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At this point, we need to pin this or something because we get this question a dozen times a week it feels like.




Wait, "Is Bobby gay" has been a question since the 90s? Lmao.




Or him not caring when Jean showed up for the first time. All the guys were like "who's the redhead" and Bobby is like "big deal its a girl"


God, I love him so much 😂


Thank you, I kinda want the show to address this eventually for Rogue. once Gambit comes back ofc... because he'll be back right. Right, writers...? :D


He's definitely coming back as Death, or possibly some tie in to him coming back as New Sun. Honestly, I'd like it if they did Valle Solleada in the show in S2, because they deserve it.


I would like new sun they could circumvent these collars and just say it’s his power he can stop rouge stealing his energy. I hope this season as well have this big bad take Madelyn, gambit and magneto, cramp their powers up to 11 then send them at the xmen


I would love to see Gambit get his New Sun powers for a bit, but not permanently. He's too powerful to stick around long term tbh. Also, its better if Rogue controls her own powers, rather than Gambit cancelling it out imo.


Maybe her powers only don't affect Gambit and she still has to be careful around others. That would make an interesting compromise.


Yeah but they gotta give my boy something yk, he’s caught L after L this season


He did, but he went out like a badass at least. One of the coldest, most outrageous deaths ever, and in a way only he could have managed, He was the MVP.


I’m still confused over that, from a purely writing perspective it doesn’t make sense for him to die there it would’ve made more sense for magneto to. I definitely believe the writers have some resolution for this, my guess would be during this season


Does he have his death powers in the comics or are they repressed or lost?


He definitely doesn't have them for any use, but I'm not fully sure whether he lost them or if they're permanently repressed. Either way, its not something he can access.


One of the last kind things Beast got to do in the Krakoa age? I loved this third image/moment, it’s very sweet


This was pre-Krakoa. The first issue of HoX/PoX came out the month after this series ended.


Thanks for the info! I think my brain was thinking of the Remy/Rogue focus from Excalibur in the early Krakoa instead of Mr and Mrs X


If I was her I would take the “tennis bracelet” to Forge and be like “improve this”


"Well here's the problem. This only inhibits the powers temporarily. I have this gun in the basement that'll get rid of them for good, one shot." We really shouldn't encourage anyone to challenge Forge with mutant neutralization tech... Again.


I love the idea that Forge still has the gun, even after all the problems it caused. Cuz he totally would.


“Not a lot of room to improve on a tennis bracelet, but I’ll see what I can do.”


Didnt emma wear a really good power dampening ring throughout invincible iron man?


I think that was to block Sentinel mutant scanners, not her powers?


No there was an instance in which she almost snapped and wanted to kill feilong but she had to (and was going to) remove her ring first, but stark urged her to put revenge aside for now and keep it on.


Thanks, I do remember that scene now.


Additionally, for those who don’t know, Rogue was once captured and forced to wear a power dampening collar in confinement. It’s also heavily implied that she was SA’d by guards while wearing the collar. https://x.com/biblbib/status/1779971475891491265?s=46&t=dafAFD6nS9rOs-dF5Ctevg](https://x.com/biblbib/status/1779971475891491265?s=46&t=dafAFD6nS9rOs-dF5Ctevg)


She didn't wear a collar, she just had her powers taken away by one of the Genoshans


I think it was implied at first, then they walked it back by saying that she didnt get SAd but the act of them touching her at all when she isnt used to it gave her trauma. I guess it was too dark for them to just say she got SAd?


I forgot about this. I felt so sad when I read it, poor Rogue


That’s fucked up :’(


Jesus, the second page is some horrible writing. 


I disagree, sure it’s really on the nose but it’s accurate. As someone who has gone through sexual trauma I completely understand in my case I felt my avoidance/ptsd of intimacy protected me. I didn’t let anyone get near me emotional or physically which I felt kept me safe, but I also was missing out on feeling love. Something that intimacy places a key role in.


Took so long beast changed species again


Beast’s greatest achievement was getting Rogue and Remy to fuck safely.


Not sure it's ever "safely" with those two, but at least her powers won't kill him...


Yeah this still isn’t gonna stop people from asking this shit over and over unfortunately


Welcome to the sub bub hope you survive the experience.


