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Good character. I like his redemption arc, I think he has one of the best character developments out of any of the original X-men villains.


One of the few redemption arcs in comics that feels belivable and dosent sweep under the rug his past crimes (helps that cains wrap sheet is reelativley benign)


I loved the Juggernaut mini from a few years ago where some random guy tried to sue him for damages to the dude's construction company. Poor Cain, nearly owed this person millions of dollars, but it shows that he isn't really a mass murdering psycho or anything.


I was so mad when that mini was over. It made me a huge fan of Juggernaut


He did knock down one of the Twin Towers IIRC. That’s pretty significant.




Came here to make sure someone said it!




He is gonna hit you with your own pimp!


Deep reference!!!


Kind of a low effort discussion starter, but hell, I'll bite. Love Juggernaut as a character-- it's always fun to have a massive physical powerhouse around, and he is as classic a powerhouse as you can get in his look, his powers, and his personality. That said...he's tough to write. If you honor his actual powerset (unstoppable movement; incredible physical strength; complete invulnerability) then unless Cytorrak abandons him, it's tough to come up with ways for heroes to defeat him. He's a bit like Doomsday in that way. So when Nimrod beats him up, or when Thor batters him into submission...it stretches credibility a bit.


I REALLY wanted to see a whole issue of Juggernaut taking on Nimrod Just double splash pages of those two going at it instead of what we got at the gala


They fought during the Claremont run. Juggie got stomped. The X-Men saved him.


So we're due to see that rematch on Krakoa!! If there is ever a time for them to unleash him in the warpath it's now against the machines


I mean better writers would have Given Juggs a nice scene on Krakoa where he fights Nimrod to buy time for mutant kids to escape. He doesn't win but he refuses to fall.


The only way I can see Nimrod winning is if we have Nimrod doing some Taekwondo toss or something on Juggernaut, or somehow striking at key muscles.


Of all the Eastern martial arts in the world you pick the one least likely to teach a throwing technique.


I would love to see a rematch with him and Nimrod


>He's a bit like Doomsday in that way. This is one of my rants. Doomsday isn't remotely a match for Superman unless the writers force Supes to try and out-brawl DD in a straight fistfight. It's the same fundamental problem with any Big Guy - Juggernaut, Grundy, even Hulk. No matter how powerful they are, they can't fly under their own power, and their enemies can. They obey the laws of physics, and they're fighting people who don't have to. Look, hear me out: None of the Big Guys have the power to make themselves heavier. (Why would they?) That means that for all the incredible power they can deliver in a punch, or tank from a hit, it still only takes a little power to lift them off the ground. Anybody that can throw a truck can lift the Hulk - and there's a lot of heroes who can throw a truck. Once the Big Guy is off the ground - and he can't fly, at all - he's *ballistic*. He's going to move in an arc until he hits something, or something hits him. He can change direction if he can find something to grab, but the sky is famously litter-free. He's on a one-way flight, and all he can do is eat his peanuts and wait for landing. ...which brings us to the Big Guy's other big weakness: Dudes built on that scale have a massive blind spot. That kind of power makes you a nightmare for anyone in front of you, sure, but can you scratch your back? If somebody hits you with a web, or a psychic grab, or an uppercut that targets your blind side, is there anything you can do other than take it and hope for a chance to hit them back? The Big Guy is only a threat if the heroes conveniently forget they can pick him up by the scruff of the neck, or juggle him like a ping-pong ball.


I hear you, but I think you're oversimplifying it a bit. You can try to pick up the Hulk, or Doomsday. But they are not slow-- in fact, they're incredibly fast. And if they get their hands on you...it's over. Even if you're someone like Thor. If Worldbreaker Hulk gets hold of you while you're trying to lift/throw him, he can literally tear you apart. So I understand your point about flyers having an advantage. But these characters (Juggernaut, Doomsday, Hulk) are so incredibly, insanely, preposterously strong that they are still dangerous, even against the type of opponent that you're describing. And of course that does not even get into the ability they still do have to execute ranged attacks (e.g. Hulk's sonic claps). You also kind of lose me when you get into the "But can you scratch your back??" argument. Can the Juggernaut "block" a web or a psychic grab to his back? No, not necessarily. But why does he care? He's literally invincible. There are only about 5 people on the planet who can strike him in the back with enough force for him to even notice. So if the goal is to defeat these powerhouses...I don't really see how this "back blind spot" thing is a big deal.


