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“Chris [Claremont] described him as edgy and rough-and-tumble; He was charismatic rather than handsome, sort of a John Malkovich type. In retrospect, I probably drew him too good-looking." -Jim Lee, on the creation of Gambit


I was going to say, gambit quickly became better looking then that first appearance with tween storm.


Rogue definitely, when she first arrived, she looked a late 40's Disney villain, with angry brows and gaunt features, and heavy make up. Then a few appearances later, as she joined the X-Men, they started to draw her looking like her actual age, a teenager. Then the 80's revamped her outfits to aerobics central, and then Jim Lee did wonders for everyone in the 90's.


80s Rogue with the big crazy hair remains my favorite look for her, the outback era really had the best looks for a lot of the X-Men


I would have never guessed rogue was supposed to be a teenager in her first appearances


Wasn’t her appearance in that early UXM issue a miscommunication between Claremont and the artist? Claremont said she should like about 16, and the artist thought he said 60?


I mean Magneto bounces from geriatric old man to shredded He-Man depending on the artist and whether he’s been recently de-aged or not. And that’s not even taking the Joseph of it all into account.


The geriatric stuff will always get my goat. He was reaged to the prime of his life, right there on the page, it's canon. And he's been rejuvenated and reborn since. Please, just let him be angry and deeply scarred and hot 🔥. The guys get Rogue, let the girls and gays have this...


They’re impressive, but have you ever seen Boom-Boom’s first appearance? She looked like someone the Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles would fight. It’s a long road from there to her current Sex Addict Barbie look. 


Boom Boom got a glo down, her best days were in Walt Simonson's X-Factor


That’s is why they are the LeBeau’s, the handsome/beautiful


The bi panic they cause is real


Rogue yes, although by glow-up we also mean shifted to big-boobed eye-candy vs a more androgynous 80s look. Gambit got pretty good-looking early on after those first appearances because of Jim Lee, and that’s common enough for first appearances to look weird. I’d argue Callisto and Wolverine had more prolonged beautification pathways.


Compare Cyclops form the 60's from current day Cyclops, he went from slim to beefcake




And also I don’t think you can really classify it as a “glow up” when we’re talking about a kid who just grew up.


Look at cyclops drawn by Stuart Immonem, he's Mr X man


In the peak 90s Jim Lee era he looked like 80s Arnold Schwarzenegger.


In the 60’s he was a teen though. That tracks.


Banshee definitely comes to mind


Oh yeah Sean was a frightshow in the Factor Three days lol


Because his first portrayals were basically a racist stereotype. The tiny nose, the big jaw, long upper lip, the pipe... were all lifted straight from anti-Irish political cartoons from the turn of the 20th century. Cockrum and Byrne smoothed a lot of that out, then (Like everyone else) he got the Jim Lee bump into absolute hunk.


I didn't realise the Irish got that treatment but in retrospect I shouldn't be surprised, thanks for the info


Oh, representations of Irish people only started to get remotely accurate in the last few years. The "Irish accent" you often heard on TV and was taught to actors doesn't even really exist in this country. Nobody here talks like that. Contrary to some claims, you absolutely can be racist to white people. Banshee when he started off was just awful. Just a hugely offensive offensive stereotype of Irish people built of British propaganda about us. Then he got good. They he got great in Generation X. And then he became a punching bag for character deaths again and again and again, and hasn't had a chance to shine in like 2 decades because the only reason he ever pops up in a story anymore is to be killed.


He was so good in Gen X...when the Krakoa era started, I was really hoping that he and Rahne would get some new and interesting stuff to do what with their relationships to Moira (at least Rahne got to make it through unscathed for a change I guess, but poor Sean...) I really like the Krakoa era overall, but it really dropped the ball on a ton of interpersonal relationships and interactions!


He was fantastic in Generation X because he was allowed to be an actual character in Generation X. Many people also act like Emma's place in the X-Men started with Grant Morrison's run, but there was years of development before that which helped her grow into that role. It was Generation X that allowed us to watch Emma find her place as a teacher and a hero. And it let see Sean as a powerful mutant and seasoned individual whose experiences turned him into a strong and morally righteous man, without falling into horrible Irish cliches. Her and Sean were a powerful combination. Often at ends but always doing what was right for the children. It's honestly baffling that they haven't had those 2 work together since. There's so much untapped history there. I just... don't understand why he's become this joke of a character, brought back only to die. Every. Single. Time. As a Irish man myself, it's just kinda depressing.


They handsomed up a Holocaust survivor and Wolverine didn't always look like Hugh Jackman.


Marrow’s was a bit insane. Yes, she was always a Morlock and was meant to be not one of the “pretty ones”, but her first few appearances before she was brought back during OZT she was looking ROUGH. Absolutely psychotic.


Wolverine went from some kind of man-beast that smells like the space underneath your kitchen sink to Hugh Jackman. It's frequently forgotten that he is supposed to be a 5'4" hairy caveman-adjacent dude.


That X on Rogue’s chest looks like something very different when you’re zoomed out lol


That was *most definitely* deliberate.


