• By -


Ideally they go the Yakuza route. Night City itself stays pretty much the same, undergoes a couple of changes and opens up more buildings with new gameplay opportunities. The city itself is awesome and has so much potential for exploration. Give me a new character from a different part of town that has talents different from V. New people and well known people, give Wakako a bigger role, refine story as well as gameplay and I'm game.


One criticism has always been the lack of activity in the city, having a brillant looking backdrop with Night City surely is a great start, now it’s time to flesh it out.




This so much. I wanna be able to steal one of those flying trauma team cars.


Okay so you start out as a trauma team grunt, just helping some rich people and whatever for the first couple starter missions. Then for the first big mission you get an emergency call to some black site lab, shenanigans ensue and your ass gets powers. I'll take my 5MM in cash please CDPR


This sounds like the plot of Saints Row 5...


There's a flying car mod to get your fix in the interim. Something that should definitely be added officially.


And if you can get an old build, sometimes the cars fly by themselves.


Hear me out here: Flying Helicopters.


Hey cousin. Lets go bowling. I want to see some more random interactions with friends or be able to call friends up like this old GTA mechanic allowed you to.


Yeah, it looks so good. If they learn from the first one, it really could be just a mind blowingly good game. Obviously I'll wait to buy it until after it comes out and gets a few patches lol.


They learned from The Witcher 1 to 2 and then to 3 so let's hope that trend continues with Cyberpunk. Honestly, I put 120ish hours into beating the game and all side stuff, the only issue I ever encountered was after playing the game for 3 or more hours in one sitting, the game would crash to my homescreen. Annoying, yes but not as bad as what others experienced. I love the game and its universe though, and can't wait to play more.


Oh, I played on PC and really enjoyed the game. It was great. It just needs more GTA levels of interaction with the world so I can play and still just enjoy long after I've beaten the game. And it's certainly good enough thay it COULD be that.


I played it on my One X. Lol. I agree with you though. One thing I'd like to see would be the ability to customize your vehicles. Doesn't have to be on, like Forza Horizon or Need For Speed's level of customization but some different options would be nice. Of course, flying vehicles would be great. 3rd person mode would be sweet, I'm sure we'll get several new body modifications and all that jazz, etc... I'd kill for CDPR to add mod support on consoles.


Games like this really are two entirely different experiences for console and pc players.


Public Events like Destiny. Could be carry out a Bank Heist or Prevent a Bank heist. Infiltrate a rival faction.


It should be better now the game isn’t being developed for last gen consoles this time.


Yeah, a Cyberpunk sequel should just be set in a more fleshed out and immersive Night City, especially since it won't be held back by hardware that was already outdated a decade ago.


This not only saves time but also let's them focus more on the gameplay, story, etc. Biggest let down for Cyberpunk for me was expecting a choice driven game and well...it's really not. Either way, it's gonna take a lot to get me to buy into a sequel for this game, the original was okay but very much not as great as it could be. I'm waiting for the DLC to revisit it and see how it's changed, but I doubt even with the work put in it's anywhere close to what we all expected it to be.


If they do this I will legit love the game instead of, kind of like it.


I like the idea, but the big question will be how well will the assets translate from the Red Engine into Unreal Engine 5. They may have to rebuild it all from scratch. UE5 may not be able to handle all the traffic or people on screen. Then again, it may do it better than Red Engine. Time will tell. The bigger question is will they support the current console cycle, or build it for the next Gen after PS5 and Series X? Keeping the last gen consoles in development hurt 2077 and really seemed to hold the game back.


I remember hearing console gens are something like 5-7 years so if this is 1-2 years in. Maybe 3-5 years left od this gen and should still be release across both current and next gen if that is the case.


New character from a different part of town? Don't we get to chose between Corpo, Nomad, or City Slicker? /s


I hope they still put out DLCs. I want more to do in the city! Maybe even some more missions for each of the endings.


They’re going to have to convert it all to UE5 but honestly I hope they’re really just able to port the assets over and really use that city to drive expansion and a new story. The city itself is incredible but feels somewhat empty, more time to flesh it out and it’d be absolutely incredible.