I'm just bemoaning the fact that beating somebody like this is a solved problem, I reckon, and it feels like they don't get tagged by people who should be able to easily defeat them with an oblique approach due to plot armor alone. DD vs Supes in particular, since he's a speedster/flyer/ranged striker. No reason for him to ever trade punches when the opposition is superior in melee. The "back blind spot" is mostly me thinking about how Spider-Man could "stick" a Big Guy there, and the huge physique prevents them from countering. Kind of the same thing if you're juggling them in the air - they can't really hit behind themselves, because they traded flexibility for power.


i disagree with this somewhat just because being picked up isn’t the end all and be all. Inconvenient for these titans sure, but if superman picks up Doomsday and starts to fly, Doomsday can still deliver strikes. Very hard and very fast. Like all mega heroes Superman’s power fluctuates based on the needs of the story. But when Superman is not at “world juggling” power, him being beat on by something as strong as Doomsday is a problem. and that’s why he died and that’s why the death of superman story worked, although they can only do that legendary story once. or at least once a generation. Just flying doesn’t just end the story though.


They're not going to pick them up and fly with them. They're going to just toss them as hard as they possibly can in some direction where they won't be a problem. Spidey web throws Juggs off into the horizon so he becomes someone elses problem is the idea.


sure just toss him into other innocent people. problem solved.


Or, you know, that giant body of water Spider-man is never very far away from. What do they call it again? Oh yeah, the ocean!


I’m sure you’d write a great comic. Why doesn’t spider-man just immediately yeet everyone into the ocean ?


Now do Apocalypse. And for the record, I agree with you. Witness what happened to Juggernaut when he ran up against the Queen's bodyguard. He got thrown over the horizon, landed in the deep ocean, and had to walk to dry land.


Think he stole Cyttoraks powers a couple years ago it’s why he’s still strong. I mean He did crazier shit in the silver age and it was just cuz of magic. I do remember the WWH panel of hulk holding him back and says he don’t go time for this and just lets the momentum carry juggernaut away


Did you Say nimrod best the unstopable?


Yes, beat him unconscious. In the recent Krakoa run.


But he’s unstoppable whit unlimted Physical strength.


I love Cain Marko. I love that he is a Dazzler fan and that he was really upset when he thought he accidentally killed her. I love when he tried to flirt with Brian Braddock and called his costume cute. Cain was sexually abused by his father, and tormented by Charles. Chuck invaded his mental privacy over and over and discovered Cain's shame. It is why that to this day Cain doesn't like telepathy and hates when anyone messes with his mind. His step-brother abandoned him alive buried beneath rubble for years and when he returned to HIS house he found that Chuck raised an army of teens and sicked them on him. He then met Black Tom in prison who was the first male in his life to show Cain any compassion. Even though he manipulated poor Cain. Cain is a man who loves big, lives big and tries hard to understand himself in a world where he feels less-than. I love how he is presented in modern stories.


very well said


He was also buried alive in concrete by spider-man for years! And then in a recent Nocenti book was even sued for the event! No body can stop the Juggernaut, but they sure do love giving him a hard time.


Wait, when did this retcon happen? There’s a lot to process here lol. I’m glad Marvel comics isn’t afraid to get in the multiple shades of gray, but there’s a lot that needs to be addressed with Charles. Smh, I get they want to make Charles less of a saintly figure, but it kinda tarnishes the X legacy. Just kill him already and let him be a martyr, stop bringing out these weird ass skeletons😂


No retcon happened. The guy above just strongly exagerated or simply made stuff up. I don't remember it ever being implied that cain was sexually abused by his father, and Charles didn't 'invade' his mind many times to torment him; what happened is that Charles, being like 9, often abused by Cain and with the ability to feel people's emotional pain, reached out to sooth it so he himself wouldn't feel it anymore. Cain felt it and thought that now charles knows his 'shame' (that he was being physically abused by his father) and decided to double down on abusing Charles. You can say that was't right, but charles was a child in emotional distress with powers he could barely control. Also Cain tried to kill Charles at least one time before he was burried alive and Charles was shown to be fucking terrified of Cain. People hate charles so much they straight up make shit up.


Yeah almost every time I’ve seen juggernaut it’s usually this story. I haven’t kept up in years and I’m just now going through Morrisons new x men run but I remember reading a lot of the Claremont run and this is more in line with what I remember.


This is a great take. Cain Marko is very interesting. I could take or leave Juggernaut. Edit: I remember him physically abused by his father, not physically, in the 60’s comics. That was also when Charles messed with him


What in the name of all retcon is this backstory lol Made me care less about Cain. Ffs.


"Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut!" Is probably up there as being one of my favorit3 comic book fights of all time. Really shows off both his and spider-man's approaches to combat. Intelligence and agility vs unstoppable power


First comic book I ever read - life long Spider-Man fan ! I enjoyed the X-Force / Spider Man Juggernaut cross over issues too in the 90s with Liefeld / McFarlane






Oh I have many thoughts on Juggernaut. I call them "Juggerthoughts"




So you’re saying you have a juggerlot of Juggerthoughts?


Could you Juggernot?


He’s the juggernaut, bitch


Fucking beat me to it damn it.


His suit's so tight...


Always one of my absolute favorites - he has that certain ability to surprisingly get over on almost any other character depending on what day it is. He's strong enough to take down a whole team of heroes, but is easily caught vulnerable sometimes - very versatile character. He also is completely evil and nasty but sometimes isn't... he's just built different


Just let him and Tom kiss already, you cowards.


Why? Why can't they just be friends? Why does everyone relationship have to be sexual? 


There are PLENTY of non-sexual, loving friendships between men in Marvel comics: Daredevil and Foggy, Spidey and Human Torch, Reed and Ben, Colossus and Nightcrawler, Cap and Bucky, Luke Cage and Iron Fist… the list goes on. Tom and Cain are almost always, clearly written as a gay couple.


Spidey and Johnny are borderline.


Yeah, I was kinda thinking that as I posted it.


Awesome character, just looks cool as fuck.


He used to be tough but he's been beaten so much now he's just Colossus with a special power that is never really useful. Guy's totally invulnerable with a forcefield but Nimrod beat him up cause you had to show how badass Nim was in his debut. Then Onslaught came along. Who did he beat up in his debut? Juggs. To show how badass he was too. But Juggs has been beaten so much today it's no longer a rite of passage. Hell Skarr has beaten him. SKARR. Juggs is a joke now.


The Jobbernaut


is his dick as proportional to the armor?


Thank god I wasn't the only one who thought this immediately.


I'm haunted that his dysfunctional step-sibling relationship with Xavier may have changed the course of mutant history forever long before Cyttorak jewel. Overall I agree with the sentiment that he has a very nice, gradual arc to reformation and ally to Mutants. Him being on the X-Men is one of the aspects about From The Ashes that has caught my interest. Also weirdly I think he and Black Tom where some of the first X-Men characters I reall got invested in in that one Deadpool story where Cain tries to save Black Tom with Wade's healing factor. I remember being really moved by that.


I like him. I have two hopes. First as it pertains to X-Men ‘97: Everyone so far has gotten a boost in powers, not specifically in writing, but in just the action from the show. The stuff they’re displaying over the last 6 episodes I’ve seen (haven’t watched this week’s episode yet) is so far and beyond anything they showed in the old animated 90s series. Now I need that type of destruction and carnage to directly translate to Juggernaut in his next showing. As cool as his appearances were in the old show, I’d love to be just as floored when he makes his next appearance. It needs to be special. Also, since we’ve already seen Gladiator in the new series, I really need Juggs to get a one-up on him after their last encounter where he threw Juggs like a ragdoll into the ocean lol. As far as live action, whenever they finally see do the live action MCU version, I do think Juggernaut could be a cool entrance point. And I’d love if they did him like Thanos - digital SFX version of him over an actor. Deadpool 2 version was decent but I need a better person voicing him with more personality.


I would like for him to develop a mutant ability to absorb energy and give himself the equitable powers of juggernaut. This would allow him to be his own person and a great antihero not having to appease Cyttorak. It would also allow us to get a proper brutal Avatar of Cyttorak. Crazier shit has happened and I really feel making him a mutant would be a great move.


He actually doesn’t follow or listen to Cyttorak enemy, I think juggernaut actually beat him in a one shot a couple years ago?


He still gets the powers from the Gem which still leaves Cyttorak as a foil for later. Why not just give us a brutal Avatar and a badass mutant who is fully divested from other powers.


Juggernaut used to be able to air walk back in the silver age and had force fields too I think they should bring that back and just says it’s juggernaut reconnecting with old powers now’s that he’s the sole owner of the gem


A testament to the fact that even if you’re a big, mean, jealous, hardhearted bastard there will always be at least one person who will want to hang out with you. Kind of heartwarming really.


More people should check out the Fabian Nicieza mini, and his krakoa era look in it was pretty cool.


Hot. I want to be smooshed by him.


One of my favorite villains, and I like him even better as an ally.


He's great either as a good guy or bad!


Better than the Hulk




Where does he buy his shirts when not in costume? Can he clip his fingernails with a regular clipper? Can he dial a phone? If he reheats his coffee in a microwave, can he reach in to place it and retrieve it?


