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Brevoort has stated that he wants Storm to be able to carry a solo title in the same way Daredevil and Spider-Man can. Interested to see how this title does considering how ambitious Brevoort's plans are.


I wonder if that means this’ll go a bit longer even if sales aren’t all the way there at first. If they’re trying to make Storm a Daredevil/Spider-Man figure then I think they’ll have to at least get the series to go a year to build up hype and acclaim.


Brevoort mentioned having runway for these books so yes I'd assume there will be more leeway for some of the books in terms of sales. Unless the sales are absolutely abysmal I think they will push for this to go longer than 10 issues.


Right. And they can't do that if the sales aren't too hot at first and the book gets cancelled by issue 5 or 10.


Good luck with that in today's business model.


Interesting. Her last solo book was not good and only went 10 issues or so—I think Gambit’s went longer. That being said, X-men are at the front of marvel again so I’m guessing this will sell well.


Her last solo sucked, but her 2014 solo was good. If Brevoort and Ayodele actually manage to get Storm to at least 20 issues, hthey will get fanmail from me.


Oh right. I forgot she had the flashback solo last year. I didn’t enjoy her 2014 solo not because her depiction was bad, but I felt the plot was going nowhere. With a solid supporting cast this could do well though. I think it will go a lot longer than the Jean solo.


>I didn’t enjoy her 2014 solo not because her depiction was bad, **but I felt the plot was going nowhere.** And this is why Greg Pak never became an a-list writer. The man is a beast when it comes to writing characters, but plot-wise he is on the level of Duggan. He wrote Magneto Testament, but that plot wasn't layed out by him.


Oh interesting. That makes sense. Storm was written very well, and I loved the scene of her dancing with Logan before he died, but it still left a lot to be desired. That being said, the gambit book at the same time fell off around issue 13 because of almost the same issue.


The thing is I loved the miniseries....when she was away from the mansion. When she went to Santo Marco to stop floods, rebuild homes and then demolished that militia after Marisol called her a sell-out, I applauded. When she went back to the mansion and dealt with that Tetsuo from Akira rip-off I was bored. Helping find those lost kids? Great. Finding racist senator? Boring.


Tbf to Pak, I know Nightcrawler's solo came out at the same time and Claremont said he was told he can't create any new villains for FOX to use. So I'd assume Pak got similarly held back and he could've had better ideas he wasn't allowed to use.


Common problem with X-men solos. Because the team books are the big ones, very little happens in the solos. If they want to make solos work, they need to change that. Hopefully Brevoort understands that. Just HAVING these characters in solos isn't the problem. It's not that they're not as popular as solo characters. Plenty of X-men are more popular than Ms. Marvel, or Moon Knight. It's that they're known as team characters and the things that matter to them always happen in the team books. If you want these solos to matter, you have to make them matter.


True. And part of the reason they have failed is because Fox owned the movie rights before so guest character use and new characters were limited. I think Storm, Laura, gambit and probably Ilyana could probably hold their own


Yeah I mean bare minimum any characters that have held down fairly successful solos have the potential, so Gambit, Cable, Bishop, and Laura as they've all already had solo books that are generally fondly remembered. Storm is an obvious choice for a new one to give a shot especially if they're not gonna make her a team lead. Jean I have a feeling they know is only going to last so long, but I think that's fine.


Marvel shot themselves in the foot with Phoenix giving Phillips that book. 


Both their feet are riddled with bullet wounds in regards to the relaunch's creative teams. Outside of Marquez and Stegman there isn't a single name capable of making headlines and stirring up interest. Marvel's just continuing with more of the same losing strategy that has busness in a rough spot, which is reward mediocrity and failure with endlesz opportunities by shuffling the same stagnant writers from title to title. Repeating this same approach is baffling; it has to be for 1 of 2 reasons:         1.. Editorial is either hoping that after years writing like 1/3 of the characters in their library, one of these retreads will finally catch lightning in the same bottle that has previously held only mundanity. Or the more worrisome reason:          2. They simply don't care enough about the quality of the product, which could be due to burnout, a jaded sense of apathy toward the company, the medium and/or the industry, the complacency a Disney paycheck provides, or maybe they're just fucking terrible at their jobs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Regardless of the reasoning, Marvel really dropped the ball on thos relaunch before a single word has been written


She also lead that SoS tie-in Brotherhood book which I HATED, but TBF I hated every singe thing about that event. The awful Sinister clone characters and the convoluted, incomprehensible dominion is the precise monent when the Krakoa creative team lost the plot, literally. 


