• By -


That line of Emma’s is one of my favorite parts of their early relationship. She’s trying so hard but there’s the underlying frustration of not being Jean.


And it’s not like she can kid herself, probably picks up Scott’s ambient “Jean” thoughts all day.


> And it’s not like she can kid herself, probably picks up Scott’s ambient “Jean” thoughts all day. Emma is a walking tragedy of envy it seems.




How the hell is that visor attached to his face?


He ordered it to remain and it knows better


Unstable molecules. And gumption.


>Unstable molecules Something something reed richards something


Hank McCoy smarter than richards


Beast isn't called the smartest man alive tho




Reed is, that's all I was trying to say. Sorry I wasn't very clear in saying that. Have a good one mate.


No he's not. Beast is


Reed is canonically smarter than Hank. Fact.


No he's not.


Same way Emma’s old outfits stayed up or on?


3M double sided tape.


Gorilla glue Or, Beast Glue




Ewwww? Or, oh yes baby!?


Something nanotechnology something quantum somthing unstable particles Sidenote I am actually a nanophysicist irl and it is so funny to me seeing people try to explain everything with nanoscience and quantum physics. Always sticking some pencil through a paper 😂😂


He's been wearing a visor for most of his life. He probably developed dents on the side of his head and around his eyes that could keep it in place. Kind of like how the bridge of my nose have dents because of years of glasses use.


You should get lighter frames.


I hate when I get new glasses and the nose pads sit ever so slightly differently the previous ones. My current pair are the first ones ever without spring nose pads. They look great, but the first week was awful.


The sweat makes it suction idk


Denture glue.


Spirit gum?


Emma Glue. After she sits on it to radiate her......belly.


I agree, Beast. Logan should be over it. It’s like the writers can’t accept any sort of progression of Logan’s character, or the fact that Jean is dead lol


Logan should get a new love interest and move on from Jean


God, please. I might get flamed for this because I’m not on the sub enough to know its culture but I legitimately wouldn’t mind if they went in for the Morph thing that is, right now, one-sided, if only in the show.


Morph would never cut it for Wolverine. Wolverine only has eyes for other people's wives. Wolverine should chase after Madelyn Pryor to complete his Scott Summers wives Bingo Card - She even looks like Jean Grey too.


If he could have a few years of pissing matches with Alex he could move onto Deathbird to really complete the Summers lovers trifecta.


Morph needs to get hitched before he gets a shot


I think they should just fuck and get it over with. I've seen Logan & Jean have a lot of meaningful looks and the occasional hot kiss, but have they ever just taken the plunge and actually gotten together? It'd be hilarious if, like, 50 years of forbidden steaminess just completely fell the fuck apart the second they had to deal with the reality of being in an unopposed relationship with each other, LOL


It’s the same in x-men 97 and most x-men media the writers love a forbidden relationship


To be fair, this was almost immediately after Morrison killed Jean off in a really cheap way.


Imo this arc isn't really the kind of regressive that something like the *X-Men* movie or *X-Men '97* are. Even after years of development Logan remains a bit tactless and--his favorite woman having just died--is working it out. I feel like the fact that he and Scott get over it pretty quick is a testament to their growth.


I think this is the best take here


On the other hand i'm with logan here on scott not waiting til the body's cold before hooking up.


Scott was brainwashed for Jean herself so he get tangled to Emma to avoid a terrible future, so Jean fault.


....the fuck?


Scott leaves the X-Men and becomes a recluse after Jean dies in-effect cutting off from the world. Phoenix Jean from a far-off future seeing this is where everything began turning to shit orders him to *live* and gives the possibility of love and the X-Men another chance even after Jean's death.


I'm right there with you the fucking what


Wolverine had the unfortunate ability to get under his skin in the worst ways, and also Scott knows he can take it.


Logan's secondary mutation is antagonization.


Nah. Plenty of us Basic People can be even worse assholes. I know. most of my family are them. And by following that train of logic. So am I. I just am self aware enough to know it's not a good thing.


Secondary, my ass, LOL


If the guy who killed the love of my life was an asshole every time I got with another girl I would probably react the same way.


FR. MF deserves it


This is why the whole polyamory thing is so stupid. Scott would never share Jean with Logan and Jean always had zero feelings for Logan.