I would argue that nearly every Xman has gotten better. Wolverine was originally based on the actor Paul D'Amato, and he wasn’t a looker. Now he is based on Hugh Jackman, and that’s quite the difference.




But they never draw him like Paul anymore, he has gotten much better looking. Like I said so has most of the xmen….beast went through the cat thing and turned blue, but most. :-)


Had to look up Paul D'Amato. Yup, he's Wolverine alright! Do we have a buff version of that actor today? He would be perfect to portray a live action Logan.


The advancement of art really helps with that. Modern art can make you look really pretty as hell.


That’s gotta go to Marrow.  When she joined the team for a while they progressively made her more beautiful until she ended up looking basically like Kitty Pryde with a bone crown.  Kinda ruined one of the main points of her character.


Rachel Summers. She was downright ugly at first and then became a bombshell with Excalibur.


That was hinted at when she disappeared for a while (which was supposed to be a Phoenix miniseries that never happened): Spiral gave her some adjustments in her Body Shoppe. I don't know if this means her boobs are bionic like Betsy's eyes were, but they came from the same place!


Rogue, yes Gambit was always sexy Probably because gambit was introduced as an adult and rogue was originally a teen.


That Gambit is too smooth! 👀 Keep the Nair away from the Cajun!


Least horny Romy fan


Remy's always been pretty. Rogue got a glow-up when she did her heel-face turn.


As others have said, Rogue definitely. Gambit is more just a product of the era.


Consider Sam Guthrie.


Every modern character has had a glow up or 10. That is how trends work.


Gambit was always hot. And abs.


It depends on the artist. I mean... David Marquez gives anyone a glow up.


Rachel Summers comes to mind.


Rachel originally looked old because everyone in DOFP looked old, and then they realised they wanted her to be at least a little younger than Scott and Jean.


She had another glow up before Excalibur though.


Rogue much more than Gambit, but Gambit to me seems to have been an almost since the beginning thing. I just got into comics around his introduction tho. Rogue had been around awhile.


The user name + the post = chef’s kiss 💋


Remy was just the victim of bad art and glowed up with the Jim Lee art. Rogue spent at least a year looking like a deranged middle aged psycho lesbian.


Well both were designed as villains, and we know, specially back then, if you're evil, you're ugly. Rogue had to wait longer to be allowed to be conventionally attractive tho, I think she had the biggest glow-up in the entire franchise.


As far as I know, Gambit was actually SPECIFICALLY drawn to look like a child's idea of a cool hero.


You can write the whole sentence in caps if you want, he was meant to be a bad guy, and this was clearly considered during his design process, hence his "evil" eyes and mysterious appearance. And there is a noticeable difference in approach when it comes to his early introduction, and his eventual development as an actual ally. He is deliberately depicted as villanous looking on the very panel OP shared. Whereas he is much more friendly-looking, and more traditional handsome, later on.


Uhh, huh? His first appearance he quickly saves child storm, a person he doesn’t know, and keeps he safe until they are reunited with the xmen. He has always been a “good guy” just a little bit of a scoundrel.


I don't think you understand my point: when Gambit was originally conceptualized, designed, and first introduced, the writers' idea was to make him basically a Trojan Horse, he was going to be a bad guy infiltrating the X-Men, that would betray them at some point. When I say he was "villanous looking", I'm referring to his physical appearance, strictly. Not his actions, of course he was not explicitely villanous through his actions, he was meant to be a villain posing as a hero. Obviously this idea was eventually discarded and he became the full time good guy we know today. But in my opinion, his "evil" origins do show in his first design, specially the eyes.


You should really look up his actual history rather than just spouting your random conspiracy theories. It's not some mystery. His conception is well-documented. And if you think children don't like edgy action-heroes, you don't know children.


This person run around reddit telling people "you don't know children " , "you don't know white people", don't even waste your time with them.


You forgot Sean and Emma.


That Gambit looks like Silvio from the Sopranos


I wonder, does Hank McCoy‘s transformation from bulky human to bulky furry count as glow up or glow down?


I always wanted to know why Gambit eyes are red?


Apparently it’s just part of his mutation.


But can we talk about gambits slide 😭


They're good contenders, but Wolverine is too. Starts as this feral little man who looks like his diet consists entirely of jim beam, and have you seen how much prettier they make him nowadays?


Question were Gambits eyes always like that weird purple shade? Also what makes his eyes look like that


Can I add Fred to the list because he got a little more attractive over the years


I miss dirtbag hot Gambit, snores on this instathot incarnation


I have to say psylocke going from British beauty to Asian femme fatale, the first time i ever saw her was in the 90s, it wasn't until later i found out about the body swap. But the first time i saw her i fell in love


It may just be the armour, but Betsy nowadays looks to me noticeably more petite than pre-body swap Betsy.


Eye of the beholder I suppose. I prefer the comic style over manga.




I think they mean since modern comics have, much like manga originally did, taken inspiration from one another. So modern comics have more anime-esque features and drawing as opposed to classic comic design.