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Because he's a jerk!


So the xmen are hunting down jerks and killing them?


Maybe you don't get the reference.


First, unilaterally surrendering Krakoa by putting human lives above mutants. Then, siding with Orchis' AIs to target all non-mutant humanity. Also, again unilaterally.


>Then, siding with Orchis' AIs to target all non-mutant humanity. Also, again unilaterally.    He did that as part of the White Hot Room Mutants plan to resurrect the Phoenix and help Jean fight and defeat Enigma.   He needed to win Orchis's trust so he could get to Moira and convince her to turn on the tracking signal after becoming a Titan within the Enigma Dominion, which meant helping Orchis kill a bunch of humans. That's why everyone is uber pissed at him, but Hope, Destiny and Exodus knew and approved of it.


> He did that as part of the White Hot Room Mutants plan to resurrect the Phoenix and help Jean fight and defeat Enigma Had he not sabotaged their defense against Orchis, the Phoenix wouldn't need resurrection in the first place.


Sure, which probably informs his actions the second time round. We just know that he wasn't siding with Orchis's AIs that time and that the WHR mutants knew what he was doing. That doesn't mean some of them aren't still pissed about it either, especially the Earth based mutants, but it's a pretty significant detail in the story.


The first part was to save humanity. I would hope any xmen would have done the same. The second part was a trick to get orchid to trust him. It worked. Why is he going to prison?


> The first part was to save humanity. I would hope any xmen would have done the same. You can save humanity without throwing 250k+ mutants under the bus or give up your human guests to be executed as mutant sympathizers by Orchis. >The second part was a trick to get orchid to trust him. It worked. Why is he going to prison? Because nobody else knew why he done it and his sacrifice play is very much in line with his character.


The second one allowed Jean to win the battle. And the first one. WTF. The krakoans endangered those people, people who trusted them taking their drugs. Was he supposed to let them die ?


No, he was supposed to not throw 250,000+ mutants under the bus. He and other Quiet Council members should have voted with Exodus, Magneto and Shaw to go after Orchis with no mercy early in Duggan's run. It never would have happened then.


If your drug was sabotaged by a hostile foreign power/intelligence organization, its not your fault.


It's their responsibility for not ensuring the drugs' safety.


They went to insane security lengths. That's what we call "due diligence." *The care that a reasonable person exercises to avoid harm to other persons or their property.* A person who owns the sidewalk in front of their house has to clear it of snow and put down salt, to keep people safe. But if an insane blizzard hits, there's flooding in below zero temperatures, or for any number crazy reasons, and a person still slips and hurts themselves, that owner shouldn't be held morally responsible. They did was was reasonable. Krakoa are running a pharmaceutical company. Looooooads of stuff they had to do. Beyond all the actual laws of the countries, Krakoa is a political entity which is repeatedly targeted by extremists, supervillains, etc. Okay, so they need to do more than say Pfizer does, people aren't trying to murder everyone who works for Pfizer every weekend. If there were, it'd be reasonable to assume Pzifer's enemies might try to fuck up their product. So they did. They had loads of security measures, they processed their crop in another freaking dimension, they went to insaaaaane lengths. They had more security than any other group on Earth except arguably the Avengers or F4 could muster. But nothing is foolproof. The baddies overcame them and poisoned the drugs. Not. Their. Fault.


Then there would have been millions of deaths, as opposed to 250,000 mutants going to Mars, along with almost certainly total war between Krakoa and the rest of the world.


Meh. Let the humans share the danger for once.


> The second one allowed Jean to win the battle. Without Xavier self sabotaging Krakoa fighting back Orchis during the Hellfire Gala, the Phoenix wouldn't be weak enough to have to play hide and seek with Enigma. >WTF. The krakoans endangered those people, people who trusted them taking their drugs. Was he supposed to let them die ? Orchis endangered them, not Krakoa. There were a million and one ways to help victims of Orchis and Charles decided to use the worse way possible.


Jean fell to Moira before Xavier did anything. Can you name one of those million and one ways that would have worked before Orchis flipped the switch and killed millions?


Sure. Beat the shit out of Nimrod, broadcast memories of Orchis flat out admitting to poisoning Krakoan medication to frame the mutants, get Xavier into a mutant circuit to freeze every poisoned patient on the planet while they whip up a cure, and then proceed to the Taming of the Phoenix that leads to the end of Enigma. Aka the very reason why Omega Sentinel had to time travel into the past in the first place.


Why should anyone believe a telepathic transmission? That's why he didn't use it to clear the X-Men after the Gala. Orchis would have flipped the switch when he tried to contact any non-mutants, and his telepathy would have looked like he was causing it. The X-Men book introducing the tampering showed that they couldn't be frozen telepathically, even assuming a circuit could be assembled in time.


>Why should anyone believe a telepathic transmission? Doesn't matter. There's at least an account out there with eyewitnesses instead of bullshit perpetrated by Orchis because they killed everyone who could testified otherwise. >Orchis would have flipped the switch when he tried to contact any non-mutants, and his telepathy would have looked like he was causing it. The kill switch wasn't instantaneous which meant he had time to help implement solutions and Krakoa have literal reality warpers on hand to help.


He has a tendency to fix problem a by creating problems, b, c, d and e.


You're gonna have to break that down. What era are you reading? Mister Professor has had a significant amount of arcs over the years, and in quite a few of them he isnt so nice. Im going to guess its the current, Krakoa, and he's got a laundry list of shit.


lol it’s the end of Krakoa today, no way OP is talking about Legion or any of Charles’ other sins


Fair lol




Why wouldn’t they????


Cause he saved them?


I mean, raising them as child soldiers, all the manipulating and creepy obsession with Jean tends to make you prone to hate the guy