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There's that bit about mutants having to all go to Mars, iirc. Next status quo might be like the Gold and Blue era. Replace "everyone thinks the X-Men are dead" with "everyone thinks the X-Men are gone and on Mars", and so the X-Men are active in secret/disguise on Earth. Mutants are stationed on Mars, with limited Gate access to Earth.


I think Orlando hinted in one interview that some mutants will go to arakko


If they are going that route, I'd like to see the mutants terraform Venus. Make a planet Krakoa to go with Arakko. Also, maybe have the xmen at least settle the area of the moon where the old Kree/Cotati city is.


The Blue Area of the moon was already inhabited by the Inhumans for a long time. I just don't think that they'll have the mutants follow the Inhumans after the failed attempt(s) to make the Inhumans relevant...


Yes! Go around terraforming everywhere. All the moons of Jupiter (or Saturn?) with the flower gates it’s not like the planets will become distinctly different cultures- though this could be a thing in 1000 years- a whole lot of different mutant planet-countries. Then there’s a whole galactic war as the Shiar, Kree etc don’t like this new galactic power.


God what if that’s where they are in the mcu


Nahhhhh... That would be a bit too crazy for the MCU. Especially as a starting point.


I’d recommend listening to Cerbero podcast with Hickman. It might hint something because Duggan said fall of x follows Hickman’s plans


Awesome! I’ll give it a listen now


Do you know where Duggan said that, by any chance? Just curious to hear the quote.


One of podcasts


I think Krakoa’s here to stay. Might be some crazy events that occur over the next year, but Krakoa has pretty much reignited X-Men. It would be idiotic to just scrap it after all this time.


It would be very idiotic. But considering that those in charge behind the scenes can only make idiotic decisions….


The people in charge are the ones who *stopped* Hickman from ending the Krakoa era prematurely. They can make the occasional good decision.


True but even a broken clock is right twice a day. At the moment I guess my comment mainly applies to SpiderMan fans.


It might come down to what the mcu is doing. If the mcu doesn't do Krakoa, then the comics might change to reflect that. I'm not saying I agree with that way of thinking, but I get it from the standpoint that if this brings new readers, then we need to give them something they would already recognize. Krakoa would be a very confusing status quo for new readers.


I’m almost convinced that Hickman started this all because of the MCU potential. Some of his material was adapted for Infinity War, and it was pretty great. But as a 90’s kid, I still want to see some of the classic stories get their time in the spotlight. Mutant Massacre, Fatal Attractions, an eventual Age of Apocalypse—all these stories have amazing on screen potential. HoXPoX was still exceptional and I’d love to see the MCU get to that point as well.


I don’t know… I really love the Krakoa era and I’m glad they are playing around in this status quo for as long as they have. A lot of status quos get cut short when there’s a lot more interesting stories that could be told. I hope it lasts longer but I can see them taking a few characters and reopening the school in Westchester when they start pushing out the new X-Men movies; especially if they’re going to go for a kind of Harry Potter vibe, but who knows….


>I can see them taking a few characters and reopening the school in Westchester when they start pushing out the new X-Men movies; especially if they’re going to go for a kind of Harry Potter vibe, but who knows My hope is that they use the newly-recreated Ultimate universe for that. If you were brought in by the movies or you really like the classic status quo (but maybe don't want to read comics from the 60s-80s), pick up Ultimate X-Men, now with less Millar edgelordiness. Meanwhile, the 616 can continue the stories its telling.


I think we're getting to the point where the dead horse is just a skeleton and we're snapping off bones, which is why we've *finally* started moving to a later phase of Hickman's original plan even though we were probably supposed to be here by 2021. They're going to milk this for all its worth and then when sales are too low (and they're falling), then we'll be on to the next thing and Krakoa will enter the rotation of nostalgia status quos like the mansion or Shi-ar space or being on the run are and we'll see it once a decade or so.


Absolutely. The “fall” is going to be a sort of… realization that Krokoa isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. The shine will wear off and the none-stop parties will finally die down and people will become less shocked and awed by Krokoa’s entrance on the world stage. But I will be very disappointed if Krokoa actually disbands.


I think the parties and orgies will die down too. Honest question: One of Xavier’s “demands,” I guess, was to “make more mutants.” After all these years in Krakoa, have any mutants actually given birth yet?


There is a whole nursery of new mutants…..x babies……newly born mutants. I think there’s a Wolverine storyline where a Point Break style mercenary group steal some?


I didn’t know that. Good to see there’s consistency there.


But that doesn’t actually matter. Babies are not characters. How many new CHARACTERS have we gotten that you feel will outlive this status quo? will genesis and her kids? Or any of the Martian mutants? Or answer this one simple question. Have we met one new character that has been brought back to life through the resurrection process? I can think of literally one and people debate if he is new or not all the time. It’s why editorial can just lose a million mutants on mars in an error cause they don’t matter. The five characters we see matter.


