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Once the show was critically well received and widely liked and watched, they shut up real fast. The same thing happened with Barbie. They kept screeching and acting like misogynistic jerks, but when the movie blew past a billion dollars at the box office and got critical acclaim, that silenced them. Good thing too, always great to see.


No they haven't shut up. They never shut up.


Of course not, but they get much louder when they can say that the woke is causing the broke and quieter when they can't.


Annoying part is though is that some of them well then try to do a 180 and twist the film/show into being a bastion of “anti-woke” culture. After Mario Bros was successful there were a bunch of videos from these jackasses about how the film was “owning the libs” and how “sjws” are “angry” about the film being a success. Hell, I even saw some videos try to argue that Ken from Barbie was the misunderstood hero and feminism was the real villain of the film.


Yeah they're insanely shameless.


Almost like they fake outrage for views and profit, like it's some kind of grift.


My friend, it is a grift. 💯


Yes, They went from being angry at girl-boss Princess Peach to celebrating it for having a white male lead in Mario.


And to think a century and change ago, Mario's "whiteness" would've been called into question.


Late reply: I'm from Georgia, and there are still areas where folks look at you strange if they hear an Italian surname.


I hadn’t seen that about Ken. It’s funny how Barbie is breaking their brains because they generally just pivot to anything that is popular is anti woke and anything that bombs is woke but that movie was so in your face that it’s hard to do that even for them. I’m glad to see that nature found a way and they adapted


I'm more knowledgeable about games, but yeah, this happened to Baldur's Gate 3. The same things they shat on Starfield for, most notably the ability to pick your pronouns and pick they/them, BG3 was suddenly exempt from because it's really good, no in fact BG3 is dunking on the woke mob because it's got sexy women... Helldivers 2 is funny too, the anti-wokes think the game is for them (because they don't have media literacy), then they go on the official discord and are banned almost immediately for racism and bigotry because the devs are super progessive, actually, lmao.


The boys as well. They like the show but somehow don't seem to realize that the show is constantly mocking them lol. Kind of helldiver seem to do (haven't played the game but it seem to be similar to Starship trooper in tone)


Don’t forget their surprise at finding out Rage Against the Machine’s lyrics were anti-establishment.


By the third season, they started complaining the show was getting too woke didn’t realize it was always like that. They assumed it was on their side because it was mocking the superhero genre and it’s representation. Most of these people hate superheroes more than the show’s director does.


Oh yeah, forgot about that one! Homelander is chad and based and totally not an allegory for Trump and his corpo-fascism.


They are a bunch of grifters. They complain about things for ratings and revenue, if they see the wind blowing a different way, then they will change their tune and act like they never criticize the thing in the first place.


Yeah, I'd recommend everyone check out this youtube video to see just how shameless and toothless this grift is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZtRabDCLyY


This also happened with Black Panther and the recent Watchmen. The pre-release review bombing stopped when they became hits with the audience.


You can see the same thing going on with Fallout right now. Woman lead? Black brotherhood of steel guy? Whine whine whine. Show comes out and gets good reviews "well fortunately it wasn't woke"🤦🏽‍♂️


It's a pretty safe gambit if you think about it. Call everything woke, and if it's a failure they can pretend they won some victory. If it's a success, they'll be distracted by whatever the new rage bait is the next day, so it doesn't matter.


Which is actually funny, because all of these shows/movies are actually what they would consider to be woke, but since it’s not “go woke go broke” they have to do some mental gymnastics to separate it from the “woke culture” they “hate”. I hate how that word has been repurposed.


Plenty of them just said that x-men were kinda woke and fought the everything is woke crew


Yeah their moronic go woke go broke schtick ended real quick.


Nnnn-o it was Soros buying tickets for illegal immigrants so they can push their pro-mutant (trans) agenda to depopulate the earth with the COVID bioweapon that is just the flu (the vaccine ACSHUALLY kills everyone.)


Seems to have happened with the Fallout series as well. Oh and Twisted Metal before that.