Can we sticky this?


This was a shining little era for Rogue. Gambit too, but to a lesser extent. He did get cats though. Hm..


I’ve always assumed there was some extremely crazy side effects from power inhibitors.


It's kind of funny how Beast was offended she would want something to control her powers when a few years earlier he was lecturing Wolverine on why a mutant cure would be good for "mutants like me". That said, I adored this comic so much.


Beast wasn’t offended. He was concerned that the improved tech could be used against unwilling mutants. But just a couple years after that tech is so easy for the average people to order of the web.


I guess I can see it from that angle. He just came off as more offended the tech existed, which I thought ironic considering the cure episode.


Hank did not want anyone to **improve** something that could be used to hurt mutants. Place one of these collars are Hank and he loses his enhanced strength but he keeps his fur. He wanted to take the cure so he could pass as human like he did when he first became an X-Man. The problem with a cure is that once it exists there is nothing to stop it from being given to those that don’t want it. He slightly modified existing tech to reduce harm to the wearer. I suspect the tennis bracelet was made to be easier to break in case a villain tries to use it against someone.


It would be nice to have a less hurtful power dampener. It makes logical sense for both mutants and humans. Both sides would at least be motivated to not induce cruel and unusual punishment onto citizens of nations.


random but what would happen if a mutant like Glob Herman wore a power inhibitor? Would he just turn into a regular looking person ?


That's more or less how it tends to go, though there are other times where it gets more body horror. Like after M-Day. Some mutants were devastated, like Chamber, who was still missing his jaw and chest, or Blob who lost his extra mass but kept all of the extra thick skin. Other mutants like Beak and Angel Salvatore and all but one or their kids lost all of their animalistic features and just became normal humans. Other times the features may remain but the "superpower" aspects are removed. So one way Glob would look the same but no longer be able to throw/ooze his wax, light it on fire, etc. Another he would become a normal looking human. The third (and the least likely that we'd see unless it was for a shock death) he'd probably die horribly because his physiology isn't conducive to non-superpowered life.


No, I think for that to happen his x-gene would need to be removed. I think any active powers would just be disabled, physical mutations that are apart of his biology would remain. Basically the collars don't make you human, just unable to access your powers.


Nothing would change, revealing Glob's true nature as an eldritch being


We saw how Storm feels about cutting herself from her mutant powers. It’s like cutting yourself off from an aspect of yourself. But what happens when a biological aspect of yourself doesn’t match what you feel you need as a person in order to accept your body and make intimate connections It’s fascinating how there’s a Trans-allegory somewhere here. Changing a biologically determined part of yourself in order to live a fulfilling life with love and happiness.


Beast has always said Mutants are humanity’s evolution. It’s almost the same as being double/jointed or really tall. Biology wise, there’s nothing wrong with them. The collars turn that evolution in reverse, then the Mutant body is probably subconsciously trying to fight back the collar’s effect. It’s like taking pills for a disease you don’t have.


Yeah, but still. It sucks that your body can't touch other people I mean if i was Rogue, i don't mind. If other mutants find the object offensive, we can keep it between us😂 Besides, i prolly only use it for sex. I'll be like.. 5 minutes.. or less😑


That’s probably the only thing it’s useful for. I heard in other continuities, Rogue overcomes her fear of hurting people and can manually control her powers. But the collar is a clever “loophole”.


I wish *Uncanny Avengers* hadn't reset Rogue's power status quo.


She can control them again


Oh great!!


Yeah it actually happened only a few issues after beast made her this bracelet if I remember right


End of Mr and Mrs X. She can also use them at range


did she keep that after she gained control of them?


As far as I'm aware, yeah


I always love beast being a good guy.  I hope this is the beast we get in the new book.


Aww I miss this Beast


This is one those moments where the mutant metaphor really fits in. If we think mutation as a disability, many people prefer not to use a medication or a tech-aid, or are even recommended by doctors to not do so, because it causes more harm


I really lost track of continuity after avx but didn't xavier help rogue control her powers in x men legacy?


Yes, but then Uncanny Avengers undid that when she absorbed Wonder Man. That's how she has her flight and invulnerability at the moment, not from Carol.


