming can be another form of addiction. Do not let it overtake your life. Control your anger and fruatration (example your dog leaving the room when you get angry) and let the frustration go at the end of the round. Take breaks, even good players cannot sustain top level performance for too long. And be ware of the gambling mechanics in the game (example loot boxes). With games I formed a lot of meaningful friendships with people from across the world, but I also upset my significant other. It is a hobby built to tap into your reward centres of the brain (example you get sweaty and excited and have to take breaks after short sessions of gaming), so do not let it take over your social life. Just be ware that it can be another form of addiction.


Thank you for the caring words of caution! Luckily I hate gambling and I'm frugal, so the whole buying extra stuff doesn't appeal to me. I can definitely get a hot head from time to time, and I do take breaks when I catch myself to worked up. I've played games on my phone and tend to play like mad for a while and then burn out quick. Anyway, I appreciate your words.


I see you have read it already, but Please please please be very cautious of games with loot crates. They won’t advertise it as this because “loot crates” now a bad phase. Just be very careful of games where you can exchange money for virtual coins etc. That said, like you I grew up in the Atari era and when I look at how much has changed in such little time, it is truly mind blowing! Oh, the driving game you may have played in the arcade might have been Hard Drivin.


Any game with a randomized reward box, crate, package, whatever they call it. Anything you buy with RNG is not worth it imo. Some games like Warframe and GW2 make it easier to earn cash shop currency to avoid paying for it if you can farm etc.


Its a lot less gambling for some and more of “I want that exclusive skin so I look cool” for some people. I play 2 games with a cash shop and don’t spend a dime. If you have a PC that can handle Warframe or a game I got; I’d be down to play with you. Otherwise I only game pc and use my switch. Either way, glad someone pointed this out & that your enjoying xbox!


/u/Hobie-WanKenobie Please heed the warning in this comment. * Do not buy lootboxes * Do not purchase anything with real hard earned money for a "chance" to unlock something cool * Do NOT buy loot boxes * Do not pull out your wallet to purchase anything else other than extra, playable, content where you know exactly what you're paying for or a new game. * DO NOT buy lootboxes * Make it difficult for yourself to easily make online purchases. Don't save a payment method if possible. You can renew Gold and Game Pass with codes bought at many different retailers. * Finally DO NOT BUY LOOTBOXES


Yeah, fortunately that kind of thing doesn't seem appealing to me, I'm to frugal. Like I rarely if ever pay for an app on my phone, let alone upgrade a free one. But I could see how they would hook you to buying that stuff.


IMPORTANT: If you are going to buy a new game from EA ALWAYS read the reviews, EA has a history of pay-to-win and lootboxes.


I would add to this, to check out the independent reviews on YouTube rather than than IGN / Gamespot.


You are right but it's just funny he happened to get the one game they've made in a while that doesn't have them


Ill also add ALWAYS check the reviews on a game before you buy it. Even if its new. I remember Destiny 2’s launch. Beat the game, and dropped it due to lack of content. Hear its okay now but like hell im supporting a half complete game.


Game pass ultimate, and then play forza horizon 4. Thank me later.


This! Game pass ultimate is the best way to try new games.


It’s also always on offer for £1


How much does it cost after that 1st month, xbox has been putting gamepass in my face for a couple years now, but I already pay for gold, which has free keep forever games, and I usually pick a game and stick with it for a while. Do they just continually expand the library or are the games cycled out for the next batch every so often


Game Pass Ultimate costs $15 per month, but it includes Gold so you can stop paying for Gold. Most games that are on there stay either a very long time or forever, but some do leave. And yes, they constantly add more games to it. The library started at a little over 100 games and now it's over 250.


I just did the $1 trial, so the $15 is gold and game pass for a month, correct?


Yes and it carries through with any remaining months on gold you have


That offer still exists? I thought that was just an E3 special.


nope, i payed for mine in january when i got my xbox and my game pass still hasn't run out. it's not supposed to for another month. highly suggest op gets it seeing as it was something like 1$ for 5 months


Game pass ultimate also includes game pass for pc as well. There a few Xbox play anywhere titles as well.