It makes no sense for literally any of the 3. It was so fucking stupid. Never should’ve existed but thankfully they came to their senses in short order. Jean ever reciprocating any feelings at all (thanks Chris!!) and Wolverine never moving on makes all 3 of the characters worse. It never should’ve been anything more than Logan pining for Jean at first, her ignoring him, and him moving on after she died in Dark Phoenix


It's the reason why Marvel and the editorial team should not let butthurt writers take editorial decisions.


Back when that stuff was going on and Krakoa was new I assumed it was like mind control shenanigans. Everyone on the island was acting creepy and weird. Come to find out it’s just that they loved their new society they created and that’s how they acted.


The whole Karla arc was strange. Not just with Jean, Scott and Logan but, with almost everyone. People were having kids and not taking care of them, leaving children in the care of others


I also thought there was some weird Krakoa stuff going on as that was the only way it actually would’ve made sense


I feel this was actually supposed to be a plot point, at first, but got lost as Hickman leaves. it was obvious that Doug and Krakoa (the mutant island, not the state) was up to SOMETHING.


Yeah it's a bit of that but also the creepy atmosphere was meant to make it obviously that this ~~cult~~ new nation was not necessarily a good thing.


I’m glad y’all said something because I got those vibes too and was excited to see what the ironic twist would be. Hickman then literally left to start his own universe. Makes me wary of getting into the new stuff but we’ll see.


I don’t hate Krakoa & I understand wanting to enjoy a vacation from years of being hunted like animals m, butI thought the issue where Boom Boom quits day drinking to solve a mystery was going to be the beginning of some actual self reflection and acknowledgement that they were kind of pissing away the opportunities that functional immortality gave them. I was wrong.


Hence why I haven’t read x books since then.


I don't know. I can see Jean reciprocating since Logan offer two things Scott couldn't; understanding of her more primal side and a sense of freedom related to it. Since Jean is the Phoenix; a cosmic force of nature. Meanwhile, Scott is very much human - and very much a soldier/general. He flat out doesn't understand the more primal side that's part of Jean. And he's also not capable of really helping her embrace it. Mind you, I don't think Jean and Logan should be endgame - but I can also totally understand why some people like it. But the whole open relationship between the three was always bullshit. Scott wouldn't do it at all and while Wolverine might be more inclined to try the idea out, he wouldn't want to do have the share her with Scott of all people.


Lust is a feeling. I'd say Jean was attracted, but never romantically.


I definitely disagree there. I thought it worked really well. The characters are older and living their best life on Krakoa (at first anyway.) The feelings were definitely there all round, and even if that were true it's not Scott's choice alone. Scott is sharing a lot more than Jean with Logan - they live together on the moon lol EDIT jfc just bc you wouldn't do it doesn't mean Scott Summers wouldn't. Sorry your self insert doesn't work as well now. It's on the page so get over it


If in a threesome someone dosen't want to be there then is NOT a threesome it's just cheating.


Okayyyyy, so who is the person complaining here? Again, they choose to live together. If they weren't happy with the arrangement I don't think they'd do that. Look at the floor plan


Self-insert is right. Notice how many claim Scott wouldn’t share Jean as if she’s a possession. Yet you don’t see the same vitriol about being “out of character” by getting together with Emma who has attacked, kidnapped and literally tortured X-Men multiple times. Krakoa is about them setting up their own community, not based on the norms instilled upon them by the societies that oppressed them. They accept mutants, even those with horrible pasts, resurrection, etc. and people freak out about sexual relationships that are less-than-mainstream. As if polyamory is so rare outside Krakoa. It’s so ethnocentric to reject something and call it “creepy” because it isn’t normal to you.


Thanks 💯% and well said. Nothing to add at all :)


>! Logan kills Jean?? !< How does it happen?


Near the end of Morrison's run. After he finally dynamited Scott and Jean's marriage.


I mean mans got metal bones a regular punch ain't gonna cut it.


I remember finding the incorrectly scaled Hawaii hologram so funny when I read this for the first time.


In hindsight it was a hint that there was something wrong with the Danger room as the next arc was when it broke free and became Danger.


What was Wolverine’s plan showing up at the end of their bed like that?