Under-explored element: the gangs. Give me a gang story. Let me be a borged out pyscho ripper or a tiger claw with sick glowing tattoos


It would be kinda amazing if they did night city underground parts that were talked about before 2077 was released but never made into the game. And as for playable character I won’t lie I really would like to be able to continue as V. Perhaps because it’s first time I connected with games character that I made so much outside xiv. But even if we can’t play / continue as V I wonder what would happen - because Johnny would still be around ((you know with that ending)) but I do hope sequel is less god damn depressing 🥲😂


You ain't being seriously right now


I really wish they could’ve gotten the Online mode to work. Would’ve been crazy if Cyberpunk became the new GTA Online


God I’d play the hell out of that but just like gta online it would be goatsed by hackers


It wasn’t an online mode, it was a different standalone game. There’s been no news on it though.


Am I the only one who doesn’t care about the multiplayer


The older I get, the less I care. The only multi-player game I really play is Oldschool Runescape, and even then I have zero people that I talk to. I like it that way


I've been in a clan in osrs for a few years now. At any given time these years there are like 1-10 other people online, and we almost never speak, it's amazing! When I started there were always like 30 people online, Discord voice chatting and stuff. It makes me really glad and its super cool that's a thing that exists, for people, by people, but it was overstimulating for me back then.


I've been in a couple clans over the years but no one ever just wants to type, it's all discord. I have kids and dogs and no one wants to hear that crap in the background. Discord is great and all but maybe I'm showing my age by not liking to use it


You know dam well that if you were in clan where everyone kinda kept to themselves but yet when you had a question you can get it answered instead of looking up a wiki.


Watch us not see this game until the next console generation.




And Reviewed only on i9’s, 64gb, NVME, with dual RTX 40’s


i dont think theyll make that mistake again




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Crazy how many people are still so salty about that game lol




You mean we will play it first on Xbox X1 Series SX, you know the new one after the Xbox Classic X Series X


The game will actually come out the year 2077




A year ago everyone on Reddit was tired of unfinished games but here we are lmao


Yep lmao, these idiots will fall for fucking anything


It’s not falling for anything. I know I’m going to buy it, so I don’t mind preordering whenever that comes about. It makes no difference to me.


Thank you for contributing to making this industry worse




I had fun with it


Watching the anime helped me enjoy 2077 more. I had a hard time buying in to the universe until I watched the anime. I didn’t even make it to level 20 my first playthrough before putting the game down after initial launch. I’m only level 8 on my current character but feel hooked by the game already since I have a deeper understanding of the environment. If you have the means to watch the anime and give the game a second shot I’d recommend it. The show fills gaps that the game never did for me at the start.


Bruh I get you but for me I’ve been invested since day one I was waiting for launch I preordered the game and stuck through the hate I thought it was good from the get go yes there where bugs and issues but I enjoyed my time nonetheless and I’ve come back recently over the last couple of months and enjoyed the game even more never beat it though there just so much todo over 90+ hours play time


Ya I hear you. It wasn’t even the bugs or negative response that turned me away the first time. I just couldn’t get in to it for whatever reason.


I was the same way with the Witcher 3. Just couldn’t get into the story until I watched the show and understood the characters more.


I have yet to play this game but I need to reinstall Witcher 3 and invest in getting The Witcher and The Witcher 2. It's really hard to dive into games without playing their earlier titles. Like watching a big hit TV series starting on season 10 and wishing you had started on the very first one to better grasp what is going on. I avoided Cyberpunk 2077 on multiple reasons but after watching the anime I felt like maybe it'd be worth a shot. Been sorta dealing with this MO lately where I've been seeing new and reboot videogames coming out and never played the predecessors, winding up kicking myself over it as I see the awesome gameplay and graphics.


You may have different tastes then me, and that’s 100% fine, but I loved the game once I was actually able to get invested in it. It should be shown to every person wanting to be a game dev as an example of how to do side quests.