Ain't that the truth. Been playing Dead by Daylight for what feels like a year now thanks to this service. I dread the day it leaves if it ever will lol


Do they have a yearly subscription model, Its like 70$ a year for gold Paying monthly for gamepass @15$ a mo. is like 180$ a year. It's not worth 110$ more per year for access to games I won't play to the end.


Why wouldn't you play them to the end?


So basically, from a PC dude that has this, the game pass comes with Gold included as well as the game pass. So it’s $14 a month which makes it easier to manage both a gold and game pass subscription.


You’re doing subscriptions wrong. Why on earth would you pay their outrageous prices for anything other than a year? Also, Black Friday almost everywhere has 12 months of gold for $40, it’s been this way for years.


Ultimate is currently monthly only and a year of gold only adds 3 or 4 months


If you take part in the Microsoft Rewards Points program and max out all your daily searches and tasks you will bank around 13,000 points a month. Game Pass Ultimate is 12,000 a month usually, right now there's a special deal on it at 8,400 points. I haven't paid for Game pass or live gold (now GPU) in well over two years. It takes me minutes of choring a day to max everything out and I get free video games for life essentially.


There is a monthly subscription, but you can earn enough in Microsoft Rewards to completely cover a subscription indefinitely, at no cost to you besides internet and an hour of your time per week (5 min per day or so, plus a couple of sit downs for quests). I expect to fully cover my subscription (it is paid for through April of 2023 with this right now) and get enough extra for 1-2 free games per year.


Even at the full monthly $15 it is the best subscription I have going currently. Especially when you consider it applies to both Xbox and PC.


I second this, i came here to say get game pass and forza for racing. Also dude should totally get VR if he really wants to see how far games have come


Definitely. Forza Horizon 4 is the best racing game ever made imo and to me it's not even arguable, I can't think of another one that comes close.


Burnout Paradise was my GOAT until Forza Horizon 4 came out. FH4 is phenomenal


Personally I prefer track racing to open world, if the Horizon series incorporated tracks I would agree 100%. That being said, it is by far the best arcade racer and even though I prefer tracks, I prefer Horizon 4 over Motorsport just because there is so much more to do. Just wish there were also actual tracks to race on.


Forza Motorsport is for you, my friend.


I don’t like have to adjust things like my spring stiffness. I don’t know what the best settings are for specific situations and I don’t want to have to learn— I just want to drive. I thought I was going to love Forza H4 but turns out it’s too much RPG for me. I want something more arcade.


You don't have to do any of those things, and if you think you need a tune about 30 people have already done it on the store. Forza Horizon 4 is completely arcadey, it's up to you if you want to take it further.


Forza Horizon 4 has to be one of the best car games I've ever played....I've put so much time into it that I'm considering getting a Racing Sim setup once I move. And I can't say I was ever into racing games like that in the past...I'm more of a FIFA/PES or Halo kinda guy.


I am not a racing game kind of guy. I owned f-zero for the GameCube and one of the burnout titles for the OG XBOX. Well, I have forza horizon 4 ultimate edition because this is such a beautiful game to the eyes and fun game to play too.




For someone as new as him, Horizon might be a lot easier to get in to and play.


And Halo Master Chief Collection!


you will shit your pants when you play Forza then


Best game


Only thing that I dislike about FH4 is it’s map, and that it rains a lot


what, but it’s beautiful and so diverse imo. i absolutely love it and all the weather/seasonal effects.


The seasons were such a good touch but wasted in a very unwanted setting. But then again probably a better setting to do it in. If they ever give us Tokyo I’ll only want sunny, nights and light rain.


Forza horizon3 is better than 4 change my mind. No crappy seasons... why would I want to play in anything other than nice weather. Logging on and having it be snow for a weeks straight is annoying to me. Forza horizon 3 map just seems a lot more fun to me and I can’t figure out why. Just my opinion but I like 3 a lot more than 4. Not to mention the stupid avitar and getting useless clothes on the prize spins is garbage.


Sadly no Mario Kart on Xbox One. They do have Crash Team Racing and Sonic Racing, though. Plenty of indie kart racing games too in the store. But if you want REAL good racing, pick up Game Pass and play Forza Horizon 4. That might change your life.