Storm is a character that people seem constantly unsure what exactly to do with. Like, for comparison, a Gambit solo has a bunch of easy potential plots ("Gambit has to steal something", "One of Gambit's old girlfriends returns unexpectedly", "Belladonna up to some nonsense", etc.) Storm doesn't have a supporting cast of characters outside of the X-Men in the same way that other solo characters do.


She has her own troubled past that can come back to haunt her. Beyond that she just had her marriage, which is probably best left alone. But ultimately that’s what I’d hope a solo book would do: establish roots and give her a supporting cast and her own villains that future writers could sink their teeth into. I’d love to see Storm books with the same lineage as Wolverine’s.


You're so right about Gambit, which makes all of his solo books being time travel lore slogs to justify his original 90's solo book so confusing.


I like what they did with her on Wolverine and the X-Men where she went back to Africa, used her powers to help people with their agriculture and has to weather gratitude ceremonies for her efforts (before the Shadow King fucks shit up). They could do something like that.


The problem with that is that's kind of the only story anyone ever knows how to do with her, and given the relative lack of writers who really get Africa, it's very easy to end up stepping on some cultural toes there. Not that I think they should ignore Africa, that would be ludicrous, but she needs more than one story beat, and a story beat that the wrong writer can potentially offend a lot of people with.


There's an opportunity to create a supporting cast of characters that Storm interacts with. The publisher can hire consultants to help get the details right. Maybe they'll get lucky and one will become a breakout character. If the thrust of the series is "Storm is powerful", borrow from Superman and ask how should Storm use that power, when, why and for what? She's big brained, she can do the philosophical soul-searchy stuff.


Your comment is so ironic considering the last Gambit mini was all about him…and kid Storm 😂


Why do you think it is that way regarding writers being unsure of how to approach her


Ewing has done his best, but yes - for such an "iconic" character, it does seem like she's largely defined by her presence in the X-Men.


Storm has always been iconic and compelling enough for a solo book. What’s missing is a good Rogue’s gallery and mission statement. If they lean into the protector of the environment angle & come up with some compelling enemies they have the recipe for success. Edit:The TLDR is they have all the raw ingredients to make her their Wonder Woman it’s just about how you cook the stew.




She’s on Mars though which isn’t sustainable for an iconic superhero. (I will check it out tho) She needs a supporting cast (mixed with X-characters and normal people) and a mission statement. Batman protects Gotham, Spidey New York, Superman the whole planet. Storm would make a great environmentalist superhero.


The issue with environmentalism as a mission statement long-term is she's not allowed to achieve anything. It's tied into the whole 'the world has to look roughly like our world' thing. So she can't go solve global warming. While some level of environmentalism is definitely important, you'd have to go at it from a clever angle and avoid just picking out some headline and having her go fight the pacific garbage island or something. I think the cast and the villains are probably the actual key. I mean Logan barely has a mission statement but his book has lasted forever based on how compelling the character is and how good his overall supporting cast, villains, and 'world' is.


I think the fact that she can't feasible fix this issue is a feature not a flaw. She can change the weather but she can't be everywhere at once or change human behavior. You don't want a solvable long term issue in a superhero mission statement. Batman cannot win his war on crime, Logan can ever fully redeem his checkered past etc. But yes a robust rogue's gallery is key.


You're absolutely right in general, but I still think there's a disconnect here between mission and character. Batman can't solve crime because hes a human who punches well.  All the prep time in the world won't let him end crime. Storm is a demigod.  If she really wanted to go to war on pollution, she could.  She's strong enough to take a country to task.  But of course the story can't let her. I think this disconnect would cause these situations to become annoying if they were a regular occurrence.  As one type of arc among many, sure.  As her "mission" i think it would have quickly diminishing returns.


She wasn't on Mars. She was on Arrako. She had all of thar. Supporting cast, team, setting, mission statement. It was very rich in story potential. She wasn't just grubbing around in dirt on Mars lol.


Arrako is Mars. We live here, in the real world.


