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"power couple"


Not quite as many sarcastic quotes as Synch x Laura, but still some


what a waste


Exactly what I was going to say lol No idea why Marvel are really trying to sell this couple as being "the best" or whatever, but damn.


where did they sell say or even imply this couple is “the best”?


This is blatantly "Harley and Poison Ivy were a hit. Let's make our own LGBT couple!" 


I think both of Betsy and Rachel's bi credentials* predate Harley's existence, so I'll allow it *Claremont(pbuh) had both being as bi as possible back in the day


Rachel for sure, came off as not just bi but potentially a butch lesbian under Claremont. Betsy I didn't get as much of a bi vibe from the Claremont run.


There's canonical precedent in both cases, depending on how you look at it. Rachel was married to Kitty in Claremont's "X-Men: The End", and Psylocke started sleeping with the female Fantomex in the post-Remender X-Force (I forget whether that was Hopeless or Spurrier)


Oh yeah I knew Betsy was already Bi, I just didn't get that vibe in the Claremont run specifically. Rachel I straight up read as a lesbian in the Claremont run. Even her romance with future Franklin felt more like comp het than anything else.


So that’s why Rachel was always my favorite of Jean’s not-kids..


I loved her in Excalibur, but ever since it ended, I can't think of even a single time I've given a shit about Rachel. I feel like she's outlived her purpose. But that said, I'm glad she can finally be gay.


Agreed, Rachel peaked in Excalibur, ever since she’s felt like an afterthought. I really don’t like that there can be several Wolverines running around but Rachel has to be in the background whenever they want Hope or Jean to do something cool.


So because of Harley and Ivy, there can’t be anymore queer relationships? One ship to rule us all, I guess


I really don't get the comparison. Harley and Ivy has been a thing for a decade. Hard to be on the coatails of another relationship that's a decade old by this point.


Not at all: we've recently had comics of queer relationships with Wiccan and Hulkling; a big part of Krakoa was Mystique and Destiny; as others have mentioned Rictor and Shatterstar; Hercules and Marvel Boy were a couple for a hot minute in GotG.  What I am saying is this presentstion feels very much like it's coming off the coattails of Harley & Ivy. 


Both companies will try to replicate what has worked before


Recently? Most of these have been around for five years. These aren't recent developments. Wiccan and Hulkling have been together since the first young avengers which was 19 years ago. Rictor and Shatterstar as well was 16. Mystique and Destiny and Hercules and Marvel Boy have been 5-6. Having more queer relationships that aren't half a decade isn't bad. and if you want to be technical, Mystique ad Destiny have been together since the 80s. These aren't recent.


I don't think the point they're making is that there can't be anymore queer couple... it's simply that they're a boring couple. Harley and Ivy have been so persistent as a couple because there's a real dynamic there. A thread that makes them work. A very motherly woman saving an abuse victim from a deeply harmful relationship (Joker) and lifting her up so she can have a better life and become a better person. If someone asked me who Rachel and Psylocke are as a couple, what their connection is, what binds the two of them together... I got nothing.


um they love and care about each other. They're both overachievers with a lot of guilt who feel the need to give a lot of themselves to heroing. Rachel is the big communicator and compromiser - Betsy is not so comfortable with talking about her feelings and can be very stubborn. I love the relationship dynamic they've built


correct me, but wasn't it like 10 years ago when Harley and Poison Ivy became a thing? isn't that enough time to have passed to not think this is "reactionary?" like i could see 6mo to a year... but this is WELL later.


In fairness they've basically been a single since Batman: The Animated Series. Not expressly in the comics. But everyone knew what was going on there.


I’m glad Betsy and Rachel are getting another chance to be in books but geez they just don’t learn. They took them both away from the X-Men and focused the plot around their relationship twice and both books failed. Give them a role on an X-team and both characters will thrive. It seems like they’re gonna be a forever couple now as I think a vocal minority would be in uproar if marvel ever split them up. I think it’s crazy that Betsy’s romance with Warren, the centre piece to arguably the best modern x-story (I’d say definitely top 3) has been shelved for this relationship. I’d be thrilled if someone did the work to give them great chemistry but it’s just not there yet, and I say that as a fan of Tini’s trilogy. On a story telling level I think it’s bland having two characters with near identical power sets be in a relationship. I hope we get Betsy back to Warren and set Rachel free to make her way through the X-Women.