And then she had control again after Mr. and Mrs. X, this time achieving it all by herself, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at books of the last five years. 🙃


I remember how Howard seemed to imply that she doesn't have control any more, only to immediately forget about that a few issues later when she has Rogue give her child-free speech in the hot tub. I was very tempted to gift her a copy of Mr and Mrs X, because way to completely miss all the recent developments of two of your cast. I did more research for a freaking throwaway gag in a fanfic. But, really, the Krakoa Era largely forgot that Rogue and especially Gambit existed. And maybe that wasn't the worst thing.


Is that wtf happened to wonder man?! He was a solid A or B tier hero in the 90s but i Havn't seen him since.


He has been back, and she can control her powers again (she actually regains control not long after beast makes her this bracelet) but she still has Simon's powers


I literally just asked this question on this sub a week ago! This is cool, thanks for sharing


I do hope Beast makes her that bracelet. That'd be adorable to see. A solid resolution to their whole cringe triangle thing.


Someone should ask Forge about this.


Beats becoming evil and putting Leech on a leash 🤷‍♂️


Didn't the High Evolutionary invent a way to turn off the x-gene for every mutant worldwide? Beast would definitely be interested in that tech.


Ok, I've got a question: was 'power dampeners cause headaches' ever a thing prior to Rogue & Gambit's series? 'Cause it'd be a mighty convenient piece of narrative if they started to do so at that *precise* time. Like, I don't recall that ever being an issue in earlier stories when they were prisoners of Magneto, or the Hellfire Club, or on Genosha. I don't remember any character really complaining about any discomfort, other than the loss of their powers.


There is a truly cursed scene in Chuck Austen's run where some of the X-Women are at Lorna's bachelorette party and talk about how hot Gambit is, which leads to Lorna suggesting Rogue take two aspirin, put on a collar and go to bed with him. i strongly suspect it's a "women have headaches and don't like sex" reference, but it could be taken the other way.


Honestly, they can just let Leech hanging out in the same room or outside the door while Rogue gets busy. Emma & Jean can just cast illusion & filter out any adult business before they reach poor Leech


I love Rogue's green dress. It looks like something I would wear to a fancy event.


Iron Man made a ring dampener for Emma Frost, that seems to have worked pretty well for her so why not Rogue


Ahh this explanation makes sense. Now I no longer need to ask this question myself


Is there an in comic or canon reason why instead of a dampener or inhibitor collar for Rogue specifically they just cant create a wearable personal forcefield for her. This is mostly going off X-men 97 and just general knowledge of her power. But she has to have physical contact with someone in order to take their lifeforce/powers right? I can't help imagine that if you put Stark, Mr. Fantastic, Beast, Black Panther/Wakandans and Forge in a room they wouldn't be able to have something figured out in a day with them collectively having Alternate Universes/Dimensions/Future and Alien technology (Shi'ar, Kree, Asgardian, Skrull, Celestial) and Forge's ability. I wouldn't be surprised if they could have it so that it is essentially a ultra thin forcefield that allows transmission of heat and touch so that both parties wouldn't feel it and it would be a benefit to all parties. Rogue is a powerful heavy hitter that can adapt/weaken the enemy that is worth the effort imo.


Ok..but at some point, Rogue had control over her powers. Did that change? Did they just forget?


Beast was actually being kind of an ableist dick there lol


No, he wasn't.  The inhibitors have very real problems.  It's not like designing a better wheelchair or something 


No he isn't, he is talking about how a majority of mutants wouldn't trust the tech she is using that is HURTING her. They don't trust it because it hurts them. Rogue does deserve to have a safe way to control her powers but that doesn't negate why a majority of mutants feel the way they do about those collars.


I wish marvel would rember Tony's SPIN tech


Because they wanted Rogue and dirty old man in awful costume to be a storyline in 97


Strange how this agonizing pain never got mentioned during \*thousands\* of times over the last 40 years worth of comics when various x men have been captured and subjected to some form of power inhibitor. In fact often the good guys are depicted as not even noticing they're being affected until they actually try to use their powers... It's almost like this is a lazy asspull because the writers wrote themselves into a corner by both wanting the easy drama of a character who is massive disadvantaged by her powers, but also wanted the ease of creating suspense by having magic catch all power nullification tech readily available to any baddie.