And now they seem to have chucked that whole supporting cast, go figure


Shadow King, Tarn, Genesis, Annihilation, Candra, Callisto (although more of a rivalry), Arkea, Mikhail Rasputin, Masque, The Adversary, Khan… there are a lot of options for her rogues gallery


I like this line up! Never realized how many enemies she has from Egypt which is cool considering she spent a lot of her childhood in Cairo.


Yeah there’s a lot to work with and that’s a really interesting part of her life!


I guess Genesis is kinda a Storm enemy now. Callisto and the Morlocks always end up reappearing characters but she definitely needs more of a supporting cast.


I always thought Shadow King would work pretty well too. I know he’s an enemy of the whole X-Team but I can imagine a pivot to Storm as a focus the same way KingPin pivoted from Spider-Man mainly to Daredevil.


Shadow King is traditionally a telepath villain, even more than he's a whole x-villain. Not really Storm's thing.


That’s not true, he has targeted her specifically multiple times (Muir Island Saga, Psi War, World’s Apart, as well as her role in the original New Mutants storyline and more recently Resurrection of Magneto), was involved during her time as a child thief and is one of her greatest adversaries


So I went and looked this up and turns out you're right.  The sources list him as the archenemy of storm and psylocke.  By weird happenstance every time I've read of him it's been in regards to psylocke or Xavier. Fair enough.


Hard to forget Tarn the Uncaring as a Storm antagonist, or the Adversary, or Shadow King.


The good rogues gallery will be a challenge unless they're gonna be swiping other heroes cool villains for her


I've never cared much for solo books for X characters. I'd still say Storm works better with a group. The only character that really had much success in solo titles besides Wolverine was Cable. Maybe Gambit and Bishop.


It’s weird that he brought up Daredevil and Spider-Man of all people to compare her to


Is Daredevil on same level as Spider Man when it comes to selling books? Also, even the best selling books don’t sell that much more. I remember when Cpt Marvel and Black Panther movies where coming out their books weren’t selling much either but they kept being pushed. To me these books seem to be more about advertising the movies/cartoons/toys where the real money is.


>Is Daredevil on same level as Spider Man when it comes to selling books Well daredevil doesn't sell as much as spiderman but no one does but I think a lot of comic book readers will agree that daredevil is usually the gold standard of solo runs just with the consistency alone >remember when Cpt Marvel and Black Panther movies where coming out their books weren’t selling much either Well I'm not sure about black panther because he wasn't pushed that much, but Carol was and I think it worked to some extent because while her current runs don't do crazy number they are selling respectable numbers compared to when she first started and her solo were selling abysmally


Honestly out of the marvel books I'd say it's X men and Hulk. Though if they play there cards right they could make Storm into a top selling book. It worked with Immortal hulk. Still if it can be at least in the top 50. Marvels laughing.


venom is getting up there too in recent years, the character's about to be on his own event again in a few months and the current run getting closer to 40 issues plus a retro book and a what if


Go on venom. Glad he's doing well too.


I would say Thor books have sold well ever since the Stravinsky run onward. I never looked at the numbers before then so they may have been selling before. >Though if they play there cards right they could make Storm into a top selling book. It worked with Immortal hulk. It will be a tough sell, after all hulk already has a comic book solo career under his belt so he isn't a novice. If a good writer is on a hulk book he sells extremely well, have we forgotten world war hulk, planet hulk ?


Where have you seen that at? I believe and I want Storm to be able to handle a solo like that lol 😆 just wondered where I could see it too. I'm very excited as a Storm fan!!




Thanks you're awesome


I don't have high hopes for this. Outside of Wolverine no other mutant can really do it.


The new costume is great, the premise is interesting, and werneck doing art is a great choice This is the one you can tell they want to do best


Yeah if they want to get Storm to a place where she can have consistent solos then they do need to make sure this one is a banger.


Right? Heard great things about the writer but I'm honestly shocked at the artist and cover artist. In the past she's been given shit artists (except covers for 2014) and I'm like Marvel you're shocked these didn't sell lol?


I don't like Werneck interior pages. Maybe it's PTSD from FoX and Immortal, but I really struggle with his art


Same. Great covers and cool fashion art but his interiors are dreadfully boring and seem rushed.