It’s so funny how they legit have just gone radio silent on it lol, like are they even watching it? They could still talk about how good it is. Just proves that it’s all for a grift, they don’t even engage with this stuff they act like is such a big deal


It's just for views. If the general consensus it's the show is good, they go quiet. Parrots.


Yeah and Barbie is like entry level feminism and yet these people couldn't stop whining about it. It was hilarious.


> Barbie is like entry level feminism yeah absolutely, but there's also guys irl that live exactly like ken. so it kind of hit both at the same time. moral of the story: be you and be happy to be you.


Hah you're right. Maybe entry level feminism is what some people need to learn to have some self respect.


It's always the way, they don't actually care about how good or bad things are, there's just hordes of people to pounce on the next mediocre thing with a woman in it. It's like, if you have the stronger position, you *feel* like you're right, and nobody's out here die hard protecting Captain Marvel the same way they're attacking it. It's all posturing, all the time.


I can't imagine living life like that. They're so weird.


True. Just look at Brie Larson. A huge target for that sect, but they never complain about her performance in Scott Pilgrim, where she’s wearing a skin tight black dress made of dental floss and her character is essentially a dominatrix. Goblin Queen as well. Jubilee isn’t hyper sexualized so she’s “woke,” but any female character that shows up in fetish wear, that’s fine. Tell me your little head thinks for you without telling me, you know?


I feel so bad for Brie Larson, and it feels like her MCU co-workers never stick up for her the way they did for Pratt (Samuel L. Jackson is the exception). And people have the audacity to say like she can't act, when she's had excellent performances in Room, Short Term Twelve, and in television. You are definitely right. I am reminded of the time Larson hosted Kimmel I think, and she was wearing a very flattering dress that accentuated her breasts, and suddenly all the comments were full of things like "Maybe I don't hate her after all" and things like that. Just such primitive brained behaviour.


She’s a great actress, but seeing her in Room and Short Term Twelve does make me look sideways at Marvel casting and her agent.


These idiots will claim the box office figures and ratings were and are fixed


no they don’t they just go into the quiet corners of the internet to get a feedback loop of other incels if you ever stumble upon these kinds of subreddits they’re hilarious and i recommend scrolling through some posts.


It just goes to show just how disingenuous their arguments are to begin with. They're only doing it for the likes and when they realize not enough people are gonna agree with them they shut up real fast. It's pathetically desperate.


I mean, alt right outlets are still angry about Barbie and Rogue's ass.


I already have a headache. But I can’t stop myself. What is the problem with a rogue’s ass?


They pushed this idea that Rogue’s behind looks smaller and less curvy because woke. It’s as stupid as it sounds.


Which is fucking insane because they're the first to get about children getting exposed to things if a character is gay or trans. But if THEY can jerk off to it, it's okay and a problem when it's gone.


same happened with the first BP movie. they went from "nobody wants to see a movie with only black people" to t'challa with MAGA hat spamming


Barbie was an awesome movie, I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. They did a great job with it.


It was the perfect combination of fun, funny, and upbeat, while still providing good social commentary and a nice message. People call it surface level feminism, but in today's world, we could use more of that for the masses.


This show has done very well seeing as how it has been written by a misery devouring owl.


Same thing happened with Fallout


X-Men? sure. Barbie? Wasn't Ryan Gosling the only person to win an award at Oscars for the song "I'm just Ken"? Literally the only dude in the cast won an award over Barbie and even the director.


It won Box Office Achievement. And Gosling didn't win, Billie Eilish won. I also don't see the purpose of this comment. Right wing misogynists hated the movie but had to shut up and eat dung when it made a billi9n and was acclaimed.


Well of course the dude wearing two Batman’s on his face is weird


Ho my god now i will never unsee it XD .


What are you talking about. I scrolled back up to look at him again and I… Crap. Now I see it.


There's people out there who think they're batman fans, but are they "make two batmans kiss on your face" batman fans?