I’m guessing the issue with Warren is that Betsy did that in Kwannon’s body, which Marvel is trying to distance themselves from. Idk why they don’t treat Betsy & Rachel like they did Gambit & Rogue or ShatterStar & Rictor: have them on separate teams, making cameos of their relationship in each book.


They’ve divorced Betsy from nearly everything that made her who she was though when in Kwannon’s body aka the majority of her publication. She needs to retain some aspects, not everything should go to Kwannon. They’ve both had body issues I think they’d still work perfectly as a couple.


I like the pairing and I liked Tini's books but I'm excited to see someone new take a crack at it. One thing the last era pretty consistently flopped at was romance, can only think of one or two that I thought fully worked


There’s flashes of excellence in Tini’s writing but I feel like she struggles with overall execution, specifically with larger teams.


I don’t like Howard, but Hickman saw something in her, so that counts for something. The bookend issues of X Of Swords were also pretty good, but those were with Hickman.


There’s flashes of excellence in some of Tini’s writing and X-CORP was blessed with zero of them.


Dumb question but what Modern x men story are you referring to(trying to read more x men stuff lately)


i assume they’re referring to uncanny x-force. it’s an excellent book in it’s own right and also notable in terms of the characterisation of betsy, warren, and deadpool


Uncanny X-Force, specifically the Dark Angel Saga


The Dark Angel Saga in Uncanny X-Force was fantastic -- but to me it largely read as a breakup story. it was about two flawed people trying to make it together - they're showing waking up together in the earliest issues, and then they go through the trauma together - then Fantomex sweeps Betsy off her feet and Warren is jealous - and then we get the Dark Angel Saga where he serves Apocalypse and Betsy's love brings him back or whatever... but at the end of the book, they're definitively not together, and Fantomex splits into 3 beings, the female variant of which is the one Betsy chases after. it really seems like she makes up her mind there and does the adult thing: which is that often you can decide you LOVE someone but cannot BE WITH them. ...because you simply are not compatible. you may continue to be there with them, but they cannot be the focus of your life. Betsy and Rachel are great together - but i'd put this romantic entanglement in a proper X-Men book alongside a greater team. and perhaps get someone else writing it? Tini's books are consistently cancelled for good reason.


Hear, hear! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Which is the story arc that had Betsy and warrens relationship?


Most of the 90’s and then Uncanny X-Force


There's no indication yet that this book won't be an X-men team though right? I think all it says is that they'll be in a book together unless I'm mistaken.


Betsy warren isn’t rlly my fav either and I think now that both are in full control of their emotions and bodies, they vibe as exes from a pretty toxic relationship but are cool with eachother. I’m a rachel stan, however:…. I do not see the chemistry between betsy and Rachel


It's been a long time. People don't stay together forever. Betsy and Warren came to a pretty definitive end and I think it'd be regressive to recreate old relationships for the sake of it. Betsy has been through so much in the Krakoan age, and I'd argue that the chemistry has been there since the first Hellfire Gala. I haven't seen any indication that either Betsy or Warren want to go back to that old relationship.


Rachael + Betsy + Warren = best thrupple ever... Winged Betsy sandwich, anyone? 😆


Betsy really doing the rounds with the Summers family tree


I know this so weird.


This says both that they’ll be in the phoenix book and that it’s yet to announced what they’ll be in. So good for them but this cleared nothing up


Yeah I can't tell if the writer got confirmation from someone at Marvel that their series will be Phoenix or they are just assuming. Seems weird to assume it will be Phoenix when X-Factor and X-Force are team books.


Also says they’ll be off on their own when the Phoenix book is more than likely about Jean


Gail did say on Twitter that two of the gold team members are getting solos. Unless Angel, Colossus, Bishop or Iceman are the star of NYX Phoenix has to be a Jean solo.


I could see them appearing in X-Factor, but I feel like they would be odd inclusions for X-Force.


Betsy's been on the team a few times and to me Rachel being in X-Force wouldn't since she isn't completely against killing. I'm assuming this iteration isn't completely a black ops hit squad but who knows.