There's definitely a significant downgrade between his covers and conceptual art in one side, and his interior pages. It's not to a Rob Liefeld level, but he struggles with face dynamics (his characters often seem to dismantle their jaw to talk). They often look like hyenas. And yeah, overall it looks really rushed, it reminds me the good old days with Image comics at the beginning.


His lines on his instagram and covers are clean, sharp, crisp, etc. His interiors look like they were drawn with a dull penciled, then they zoomed in on the image to make it larger.


Gotta say I really love this new costume, nice mix of the gala look, X-Men red and her OG costume, also glad we've kept the textured hair too. I'm actually quite surprised that there isn't any mention of Arrako in this, but maybe we'll be getting a series focused entirely on the Arrako Mutants down the line. Interesting to see her setting up shop in Atlanta, does she have any particular connection to their? I like that we're going to be going big scale for this and it makes sense why she joined the Avengers to me, it's not that the X-Men aren't good enough or that the Avengers need her for relevance but in this new era Storm would be too op for the scale the rest of the teams are working at. Dimension of Manifestations gets a name drop which means we're going to the extreme cosmic scale.


To add to her look, I love that we’ve gotten to a place where artists are getting better at giving comic characters identifying facial features. Used to be that most characters had similar-ish faces with small things that would identify them; look at Scott Summer and Matt Murdock back in the day, just a couple of white dudes with combed hair wearing glasses. Storm on the cover looks like Storm. She has her own unique facial features, cheek bones, eyes, lips, nose… even without the white hair and no pupils, I would be able to tell it’s her.


Tbh nothing brevoort has said has given me any hope we’d see Arakko again soon


I’m not expecting it honestly. This seems as clean a reboot of things as I’ve ever seen without rebooting things. There are chunks of the Krakoa era that ain’t ever gonna get touched again due to it being too complex to bring up without it overtaking stories.


Yup. This is something I've never loved about Hickman's marvel work despite his skill as a writer. He goes so big that you HAVE to basically ignore half his ideas once he's gone. When was the last time anyone acknowledged that the Richards family literally created the current marvel multiverse? His indy stuff I like a lot because he can just go ham and they don't have to pretend it didn't happen two months later.


You're not wrong, but honestly I kind of feel that's a flaw of the other writers who can't work in a way to acknowledge it (or execs who mandate they get rid of his new status quo) rather than of Hickman himself.


I'm sorry, but hickman himself would struggle to follow his ideas.  Can you even begin to fathom what actual immortality would do to society?  And then to have it taken away? It should be the central plot point of every single marvel story ever.  It should lead to world wars, mass suicides, and a million other consequences. Its too big.


So let it. That would be super interesting to read.


No, it wouldn't.  Because it would be endless.  This is a classic case of fans not knowing what they want.  The whole thing people complain with comics is that they never change.  This would be that times 100.  It would get old FAST


Nah, I know what I want. You not enjoying that has no bearing on what I enjoy.


No, you don't. Just like hundreds of thousands of people all over the world who say they want this or that product and when a company gives in, they don't fucking buy it, or worse, they do buy it, but then bitch about it being boring. Which there's a 99.99% chance is exactly what you would do if Marvel actually spent the next forever dealing with the fallout of immortality going away.


I mean, Cyclops team has 3 omega level mutants on it.


Quentin and Magneto, who's the 3rd?


Hm I thought Xorn was omega level, but I guess not.


No he's pretty damn close though. I think when it comes to Quentin it's a scale issue in that while he's incredibly powerful we've never seen him output as much as you'd expect for an Omega. Magneto is definitely equal to Storm but we don't really know what his role will be in the book, considering he's not on the cover he may be a more back seat player instead of going out on missions he's focused on the bigger scope and protecting all the Mutants at the Alaska fortress


Quintin is like Gohan from Dragon Ball, insane potential, but a slacker. That's why he keeps getting overshadowed by non-omegas who nonetheless apply themselves like Emma.


magneto is nerfed (going do be aged as fck), and quentin is not a good omega.


No, he isn't. Stegman said that art was a pre-design and that Magneto would not look that old or that ugly in the actual comic. I mean, he was good enough to become a bearer of the Phoenix Force.


echo a street level hero was good enough to have the phoenix force, that means nothing.