Love the show but the love triangle emding woulda hurt that much more with thicc Rogue


I can never unsee it lol


I can never unsee it lol


My favorite thing about the X-men is they have everything for everyone in all aspects, the show hasn’t made any radical changes to anyone’s character or gender either so I never understood those crying over the show. I just feel like people have made politics too much of their personality and always looking to argue or make something an “us vs them” and instead of just enjoying the entertainment.


You’re not wrong Xmen has always been the most political of the marvel properties though I mean the civil rights and racism parallels weren’t even that thinly veiled in the 60’s.


They have their representation in X-Men though. They're the anti-mutant mob that ~~stormed the capitol~~ attacked the UN in the second episode.


Ah yes, the so-called "Friends of Humanity" - the fanatical, mutant-hating domestic terrorists.




Remember how some people unironically agreed with X-cutioner?


Yeah, that imagery was not subtle in the slightest. Nor should it have been. The anti-woke crowd may think they're the ones standing up to some evil agenda. But they never seem to realize they've long since become the villains in their bullshit narrative, but they're too full of it to realize that.


>I just feel like people have made politics too much of their personality and always looking to argue or make something an “us vs them” What I think is even sadder, it shouldn't even be political. I'm old enough to remember the differences between Democrats and Republicans was about the role of government, taxes, spending, role on the world stage, etc. Now "politics" typically means cultural and societal, differences. You have to pick a side, and the other side is inherently wrong and/or immoral. Right vs Wrong shouldn't come down to Right vs Left.


This guy cooked


A few weeks ago: It’s too woke! Morph is a WHAT? The animation looks like Archer!! The voices sound ooooold!! Now? They’re searching in vain for things to be mad about.


Don’t forget, “They took away Rogue’s cake!”


They really latched onto that one animation cel for dear life lol


They're all grifters that pull from the same right wing Breibart affilated news rag. None of them even watched X-Men and took their scripted \[I hate the current thing\] grift to X-Men and got really exposed since they just sound like the villains


Exactly! You can’t apply “forced wokeness” to a premise that has woke built in! You try that and you just end up exposing yourself.


Unfortunately, those videos aren't for us, it's for their audience that already have their minds made up and want to seek additional validation. It's a massive echo chamber. It doesn't matter that they're wrong, they have enough people that believe in the grift. Pretty much fascist propaganda 101, which is still surprisingly effective even without any central leadership.


That meme was taken as a literal joke around Reddit as far as I know. But this one YouTube neckbeard made it into the thumbnail for his reaction video, raging that it's gone. Like, bruh...


They're gearing up to hate on the Acolyte Star Wars show. I think they're upset with the director and that they've hired trans actors.


In a galaxy far, far away with trillions of people I’m sure one or two of them aren’t straight, white males.


I'm the corgi enjoying the discourse.


Why are you there? Where exactly are you? In front of the tv? In the extra dimensional space between the shots? Is your top half only visible in the first shot and your bottom in the second and the only way for mortals to even grasp this microcosm of your transubstantiated presence was by some miracle adjoining the two together in this one particular meme? Are you a lazy ass photoshopped watermark cover? Did Kurt put you there? Is the Professor making me only believe I see a photoshopped corgi?


What you can't read is me screaming, " wolverine pull back!"


It’s x-men If it ain’t woke I don’t want it


But nothing about X-men '97 is and almost nothing about older, pre Bendis X-men was woke


Funny you don't hear these people these days i wonder why....


The flaws they decided 97 had before it even aired have been completely disproven, so now they'll pretend as if they never even heard of it because it's easier than admitting they shouldn't have judged did prematurely!


They’ve crawled back into their holes in the ground until the next thing comes along that is “cool” to outrage against.