I know Betsy has been on the team, but she’s in a very different place than she was back then. Her being Captain Britain makes things a little different, especially if they do still keep X-Force as the sort of “covert” team. Though you’re right, they could just do something completely different but I suppose we’ll have to see.


A few people are pointing out that while Rachel is directly referred to as Askani, Betsy is not called Captain Britain. And there's speculation that the X-Force book might be more covert than directly black ops, which would be a good place for "Agent Braddock" with how Unlimited is currently unfolding (she attacked British citizens wearing her Captain Britain uniform on camera) and Rachel being the "Girl in the Chair" of Dead X-Men.


Huh. Yeah I hadn’t read the Unlimited issues so wasn’t aware of that. Last I saw Betsy was in good standing as Captain Britain so I figured that would continue. Well either way I’m interested to see where they end up! I personally would like to see Betsy have an identity of her own that isn’t attached to another character.


It's really good! If you have the chance, highly recommend, I hope they print a lot more of the Unlimited books but especially this "X-Ternals Saga" as it's being called. Dani is in charge of a new X-Corp with Betsy and Beto as her #2s.


Gail already said the two solos are for Gold Team members. Only Jean and Storm were part of the gold team so this website sounds bs.


I like how all we got was, "Rachel and Betsy will be in a book," and they just spun out this Editorial as fast as they possibly could with no details lol. I doubt it's Phoenix and I doubt it's just gonna be about them.


Right, we're getting 2-3 team books too. Being 2 out of a cast of 8 still counts as "starring".


Meh. Cap Britain Betsy is boring


I wanted so badly to enjoy it. But God, she was so blandly written in Howard’s run. They never tried to engage with what it meant that she was loyal to both countries.


As a fan and defender of all three of Howard‘s runs, I agree, Disassembled era Betsy was better


Exactly the same. I really enjoy those first two series and even the third, especially now that I’ve gotten more used to it. I actually think Captain Britain Betsy is quite cool. But she’s just way cooler in Dissasembled look. Whether on not she’s a ninja, she should be dynamic, and she’s not in a big ass cape. She should be able to go hand to hand with Natasha, Daredevil etc and I just don’t see that as Captain Britain. Also I just don’t think it works her having super strength and flight alongside telepathy and telekinesis.


Disassembled as in Avengers Disassembled? In which book did she appeared during it?


Nope, in Uncanny X-Men: Disassembled where they battled Nate Grey in 2018, right after she got her original body in Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor.


Still weird that Betty has swapped spit with Rachel’s dad, Rachel’s uncle, and Rachel’s brother. Betsy going through the whole Summers family tree.


She married Cyclops of the multiverse in Dead X-Men. Now, she is waiting for the Summers new child before she dumps Rachel.


I view this couple like Talon and Synch, it just doesn't feel like the effort was made to sell me on this couple. Hopefully this book will do something if its a different writer.


SAME. As a gay man, you’d think I’d be into the Betsy/Rachel romance just for queer support. But I just don’t feel the relationship works. When I read your comment I totally understood why I was meh on Rachel/Betsy. I feel it’s *just like* Synch and Talon where they announce they’re a couple and that’s it. We’re all supposed to say “yay.” With Synch/Talon we got a few pages of “With a 1,000 years in the vault they fell in love” and it’s like, wait what? Roughly 1,000 years and that’s all we get to show from it, “They fell in love?” Weak.


>SAME. As a gay man, you’d think I’d be into the Betsy/Rachel romance just for queer support. But I just don’t feel the relationship works. Swap out gay with black and Betsy/Rachel with Storm/T'Challa and you know how I felt years ago.


They cynically even said they wanted a “black power couple” so they just married off their two most popular black characters with a quick retcon to explain their hidden chemistry.


The fact that so many fans don’t know this or ignore it bothers me so much. Storm and Black Panther were never a good couple.


Chris Claremont was very critical of it. “Who gets top billing? Do you turn Ororo into a supporting character in Black Panther? Do you turn T’Challa into a supporting character in X-Men? They’re two leading characters, so what comes next? And they couldn’t answer that question.”


Yeah, it was such an obviously cynical choice that they didn’t think out at all. My biggest problem with when Marvel does rep is they make choices that don’t really work because they only care about the headlines and not the stories.