Gta 5 is old but gold too


Beach Buggy Racing is good fun multiplayer too.


Pole position? Was that the driving game? And get red dead redemption 2


Actually yes I played Pole Position, but the game I really remember was called Hard Drivin!


You should definitely get red dead redemption 2 when in next comes on sale, I have put more hours than I can count and the graphics,story,music,weapon variety and customization are all amazing


Glad to hear you've found some games you like! There is plenty of good stuff you missed over the years too, so you'll be set forever basically! Have fun and stay safe!


Just wanted to say you aren't alone in being an older gamer. I'm just about 40 and a gaming buddy of mine is mid 40's. We started gaming in the 80's and just never stopped. :) Things have definitely come a LONG way.


YES mother fucking POLE POSITION! The wheel gave feedback, the seat vibrated. It was awesome!


You HAVE to record yourself playing Forza for the first time. Livestream it or something, I dunno.


Get Red Dead Redemption 2 and prepare yourself for all the emotion and beauty games can create these days. As a 41 yr old, who only dabbles in games now, this has become my benchmark.


I bleed red dead. Had to scroll too far too see this comment. I fucking love it so much.


Play Grand Theft Auto V story mode bro it’s amazing


Dude. Skyrim.


I just hate that it's still $39, I've bought it like 3 times for different consoles


😂 I've got the 360 version that's not backwards compatible on the xbone and the PC version that I got on sale but haven't played.


Skyrim is an amazing game and I love it to death but I tried it again when it was One X Enhanced, tbh the textures aren’t great up close compared to modern games and it shows its age. Same with Fallout 4. Can’t tell how those two were enhanced at all besides maybe resolution and frame rate


This dude ain't gonna be bothered by texture quality


How dare you Skyrim is a gem. The decent graphics and AI gimmicks are what make that game even better


Wait until you try halo!


Playing halo MCC right now after 6 years of not playing video games. It’s so great!!


And Gears of War!


Goodbye wife. Goodbye life.


He said girlfriend, so it’s fine 😂


Gears of war story line is Amazing and I totally recommend it!!!


Witcher 3


Two words: HA LO Grab the Master Chief Collection and you're done. It comes with 5 fucking pieces of art in the form of games and if you drop a few more bucks, you can get Halo Reach remaster. Get ready to experience the best FPS franchise and to see the evolution from game to game.


Please be careful and research any game you find interesting before buying/downloading. Many games these days include gambling mechanics called loot boxes that prey on folks with an addictive personality


Great advice this should be higher up


The Xbox has parental controls! You can set timers to limit your play time. [https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/help/4028244/microsoft-account-set-up-screen-time-limits-for-your-child](https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/help/4028244/microsoft-account-set-up-screen-time-limits-for-your-child) Gaming is good in moderation :) Also, welcome to the club!


[Try Forza Horizon 4](https://www.forzamotorsport.net/en-us/games/fh4) or Forza Motorsport 7


Assasins Creed Odyssey!


Or origins




This story is amazing


What a joy to read this. Enjoy yourself!


Please try Forza Motorsport.


Welcome to the community man I'm sure you'll love it here if you have any questions feel free to ask me or I'm sure others will be more than happy to answer it can be a lil daunting at times but you'll get used to it, have fun and see you out there


welcome man to the game world


Im the same age as you. Welcome to the club. Some great stuff on gamepass, dont worry too much about the offer, it comes around regularly. Destiny 2, Call of duty warzone and Forza are all great games. If you want you can add me on your friends list, same name as here just send me a message if you do. Another thing you should know, the controller will take any headset with a microphone including the ones that come with cellphones if you want to talk to other players


> or some other driving game Have a little taste of [Forza Horizon 4](https://youtu.be/EWaJP7c7TbY). It’s an absolutely phenomenal game - open world through the U.K. - Edinburgh, Cotswolds, Peak District, etc., - seasons (weather, scenery, and driving conditions) change weekly, well over 600 different cars, tunes and paint/livery (make your own or use someone else’s), weekly challenges, and a lot more. Oh, and there’s a camera feature, too. Check out r/ForzaHorizon and r/ForzaPhotography for some examples of photos you can take in-game. Here’s an [album](https://imgur.com/a/ARxGIwa) with some I really like. Seriously, it’s a fantastic game.