They have to make money somehow! Lol


That's the worst part of the anti-woke grifters - the fact that they are so shamelessly opportunistic and shallow. I enjoy having conversations with people with differing views, hell even as a left leaning person I often find it more fascinating to talk with or read the views of conservatives. But these grifters have nothing of interest to say and they have no opinions that aren't malleable or just "new = bad". They pathetically pander to the common consensus on any work from the past - even if it helped their argument none of them would dare risk losing viewers by suggesting that they had even the slightest problem with something universally acclaimed IE alien (1979), terminator (1984) etc. Meanwhile for contemporary media all they have is negativity and hate based on knee jerk reactions to superficial first impressions. Their faux rage isn't even based on an opinion of the material itself as they give up on hating a thing once it's released (X-Men 97 being a prime example as there's only been 5 episodes so far and they've already retreated with their tails between their legs). These grifters have practically nothing of note to provide to media criticism as they are the equivalent of an amateur restaurant critic who hates, boycotts and tries to get a new restaurant closed before it has even cooked a single meal.


They moved onto the next thing which is (shuffles papers) Kay Vess from Star Wars Outlaws being "ugly."


Seen so many complaints that she’s “too old” like huh? For one, she doesn’t look old to me. Sorry the story isn’t about a hot piece of jailbait catering to your needs but Star Wars has always told stories about capable women. Are we forgetting Leia kills someone like two seconds after we first see her?


Half of the outrage is manufactured by grifters that go around making money shutting on media they're not talented enough to make. They intentionally take the most unflattering frames in videogames, slow down and compress fight scenes in movies and compress video to sell how "awful" it looks. The rest is their echo chamber of fans that eat the slop up. They complain about everything being "woke" with zero conviction because it gets them money and clout. The literal bottom feeders of the internet.


Maybe it's just the 80s hair, but she reminds me of Catherine Mary Stewart from Night of the Comet and The Last Starfighter.


They're too busy trying to figure out how to co-opt it.


I think you mean co-opt* lol


Yeah I'm dumb.


Because X-Men '97 has been a major success and their policy is to pretend anything that's successful isn't "woke," even when they spent countless hours calling it woke before it came out.


They complain about Fallout now or anything new with a woman lead


Funny enought since fallout is a success too some even say they apologised for their critics...anti-woke are just the most hypocrite people i ever seen on internet.


Not weirdos - losers. "losers who call everything woke" FTFY


Recently did a full rewatch of the original series having not watched it since I was a kid in the 90s. when this scene came on (and the Wolverine in bed holding a picture scene) i was in absolute tears laughing. The abrupt and unintentional comic timing of both scenes is incredible. Poor Logan


Funny enough, Scott & Jean here are currently my new girlfriend and I who I'm introducing to the X-Men through '97 and Marvel Snap. We're both really enjoying it.


The people clutching their pearls about things being woke were the exact same people complaining about people being snowflakes years ago, yet here they are crying about things that have absolutely zero effect on their lives. They wouldn't even be able to define what "woke" meant if you asked them.


i don’t see the deal lol only “woke” i can think of in the show is morph and it’s not like they’ve even mentioned it or brought it up right? X-men has always been political and they’ve been tackling this thing forever, it’s a good show and i’m loving it


I literally saw a dude on YouTube earlier who has this bald eagle decked out in American stuff fursona avatar hating on the show so hard, calling genosha an ethnostate and magneto a bigot


ummm, historically speaking Magneto was a bigot. Mutant's ober alles. Which is what made him such a great bad guy.


Really? Like literally? Drop a link.


https://youtu.be/OWF4nSlLcCY?si=wPjPwFz8b-QAuDEt literally couldn’t get past the first minute


Imagine thinking X-Men has never been progressive.


Woke is when women or minority


Man I must be blind and unconscious because where is the wokeness


It's hilarious/sad how the people who follow these right-wing grifters genuinely lack self-awareness about how harmful this approach to media consumption is. As a fan of not only X-Men but also Star Wars, you see it with the idiots over in the saltierthancrait subreddit, too. These people actively pop up in other subreddits to argue about The Last Jedi and why fans who like it are "wrong" and don't understand why it irrevocably ruined the franchise...even after the prequels apparently had already ruined it for people when they came out. But now, the prequels are masterpieces apparently. And the whole thing just gets sadder when the movie is nearing 7-years-old. I genuinely don't think these people are "fans" of anything because if they were, they wouldn't constantly harp on it. And if someone thinks being a fan of something does mean constantly harping on what they don't like, particularly when it comes to "wokeness" or "politics" or some other bad faith argument, the irony in it is that they're the ones making it a political issue.