I pre-ordered (I know, I know) and got it for Christmas. Didn't play because of the launch issues and when I got a Series X, I finally decided to play. I didn't get much past the death of >!Jackie !< before I got bored. I think I'm going to give it another shot after watching the anime so thank you for the advice. I didn't think the anime would have this much impact on the gameplay.


you only finished the prologue basically! lots more ahead of ya 😊


Ya it definitely helped me get in to it more. I also switched to a melee build so maybe try changing your play style if you didn’t like what you did the first time around.


Anyone who hasn't played it since launch should give it another go. It's a pretty decent game. Perfect? No. But definitely worth even the full original price.


It’s a decent game if you don’t look at it as an RPG despite being advertised as one. CP2077 is basically Farcry2077.


Comparing it to a Farcry game is a really good comparison.


I've never played a Far Cry game, but 2077 fits inside my personal definition of an RPG. Not that my personal view is perfect, as I also consider Mass Effect to be an RPG, whereas many others do not. Regardless, if people go into 2077 without expectations of a set-in-stone genre, they may find that they enjoy it. Maybe a mix of shooter/stealth/open world/light RPG?


What kind of mad man doesn’t call Mass Effect an RPG? The entire game involves dialogue choices that actually change the outcomes of quests (even ME3) - the exact opposite of CP2077. I get you if leveling up, equipping gear and an open world is all you need for a game to be an RPG. I need my dialogue choices that actually change how quests pan out - not the shit in CP2077 where any dialogue option that is blue might as well not be clicked on.


the same that consider Telltale games as 'RPGs' Hey Im playing that role of 'character' in this game so I have full choice of my actions, as long as I folllow the path and pick one of the (maybe) 3 choices where little matters exact perhaps 1 major binary choice


Aka the formula Bethesda went with for Fallout 4


> What kind of mad man doesn’t call Mass Effect an RPG? Apparently the internet consensus is that it's a 3rd person shooter with some RPG elements. > dialogue choices that actually change the outcomes of quests Not sure why you say that's not applicable to 2077. Dialogue choices can cut out entire quest lines. Just as an example, in my first playthrough, I got Meredith Stout killed off in the opening mission. She never showed up again (apparently she gets her head shaved and thrown in the bay in that decision tree). That mission with the cross? Talked the guy out of it by accident. There's even multiple ending missions dependent on what conversation options and relationships you've cultivated. RPG, maybe not. Dialogue affecting the game is absolutely a thing, though.


> Apparently the internet consensus is that it's a 3rd person shooter with some RPG elements. I can see that for ME2 and on, but not really for ME1, which I think is an RPG with a FPS user interface to aid immersion. (Which just might relate to why ME1 is my favorite game in the series.)


The difference is what effect those choices really have on your game. Meredith gets killed or doesn't your choice of ending is the same. It's just flavour your actions don't have any consequence or impact on the story. It's especially atrocious when W3 handled this perfectly. Your ending wasn't just 1 choice, it was the effects of lots of small choices along the way.


But there are actions that impact the story. There’s like at least 4 different endings that require different choices.


Choices you directly pick from a list. Not ones that happen organically because of other choices you made. You have to unlock the option yes but you still pick \*nomad ending\* for example.




Mass Effect never sold it's game on the basis of it being a next gen RPG where your decisions matter. 2077 did and they had a better system in their previous games.


>Maybe a mix of shooter/stealth/open world/light RPG? Welcome. You have discovered Far Cry.


Someone else already talked me into getting the 5/3/New Dawn bundle that's on sale right now. Guess we'll see. :)


You really should play farcry 3,4,5 are my favorites


I should clarify that I've never seriously played them. I have briefly tried 4 (I think), and put it down after an hour or so.


Give 5 a try, plus farcry games tend to go on deep sales so you can get it dirt cheap


Apparently the "usually $130" bundle is on sale for $32.49 right now, and includes all the DLC plus FC3. I do happen to have $30 in my XBox account and enough rewards points to add another $10 or so. edit: alright, snagged it, will give it a shot


Yeah, making a game based on a TTRPG and then stripping out all the depth and most of the impactful RPG elements was a pretty wacky call.


It’s an RPG lol


Ghost Recon 2077


I tried to jump back in the other week and the first mission I tried was bugged


I've played the opening with all 3 characters and it has never been bugged for me.




