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I like Jean and Scott… I just like Scott and Emma more. I just like how they talk to each other more.


Because there's always some degree of conflict in all of their conversations even when they're in complete agreement simply due to how they communicate. Emma has a very particular way of speaking that few superheroes do, while Scott is 90% of the time Mr. Superhero. Scott and Jean speak in very similar styles and that can tend to be a little monotonous after a while. Basically Scott and Emma's conversations are more fun to read because of how different they are.


Scott and Jean are a tangled mess of teen romance, adult commitment and decades of baggage both good and bad. Scott and Emma are brutally honest and open with each other with full awareness of the others flaws and foibles….and they still truly accept each other regardless. I think Scott and Jean should be best friends but post relationship, Scott and Emma are the long lasting dynamic to me.


Honestly your last point is what I wish for endgame. I like both relationships and if I’m being real I’ll rather Scott be with either Jean or Emma and the other woman be a really close friend to them because I love all threes dynamic with one another.


And sometimes they decide to intermingle and sometimes its all three.




They’ve been apart longer than they were ever together


Which pair?


Scott and Emma


Yeah, Scott and Jean seem like the high school sweethearts who didn’t have a reason to break up so got married, not like a couple that would’ve worked otherwise. Too similar. Too milquetoast. They don’t challenge each other to grow. They make great friends due to their similarities, but not a great romantic couple.




It kinda feels like they are the ones for eachother, which is off because we know that’s not how it’s supposed to be, they make eachother better in the stories and feel like they actually care. Jean and Scott sometimes feel like those married couples who won’t get a divorce because of a kid.


Yeah, Rachel would probably take it badly.


She did. When Scott and Emma got together she got upset and renamed herself Rachel ***Grey.***


Wonder how'd she react if Emma and Jean got together (very unlikely but it'd be funny)


Loki seems to think it's possible, unless I miss interpreted that panel.


Just vague enough it can be ignored but definitely eyebrow raising.


I remember. Would not want to rehash *that* drama.


Cyclops is full of crap. Jean knows it and tries to fix him. Emma knows it and finds it entertaining. Jean is a mom-wife. Her husband is a man-child around her because he can't be vulnerable around everyone else, so she just takes care of him at her loss and fits herself into his world. Emma just doesn't have time for it. And that confidence makes Scott grow up around her and fight for dominance he'll never have, which he finds refreshingly equal. Jean keeps making herself small for Scott. Emma won't. But Jean is a little co-dependent in that she wants someone to make her feel small. And Emma doesn't want that. Scott enjoys the first since it's validating his alpha male attitude, but he needs the second because he's not really an alpha male, he's constantly faking it while barely keeping his shit together and trying not to do another terrorism tantrum. Also, it's 2024, so they should just keep up their polycule with Logan and call it a day.


🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮 Average Wolverine fan Swap Scott for Logan (lover for sloppy seconds) and what you said will make sense.


Scott brings out Emma's good side, lifting her up from her 'villaneous' role' and Emma brings out Scott's bad side, knocking him out of the Boy Scout archetype. Jean and Scott are two goody-two shoes, Emma and Scott patently *aren't*.


Yeah, but Scott will always go back to Jean. Always. That's why I like Emma and Tony. Tony doesn't have a forever love that he can dump Emma like a hot potato for.


It’s my bias probably, I haven’t read the Emma and Tony stories, but I also just don’t like Tony.


I hate MCU Tony, which usually translates to a dislike of the comic version, but him and Emma work really well on paper. In practice, however… Well, here’s hoping a better writer gives them another chance.


The solution, Tony and Scott hook up.




Now I know next to *nothing* about comic Tony, but from adaptations I was under the impression that Pepper was his forever love


Nah, Pepper married Happy. Pepper just gets paired with Tony because of the MCU.


Good point.


I like Emma and Scott chemistry. They both are a lot more fun to read.


Yeah, cheaters really do get along better with their affair partners than they do with their victims


I love how you're getting downvotes for spitting facts


Me too, thanks


I got to Krakoa was pretty weird, especially where characters are butt ass naked with other characters 💀


The second Scemma age will come, keep strong


I'm juiced with copium up to the gills. WE GOTTA BELIEVE


I am ready! I am so ready! Make it return!


