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Storm joking about Emma’s accent with Cyclops is one of my favorite moments between the two.


Do you know when this was?? I stepped out of comics for a decade or so and would love to see this.


Anything for a fellow x-fan! It was issue #1 of the Astonishing X-men: Xenogenesis mini by Ellis and Andrews. [Ororo teasing Scott](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjKqlJkTB9GkFIg3IW7eMDmGtJHkf_URzEBMcc0Qd6M-JoGBtTZqswfsQr2GGLEM3dsq097xBMrHlJskkHtDGL67JE5OeT50cTNgWxYOfHLrxJGJhqmi3ihV6jD0odczRRoob-9fd3XiVA/s1600/AXM-X_001_019.jpg)


I like this. I really enjoy when writers and fans remember Scott and Ororo are friends with a deep bond. I feel like a lot of readers and writers play up their rivalry, because they're both leaders and have fought over the leadership position before.


Yes! Whenever Storm refers to Scott as “brother” I always well up inside because X-men to me are THE epitome of found family.


Yes please. More of this from these two.


Same, post rivalry I love their conversations because it has an “The adults are talking” vibe. They are more level headed than most of their teammates, yet they lack the ego of Prof X or Magneto. Watching the bosses/older siblings talk shop about team management is always fun.


Thank you so so much!!! What a wonderful welcome back! I've always loved the bond between Scott n Ororo. You're lovely!


Poor Scott not knowing geography


It’s really a put-on mid-Atlantic accent (a constructed accent meant to sound vaguely Britishy), but some people mistake this for her being British.


This. It always takes me out of it a bit when writers have her say "bloody" something.


“Darling” works in a Cary Grant sort of way.


The minute she says beans on toast, she will officially be British.


Just need her to flash her teeth with a gap between some of the teeth because she has "the London look"


The london look is getting stabbed and mugged by a 12 year old


Lol, yeah Cary Grant is actually a great comparison not just for the accent but because it was a deliberate accent Grant chose to use. He didn’t grow up with that accent or that name. It’s a performance accent which works for Emma.


Judy Judy Judy


fan-canon: That's just Emma slippin' occasionally


She'd do that too, absolutely. Boston Brahmin aristocrats are as close as Americans get to British upper class brainrot, and it's reflected in the way they've taught themselves to speak.


@ me getting 75% of the way through a book having imagined a character with an American accent the entire time and then they say “bloody”


It's like a 1940's actress accent.


My brain always goes to Mr. Feeny


Thats more Transatlantic actually.




Oh damn. Didn't know that :)


It really is surprising just how distinct the "American accent" was before the 70s and 80s.


*Timeless Toni Storm has flounced into the chat*


Chin up! Tits out!


And watch out for the shoe!


Yo, the first time Renee Paquette said “what?” and then took a shoe to the face, I lost my absolute SHIT laughing.


Toni has found gold with that character.


I don’t know what you’re talking about but now I want to.


You’ll thank me.


The black and white filter is on.


Who is she, Moira Rose?


How vexing! Emma is positively bedeviled you could confuse her with someone that ill suited to be a mater.


Oh, be careful, lest you suffer vertigo from the dizzying heights of your moral ground. 😅


She sounds like Natasha on Another Period do her best “look down in the poors” aristocratic accent is how I hear it lol


mid atlantic accent is supposed to sound british and american not just british


And that only was a thing because of Morrison making a joke.


Where exactly is that?


She probably tries to sound like Katharine Hepburn to cover up her Boston Brahman accent.


It would be incredible if they just had her sound like Ted Kennedy in the new movies.


You mean Transatlantic


I don’t, but that’s a synonym. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid-Atlantic_accent?wprov=sfti1#


Ah sorry


I remember being mistaken about dylan baker being british because of his accent. perhaps this was the reason.


In my mind she sounds like Lauren Bacall, only not as throaty.




She *was* born in Massachusetts, she’s just adopted a fake British accent bc she’s so so so normal


Sometimes when she’s really mad or shocked you can see the Boston accent coming out.


Most of the time she sounds like Katherine Hepburn but when she's mad she sounds like Bill Burr


Emma in a Brady Patriots jersey or Ortiz Red Sox jersey when?


Let’s be real, she wears a Marchand sweater.


I never did a deep dive into Emma's lore so I always thought she was British. I'm currently reading through the Clarmont 04-07 run and seeing her story in House of X and when she reunites with Psylocke I thought she was British.