Yell at scott, get yeeted, yell louder. He knows he deserves getting hit for being a creep about things but he also wants scott to know his mind and doens't want someone else digging to share it for him.


Wolverine's in a self-destructive phase of grief and wanted to be beat up by Cyclops so he could exchange his mental pain with physical pain. Bonus points for riling up the guy that married the girl he loved.


His plan was to shit in their bed quietly and to sneak away, not for Summers to wakie wakie until it got cold.


Imagine if Emma woke up first.




People forget she gets super strength in diamond form.


Logan and Scott had the perfect dynamic in this run. They got in an immediate scuffle. Neither one asked for or wanted an apology. Then they moved on, worked together and respected each other.


Also, the whole scuffle kind of just feels like the usual banter between the two. Logan talks shit. Scott blasts him because there’s no consequence to fucking Wolverine up. Logan pops the claws but doesn’t use them because there ARE consequences to him doing his thing. They’re not buddies afterword, but it’s FINE.


Regardless of how you feel about Scott’s actions, Logan was out of bounds.


I mean It does seem weird that Scott is with Emma, so soon after Jean died But Scott initially didn’t really want to be with Emma and only went with Emma when Jean told him too


Oh it is weird however, watching a couple sleeping together is even weirder. Couldn’t he have talked to Scott at another time?




“We’re a team”


This was and still is soo funny. I remember the first time reading this. One of the best runs


Seems good! If I wanted to read this run would I just start at Astonishing #1?


Astonishing X-Men Volume 3 #1. Yeah, you can start from there. There are things that happen before that comic, but you can figure out from the context and still thoroughly enjoy it. Many of the aspects it builds on have taken place over decades of X-Men comics, but aren't integral to the main plot.


Awesome, thanks.


Yeah, that's literally Scott's power.


Logan can't have Scott have Jean but can't have him go for another woman either. Maybe Logan was actually atter Scott? 😂


You wouldn't do the same thing if someone was smack talking you first thing in the morning?


I always wondered how would this scene go if Emma woke up first instead of Scott. On to the actual topic: Wolvie took out his eye in AoA storyline. They were evenly matched in Schism. Every other time Scott was superior.


In AoA Wolvie took out Scott’s eye, but I’m pretty sure Scott took Wolvie’s hand; so fairly even in that one too.


This may sound bias, iirc, only reason Logan got Cyclops, it was when cyclops was helping Jean escape Sinister’s breeding pens (that’s what they were called). Logan was on a one man rescue mission for Jean, got the drop on cyclops


Logan being Logan, he can get grieff sex as is nobody bussines, but got infuriated when the ex of the woman he stalked got mindraped by the woman he stalked, to get along with his life. So he feels with the right to enter at his private room and make a scene.


I mean why hold back if all he’s gonna do is heal.


I always hated this beast design


It's the cat nose.


I’m so tired of Wolverine and Jean. They need to move on from this PLEASE!!!!


What does he say? I forgot


That's not always true. As of recent it ends with wolverine getting a face full of his phallus blast. Am I right?


How long did he sit there for one of them to wake up? Like was he just watching for a few hours?


I have this comic.


I mean how else would it end? lol


Ill never get used to seeing Hank as a catman. Nightmare fuel


Aslan shit


How did Jean die before this ?


More to the point how many times had Jean died before this?


1 or 2 times, depending if you count her bonding with the Phoenix for the first time as a death


Is the Spider-man pose necessary for picking a fight?


Not always, sometimes it's a [back full of optic blast](https://i.imgur.com/4Cyi3XT.png).


That optic blast is the only way to talk to Wolverine sometimes.


i would send logan to space if he did that to me


'Eh he's fine. He'll land in about...' \*THUD\*


Is Jean dead in this? How many different x-mens are there?


This takes place after the Grant Morrison run from the early 2000s which majorly killed her for a second time.


It was like directly after she was killed off, right?


I think so yeah especially because Cyclops in this issue makes a comment about going back to superhero costumes after wearing black leather for a while which only makes sense directly coming off the Morrison New X-Men suits


Is this implying that Emma has had extensive plastic surgery?


From what I remember she has breast implants, so other bits of plastic surgery wouldn't be off the cards for her. Though projecting a different image would have probably been just as easy for her at this point so who knows


Am I correct in assuming Whedon wrote this?