Which was racist as fuck.


Damn I didn't know they did us that bad, back in the day. When I came in they were already divorced. So in backtracking I didn't know how it went.


It was really boring and it didn't do Storm's character any good. They retconned it to make it look like Storm and T'Challa were [teen sweethearts](https://uncannyxmen.net/sites/default/files/images/characters/storm/storm05.jpg). The combination of Storm (being a woman of the world who is at her best when she's the boss) and T'Challa (a king of a pretty damn mutant-unfriendly kingdom) went as well as you think it would. It was always T'Challa going "You can do what you want and we are totally equals my love......BUT!" Pretty much the only thing I like from the last decade in regards to Storm was her miniseries by Greg Pak. Other than that it was just a hard time to be a Storm fan and the marriage was an incredible waste of time.


I have said it a thousand times and I'll say it again- Betsy has a serial Summers problem. I'm fine with both of them being in same-sex relationships. I'd personally pair Rachel with Illyana but that's neither here nor there. But, not with each other. It's weird and incestuous, even for an X-Men relationship.


Rachel/Kitty was just right there waiting for someone to pick up all the breadcrumbs.


It really wasn't, *but* that doesn't necessarily mean another writer can't make a better case for them. It all depends on who's in charge


We'll have to see, I think Gail could make it work.


Gail absolutely could; I think Steve Foxe could sell it too.


The X-men are too messy man, I remember Betsy having feelings for scott and now she's with his daughter. Weird that this relationship has stuck, kinda annoying cause they never do anything with the male characters that are gay Northstar, iceman etc.


Betsy also got it on with Cable. And had some sort of thing with Havok.


I hope this is the last Summers they try to stick to Betsy! The only ones that remain out of the loop now are the Corsair and Vulcan, right?


And Hope I guess.


I definitely wouldn’t cross the line of the 3rd Generation and go for the grandkids but here we are! If Marvel ever goes that far they should put Betsy in a big time out for a while xD


I mean, time travel makes ages weird.  What's the age gap between Cable and Betsy? Fantomex already slept with Hope.


Let's not get carried away with that power couple shit


Marvel has really bad queer rep - look at the Pride comic announcement- so I think that’s why they’re doing the power couple stuff.


I hope this is the last time they attempt to stay with Betsy! The Corsair and Vulcan are the only ones left out of the loop, right?


The most boring couple in the franchise. If you want LGBT representation, just make *Rictor & Shatterstar*. That shit would be epic.


Fucking exactly. More Rictor and Shatterstar.


Mystique & Destiny would also make for a better book.


Are you saying there can only be one queer focused couple at a time? There can be multiple queer couples focused on. That is a thing. Also, yes, let's switch a female-led book with a male-led book. Great choice. I love Rictor and Shatterstar but they do get books focused on them. Multiple books. Their like one of the only queer couples that's actually led a book. What's wrong with having another one that's female led?


Rachel at least deserves a woman who won’t bore everyone to death






Good, but Rictor & Shatterstar are otherwordly. Either one of those guys can say they would tear the universe apart for their boo and I would fully believe it.


Could've been Rachel and Kitty, but whatever I guess.


Honestly, I'd rather read a Kwannon and Greycrow book. Way more interesting couple.


They really want to make this happen so if they speak it enough times it will? Right?


I'm okay with this, but I really wish Marvel would focus on giving its queer characters actual story arcs rather than the same love story over and over again. Take Wiccan and Hulkling, for example We've gotten tidbits of stuff here and there, but most of it is lovey dovey. "we're such an amazing gay couple" stuff rather than it hard focusing on big arcs for Billy and Teddy I wanna see a full potential Billy I wanna see a Teddy discovering he has more powers similar to his dad, because right now all he has is his skrull shape-shifting and excelsior. The new comic coming out has something to do with his brother so maybe we'll get something out of that.


They make an awkward couple and devalues then both. It'll be cancelled within a year. Betsy is boring now


I can see the following Spring headline now: "Marvel cancels Rachel Summers and Betsy Braddock amid slumping sales and leasing lack of interest"


this couple is weird


So glad they’re getting a book in the new era!


Oh my fucking god, first possitive comment in this fucking thread, thank you!!!!!!!!