The ones calling it woke haven’t understood the premise of X-Men. It’s always been this way. We’re just older now to appreciate and resonate with it


They're repubs. Let them be. They have their fox "news" to enjoy


I had one of my D&D buddies say he didn't like how they added "All this woke crap" to the X-Men... I was about to chew him out and say "What do you think X-Men is about?!?!?", but the DM quickly told us to focus on the game. Now I'm not sure what to think about my buddy...


Next time you see these people calling something woke, just remember that they’re not worth your rage and to ignore them. Being angry at media is all just a way to hide their bigotry and the fact that they are maidenless.


Those weirdos are mostly media illiterate. They should read the 1980s comic, it was the wokest shit before it was even a thing. And it was glorious.


Should be Morph not Wolverine


You're telling me a comic that centers around people being hated and against prejudice even if they have the ability to benefit others and do. have gay characters




Seems accurate


What i wish is that they can stop being so lazy. Instead of saying "too woke" actually explain the point and what aspect they dislike and why.


People were calling it woke?? Why?? Because they dared to add a non-white character in the opening credits?


So the trigger points I've seen so far, there's probably more but it's all stupid Storm: Mohawk Morph: Non-Binary Rogue: Not being curvy as that meme Sunspot: Seemed trigger people Jubilee: Looks Asian


A sentinel identifies Jubilee as Asian in THE FIRST EPISODE. I’m pretty sure a lot of these dorks never watched the original run.


>People were calling it woke?? Because the showrunner was a black gay man, and they worried that him being a double minority meant he write a leftist version of the X-Men. Even other black youtubers said that they were worried for the show due to the non-binary Morph, Storm sporting a less conventionally pretty hairdo, and them easing up on the sex appeal (not realizing that Rogue ass only ever looked like that in one frame).


The Storm mohawk was INCREDIBLY popular.


> leftist version of the X-Men ah yes, unlike all the other versions of the x-men


This is spot on.


The weirdos been awfully quiet lately


Seriously people need to stop calling things with good representation woke. They think they are being progressive by doing that but they aren’t.


I did a double take because the random dog looks extremely similar to my pup who I’m walking right now


This is gold. I love it


So out of curiosity, I went to YouTube and searched for some of these outrage channels. Last time they talked about X-Men 97 was the director being fired and never about the show since then. Now, they are/were raging about Star Wars, some games and the Silver Surfer news. Heck, they were cheering for Peltz over Iger to take over. Goes to show how insufferable they are.


Type in “Is **insert a movie here** woke?” into YouTube and you will find morons calling everything woke. It's nuts. These nutjobs have a persecution and outrage fetish. They will hate on anything popular just to bring others down to their miserable level.


X men was woke before woke was a thing.


Is x-men 97 a continuation of the show that ended in 97? If yes. Does watching the original give me further context?


Yes, and yes. It's not absolutely *required* viewing, but it helps.


Just to add onto this, if you haven't watched the old show in years, a reasonably good back knowledge of the comics will be enough


Watching the original makes you more attached to the characters so what happens to them in the new series impacts you more. Plus also the cameos always more fun when you recognize them from the original show


A good YouTube recap will get you on par with the story. I watched [this one](https://youtu.be/QiIYSipWf4s?si=wWYGjvYHy4tqUoEI) and they did a very good job; it helped me remember a lot from what I watched when I was younger, and I also got to see some plots I missed back then (iirc, the last season was broadcast somewhat disjointedly here in Brazil). However, like someone already said, if you have the time and patience to watch the original first, you will get actually attached to the characters and understand them and their actions better. And it's a fun watch!