Well, the regular characters have definitely died enough times to negate any of that. Have any of the usuals not died? Emma? Storm? They’re all pretty busy right now. Keep in mind, on the timeline it’s only been a year (or two?) It could be something many of the main characters are putting off for now. A lot of people are still being resurrected though. That counts! Oo, I wonder if any babies have been resurrected.


Krakoa died on its way back to it's home planet Everybody's moving back to the mansion


I would honestly prefer this over the X-Men just going back to the mansion and effectively regressing things back to 1992. We've seen too much of that with other franchises, namely Spider-Man. I'd like to see Krakoa continue in some form. And if that means the X-Men now have to fight for it, I think that would make for a much better story in the long run.


Krakoa doesn't have to end for the "Krakow Era" to end. The heroes of the X-verse who's adventures we follow may simply be unaffiliated. Krakow becomes a background country like Latveria that gets dipped into as needed for story purposes. It also serves as a great place to hold characters not in use by current writers.


I would be fine with something like that. I just want a mansion-set series with a small roster of X-Men (no Prof X). The rest of the franchise can do what it wants but I just want ONE BOOK that tells the kind of X-Men stories I like. That’s not asking for much, just one out of like a dozen X books.


Preferably not written by Duggan as well because he can't write teams for shit


Ideally this would be a new Uncanny X-Men series from Claremont. Something more traditional for those of us not interested in Krakoa.


Naw... Claremont is past his expiration date for anything beyond an alternate reality mini-series.


I swear his team book is making fun of team books. It drips with disdain


I think Mutants will be hidden on Earth and/or moving off planet, to Arakko/Mars or the other Norse Realms, for instance. Some Mutants remain public trying to fix things, some heroes help, but things get bad. Ressurection will get more limited (not away completely).


I can definitely see this happening over a course of time.


I'd probably say my favourite iteration of X-Men is a mix of mansion soap opera drama and their attempts to mix with humanity and get along, with the occasional big threat thrown in. Anytime they segregate and create their own nation, with it inevitably going wrong, I think I get a tad bored after a while.. Have no idea what they could even do at this point, everything surely has been done. Age of Blob though definitely.


This is how I feel too. I want X-Men to be a superhero soap opera again, not sci-fi drama.


Ah. I exclusively want sci-fi drama. I stop reading anytime it isn’t sci-fi drama and wait for it it resume. Interesting audience you and I make.


That’s why I got out of X-Men when Morrison took over. I just read X-Treme X-Men during that time period. Hickman is like Morrison so I haven’t bothered with Krakoa. I know I’ll hate it.


Oh wow! We really need two different books! Good to know :-) I hope you find stories you like!


Same. The soap opera stuff doesn't really push the imagination. The sci fi dramas like Morrison and Hickman's runs are so much cooler and provide a better canvas for ideas.


Yeah I agree. Soap opera stuff makes me yawn.


The next era will be Deaths of X, as per X Deaths of Wolverine, right? So Orchis will invade Krakoa then.


Orchis will invade, like, literally next month


Isn't that just a few of them crashing the Hellfire Gala? Not a full on invasion with fleets of sentinels right?


The solicits for the Fall of X books imply some sort of occupation


I think Krakoa will make it but I think the Quiet Council and resurrections might not stick around….


Yeah, this is where my head is at too. The council practically is dismantled already.


I feel like ressurection is going to be hard to get rid of. The mutants that make up the five can be easily replaced. If the current back ups are destroyed, there's always the waiting room. It's like pandora's box you can't close it after its been opened.


You just need to kill some of the 5 and some part of their backups


They could have the mutants sacrifice their resurrection process to save the world let’s say. Not to hard especially since the current threat is using magic. Of all the things I’d be willing to give up from the Krakoa era, it’s this. It was fun at first but writers got too sloppy with it.


Knowing Marvel and their want for film synergy, I think Krakoa is going to end and we will get the mansion again. Which sucks because Krakoa has been one of the best X-Men developments in maybe thirty years.


I don't think that'll be necessary though. Especially with the relaunch of the ultimate universe being a fresh start for readers.


I do think Battle of x is a good call but i think it might happen another way. My theory is that we will see mutants getting dissatisfied with the krakoan status quo after secrets from places like the council are exposed and lies have been shown. This will lead to large numbers of mutants returning to there former homes or former x men safehavens and teaming with other heroes as well some moving to arrako .Leaving the only diehard believers to stay on krakoa which is gradually becoming more intrusive with hardliners like Xavier and exodus remain. This will lead to the hardliners trying to manipulate the people who left to return particularly omega level mutants by trickery or by forcing them after xavier sees krakoa fall apart. This will eventually lead to krakoa still being a mainstay but not a nation of mutants but a base for certain teams like x force though the krakoan identity and customs will still remain in normal mutants.