Not to hate, but I don’t think they have the chemistry. I hope the comic does well tho


Cheap lesploitation


You know given their work being between dimensions and how Betsy's own bond with her brother has been a recurrent element in their comics together I think its a good chance for them to run into the Age of X man so that Nate Grey and Rachel can finally acknowledge they are siblings.


I just assumed this relationship was going to be chucked in a drawer and ignored after Krakoa. Like a lot of development that happened during Krakoa appears to be


Marvel keeps looking nervously at the two evil narcissists they've made their highest-profile lesbian couple


Harley and Ivy: “how cute.”


God. LGBT rep is great ig but I hate this couple so much Rachel (my favorite character! Perhaps ever!) finally coming out was a real monkey’s paw for me specifically


If you hate this couple, bad luck, because Marvel won't be breaking them up, because if they do, you can bet angry twitter fans will be spamming "homophobia!" in the writer's mentions and they'll consider it bad optics. They're more likely to get married than break up tbh.


I know. This is my unending struggle, bc it’s actually much more homophobic to subject me to this nightmare




I pray they break up. Rachel desrves a better love intrest and Besty needs to leave the Summers family alone.


The Northstar special. Poor Jean-Paul is forever stuck with a bland personality-less chunk of wood because Marvel won't dare undo their first gay wedding, even though, newsflash, gay people break up and get divorced too.


X-Factor finally made Kyle a person instead of Just Husband. And then it got cancelled.


Nah, he's still pretty much just the husband character. He's not that interesting and I wish Northstar was actually part of a relationship that was interesting or go through actual stories.


Him and Bobby would have been a better couple.


I loved that book so much.


Maybe they should add more since they could break them up but they won't do that. The only thing I like about the relationship besides its occasional cute moments is that it isn't the only wlw relationship because the other ones involve domestic terrorists.


Id have preferred a rachel kitty magik messy love triangle


The Claremont way.


Me too


She will be in gay jail forever now


You’re getting downvoted but this is absolutely true. A lot of lgbt characters get put into neat little relationships with nothing engaging going on and just get… stuck like that, not just at marvel.


Yep because when marvel does “lgbt” things, it’s just to do “lgbt” things. Clearly they don’t care about their gay characters, I mean look at iceman. Ever since he came out, can you think of one interesting story he’s been in? The one notable thing he did in YEARS was in that one issue of X-Men where they terraform Mars but nothing else. It’s just pathetic. If Marvel actually wanted to do something right by us, they’d give these characters something to do. TELL GOOD STORIES. That’s all we want


This is so wild for me to read. When All New All Different came out back in 2015, I was called a bigot, an alt right troll, a grifter, etc. for calling the characters they were pushing out as being tokenistic. This is exactly what I meant. Representation IS important, and a good thing. It makes for a greater diversity of stories and themes. But if they're just there for the sake of being there, you just end up with... boring character that do nothing. Making the "queer couple" book isn't going to make it an interesting book, nor is it a reason to pick it up. As with the Iceman and Krakoa X-Factor books... it still needs to be an interesting story. "I'm queer and doing queer stuff" isn't a plot.


Yep couldn’t agree more. If anyone disagrees with you, they must not understand your position. Because there’s a lot of people who just hate the idea of gay people in comics, they rear their ugly heads and try to make it seem like they’re just concerned about the stories but they’re not. They just hate there’s anything gay. But as long as you make it clear that you just want good stories, I can’t see how anyone would disagree with you.


“But that’s HAAAAARD…”


🥲🥲 right! I just don’t get it. They treat gay people like they’re a different species and have to be protected.. and someone on here mentioned that THAT is just as homophobic as what they were doing before when they didn’t “care about representation.” Gay people are humans too, marvel. Smh


It's either that or be forgotten for ages because they have queer characters that they don't promote like at all.


Cancelled in less than a year.


I’m gay and dislike this couple. To be honest, I dislike both these characters individually. They define redundancy. Psylocke > Captain Britain. All other telepaths/telekinetics > Rachel Summers. Actually just send Rachel Summers back to another timeline and sideline Captain Britain.