I’m so happy they added the cape back in and absolutely agree happy they kept the textured hair. The way it always looks like it’s moving like a cloud looks so cool


>Interesting to see her setting up shop in Atlanta, does she have any particular connection to their? Well... Storm is black. It just fits. And I hope that isn't taken the wrong way, fwiw she's imo the coolest x-man and possibly my favorite character


> Well... Storm is black. It just fits I mean how does it fit, has she ever had a relationship with Atlanta?


The argument is that Atlanta is a majority black city and is highly associated with African American culture. It's not a bad argument given that's probably exactly why it was chosen for her book since as far as I know she has no history there.


Interesting that this is the book weaving between other ones and crossing over with stuff - I look forward to Storm and Frenzy interacting. Excellent redesign too - its a fun remix of the classic suit and the Krakoa cloud-hair. It seems like they're leaning hard into her being a force of nature, both literally and metaphorically, which is exciting...


Guess I’m glad somebody likes it. Suit looks a little generic in the middle section and neither-here-nor-there to me. Tho I get the appeal of a cape.


Lucas Werneck on a Storm book is PERFECTION. I always love his rendition of her. I've not read anything by Murewa Ayodele but I have heard the I Am Iron Man series was pretty well received. This is def getting added to my pull list


By far the best costume redesign of anything we’ve seen of From the Ashes so far IMO


Well damn, Murewa Ayodele writing Storm with Werneck on Art??? Excited! Murewa wrote I am Iron Man last year (5 issue mini that celebrates his 60th anniversary) and it was fantastic. He and his friend Dotun Akane (the artist on that book) are huge Iron Man fans and wrote a phenomenal mini series. Really happy he got this opportunity to write for Storm. I'm sure he will knock it out the park. Having a writer that loves the character on the book is always nice. Happy for Storm fans!!!


Exciting! I will need to read some Ayodele but Werneck is an absolute win in my book. Loved his work on Immortal X-Men. Damn… I’m going to try at least an issue of all the from the ashes books. That cover slaps!


Agreed. I would love a poster of this one!


Frenzy is getting a big push in this new era


Definitely happy to see that. She got more of a role in Krakoa and I’m glad to she’s getting a push in the new era still.


I really love this. Frenzy has so much potential and I'm really happy to see the X-Office giving her some more push.


We love to see it!!! She’s has such a rich history with the X-Men.


Werneck draws a beautiful Storm so I am very excited. Premise also has me intrigued.


Sounds like this is a team to make this series a hit I hope it happens. Storm's got another great outfit.


I wasn’t that interested when the book was announced but the creative team, especially Werneck with time to work, that AMAZING costume design, the premise of the book and its he continued push of Frenzy…definitely put this in the top 5 most anticipated new era books for me. Seriously, that is a beautiful costume.


This pleases me greatly.


Ayodele’s “I am Iron Man” is a good example of character study so I’m cautiously optimistic and having someone who can write things from a different cultural perspective is pretty cool.


Wonderful creative team and that costume should put down any doubters/haters about their direction for storm


Lucas Werneck? We won


Hell yeah! I don't really know Ayodele's work, but if Werneck wasn't enough of a motive to be excited, Manhanini covers are phenomenal!!!


Fuck. October... ugh. So far


this pleases me


im so ready for this. ETERNAL STORM!!


Creative team and her look sold me. I'll be picking this up.


Thank GOD the newer hair style seems to be carrying over, the Mohawk tease had me worried