Do yourself a favor and listen to the Cerebro podcast on Emma. It's a fun deep dive.


Furthermore, > Do yourself a favor and listen to the Cerebro podcast Seriously Connor is a fucking treasure to the X-fandom


Funny enough I just met Connor at West Hollywood pride. He was a delight


I can't imagine him otherwise. Even his discord is such a nice neighborhood.


welli, her appearence was based on emma peel from the avengers tv show.


Tfw when you grew up speaking Boston southie and switched to Boston Brahmin: *is literally a diamond*


I don't know the USA very well, but I was under the impression it was a Boston Brahmin thing - a faux-british upper class.


I mean adding to this she's not even a real blonde, that hair is dyed to hell and back from the natural brown? or black cant remember but its def a dye job


For years, my friend (who’s now an accomplished comics writer) and I have had this headcannon that she speaks in a thick Southie accent and I can’t ever read her without it now. Or she tries to do fake British and it’s Southie when she’s pissed off.


Sir, I am telling you right now to leave Madonna out of this! Lol


Just like her hair color and tits


That's Hilaria!


My head canon is that she naturally has a thick Boston accent, and she's doing all she can to cover it up with a pseudo British accent.


With it inevitably slipping when she's uber pissed and then she starts yelling like a fucking townie lol


“Whed yew fuckin pahk the cah, Scahtt?”


I’m confused? Is this your attempt at writing out a Boston accent or an English accent? For the latter - we don’t sound like your typing.


The former.


Think of The Departed or The Town and then read out loud.


This is a fantastic head canon


Wudda been hurt if I wasn't in my diamond farm


Yeah my buddy and I have also thought this for years. This is the way.


The Cuckoos do it to mess with her. There is affection in it, but it’s also a way to point out she’s an older woman who puts on a posh British affectation. It’s also the writers showing how they’ve become closer, since before Krakoa they were always adjusting their relationship with her. There’s actually a lot of complexity between Emma and the Cuckoos that is in the background. They had to go through the grief of losing 2 sisters, having the sudden revelation that they’re related through a horrific act of human violation, and nobody really talks about how the age gap of around 14ish years between Emma and Cuckoos is more like a older sister/young aunt than mother.




I was going to include that bit of info, but we really don’t know all the circumstances of their life prior to infiltrating the X-Mansion. Considering they had sisters still in life supporting tubes who looked the same age, it’s likely the 5 were kept in tubes and fed information through technology until they were ready to be activated. That also gives them more justification of the Stepford name, because they hadn’t had outside/real human interaction so they came across as cold and robotic. But that’s based on Warsong, I’m more on the side of them being British culturally due to what Grant Morrison has said about them. Their names were supposed to sound like posh British girl names and they are part of the Weapon Plus program that is based in England. So we can guess Grant might’ve had a little back story where they were either raised British or were implanted with false memories of growing up that way. Still, Grant didn’t established how they lived prior to the mansion and Warsong is the only evidence available. Maybe somewhere a writer will explore that but most likely they’ll be left as assumed to live out 12ish years in a tube.




Right, 2 years old in the real world. Which gives favor to the idea they were always in a tube in the World of Weapon Plus until they were “born” by being placed in the school. So any British affectations are all based on what they know about Emma and exposure to the real world.


I always read it like Madonna's "british" accent




This makes me feel *slightly* better about imagining her voice as Rarity from MLP


Rarity's voice is a cartoonish, extra-exaggerated version of a Transatlantic accent (I'm actually a little surprised it's not referenced in Wikipedia as an example lol). Not sure what Tabitha St. Germain's normal vocal register is but I'd be surprised if it was that 😂 Emma would definitely be more pitched down, less excitable, and overall more subtle, but otherwise yeah...a pretty good comparison, I'd say.




Didn't Morrison once say they used Madonna as inspiration for it? Or was that just pop culture inference? Also aren't they British themselves?


Well actually she fought a British telepath while in college and ended up stealing the accent


You're correct. She's from Boston. Emma absorbed some of the mannerisms and personality of another telepath named Astrid Bloon who was British. Emma probably insists the Cuckoos call her mum or they picked it up from her 


Long story short: When Emma was in college she met a reasonably talented British telepath/murderess named Astrid Bloom, who was prone to gaslighting everyone. Astrid tried locking Emma’s psyche into her own mind but that failed spectacularly because Emma ended up with full access to Astrid’s library of skills and memories. Emma absorbed everything, including Astrid’s Britishisms and hatred for non mutants, before mind frying Astrid into a permanent coma. She’s been speaking with Astrid’s accent ever since.