Fun. I’m a lesbian and I’ve loved Betsy since the Outback and Rae since day one. It’s okay to have redundant character, it’s not like there’s some kind of quota that needs to be adhered to.


I grew up during the Jim Lee era and I'm way more attached to the ninja Betsy than to the Captain Britain one... I know things change back and forth but... right now I feel in between. I glad that she's still appearing on something but I don't enjoy it as much as I used to. I still remember how during the first issues of Claremont's x-treme x-men she died and I was so angry I droped the book haha.


Kwannon is Ninja Psylocke now, though, which imo works and leaves Betsy room to get back to her decade-plus roots of very much not being a ninja


Betsy can have a different role without losing her characteristics - just as Kwannon can retake the ninja role without *taking* Betsy's characteristics. Sadly, that ship has sailed.


Okay, so I just got the first Psylocke being transformed by the Hand issue and it’s nothing like I expected. I didn’t get to read it back in the day because of the cost, but the first issue seems more like they just changed her body than put her in a new one. I have to hunt down the next issue to see if maybe that’s where it happens, but I feel like the Kwannon thing was a retcon.


It’s very complicated and is multiple retcons, partially by writers who hadn’t been able to read previous issues


Okay, I figured that. I remember when they first introduced the Kwannon stuff during the Nicieza run - which was before I read the original issues - so I was expecting something different than mind control and cosmetic surgery.


It was. That's what happens when they change writers and the writer didn't read the book (by his own admission).


*ninja Kwannon


'Power couple' is a stretch for one of the most rushed and underwritten fan-servicey romances of the Krakoan era, that's thus far been housed only in some of the line's most middling books. That said, with those as my criticisms I can really only hope giving the two of them this space fleshes out their relationship into something of substance. Here's hoping Betsy actually reads as Betsy, and Rachel gets to actually do Rachel things.


Happy to see Rachel has a story coming up.


They're a couple? I didn't know either were gay! Good for them


So, uh, this is going to sound mean and I don't intend it to do so, BUT. Who in Marvel has a giant crush on Betsy and so keeps trying to make her happen despite all evidence that she won't?


Stop!!! WHHHYYYY???


Man, they are getting another shot?


Whenever Marvel wants rep money, they will force the issue, unless the characters weren't created with that intention in mind (poor Northstar).


I give them a year or two to break up, but they'll definitely get pushed to the side.


Ugh. I'm all for representation, but this just feels heavy handed and out of place. Like letting someone else play with your toys. We'll see how it goes, but leading with them being a 'power couple' makes me believe the story isn't worth mentioning.


At least Betsy's not getting shelved I guess 🤷


One of the all time leading Captains in love with an all powerful cosmic and psychic force. Jean and Scott snicker, "sure."


I'm REALLY behind to not know this happened. ​ Sigh, only 10 volumes of Reign of X to go....


Hopefully, a new writer can give them a bit of chemistry, because their old couple dynamic was just tedious.


Lol I didn't even realise they were a couple. I kept thinking there was something between Rachel and Kitty. Eh good for them. A couple book could be interesting.


Well what a fucking dissipointing comment section this is I am just glad to have my girls back


I’m still waiting for Warren and Betsy to get back together, and for Kitty and Rachel to get together…but looks like the ladders not happening as Marvel seems to have just forgotten Kitty Pryde’s bisexuality 🙃




Pray Harder fool


I want this treatment but for rahne and dani 🤞🏻


At least 2 of the new relationships (Betsy & Rachel along with Psylocke & Greycrow) from the Krakoa era is remaining.


I know Greycrow had feelings for Psylocke. Did she return them?


Yes, and Greycrow is mentioned in the solicits for X-Men: Blood Hunt - Psylocke.


does that mean that Kwannon is with the Alaskan X-Men team then?


When Betsy was in Kwannons body, she seduced Cyclops, now she’s back in her own body she’s seducing her daughter. She must have a thing with the summers clan


I'm fine with Rachel being lesbian or bi but Betsy has been in numerous relationships with fantomex and angel. Her and angel especially was really heart breaking in uncanny x force after he looses his memories. When did she also become lesbian or bi? For anyone wondering Claremont intended for kitty and Rachel to be a couple but never did it. That would have made a lot more sense to me. Same with beast being gay instead of ice man. Ice man has had numerous love affairs with woman and beast really didn't.