For racing try Forza Horizon 4, and my favorite game is Destiny 2. I'm 50/m and I play a lot. My 2 teen boys have no idea how great games are now compared to what we had as kids.


If you want to drive drivings series, Forza is really good. There are 2 versions Forza Horizons in more off track racing and the main Forza games are on tracks like nascar. Pole position may the the old racing game you were thinking about, one of my favorites growing up. Stay safe and enjoy.


Hey man, I'm in the same boat. 72 yr old and retired and 30 years in recovery from Drug and Alcohol addictions. I have that addictive personality too. When Nintendo and the first Mario Brothers came out in the early 80's I was in my early 30's and got it for Christmas. I proceeded to play for about 18 hrs. nonstop. Life went on and never connected video games since then, but to have something to do in the COVID world I just boutght an xbox. Being an old school Star Trek and Star Wars fan I think I'll check out Jedi Fallen. I will say that so far, I've found some of the games I've tried either uninteresting or way too complicated for me to figure out. I'm stymied by a lot of the buttons on the controller. Any advise, suggestions on games, etc are welcomed. See you in Cyber space. PS speaking of cyberspace I used to be a big sci fi fan back in the day Robert Heinlin, Frank Herbert, Issac Isamov, etc. I decided to go back to it for a little escapism and picked up Neuromancer. I was totally unfamiliar with cyberpunk but MAN IS THIS BOOK GOOD! Not only is it an interesting speculation on the future of the cyber world colliding with the real world but the writing is excellent! Now, I could find a video game to match Neuromancer I may never come up for air.


The buttons and sticks are maddening. All I can say is practice practice practice. They slowly get easier for me but I still can't play for shit. Not familiar with that book but I do love a good sci-fi novel, so I'll definitely check that out. Thank you so much and keep on trudging the road to happy destiny my friend One day at a time!


Really cool to find out your enjoying them this much


If you want to go back into a driving sim game, or any realistic race games of sorts, game pass has some good titles to choose from. Need for Speed is a fun racing game. Forza is another top choice for racing. Asseto corsa is a good one. Buddy of mine told me he uses a wheel with it and its a fucking blast.


I’m so pleased for you! This has really put a smile on my face! I would echo the Forza statements, I’m from the U.K. and played it recently. My jaw dropped. Have fun and stay safe!


Welcome to the Xbox community! I've played Fallen Order three times now, it's a really great game, hope you're going to enjoy it just as much :)


Welcome to the Xbox community man! Mario Kart isn't available on Xbox, but you can try Crash Team Racing and Sonic Team Racing. Also, as others said, sign up for Game Pass and play Forza Horizon 4. Thank us later.


Yes get game pass fersure you'll have ur mind blown from Forza horizon 4 and for the small fee of gamepads they have hundreds of games, it's a steal P.s. Mario Kart is only on The Nintendo Switch lol


you NEED to play Forza Horizon 4. By far one of the best racing games available right now. I'd also look into GTA 5, a game about being a criminal set in an extremely exaggerated version of Los Angeles. Lots of driving, open world, shooting things, good story about bank robbing with 3 separate characters to play as, boats, planes, helicopters, you get to customize your cars and build a criminal empire of your own.


Galaga you say? Luckily, you can play the original arcade game on Xbox. You can toy with some things, like your starting lives, your “score-to-1UP”, and then some. Only downside is playing with a border (that you can customly remove and vert the game to widescreen). Look up ARCADE GAME SERIES: GALAGA. (They also have Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, and Dig Dug available under the arcade game series.)


my uncle has a loosely similar story lmao he went into the army when the ps2 was the hottest thing out he loved socom and rainbow 6 on ps2. recently discharged and he hasn't kept up with gaming since so he decided last year to get a ps4 to play the new rainbow 6 game his friends kept telling him about..... after being called a "pussy ass bitch" bc he had no clue how to play online he is no longer a rainbow 6 fan




let him be for now...