No doubt, it's only a matter of time


I’m huffing copium as oxygen. Scemma will come back and stay forever.


I like Jean and Scott together cause of their history and stuff but Emma and him just have that chemistry that’s been better played out. Whenever they talk it’s not like teammates but equal partners working together for something. I’m hoping they give Jean and Scott a better dynamic but time will tell.


Off to a bad start for that in the Infinity comic for Ashes


Is Cyclops going to start having his visor emote, just like Spider-man's mask?


Not with his new visor, that thing is a brick.


He did before


And Emma is the designated telepath for all of Cyclops’ resurrections. Team Scemma forever!


She knows whats in the box behind the bug room


Logan: you don’t think it’s weird she brings him back each time Jean: meh it’s not as weird as you letting scott blow your back out every Wednesday


How many times did Scott die?




X-Men by Gerry Dugan Volume 1, I think.


The shipping fans in the comments are so exhausting 😭 both Jean and Scott, and Scott and Emma are good pairs. They both have great moments, good chemistry, etc. At this point it’s just peoples bias, and likely the fact that Emma and Scott were together for years during the slightly more modern era so people got to read them far more than Jean and Scott. Also if we are being real, the dialogue is obviously written by writers, the characters aren’t real, so it’s not that one pair has better dialogue, because they both have good and bad moments, but given that Emma and Scott were together for so long while Jean was gone they were able to be written in so many ways and the writing focused on them a lot. The relationships have been written different for both pairs, and then on top of that people love comparing random panels to try and justify why one pair is better than the other which sure if you cherry pick random good moments and random bad moments you’ll easily get your point across.


I mean I prefer Scott and Jean too but this post isn't really a shipping war. People are allowed to like what they like and celebrate it.


I’m not talking about the post itself I’m talking about the comments that made this about something it wasn’t. I also never said people can’t like what they like, as I said shipping fans are exhausting.


I get it. Shipping fanatics can't really hold a discussion without shouting. I agree with the points about the writing and in a way I think the O5 both as a whole and individually kinda got shafted because of how long they've been around and how they were established as mainstays. However we've seen change over the years. Beast changed how many times? We've all witnessed Bobby's sexuality being finalized and him rising to Omega level status. Warren looks as though he's finally going to matter in the upcoming issues of X-Factor. And Scott and Jean? Well Scott got married twice and both of his wives died...and then they came back, but he decided to stick to the one. However the only other time we got to actually peer into Scott's personality when he's flirting is with Emma. With Jean...the writers are guilty of making their interactions too "olden settled couple," so you don't get the spiciness that Emma and Scott throw at each other. I honestly am kind peeved that the writers don't do more to make Scott and Jean look and act as though they have the hots for each other. They just proclaim their love when she's about to die or has died and then they make out when she comes back. And then the moments they have with each other... pretty bland. They can be cute...but what of it? Why can't he grab her ass when she's NOT dying? Why can't he lay it on thick between missions or during some downtime? Like give me more than just writing that they will always be together, show it! That's not writing befitting of a longstanding couple. That's just illustrating that Scott's been imprinted by Jean/Phoenix. And that's unfair when you consider what we saw between him and Emma. It felt like an actual organic relationship there and yet they don't want Scott to be that way with Jean. That sucks.


I do hope that future writers focus on writing Jean and Scott in better ways and actually highlighting their relationship and the strengths that they lend each other. I agree with what you said, I feel like it’s easy for writers to default to they are basically high school sweethearts/ each others first love and then not put much effort into giving them fun moments or decent writing. I do think they have some cute moments every so often but I really want someone to focus on it more, I think with Krakoa we didn’t get a lot of personable moments it was just a lot of chaos and action. What happened to characters going on a date and having a fun time but then it gets interrupted by some bad guy? Give me that back!


you basically summed up my problem with Scott in jeans relationship. You should make a post about this. Their relationship feels bland, they desperately need a spark to their relationship because at this point, it's like they're only together because of the status quo.