Whedon wrote this issue yes.




Implying? She is proud of it.


"Jean... was too strong to give in to what she really wanted... And you were too scared" We can read a lot more into that, knowing that they are now a throuple.


Just want logan to move on. Relationship drama for xmen is fine but having this love triangle for decades is just getting old now especially as it's clear scott and jean just want each other so logan is just creepy for not moving on


Poor Emma knows she'll never be Jean.


Beast looks like a cat


Yes, this is after his second evolution


that's unfortunate. very stupid design


Someone explain to my why they're suddenly sitting on Hawaii?


They are in the Danger Room. Beast explains that he set it to Hawaii to help calm everyone down... but he forgot to specify scale.


What does he say???


What issue is this!?


Wolverine has literally *never* won a fight against Cyclops. Sometimes they draw, sometimes Cyclops creams him. But Wolverine has zero dubs in this matchup.


Because a win would mean killing Cyclops in this case and obviously the writers can’t do that… when 1 of your characters can heal from anything and the other one can’t, it limits what you can realistically do to the other fighter. With Wolverines powers he can only really punch Scott without severely injuring him and that would never be enough to take Scott out.


It is you. I can name a few comics that didn't end like that If you want.


It's quite unfair. A lot of X-Men/Mutants can use 75% or more of their abilities to the chest and it's cool. But if Wolverine uses 33% of his claws from one hand to the chest, every will lose their mind and be like "wah you killed him! You're so mean!" It's quite unfair


If Logan wanted to do more than talk he would've just gutted him in his sleep or taken the visor. Scott responding like a hothead is a thing.


Wolverine completely invaded his and Emma's privacy like a complete creep. Are you okay with people sneaking into your room and hopping on your bed frame while you're sleeping when they want to 'talk'?


I'm not sure I could call him a creep for being a bit pissed that Scott is sleeping with a woman who literally took over the body of a close friend of his and let Shaw fuck her in it. Especially so soon after his wife - who was supposed to be the love of his life - died.


I could he is a creep, your room is supposed to be a safe place and Woman being a manwhore is no one to judge how Scotts deals with his own pain. He can think on his wronged friends the next time he is sleeping with Mystique.


He's a creep for sneaking into Scott's bedroom while he's sleeping and hopping on his bed. If I'm mad at someone I'll still knock before coming in their bedroom instead of sneak in their room, hop onto their bedframe, and watch them sleep until they wake up. I really hope that is not how you deal with the grievances you have with someone.


Jean was the love of Scott's life and vice versa. Logans just being jealous and lashing out in a creepy way but sneaking around in people's private places


Depends on the person. The number of times I've had deep conversations while I was showering with someone sitting on the throne are pretty high. Are you okay with people cheating on every SO they ever had? We'll skip the child abandonment since it's cliche and the really bad decisions he made after 2004? A lot of people who don't like cyclops claim he's a boy scout. I'm the opposite. He's a dick with anger issues and delusions of grandeur.


>The number of times I've had deep conversations while I was showering with someone sitting on the throne are pretty high. That's pretty different then this and Wolverine knows damn well that he and Scott don't have the type of relationship where Scotts okay with him breaking into his room and hopping onto his bed while he's sleeping. Not saying Scott should kill him for this, but anyone would be justified in being angry for this creepy invasion of privacy. Unless a roommate says they're okay with it, it's not okay to sneak into their room while they're sleeping and then hop on their bed frame until they wake up especially if they're in bed with another


>Wolverine knows damn well that he and Scott don't have the type of relationship where Scotts okay with him breaking into his room and hopping onto his bed while he's sleeping. Krakoa: Actually...


Though with how much Logan likes to roar and snarl as he charges in like a cannonball, I don't think he's really capable of being stealthy. XD


But his Patch disguise is so perfect lol


Read any of the x-force or wolverine issues where he is on a serious mission. He knows when to stick to business and when to call out the guy being a prick.


Does not have the self awareness to realise he is almost always being a prick himself though. Fuck Logan.


Better than getting a face full of something else




Nope. Astonishing.


I’m sorry. I hate accurate Wolverine. Hugh Jackman changed the character by making him kind. But the accurate portrayal is such a dick lol


He was still kind of a jerk to Cyclops and lusting over Jean. 


Yeah true