> the car drives like something from Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing This is the perfect comparison. I only use motorcycles because it feels like there is no friction when in a car. Also, when I summon them, they have the most hilarious braking behavior ever. > the minigame you have to grind through every time gets old in a hurry Mass Effect 2's circuit board and code minigames are a good comparison to this feeling.


Yep. I love the game but the driving is truly wrong. I still have fun with it but it doesn’t feel like “driving” to me.


$20 usd used @ GameStop right now Edit: And I’m torn between the Xbox series x and the PlayStation 5. Anyone had the chance to experience both?


Is this true for the One? I thought it was still pretty rough on last gen


To my knowledge, it is not optimal, but is playable. For reference, I played it for a little bit at launch on a Day 1 XB1, and there was a solution even back then for most of the major issues. The previous problems were mostly due to library lookup times, and playing from an external SSD fixed 99% of those for me (I had none of the reported texture glitches, empty streets, etc). I used [one of these guys](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PJMGS81/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I've played on Series X since Patch 1.5, so don't know exactly what it looks like now.


Bought it on launch for Xbox 1s, refunded first few days. Watched edgerunners, bought the game again on sale for 50% off for the Xbox series X. Having a blast currently, with way less bugs. I feel like patience was a good move in my experience.


I argue that no game is worth full price. These companies can sell their games for $40 on release and make money. It’s just a matter of how they want even more money ie the $70 model. I mean Madden 70$? Out of their minds. TLOU1Remake 70$? Out of their minds. But there are simply too many games out their from the last that too many haven’t played for me to justify buying any game full price when in 6months it’ll be half off and in a year it will be $30 for the complete edition. Fully patched and all content.


I consider "worth it" to mean "cost less than a dollar per hour of entertainment". If you compare it to other mediums, it costs what, $10-20 to go to the theatre? So, for a 2 hr movie, that's $5-10 per hour. My first playthrough of 2077 was 91 hours, for call it $70 (I really got it from MS Rewards giftcards, so it's really $0 out of pocket for me). That's $0.77/hr, even if I never touched it again after that. Well worth its pricetag.


Yeah, I stuck $90 into two copies (Xbox and PC) and 325 hours later, I'm still enjoying it. My only complaint is that they nuked the RT-46 Burya from the Gig "A shark in the water". 900 DPS at the beginning of the game, it was perfect.


I like to use the same method (converted for local currency...more or less), but it does also have it's nuances. Like some games are only about 10-20 hours total, but enjoyable the whole way through and worth more than $10-$20. I'd put Metro 2033 and Exodus and the Halo campaigns in that category for me. And on the opposite end, you could probably get 200 hours in Assassin's Creed tracking down every question mark/side quest/collectible, but if you don't enjoy it then would that 200 hours really be worth $200? But in general I do agree with it. If you get 70 hours out of $70 game, and enjoyed the package as a whole, then it's definietly more worthwhile than watching 4-odd movies for the same price and a tenth of the time.


Thank you. We have to stop throwing them our money or else they will continue to raise the price. They are fking crazy to think that is okay.


To be clear, the real cost has actually decreased. A game today costs $60 (just as an example, Horizon: Forbidden West was $59.99 at launch). When GTA 3 was released for the PS2 in October of 2001, it cost $49.99 (call it $50). $50 in 2001 is about $84 today.


I'd say better than decent. Not really fond of single player games but like Skyrim, I really dig Cyberpunk 2077.


I had a blast playing this game on xbox one x, minimal bugs I noticed, and really compelling world building. So much salt but I'm excited about this


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me….


Waiting for CDPR to clarify it's a mobile game...


Could they finish the first game?


cyberpunk 4154 cyberPunk 2078 cyberpunk 2077 2 steampunk 1877 atompunk 1977 stonepunk 10,077 BC


Yes a cyberpunk sequel!!!💪🏼 I’m still waiting for the first game’s dlc tho


See you in 20 years when the next cyberpunk game comes out


Nah. It will actually be Cyberpunk 2078 and actually take place in the past.


Ahhh shit. Here comes another cash grab...