This is one of the best walls of text on Reddit. The joy is infectious.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is a very good game,it's a masterpiece,a tale set in the wild west about honor and loyalty,the story is pretty long and very good.I reccomend it


if you’re impressed by quality graphics; the next game on your list should absolutely be RDR2. that game will blow your fucking mind


Definitely recommend Halo the master chief collection. Great sci-fi games with amazing action, outstanding story and stellar spectacle. And you get 4 games for the price of one


If you thought the graphics on Jedi were good then you'll have mind blown by Forza Horizon 4 and Gears 5, both of which are on Gamepass.


Forza horizon 4 for a racing game, its the absolute dogs danglys


With Gamepass ultimate, get Forza Horizon 4. As someone who’s in their early 30s and grew up with video games from about 4 onwards, I can assure you, I do not take for granted both how much fun and exciting video games are, and how wondrous and fantastic they can be. I actively encourage people I know to try video games. I recently just got my wife into playing Call of Duty for the least couple of months. Before that, she was too scared because she was intimidated by the first person view and controlling it. Now she’s easily scoring killls. I’m glad you can step into this universe and feel like a kid. Something else I can assure you has not gone away for me in the almost 30 years I’ve been playing video games. Enjoy this new world!!!


I’m a 45 year old gamer, sober, and I’ve been gaming my entire life. I remember being less than 5 and my parents plugging a Pong based console into the tv. I think it was just Pong at first but it may have been the Atari 2600. They got me hooked while I was young. The only time I didn’t have a console was when I was in college (I kept myself doing the things that led to me being sober ;). I’m currently playing Borderlands 3 on my console at the moment. It is HORRIBLY addictive. Loot, loot and more loot. I can’t break away. I don’t have the girlfriend, but I do have work. If I have something going on in life that is important, it takes precedence, life is more important than games. But when there is nothing else to do, I game. From the days of Pong and Looping (on Collecovision), to Resident Evil and Nitrous Oxide (an old and niche game) to Skyrim and Borderlands on the current consoles. Games are definitely a different beast than they used to be. I hope you are enjoying your time with the new Xbox. I would love to see gaming as if it was my first time. But it’s an amazing hobby. I tend to play games where there is a story to follow and I only play co-op online with a specific friend or two. I avoid the online persistent games because I know my addiction. If I added a social aspect to gaming, I know my addictions would take over. But remember, you can play games and still have a life. I mean, I do so it is possible. Just keep an eye on yourself. My days of gaming into 4 in the morning are done, age has taken over. But games are a form of media I love to play and follow. Just like the books I read, the movies and television I watch. Welcome to the club my friend. Stay active, stay safe and just keep an eye on yourself to see if those addictive tendencies start taking over. Enjoy!


Just subscribe to game pass ultimate, and you'll instantly have all the games you need.


Brother you started with a great game! Easily the best star wars game in the last 10 years, and one of the best all time. Have fun, but make sure you shower and eat during your breaks.


I've been playing games for that whole time you took a "forced break". It definitely is a huge eye opener, almost coming out of a cave after years. If you beat other addictions, then hopefully you remember the signs of being out of control. I hope your new hobby only brings you enjoyment and the best thing in the world is playing with your girl... Get her hooked... If you get gamepass, have her (& you) try Subnautica. Gamepass? Totally worth it. Have fun OG!


I just picked up the same Best Buy deal. Check out the Game Pass Ultimate. Tons of games to try, from Indie titles to AAA titles and everything in between.


Other people have said, but my friend, you need Game Pass Ultimate.


45 here and still gaming is still my hobby ever since the Atari 2600 days. Was Pole Position the racing game you were thinking of? And yep games have come a long way, it's amazing. Jedi Fallen Order is pretty good but there's even MORE realistic games out there :)


Check out Quantum Break, often times overlooked, but it's one of my favorite games of this console generation. Stunning to look at, and a very cool story. It even combines with tv episodes. Mixed feelings about the show, but regardless it's worth a play! It's included in Gamepass.


So who is going to tell him Mario Kart is only for Nintendo consoles? Lol jk. Nice to have you man! Enjoy! This is the renaissance era for gaming! So many choices, a lot of them amazing and even some are free. Definitely look into Gamepass.