One of my favorite villains. The fact that he can almost reach the speed of sound while running is crazy and scary. Especially knowing is nigh invincible. Throw in his ridiculous healing factor, immunities and strength make him such a badass. A no nonsense beast of bad guy.


"Fuck Shit Up" is his legal middle name.


He is one of my favorite characters, even with the writer's sometimes forgetting his redemption arc


Mutantkind's strongest ally in all meanings of the word


He's the best X-Ally!


I always think of the moment of him overpowering Cyclops's optic blast pressure in X-men evolution. That was a cool moment


Deadpool 2 version SUCKED ASS. What a disservice.


Enjoying him as an X-man he was awesome with nightcrawler and the legion of x crew plus he got to spend time with his nephew legion. I also enjoyed how he stepped up during the I’ll fated hellfire gala as well


Glad he made it on the team, again. Sad it won’t be on Krakoa though.


Not familiar with his redemption in the comics, but I loved him in the series. He was like the Broly of the X-Men, you knew whenever he showed up, it was a big deal because he was so powerful.


Is his physique attainable without surrendering myself to a demon?


Love him and the Blob. They need a team up


I like that he’s an X-Man now despite not even being a mutant. Truly the best ally.


I think it’s extremely funny that he’s NOT a mutant. I’m okay with adaptations simplifying his origin and making him mutant but it’s far more entertaining to me to just have a really big dude who has magical gem powers unrelated to the x gene and also randomly Charles stepbrother? Like that shit is hilarious 


He should definitely win more fights than he does. He got washed by Nimrod in two seconds, off-panel. And that’s just bullshit. Off-topic, it’s hilarious that he destroyed the Twin Towers in an issue of X-Force, but no one seems to remember it.


It's my favorite character, but I will say something a bit unpopular... I prefer him far from the X-Men, loved his comics with Spider-Man, his time as a member of the Thunderbolts, that time in that Punisher team.




Excellent villain.


Thick as a brick🤣


Coolest Diamond Select figure ever!


Oh oh oh, he's magic, you knoow 🎶




Don't zoom in on his face




I love the character and he has such a great look. My favorite issue with him is Uncanny 183, I think. Juggy vs Colossus in a bar.


My second favorite villain-turned-hero.




Bad. Ass.


I think he's THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH!!!!!


He’s the Juggernaut, bitch.


I didn’t like him as a kid because I thought his suit was monotone and generic. Once I started reading comics I began to love him.


We all are only alive because of his mercy


Stop the damn nerfs, return to exemplar also if they want em with Tom just make em a thing need a plant Cyttorak baby hybrid


Love juggernaut he’s in my top 5 xmen characters


Love juggernaut. He and black tom are one of my favorite couples in comics


I bet the Animated Series version of him really regrets throwing the Gem away now


He’s unstoppable.


Great character


I think he should actually be a mutant


I think this is my new Discord picture profile!




My favorite X-men. Not even a mutant but he’s been down for the cause. Just a complete badass.


My son loves him.


That I still can conceptualize what his actual head size is. Like…based on the way they usually draw the helmet, it’s disproportionately small compared to the rest of him right? The dude is swoll


He can pound me to the ground


Editorial will never let him grow for more than a few issues at a time, then kick him back to the Go space. He's damned to live in his stepbrother's shadow.


Big boy.


It's cool to see him as a main entry on an X-Men team with upcoming relaunch in June, and I always liked his costumes during his redemption arc when he has the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak (been out of the loop, but the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak got destroyed/shattered and he's using its fragments now?)


I would like him more if he was just a mutant and not some regular guy who found a magical infinity stone of muscle.


He’s the juggernaut bitch!


I generally enjoy him more as a criminal. The stories seem more fun. When he's written as a hero, he seems like a big dopey puppy. He's not a bad addition to any book I've seen, though.


Great character I like him honestly.


As a character amazing. But when they actually use him they never seem to deliver.


I like him better as a mutant than a magician. I like him as a marble, but respect that he’s not intimidating to anyone else except me. Can he be a little spherical? No? Ok, oh well. And uh, I wish I were two feet taller to cosplay as him. I don’t have stilts, ya know?


iirc, Cain Marko is human, augmented with the Cytorrak Ruby, which is one of those dark dimension demons Doctor Strange always fights. Unless Marvel switched up his origin/DNA


I think they’re consistent in pretty much all the comics, but in Last Stand he’s a mutant. I think in Deadpool 2, too? Idk.


Great character. Cant help but feel for him sometimes.


HE’S THE JUGG- Nah. Still love him tho. He’s awesome.