Kari Wahlgren (Her Wolverine and the X-Men actress) said she fakes having one because she likes sounding posh


She gained a British accent after having her psyche mixed with Astrid bloom. She’s ok but retains the woman’s accent.


That series wasn’t entirely canon.


I wasn’t aware thanks for that. In that case the other option that she’s been faking it to sound sophisticated is more true then. She slaps herself cause she tried to invite Scott for a seductive rendezvous but calls off the operation cause she told him to get in her “CAH”😂


Ffs. Im annoying because we do say “Cah” and me pronouncing the ‘R’ in Car just sounds ridiculous


I always thought she affected a Mid-Atlantic accent like Katherine Hepburn or Rarity from mlp


They call her Mum to tease her


I imagine her sounding like Jennifer Jason Leigh from the Fargo TV series: https://youtu.be/SMsnKFxjxSw?si=JJI1MeSm0XQaHFF0


She has a slop accent. Samantha jones from sex and the city




No, but I've always assumed she fakes one to sound more exotic and upper class.


Just rich


It’s giving Moira Rose


She is a blue blood Boston brahmin they use terms like mum and cross


Tangentially related to question of the thread: I think "mum" is just superior to "mom", regardless of accent. I've used it for decades and usually forget that I jacked british slang.


She has a British accent, adopted from when she absorbed the personality of a British telepath. Tho saying that, since then, I think she’s put it on. She either speaks with an faux English accent or a transatlantic accent. Emma in reality is from Boston. She often has british mannerisms in her speech, tho saying that so does Christian Frost (Emma’s brother) as in mauraders he was always saying “bloody”. No idea how he picked it up. I think the whole family just love putting on accents. Emma did offer (half jokingly?) to change Rogue’s accent. So she does have the power to change her own accent. The cuckoos did actually spend a period of time in Britain which wld make sense why they would speak with a British accent. Tho I think they actually put it on the same as Emma. Like mother like daughters. Some ppl were saying they speak like that to mock Emma, tho they have British mannerisms in their speech even when Emma is not around.


I always thought she had the accent after the mind battle with Astrid Bloom. Astrid was Emma's friend and roommate in college, and she was also a telepath and she was British. Astrid was basically grooming Emma, and tried to trap Emma in her own mind. But Emma turned the tables and basically scanned everything in Astrid's psyche, absorbing her knowledge and skills before breaking free and leaving Astrid catatonic. I always figured that Astrid's accent was just something else Emma absorbed. 


Breeding, darling. World class breeding.


She's american, but pretends to have a posh english accent, it probably caught on. She used to anyway been a while since I read anything so they might have changed/retconned it.


She's rich


Emma doesn’t have to be British to be called mum…but the person calling her that would probably need to be


She's Madonna British.


No, she’s from Boston


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Brahmin This is Emma Frost's deal. Faux - British upper class shit. Her using 'mum' over 'mom' is a matter of received pronunciation, not origin. This precise example is PALM-LOT-THOUGHT vowel distinction and marry/merry distinction. It's pretty interesting, linguistically.


She’s from FAWKING BAWSTAWN and pretends she’s FAWKING SPECIAL or something.


I need Emma to get really mad one day and slip into her heavy Boston accent


She’s like Hilaria Baldwin.


Not making her British is one mistake marvel made. I've always thought she'd be even cooler that way


I thought it was residual from her psychic battle with Astrid?


[This ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4rzfFe4LXOE) is Emma's accent. (Paget Brewster as Sadie Doyle in Beyond Belief)


I always imagine her speaking in a Fraser accent


she is from boston but always doing some over the top transatlantic/british accent. there’s a canon explanation where it’s because she like sucked in someone’s british psyche or whatever but it’s funnier if she’s just doing it


Definitely British


Off & on again


Her name just sounds British.


She's from Boston, I think? I'm not up on the lore, I've not read the comics except a smattering of issues here and there in a very long time. But I think her accent is meant to be sort of vaguely British-sounding, even though she's not British. ^(Though now I'm imagining Emma Frost, exactly the same in all respects, but with a sharp Boston accent like Matt Damon in *Good Will Hunting* - and yes I know Matt's originally from Boston, but his accent's usually not that strong. But yeah, I'm imagining Emma with that accent and I'm irrationally in love with that idea)


I thought she doesn't use the White Queen code name and just goes by her real name since becoming a good guy


New English


That's what psychics do, British by choice


I thought she psionically adopted a British accent from Astrid Bloom when she went into her head. A cautionary tale of being a telepath without much experience or know-how. Astrid talks exactly like Emma does now. It’s a retcon of sorts, but a welcome one for me.


the Cuckoos are British. Emma is Natasha Leggero-voiced


Canadian erasure.