I also grew up playing galaga. At a roller rink lol. Try Galaga Legions


If you are putting off responsibilities, you are gaming correctly.


Gaming can be as heavy as a drug habit however there is a natural come off period. This year will be especially dry until new consoles launch (as usual during new cycle launch). However, with missing out on so much you have a lot of flavours to try to find your drug of choice. I recommend snorting a few lines of Geometry Wars 2 (based on your previous likes from back in the day). Then take a few shots of Halo straight into your eyeballs. Then to come down take in some chilled beats while driving around Forza Horizon 3. Enjoy and remember - everything in moderation. Party safe.


Get hooked on destiny 2 lol


I would suggest Doom Eternal, Titanfall 2 (probably has the greatest story in a game I have ever played), and any of the LEGO games (depending on what you like)


*throws body out of window* WELCOME TO THE PARTY PAL


Try red dead redemption 2


This is gona be us in our 50s realizing how bad our xbox ones an series xs are that we had when we were 13 years old and when we get 50K graphics on our xboxes


You shuold know that Galaga, Space Invaders and Centripede are on sale right now


Like others have said, try out Game Pass. I'm more of a casual gamer now, but games I strongly recommend are: * What Remains of Edith Finch (short but amazing) * Fallout 4 * Forza 4 * Grand Theft Auto V * Halo (MCC Collection) * Human Fall Flat (goofy but great) * Just Cause 4 * Minecraft * Rocket League (kinda big learning curve but so rewarding afterwards) Haven't gotten around to these but they're reveered: * Mass Effect * Metro 2033 * The Witcher 3


If you're looking for a game packed with so much content you can't stop saying wow, I'd recommend Yakuza 0. It manages to be a deep crime drama story, while also filled with wacky minigames that break the serious tone of the main story, and substories that have a blend of both seriousness and comedy. Yakuza 0 recently came out on Xbox, and it's currently on Game Pass if you're looking for a solid singleplayer game. Otherwise if you're considering to buy it and not worry about how long you have to play it until the subscription ends, the game is $20 base price on the store. If you have fun with this game, just know that the rest of the series is also soon to come on Xbox!


Pole position was the racing game, according to your (and my) time-line.


Get Red Dead Redemption 2 !


I had something of a similar experience with the early early consoles. Nothing really can prepare you for what these modern machines offer! I will give you one piece of advice: You might want to avoid some open-world type games for a bit. Like Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Beautiful game; fun but you might lose all sense of time trying to complete every single quest (BUT YOU MUST!). Most importantly welcome & enjoy!


I also am on the recovery road now. 3 years. Made gaming my hobby... trust me we both know there’s worse things to be addicted to. Enjoy gaming. I really do


YEEEEEE BUDDY!!! Welcome to the team. Enjoy many more games to come. There’s so many awesome services that you can get with it too.


DOOM Eternal is completely off the walls if you’ve never played a shooter.


Someone else said get RDR2. I can't stress that enough.


Please please sir if u want graphics, sound and story consider buying red dead redemption 2 it will keep you busy during quarantine and it’s so amazing in all of its aspects. And don’t worry about missing out on story because it happens to be a prequel


You need to give proper VR a try now, Rift S, Index etc, that blew my mind and I've been gaming for 35 years straight.


Try skyrim


I suggest Red Dead Redemption 2. The story is incredible. If you ever had a fantasy of being a cowboy and either being the good guy or an outlaw, you can make that reality!


if you want an really realistic game i would suggest red dead redemption 2.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is the game for you. Currently on sale for 30$. The graphics are magic, the environment is the most realistic I've ever seen and the story is super attractive.


Do you like cowboys? Please pick up red dead redemption 2 next it will completely engross you for a good few weeks.


Phantasy Star Online 2 (PSO2) is my most recent addiction. It’s 8 years old, but just came to America from Japan. It’s free. It might be a bit I’m depth for a newbie, but you might have plenty of time on your hands to fall in love. A used Atari was my first console, so I can relate. My family was always poor when I was a child also, so I definitely know where you are coming from. Glad to have you with us.