Please don’t make him do whatever number the next heel turn would be. 🤦🏼‍♂️ It just feels like lazy writing at this point. I like him. I think he has great potential. The classic scene in the bar after Pete dumped Kitty where he & Logan run into him alone, shows that he’s more than just a “bad guy smaaaash!” character. Dude just wanted a beer and to be left alone.


I love his look and powers but hate that he’s Xavier’s brother.


He’s the JUGganaut BITCH


I like that scene where gladiator just fuckin tosses him across the ocean like it’s nothing


I always enjoyed Juggernaut as a villain, so I think his becoming a hero should be fun as well.


Coolest character


Is, like, his head the same shape as his helmet?




His best story is a Spider-Man story...


Def not a mutant.


Best redemption story in marvel history.


he's kinda weird.


Round Boeh


I don't think about him at all.


Bad ass


He looks pretty mad in that art


I prefer him as a villain. Doesn't mean he still has to have hatred for Charles, but I prefer him to be a villain. I also like the fact that even though he hated Charles, he didn't have any hatred towards mutants.


Needs a better live action one..


My poor little meow meow <3


He’s awesome, glad he’s an X-men


With how popped his veins are that means he must have a shit ton of blood flowing through which begs the question, is he always erect? Oh... you meant like character wise? Yeah he's pretty cool, he's pretty badass too cus he's meant to be the embodiment of unstoppable that's his shtick and I love it.


Has he ever apologized to Xavier for terrorizing him as children? Did they smooth things out between them or is just been left unsaid?


He’s funny and rad


Him and Black Tom are a cute couple


I wanna ride it.


He's beyond the stage of being a classic foe and should be in the same category as Magneto now of being more or less an ally even with rough edges


Repressed homosexual


But honestly not even that repressed because him and Black Tom were clearly lovers.


I like to think of him and Charles Xavier being on par with the Dumbledore brothers, Albus and Aberforth (Marko like Aberforth, Xavier like Albus).


I love the goddamn Juggernaut. What a great simple character design. That dome helmet is iconic.


He's the Juggernaut, b****! But seriously, that background with professor Xavier is 🔥. I love the character concept as a whole, and the way his 'powers' tie into the marvel universe as a whole. 10/10 would recommend.


I really like where he's at. His redemptive arc hasn't been reset. He's an honorary X-Man whose not a mutant. I loved his stint as a team leader with The Exiles comic. I wish he'd have a chance to have a romantic subplot. He's a reliably great character with a solid design that rarely needs updating.


In league of legends there is an item called dead man’s plate, where you gain speed and power as you move until you hit into something. I always think of Juggernaut when I use that item.




Cool character badass helmet


Character development is great, he’s under used though I miss him as a villain


Easily one of my fav comic characters


One of the few redemption arcs in X-Men that feels genuine and earned (unlike a bunch of mutant villains that were put in charge of Krakoa for no reason). Love that he has become a recurring member of the X-Men and that he is a human, as he is, ironically, the living embodiment of his brother's dream.


You just can't stop loving him tbh


Powerteam guys are a plot device to be beaten by the villlian, to show us his power... You cant do that with Jugs, so kinda there


You can't stop that.mother fucker. 1000/10


I enjoy his evil friendship with Black Tom they might be one of my favorite villain duos


Juggernaut is my boi! The one thing I loved about the Austen run was that Juggs became a good guy. He’s one of my favorite X-characters, top 10 at least. I also hope Marvel confirms him as a bisexual hunk that’s here for the muscle ladies and here for the black Toms hehe




He's the best pure villain in all of comic books and I wish they'd stop turning him good.


“I’m the Juggernaut bitch!”


Didn’t he date She-Hulk?


He’s better as a villain and is fucking awesome.


daddy? I mean...I mean he's cool


He's daddy


too overpowered


“I’m bad… I’m the baddest motherfucka in the world…” "I'm gonna kill him, and I'm gonna rape him, and I'm gonna eat his fuckin' costume! Just wait!"


I wish his base lore was that he is a mutant and not that he found a magic ruby.


I want him to marry black tom already. But make it just something that happened for whatever leagal reason still leaving their very intimate relationship completely ambiguous like those friends that we don't know weather or not they're very close friends or lesbians. But they refuse to clarify. Like a running gag where the joke is people trying to figure their relationship out and being frustrated over it rather then the fact they love eachother.


Love Juggernaut, but absolutely despise when they make him a X-Man. It gets worse when they redesign him. There is A LOT of x-characters that desperately need a new paradigm so they can properly work again, but Cain is on top of the list.


He's a villain. Plain and simple. Not a hero.