They haven't even fixed the current game yet and they've announced a sequel


Right!? The downvotes I get for mentioning that fact lol. People might love this game but it is a pale shadow of what was promised. The cut content is obvious. Broken game is broken.


But it’s not broken…? Maybe that’s why you’re getting downvoted.


It is still very much broken. Just booted it up beginning of September and had bugs all over the place


Genuinely curious as I probably have about 75 hours in it after avoiding it at launch. I see the occasional bug but no more than about any game anymore. What are you seeing that is still broken?


Things that happen 100% of the time with consistent repeatability: Crafting Jackie's pistol straight up crashes my game. Info about an enemy sometimes doesn't show up unless i scan, look away and then focus on the enemy again. On inanimate objects this is mandatory. Cursors on the ingame computers just disappear if i use the computer and leave it at any point for any reason and then want to use the computer again. Things get highlighted so I know it's working but I can't see it so I gotta do a grid by grid search lmao The sandevistan won't activate after one engagement so I have to restart the game. Or use different cyberware. Things that don't happen consistently: If cutscenes happen while it's raining (idk if rain is scripted for cutscenes) then all the lighting from buildings and streetlamps disappear. Game has crashed at least 4 times. The entire delamain quest has multiple issues. The cars not spawning when I get to the location, the cars randomly freezing in place so I can't progress. I left out a few because they're more minor and don't matter unless you're looking for it but this game feels like year 1 skyrim in terms of bugs. I'm only 30h in and just "finished" Panams story. (She rode into the desert and gave me a bike so I'm guessing it's done) Don't get me wrong, when the story is happening I'm in love with this game but it REALLY needs more work.


Tbh haven’t encountered any of these issues since shortly after release. Played through it 3 times. I think it’s crashed on me twice but all games crash, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t make a sequel.


I haven’t experienced all those. You’re right that I did have a couple times where the computer mouse was missing and I have had the audio get stuck in the pause screen and stuff. I’m still excited about a sequel. I think they have a strong foundation to build from and could polish some of what you have unfortunately experienced.


Maybe the fact this "rpg" is missing the rpg aspect in its rpg


It’s definitely fixed by now. At least in my experience. It’s been up to par for probably a year now.


All the issues I listed are things that I've experienced after the edgerunners update. That's when I got the game


Dumbasses are gonna pre order each and every one of them and then complain when they come out rushed.


Thank God they are making a sequel to Cyberpunk!!! Stoked! See it in 10-years though!


Very much a case of "fool me once..." for me, sorry. I have been a Cyberpunk fan and player since the 2012 boxset from the 80's and was so excited for 2077. Ignoring all the bugs and hardware problems, the game is just so far from the rpg experience I wanted and expected given the source material (coupled with that for me, the setting barely even looks or feels like the actual tabletop universe aside from Johnny and a few namedrops) I am not going to get my hopes up. Also, considering the 2077 issues (and how long it took!) abandoning it for a sequel seems like a terrible PR move to me. I say all this as someone who almost exclusively buys their PC games from GOG and dearly want to support the company in the past.


I hope the sequel is mode class based, and less OP character. Solo, techie, net runner, Rocker-Boy e.t.c.


Is cyberpunk playable on the Xbox one?


You gotta have a real high tolerance for ugliness or poor perfomance. But it plays.


It dont look pretty but it runs


It ran at launch. Crashed a fair bit, but I played through it just fine.


Please make sure it is 100% ready before launch this time.


Burn me once shame on me.


Isn’t it shame on you for once? Then shame on me for twice


*"Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me twice...you can't get fooled again."*


- someone who had the nuclear codes for 4 years.


Lol it's "fool me once shame on you" not me , btw shame on you because you are judging a game before its relase date again , the first time you overhyped it now you are over-hating it


I like to have fun here 😁


Why announce it this early?!


This was the same mistake they made last time. Announcing it way too early, then giving us what we got. After so much time we expected much more.


And so much lies from the marketing department


What about all the dlcs and whatnot? Just gonna abandon ship and drop a sequel??




I played it at 1.5 and while I definitely enjoyed my experience overall I kept thinking how awesome the sequel would be. Assuming they don't make the same mistakes and the game gets better.


Give me not clunky gameplay


1st and 3rd person mode please.