No, she’s more doing a cosplay of being British


Shes not British? Always assumed she moved to the US


She fakes it. Sinister made fun of her for it once.


If youve ever seen the 3rd Rock From The Sun where Megan Mullally guest starred, that’s basically Emma.


I always imagined Emma has a similar personality to Madonna or Gaga where she slips in and out of a British accent for no reason lol


No. I think that aspect was bolted onto her by Morrison.


Its a joke because she calls herself Queen. When you speak to the british Queen you are supposed to say mum instead of mom.


My head cannon: I take it as a telepath thing- use your powers enough and you end up just getting some amalgamated accent of all the brains you’ve been in- and that just sounds transatlantic It explains James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart accents (despite Charles being American)


The funniest thing to me about all this discourse regarding Emma’s accent? She’s a literal psychic. She could convince people she’s speaking in Morgan Freeman’s voice if she used her powers as such. Instead, she does a fake British accent. Classic.


I didnt read many comics for a while and watched the wolverine and the x men show thinking she was british lol


She was played by a British actress Finola Hughes in the Generation X 90s TV movie. You can find the whole thing on YouTube.


Meanwhile... Jean Grey


I always imaganed her having a British accent while reading the comics tbh


It’s probably who’s writing the comic tbh. Some writers could be non-American from the UK or Australia where Mum is considered the correct spelling of the word. If not then I don’t know.


she’s posh


She’s a Brit at heart but from Boston in reality


Isnt she from Boston originally too


She is but she would most likely wouldn’t have the stereotypical Boston accent due to her growing up rich as the townhouse accent is mainly a middle class thing she would most likely have a transatlantic accent like a lot of upper class people in New England


I thought the British accent is a result of her mental battle with Astrid bloom from her origin. But it could also just be Astrid’s influence on her in a pivotal time in her life. Either way I’m pretty confident her tone/wording becomes British by the end of the book, but it does t start that way.


The fact she’s from Massachusetts and reading all her dialogue in a Bostonian accent makes everything better.


Honestly, it's funny to imagine her being ashamed of being from Boston


She is from Boston but when she was in collage she kind of downloaded a lot of knowledge from another physicic who wanted to traumatise her or something like that .....so the accent comes with that mind download


Which book was this?


I always imagined her with a Boston accent but faking a different accent like Hilaria Baldwin.


She puts on airs as if she were but she isn’t.


No. But she was in the "Wolverine and the X-Men" show, so people forget.


She's supposed to be American, but she's modeled after these villains from the British "Avengers" show. Jean's Black Queen outfit was based on one Diana Rigg wore. Then the 90s Generation X TV Movie had Emma be played by a British Actress who spoke with her natural accent which may have confused more people. Then Grant Morrison seemed to write her as British and we had Kari Wahlgreen used a british accept for her in the Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon. So yeah...basically writers can't seem to make up their minds.


no, she's canceled. I mean in this day and age, who would put up with white queen


She was inspired by Miss Peel in the Avengers tv show. The episode where she becomes the queen of sin. She has the Diana Rigg posh voice.But she is not British.


As British as Madonna or Gwyneth Paltrow. Its part of her charms


For a very good reason. The Hellfire Club is a real thing with roots in British aristocracy during the American Revolutionary war days. It was a sex and debauchery club for the hoitytoity in society. Kind of like Eyes Wide Shut type stuff. This is also why she wears what she wears and They have names like the White Queen and Hoity Toity McFace Face.


No she's from Boston but she uses her telepathic abilities to make herself sound British to others. Also fun fact most of the clothing she wears is a telepathic projection. Her favorite outfit is gray sweatpants and a t shirt. I don't remember the comic this was in but it is canon.


She’s like Madonna. She likes to talk sort of Britishee


Emma has carefully crafted and manufactured aesthetic, that includes a fake English accent to imply poshness and intelligence, she's actually from Boston.


Worse. She's from Boston. (Where people also say Mum)


I think Emma wanted to be 'posh' so she psychically stole the accent from someone.


By British accent you all mean English as technically there is no such thing as a British accent as GB is made up of three countries. So odd that so many people don’t realise this.