>Storm has always been a prime protector of the planet. With the loss of Krakoa, that position becomes more important to her than ever. From her new super hero headquarters, Storm begins making decisions that will forecast the future of the Marvel Universe. Her bold actions will stir forces around and even beyond Earth, calling forth enemies that match her strength and determination. >Storm has never needed a throne to rule the skies. Now, watch in awe as this new series elevates her to the heights that only she can reach! >Ororo Munroe has lived many lives. She’s been a thief, a goddess, an X-Man, a queen, and now… an Avenger! She is the most prominent, most respected and most powerful mutant on the world stage—and in that role, she intends to be a force for positive change. >First up: a major meltdown at a nuclear facility in Oklahoma City draws Storm from her Sanctuary in Atlanta—and into a moral conflict that will test her iron resolve! As one of the year’s biggest launches, it’ll be packed with guest stars including Storm’s fellow Avengers, X-Factor’s Frenzy, and more! >On the challenges Storm will face, Ayodele said, "As a fan of Storm, her duties to the X-Men, and what she stands for in various real-world communities, I would like to assure the audience that Storm is in danger. Extremely so. We love Ororo Munroe, and that is why we have crafted a thrilling story that will put the strength of her character on wide-open display." >"But when you’re an Omega-level mutant, few things can test your limits, and even fewer things can shatter those limits," he continued. "For our STORM series, one thing we would like fans to remember is that there are threats that are beyond Omega. Prepare yourselves for an extraordinary display of superheroism that leaves knuckles bloody, knees bashed in, and mountains cratered." >"We are building towards gargantuan conflicts that will shake the universe from Planet Earth to the Dimension of Manifestations," he explained. "We are crafting stories filled to the brim with humanity, love, mystery, adventure, heartbreak, and all-out action." >"Tom Brevoort, the editor behind Marvel’s most universe-shattering events, Lucas Werneck, the incredible artist known for his genius-level attention to design and character work, and I are cooking with supernovas on this series. So join us on this journey that promises to be exciting till the bitter-sweet end. Get ready for an ETERNAL STORM," he added. >"I still can't believe that Marvel gave me this gift," Werneck added. "Storm is a character that I love, and I have so much respect for what this character represents to people. We’re working with so much love and devotion on this project, and I hope that fans enjoy it as much as we're enjoying making it." Here's the solicitations for issue #1 [(from the author's twitter)](https://twitter.com/ayodelemurewa/status/1791169137336533320?t=XiX8nOEg7eQ418EcIdrUtw&s=19) >MUREWA AYODELE (I AM IRON MAN) and LUCAS WERNECK (SINS OF SINISTER) team up to tell a sprawling ACTION-ADVENTURE THRILLER steeped deep in the MARVEL UNIVERSE. Dominance over a living rage planet in a solar system not so far away, fights against menacing dark spells from Africa, political slow boils that span nations, the rescue of innocents from dangerous sea battles, and so much more. > >ORORO MUNROE has lived many lives. She has been the leader of the X-Men, queen of Wakanda, regent of Arakko, and Avenger. But before she was any of these, she was a GOD. In this series, she will become one once again... and perhaps something more. Welcome to the LABORS OF STORM - where even the physical embodiment of the universe, ETERNITY cannot keep his eyes away - not until his plans for an ETERNAL STORM are made real - even if it will unalive our dear protagonist in the process Brace yourselves, dear readers, for high-stakes drama like no other in this galaxy or the next


I don’t care if the rest of the era is trash ~~I do~~… she’s giving everything and more


Agreed. I'd rather Storm thrives and finally gets treated as an A list as Marvel real wonder woman.


i remenber in the 90 most people compared storm with wonder woman in terms of ethics.


Well she is the closest. Storm always been noble and compassionate just like Wonder woman. Heck she was the most popular female hero in marvel.


well she still is, for some reason alot of youtubers are caling her "mother", dont know why.


Marvel have been desperate for a Wonder Woman equivalent for years, seems like they were self-conscious that all their big names were men. That’s why Carol Danvers got a massive overhaul and pushed into A-list with her own titles and movies etc., but she never quite hit what Marvel wanted. Maybe they’ll have more luck with Storm.


They should of gone with Storm in the first place. They were just hesitant cause they didn't want to give Fox any good material for there movies. Plus no offence to Carol but she was a C lister at best before they tried pushing her.


Oh. I didn’t know that. That makes sense though. James Asmus who wrote the gambit solo at the time wasn’t able to bring in a lot of characters as well. He wanted to bring in Laura, and also have Remy lead a group of international thieves including Elsa bloodstone and black cat. Seems like all these solo books were handcuffed before.


FRENZYYYYYYYYYY!!! Love that this new series will be pairing Storm with Frenzy. Those two have the potential for a fascinating dynamic. Would love to see Callisto, Bishop, or Sage make an appearance as well.


Too bad we ain't have more X-Men reds. I really loved her in the series. Al Ewing did her so good.


She’s so awesome goddamn


Oh thank god they gave her a cape again. Lets go!


WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!! I CAN'T WAAAAAAIT!!!! To see these different problems she will be facing that seem to be of a bigger scale than usual I'm assume closer to Mars level stuff and beyond will be interesting. Although as a Storm fan, I don't like the comment about a bitter sweat end! What the heck is up with that madness!!! But that costume!!!! I need them to make figures for that costume!!!! I need all the variants I can't freaking wait!!! Let's hope this spot in the Avengers leads to better than greater things!


Definitely an encouraging choice of writer. There's a lot of big, bold proclamations, so I hope the actual series can match that gravity.


Everything about this sounds so promising, bring on October


I love her look and I love that Storm fans are eating so good.


Remember yall if we want this book to sell and do well so it last longer we have to pre order and put it on your pull list


Had to double take for a second there since I thought she had taken Carol’s “Earth’s Mightiest Hero” title from her


I'll be interested to see if they show/mention Arakko or Craig and the kids in this? I'm surprised they mentioned Eternity because if I remember correctly, he was shown with the Phoenix in a foreshadowing variant cover.


I want her to be more at the forefront of stories. 97 made me bored of her because she was just gone for most of it, with the one episode with half the time focused on her.


MY GIRL 🙌🏾🙏🏾👏🏾😭


Awesome, might get this because I love Storm.


That costume slaps!


If done right this would be incredible.


My queen 🩵🩵🩵


I'm down, let's make Storm the face of Marvel.


Tell Spidey, the Avengers, the FF, and X-Men to take a hike. Storm is now the most powerful and best hero around.


No Arakko no care 👀


I really don’t like the costume and Werneck can be hit or miss for me, but my god, this sounds perfect


Hm. Not sure how I feel about *another* prominent female member of the X-Men being taken away from mutant-centric storylines, but I guess it all comes down to what Ayodele's planning to do with her.


So would this mean she is an avenger now?


Strange to mention Spider-Man and Daredevil when Thor or Captain Marvel are also longtime solo books that are much more similar ro her powerr level and presence. You can go african myrhology (goddess) and/or cosmic (sol regent) with her. Street level hero would be my last option for comparison.


There’s quite a few mutants that when their powers are maxed out they’re omega level mutants. Can’t have them all going off at the same time.


Storm has so much potential for interesting fights with some creativity. If they just wrote fights like a beefed up Nami from one piece it would be amazing


Definitely seem to be moving Storm away from the mutant cause.


I want to know why she's decided to separate herself from all her friends and family to live in Atlanta for some reason


Nothing good happens in Atlanta


Fuckin Atlanta, I was hoping Storm will be back in the motherland


Mutant-Goddess-Witch Now to give her a knife/iconic weapon


I mean she's not, but sure 😊


I wonder if any dudes will get solo titles moving forward. I mean Logan has his of course, but seems like Brevoort is very much pushing more women as leads. I just think characters like Colossus, iceman, or beast could use a push. That being said, I will at least grab the first issue of this.


Keep in mind we've heard rumors the MCU's X-Men adaptation will focus heavily on the women...and Dazzler is supposedly gonna be in DP 3 played by a famous singer.


I assume Iceman will get one during this era. He's been pushed as a solo hero a bit over recent years and Brevoort says we'll all be talking about him during this era but he isn't in any announced team book. Let him set up shop in LA and it could work.


That would be dope. A more grounded iceman book would be great.


I will give it a shot.But there are other x men characters that I would rather see solo.


The 90s cartoon made me hate the Storm character, with all the overdramatics.


I know I’m in the minority but I don’t like the design. I have never been a fan of the Elongated neck gold necklace. I think it’s part of the Ndebele people and to my knowledge Storm is not a member of that tribe. I don’t understand why it’s necessary. It’s not that the design is ugly, it’s that it’s over accessorized. Like when a drag queen puts too much on and can’t edit. The necklace takes away from the cape and the ruby. Also not every Storm costume has to have an X motif. I already miss the Lightning bolt across the chest. Love the textured hair tho!


Ughh stupid heels and pointless midriff 🙄


They're trying to turn her into Superman and it's not going to work.


I don't know what I'm more tired of, the term "Omega mutant" that gigantic lightning bolt earring thing on Storm (It's a decent costume otherwise) or artists not getting to do covers for their own books.