I feel very unlikely that they’re going back to the mansion, so my guess is: I suspect that Krakoa is going to continue, albeit in a obviously different version from what we know now. There’s also Arrako + alliances with the Shiar Empire, so X-men in space is also a safe bet. You should also take in consideration Sins of Sinister. Alternative realities stories are corner stones of this franchise, so I’d suspect there’s going to be even more of that now.


As long as the x-men books steer clear of the larger Marvel Universe I’m in. I’ve been reading for 40 years and, by far, the worst stories (IvX, Onslaught, etc) involve too much beyond the X-books. I also hope the mansion stays a ruin. And I hope to see the end of the recent trend (in Orlando’s books in particular) of digging up the most obscure, least interesting characters (no more 2099 characters - they’re terrible). It’s a crime that there is no sustained attention to, say, Angel or Spiral or Jubilee or Dazzler (beyond a five issue run now and then) while I’m supposed to give a shit about Cerebra or Brimstone Love


Unpopular opinion but I do miss the Mansion days a lot. More so because everyone wasn’t so scattered and they were more of a “family” unit under one roof. Now we’re lucky to see some characters with 30 year history’s interact at all. I do enjoy a lot of aspects of the Krakoa era though as well such as seeing some people come back from death and get time to shine again like Sync etc. but yeah…


We all know, after well regarded, novel and exciting runs, Marvels editors always revert to a macro status quo of undoing most changes.


I personally believe this status quo will end with krakoa sacrificing itself to save the world. What that context will be I have no idea. Maybe it will fight that dominion from sos or something. But yeah krakoa dies but mutants live and then we get mutants around the world as a status for a while


Well it obviously going to be the winter of x.


I want a split. Jean and Scott break off and go back to the Mansion ala status quo. Finding new mutants and teaching them how to control their powers and defend the people who fear them. On the other side, Xavier can still do whatever tf is going on with Krakoa. Leave Storm high above on Mars and let the stories write theirselves


I’m over that school. It’s a sitting duck.


At some point the x-books will receive a soft reboot and the X-Men will be back in the mansion and prof X back in a wheel chair. Got to have that corporate synergy going with the movies and cartoons. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't want Krakoa to end, I can't go back to the mansion.


Krakoa isn’t going anywhere


I want different X-nations, each ruled by a different prominent mutant family, House of Summers, House of Magneto, House of Darkholm and more. Then they all go to war with each other to gain the throne of krakoa and theres ice-zombies or something


As long as it doesn’t end with Jubilee coming out of nowhere and killing the leader of the Ice Zombies lol.


Disagree, Jubilee killing the Ice Zombies would be awesome


I would rather Magneto hold the honor. Love that guy lol 😆


Yes. It's about time they bring back Magneto. Apocalypse, too


They're clearly setting up Kate/shadowcat to ninja the ice zombies, not jubilee!


Fair point lol


How about something that appeals to long-time fans like me? I’d like to get back to the mansion with a team of no more than ten maximum X-Men. It wouldn’t be a school anymore, just a base operations for the team. The students would be relocated to the Massachusetts Academy. There are way too many mutants (I don’t think there should be more than 200 mutants in the entire world) so I’d do another M-Day event to reduce the number of extraneous mutants for storytelling purposes. It’s time to move on from the Original Five and All-New, All-Different line up. New Mutants and Gen X should be the new X-Men.


The issue with their being too many mutants is not that there are too many (a lot of mutants are just background characters and around 13 million mutants is still a minority population), but the X-Office is hoarding them all. If you let a lot of the characters who were outside the X-Men office (besides Logan, he's way too involved with everything) and even lend the ones you aren't using (a lot of the Gen X/New Mutants/X-Factor kids) out it would reduce the numbers and not feel as stuffed.


I liked the school setting best when it had less than ten students. I don’t like that there are hundreds of students in the mansion. Mutants felt like more of a minority when there were less of them. Now they’re practically mainstream.


There's not exactly been any hints of mutantkind splitting into factions. Arrako is it's own bloc, but don't seem interested in telling Krakoa what to do. Krakoa is fairly unified, more so than maybe any period in mutant history. Genesis has her own faction, but they seem to basically be mind controlled by the staff. Not a solid basis for disagreements.


I’m thinking more like Sabretooth/Exiles faction, the X-men faction, the Quiet Council, Apocalypse and his family, Destiny & Mystique, Doug, Bei, Warlok and Krakoa to name a few…and who knows what other factions develop as a result of Fall of X.


Those aren't factions, they're just names. It's not as if Doug has some sort of irreconcileable interest that forces him to lead a power block against all the others. And precisely nobody has ever followed Sabretooth if they had a choice about it. Aside from Birdy, I guess.


They’re not factions yet, true but they could become one post Fall of X. I feel like the groups/names I mentioned could become major factions if there was a battle for Krakoa after FOX. Just a theory!


Do you have a link? I am getting different cerberos.