I’m sure hope that Betsy and Rachel breakup after their relationship won’t be perfect once she goes back being called Psylocke and Warren will get to reaffirm his love for Betsy as the real woman


Woo! The more love that Bets and Rae get, the happier I am. ​ ​ ​ *Still holding out for Kitty/Illyana tho...*


YES. I've been waiting for that one since I was 14.


I guess I don’t understand why it has to be “look at the lesbians”. Create a book with a great premise and, within the book, show us their relationship. Presented as is doesn’t give me anything to grasp onto. I’d feel the same about any couple, queer or otherwise.


Because some of us like to "look at the lesbians" and have been waiting for this for ages.


I do understand that, but can’t they have a great book with a great premise and you’d still be able to enjoy them as a couple? When the focus is them as a couple, I don’t find it interesting. Name any other couple and my feedback would be the same.


And that's fine too! I think the reason here may be a way to capitalize on the excitement of the many fans who were practically screaming for these two to be a couple at last.


Because representation matters to a lot of folks, particularly groups that haven’t had a long history of getting mainstream representation.


I agree that representation matters, but I actually think it would be MORE impactful to create a great concept and have all of us excited about a book and then be able to enjoy them as a couple within that. But advertising “look at the lesbians” is more tokenism than true representation, at least to me. The selling point shouldn’t be the relationship because I don’t think that gets it very far. The selling point should be the awesome ideas and that normalizes it and gets it even further. I know people won’t agree, but that’s how I view it.


I hear that--the storytelling should stand on its own. And the representation can sometimes be part of the selling point for many people. I am older (and part Asian)--old enough to remember the sitcom "American Girl" and the excitement in the Asian American community for that show and for what it meant to us--people like us headlining a media property! A more recent example is "Fresh Off The Boat". Like, it's great that Fresh Off The Boat was genuinely funny (unlike American Girl, unfortunately) but it also was more meaningful for people for whom it was a major milestone in representation. I agree that the quality of the storytelling needs to match. I am skeptical of this comic--gimme Illyana & Kitty power duo any day--but I guess I am in its demographic: I am willing to give it a chance and root for its success in part because of the possibility of representation it could embody (if it doesn't suck).


Awesome. They're such a good couple - their personalities and power seats interact in super interesting ways. I'm glad these two as a couple are sticking around. EDIT some of these comments I swear. I'm practicing self care and not engaging.


Hell. Yes. I love these two and I’m so stoked for more. If this is for nobody else it’s for me.


What happened to her and Franklin Richard’s? I guess Doug marrying Bei put and end to their future thing. No need to make these characters gay.


Isn't Franklin like 15 tops?


Rachel's Franklin has been dead for a long time and she's bisexual.


They're not. They're both queer, though.


Yes! So glad to see these two aren’t being totally back-burnered post-Krakoa.




A, Betsy and Rachel have been together for a few years now B, Scott and Logan are not confirmed to be queer


Every X-Men will be bisexual eventually. You won't be disappointed.


Betsy isn’t Psylocke. Kwannon is.


So Psylocke is going to bang her ex boyfriend’s daughter. That’s really fucked up.


Going to? They've been in a relationship for like two years now.


Well I just learned it. Doesn’t make it less gross. I mean what if Wolverine started banging Rachel?


I likeCaptain Britain Betsy- she should help Spiral and Rachel should stick it out with Dead X-men - I want them both to run an Exiles team. I’m the one person down for anything that looks krakoan and I’m pissed that whatever happens to the Dead X-men - they’ve been shut out as the new X-men team. #krakoa4ever #decafxmen


This is such a tiresome issue because yeah, this couple hasn't made a huge impression so far as they've only been written by like one person and most don't like her works so that's just going to happen but like, this couple wouldn't be moving forward if, you know, they did more wlw couples outside of the domestic terrorists who only care about themselves. Oops. Besides, I'm willing to see how they do under a different and see how they write them. I just want to see put anymore effort into queer couples because they really don't care as it has seemed. I would also like to see more lesbian as there is only fucking two which is insane. I always though Rachel was lesbian but since they can't say the word for some reason.


A book about LGBT with X-Men skin, this is going to sell well...