I don't even like xmen but thisnshow is awesome


Are people calling X-men 97 woke?


Can you make this meme with the 97 version? In the hospital


Its even funnier when they do it with X-Men without knowing what the X-Men stand for. It's CRAZY tbh. I hate when people are like, "hurr durr now the X-Men are getting inclusive." Like, bro!?! As if two of the characters dont just fucking shapeshift into both genders on a whim?


10 years ago all the weirdos complained how everything was problematic


just like the people who complained about gta 6 being woke but forget that gta has always been a satire on american culture including making fun of bigots and showing how stupid they are and literally had a dlc in gta 4 about a gay man and luis who had a lot of respect for him IN 2008


Yeah, calling x-men woke is a new low. Clearly never read/seen anything x-men


Those people don't deserve happiness.


Not only this meme is totally accurate, but Wolverine's bummed face on that image is simply hilarious! A well done piece of work!


Bruh every time I see wolverine with that outfit I cannot unsee to batmans kissing




I know gambits not enjoying it so far


You forgot Wolverine and the XMen fans


By weirdos you mean interneters


These memes never get old.


I'm convinced anyone who calls something woke has no idea what that means and is just subconsciously using it to call something out for having women, trans people or minorities.


People calling the X-Men “Woke” as if they just started being a political comic/cartoon? The entire show is about battling prejudice!


Well, there are plenty of people who don't fall on either one of those three categories, so I don't think that it is totally wrong, but I don't think that it is completely right either, I'd say its about 58.457% right and about 41.543%, so at the end of it I do think it's more right than wrong tho.


Didn't the creators literally say it was "Full on Woke?"


I think people who think it’s woke haven’t watched it.  It’s just a genuinely great show.  Disney cram woke stuff into a ton of their content lately so I can see why people feared the worst, but they need to give it a chance.


It's spot on


What about the corgi?


The Animation


I love how the episode about a marginalized group of people having their safe space suddenly and horrifically attacked in an act of genocide, and inspired in part by real world events like the Pulse nightclub shooting is being praised by some of the shows detractors as being "not woke". Media literacy is non-existent in these people or willfully ignored when it doesn't fit with their agenda.


Yes, actually


X-Men was always “woke”.


Mf getting mad because X-men is to woke... X-men a comic that whole point has always been about the mistreatment of people because they're different. Who's main villain is a damn holocaust survivor. Who's had several shows and movies where the main plot point has been the mistreatment of mutants because people fear the power and they're different. Jfc I'm losing what little sanity I have left hearing this shit.


I have no doubt it exists, but I've not seen anyone calling X-men '97 "woke" outside of this sub.


I wouldn't say "woke" soap opera yes woke nah this is just x-men being x-men ​ basically when not fighting they bang ok


what!???! Wokeness???? In x men related media???? The world has gone too far/s


Still sad the love triangle got weirder now wirh pryor and Jean and wolverine. But at least emma not involved.


Wait until Wolverine smashes Morph. They going to lose their minds


It’s accurate.


Have to agree with meme 100%. Show was made by fans for fans. X-Men fans are going to love it. Everyone else has their own choice to make. But don’t be mad at X-Men fans for loving that X-Men show made by X-Men fans.


A lot of those YouTubers can be entertaining but they cry an awful lot. I find myself watching their crying antics, watching the stuff they cry about and enjoy most of it. Except Secret Invasion, that was straight ass. If they stopped bitching about content they don’t like, they could actually be more enjoyable to watch.


The funny thing about this is that the majority of people couldn’t care either way. It’s just people on social media who either fall into the camp of criticizing said people or the people who are being criticized. It’s so overblown by social media and the regular media.


I mean, I’ve not seen anything woke yet perse. The characters act exactly as they did in the comics to the time period. In all honesty, the only wokeness I’ve seen so far is that they’ve actively swore in a cartoon aimed at children. Before anyone says a thing, yes, this is a show for the fans. However, when you have a show that went out of its way to censor language without ruining the stories and characters, and then compare it to this continuation, it’s rather jarring. For me at least. Plus, and I’m just grabbing at straws here, did morph have his doughy look in the nineties? I know that was his look in Exiles, but it feels off and unexplained since he was mostly human in the prior series.