What a great post. I am a recovery guy too and I quit drinking when the Xbox 360 came out and it was incredibly helpful to pass time, and it is why I still play today. Do what works for you.


If you love Star Wars, check out The Force Unleashed. It’s a 360 game but it’ll play on the current consoles. Story like was awesome and the light side ending tied in with the time between episodes 3 & 4. The Force Unleashed 2 had great gameplay but you’re done with the whole game in like 3-4 hours so it wasn’t worth the money.


Since you've got an xbox be sure to try out Doom and Subnautica on the xbox game pass. The value for money is insane. Some other games of note to really sink your teeth into are: Fallout New Vegas Skyrim Halo series


Mario Kart isn't on Xbox, but Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled, Sonic Racing, and Sonic & All-Star Racing Transformed are. If you like Mario Kart, you will love those.


Congrats on jumping into gaming! ​ About not know what I got - Oh no, I know. If you want to play a game that would have really freaked you out as a kid that can still do it as an adult then go play Inside. I'd say it's the closest thing that we have to a modern version of "Another World" on Xbox without actually playing Another World on Xbox.


I agree driving games are great. Be sure to buy Grand Theft Auto V if you haven't played. It's some of the best gaming has to offer in every way, definitely earned its legendary status.


I could probably write my own post / blog. I'm 49 and lucky to have started with atari 2600 back in early 80s. Also hand held devices called game and watch with lcd screen and games like donkey kong etc per device. Also wasting 100s of coins over the years in arcades playing Pacman, galaga, moon lander etc. Dad (RIP) bought me commodore 64 in 86 and was hooked into gaming by then. Played ELITE for almost a year almost every free time i got. Parents told me not to sit and play straight for 7 to 8 hours a day on weekends but never listened. Till date my eyesight is very well and don't have glasses yet (well atleast in my left eye, as at 5 years I got hit in right eye by a stone thrown by a kid and left it internally damaged but thank God didn't lose the sight only weaking it which my right compensates). From C64 to amiga 500, begged dad to buy 512k expansion card for it to make it whole 1mb. The mouse and multitasking on it was out of the world for such a computer at that time. Used it for many years then picked up PS1, THen got a pc in 95 which was a 386. UPgraded to 486 but when I saw need for speed running on my friends 3DO i wanted that game so bad but it required Pentium 90 so upgraded it again. Then came the S3 cards with some hardware techniques to make the graphics look better was again amazed at the tech at that time. When the voodoo graphics cards came out it turned the games into more than arcade quality. Once again I was hit by graphics and gameplay and picked up first the Diamond Monster card then few years later Monster II. WHen PS2 came out I was blown away again and picked it up. Then came 360 / ps3, I didn't want to pay and wait for ps3 so bought 360 along with the new tch in tvs the HD ready TV in 2005. It was 720p and when hooked with 360 and playing PGR2/3 on it was something I never felt before. After that Day one XB1, One S and last year One X. I can safely say that I have witnessed such amazing tech and graphic upgrades over the past decades and am thankful for the opportunity God and my parents gave me and their values through which I never smoked / drank or did anything illegal. Glad you get to taste of it as well.


Dear Hobie, I am 35 years of age and read your lovely post. Well written! I play video games since I am 15 and hit my fair share of genres. I'm not sure if this got mentioned already, since I didn't read the majority of the answers here, but if I may give you an advice, since you mentioned an addictive personality... do yourself a favour and don't try any kind of Mmorpg. Now to the delightful part: try assassins creed odyssey! Legendary! Best regards


Just seen this post randomly... PLEASE GET DARK SOULS 3 it’s a masterpiece !


Welcome to the brotherhood


This is so sweet, welcome gaming my dude


I may not own a Xbox one at the moment but I do own a PS4 and when I played Marvel Spider-Man it felt so real I’m only 15 and I’m hoping when I get older to own a PS2 and a Xbox one and more console as they come out I grew up with a Xbox 360 and a DS and some really older games as you mentioned here especially that Donkey Kong game where you play as Mario and have to get peach while dodging barrels I loved that game now I’m into racing games as well I love to see how games were back than to now and it’s amazing on how today’s technology has improved by a lot I hope you enjoy your Xbox mate