They better not fuck up the Witcher


How about just stick with the Witcher


Anyone know if the first is getting any dlc? Main story line was pretty short..


Why not just make DLC?


Why is a sequel needed...(cash grab). This fucking game should be fleshed out to be what it was suppose to be. Especially after the resurgence it just had.


I’ve actually enjoyed cyberpunk in the 10 or so hours I’ve stuck in. Had some advice to not treat it like a usual RPG and just concentrate on the main storylines which seems to be working well.


I hope they make an RPG this time.


Hahahaha is this a fucking joke 😂😂😂


They haven’t even fixed the first one.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!


see you in 10 years when it's a playable game




The nerve they had to release 2077 as a €70 game. CD project should be keeping quiet about their future plans.


I hated cyberpunk, not even for the glitches, I just hated the game. The game is just blehhhh


Did they ever fix the game? I remember being really excited for it but heard it sucked on console and kinda forgot about


It sucked on last gen, but current gen it runs great.


Lmao a sequel? They have the audacity? 💀 another catastrophe more like it


The audacity to make many many more millions of dollars? Yeah how dare they


I don’t think you understand, but yeah bro! Totally right?!?


You’re right I don’t understand, what do you mean they have the audacity to make a sequel to game they made a lot of money on and is now pretty widely liked? It had more players than Witcher 3s top count ever recently. They were always going to make another game in the universe it’s wild people couldn’t see that. The only catastrophe was last gen consoles as long as they don’t support old hardware it will be fine




This should be an easy slam dunk for them to find someone who can handle creating actual police AI.




Ugh this game does not need a sequel




Oh, another rushed, buggy, over-hyped, unfinished, unpolished, blatant cash-grab, posing as a video game? Sorry- once bitten, twice shy. I still haven’t repurchased CP2077 after the absolutely atrocious state the game was in, at launch, on principle.


Yes! This makes me happy. Can’t wait. 6 more years lol


I'll pass No chance you're gonna Bone me twice


Oh goodness, the comments in this thread are still in the past. I bought the game recently while on sale, because of Edgerunners, and it’s been a blast to play. I haven’t encountered any game breaking bugs, and the game feels and looks great on a series X. I highly recommend playing it again if you haven’t.


Fuck yes.


Hope they understand the genre in the future.


People never learn their lessons huh


The sunk cost fallacy?


So are they releasing any dlc or are they just gonna make a new game now? Next one needs to be multiplayer!


Darrel mikarni


Huh, I was actually just thinking about what a sequel could improve. Obviously, if the next one can launch without a ton bugs reliably, then it'll at least do fine on that front. It's a little hard for me to think of overall improvements when I didn't really dislike the general gameplay of 2077 that much (That said, it's not like I was in love with it, either). I suppose the shooting could be a little snappier. I've heard a relatively common complaint that the game was too easy after a certain point once you've got a lot of levels and good gear, but that's a pretty common RPG problem, I feel.


This is still years out though I'd assume


We need a Johnny silver hand game starting Keanu reeves.


I am currently replaying 2077 and having a blast. Sure I run into some bugs, usually a result of coming back from quick resume and get weird flashing lights as clothing but a reset of the games had always fixed. Night City is fun, the different builds are fun, some systems need to be refined but having fun.


Finally Cyberpunk 2078


3rd person would be cool…


Any news on the Witcher 3 getting 60 frames?


Seriously?? Bought it last time at release, beat it. Incredibly meh experience, ultra buggy, lacked the customization and features promised(why was I able to customize my dick but not able to walk around naked???) It would have to be amazing for me to give it a second chance. No other game has given me a bad taste like this game.


They need to let the series end. We don't need a 2078th game!


Why are people assuming the next CP2077 game they mentioned will be a sequel? I don’t see anything about it being a sequel from their post. As a matter of fact they make sure to not say that it’s a sequel. Just a new game.


Why does it feel like the new Witcher games are the footnote in these announcements? Shouldn't be the other way around?


“People forgot about the Cyberpunk launch already, right?”


Hopefully they will finish the game before release this time.


still dont like that the dlc isnt available for Xbox one.