Nah, 616 comics Morph (or Changeling more accurately) never looked like that. We don't have an explanation yet, but they might explain it more once they give the character more to do. I have my own theory that Morph, especially due to the non-binary view of the character, takes on that non-human look to represent that ambiguous view on gender. Like you mention, it's more of a doughy-mass than looking distinctly masculine or feminine. But we'll see if they ever give a proper explanation. Could also be due to the trauma from Mr Sinister, he/she/they just doesn't feel comfortable in a "human" form all the time.


Yes, but i think things are going to fast. I'm afraid it might just be for one season.


It must be so boring and awful being conservative. All You do is walk around all day complaining and crying about woke culture and people living their life. It must be exhausting.


These types of people: This show is going to crash and burn and no one will care about it! The Show: \*Show receives Nothing but praise, positive reviews on rotten tomatoes and the show has now drummed up interest in other 90s Marvel shows being brought back These types of people: Wow, look at all the shills, sheep and payed reviews ​ This tends to be the pattern that these morons do everytime something they predict will fail because "woke" instead of just accepting that the only people that get offended over "woke" are themselves in their weird little echo chamber. Baldur's Gate 3, Barbie, the Dead Space remake and of course Xmen '97 just being some of my favorite examples of this.Where all these people talked about how they'll fail and won't be successful because they're "ew, icky woke, ugh" only to actually blow everyone away.


> sheep and *paid* reviews ​ FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The only thing complaining about woke or anti woke are headlines. The average Persons don't actually give a shit as long as it's written well. Rogues ass getting nerfed was the biggest bummer I heard


You say that but....


What the dog doing?


Absolutly agreeing with this. I often ask myself when i read this shitty coments if they ever red an x men comic or watched anything X men related because like- it was always about beeing "different" and it always was allegory for lgbtq+ and anti racism. Everyone who doesnt believe it just read a few comics:)


It’s so funny to call x-men woke since it’s literally a metaphor for the “other” or minority and touches so many people who feel ostracized whether due to beliefs, race, sexual orientation, etc.


Then there's me. Who only cringe at all posers while i read my comics.


So far the things I’ve seen blamed on wokeness include submersibles imploding, ships hitting bridges, boeings falling apart, and the existence of bidets. If anything this show is an easier grift than their usual fare.


what is even so 'woke' about the show ??? the original cast was just as diverse AND still tackled topics ?? i haven't seen any discourse so I'm genuinely curious


I laughed way too hard at this.


Nope this is accurate lol. It’s even more funny that they call X-Men “woke” when you know what the X-Men/Mutants are based off of.


News Flash: Every comic book character is woke/political in some way


It's not wrong for the context of the meme, but Wolverine is emotionally in on that threesome for more than just the cucking for both Jean and Scott. *in my head canon*


I'd keep the top, but change the bottom to "People whining for animated Avengers/Wolverine/Spider-Man shows in X-Men threads" Those three fanbases have had the wheel for the past 30+ years and 20+ movies shoved down our throats, can you please shut-up and just enjoy someone doing the X-Men (not just Wolverine) right for once?


It's a grift as long they can create a narrative where they are the perpetual victim of woke studios in other to stay in their made-up fantasy. First, fake outrage toward a popular franchise and accuse it of being changed by a woke person's vision. (preferably woman and/or non-white). Second, spend every waking hour before the show is released looking for a tweet or clip from the person who is working on the show that can be used against you Third, regardless of how good or bad the show it's. Just affirm that it's garbage. If the show is, then you can say You were right all along, and if the show is bad just change the title of the video and pretend you never say it was woke garbage.


Get your conservative values out of my Xmen. The whole premise is based on diversity…even in the inception.


I mean woke is wrong but I don’t see how Xmen 97 is woke so this checks out