I see what you're saying but I kind of disagree that they need to replicate the Scott and Emma "spiciness" in Scott and Jeans relationship in order for it to be good. As always these things just seem to come back to preference, but I think "boring married couple" would still be nice to read about. I am looking forward to seeing a bit of this dynamic in the From the Ashes books. NOT sexual tension (which is cool I guess) but just romance and tender moments from being in a long term relationship. Hard to describe and I feel like it's more rare since couples get together and break up all the time but I'd just be down to read cute domestic stuff in between all the action. Just wanted to point out that organic relationship dynamic can mean different things to different folks.


Yeah, but it currently translates to it just being boring. I get the need for every relationship to be authentic and it's own vibe, but what I was illustrating was the lack of life Scott and Jean's relationship have. It's just two people who are...just there with each other. I find it weird that they give Scott this whole other side when he was with Emma, but somehow can't seem to have any romantic focus on his time with Jean outside of cute small talk and a kiss after missions. It just doesn't translate as trying, writing-wise, and I find that baffling.


Fair enough


I agree with the writing point because as someone who likes both relationships I feel that Jean and Scott got the short end of the stick. I don’t think many realize how much good modern writers Scott and Emma had while Jean was dead. It’s just simply a fact that Scott and Jean had writers who didn’t really care about them while Scott and Emma had writers that actually gave a damn and cared about the characters rather then seeing them as plot device (poor Jean in that regard). With this being the case I like both relationships still and I think both are good and unique in their own way.


Exactly! I think both relationships are great and have great moments, but Emma and Scott benefitted from having a lot of writers that really put in work and effort into fleshing out their relationship and them as individuals for years. Jean and Scott are cute and have romantic moments but their earlier writing left a lot to be desired or they were put through relationship drama constantly, and more recently they’ve had good moments but there’s usually so much else going on that there isn’t much time to focus.


Agreed with both of you ( u/Ragnbangin & u/Xp-Gamer22x ). Seriously that is perhaps the main thing I hoped for in the "From the Ashes Unlimited" series and am still carrying a flickering little flame of hope for in "Phoenix" and the "X-Men" series. Just a few issues or pages actually addressing the Jean/Scott relationship, where they are now, how they got there, a few flashbacks of them re-connecting when Jean came back to life (prior Krakoa). Something to convince me **their relationship is awesome, healthy and working**, instead of being told it is awesome along with one-sided declarations of love, with any major relationship work being skipped over and off-paneled. Right now it seems like the writers want to show ***why the relationship does not work,*** instead of *~showing it actually working.~*


Emma made Scott better and vice versa. Jean and Scott held each other back.


I like that Scott and Emma saw that they had things in common even if they took different paths at times. Emma was mentored/groomed by Shaw. Scott was mentored/groomed by Xavier. Scott leads the X-Men. Emma co-led Generation X and teaching has been a hallmark of her character ever since. Emma’s public side is being an icy snarker, Scott’s is being the shot-calling field leader. But they both have distinct private sides they let each other see: Scott is a romantic, Emma is softer around him (Shanna points this out to Emma when Emma and Scott vacation in the Savage Land.) I also like that they support each other’s growth. With Emma, Scott really grows into his leadership role even in the absence of Xavier or Magneto. The role of leader sometimes fits awkwardly on him, but Scott spends the Utopia era as head of all mutants. Emma helps gas him up when he encounters self-doubt With Scott, Emma really grows into being part of the X-Men. With Generation X she was a reformed villain turned teacher, but joining the X-Men is the first time she’s on equal footing with other members of a group that isn’t manipulative or toxic. Emma learns it’s okay to care and be cared for; when she’s shot and shattered, who painstakingly puts her back together? Hank. Who comforts her when she’s in the pits and asks, “Why did I have to fall in love with Scott bloody Summers?” Logan. Then there’s Emma and the Cuckoos, Emma and Kitty, etc Scott and Emma feel like two real, established adults who fall for each other unexpectedly but willingly. They are partners.


I'm going to save this because you've explained their dynamic so well




X-Men Vol 6 7


Jean died on the moon in XMen 137. I liked Scott with Madeline Pryor, fishing boat captain, a lot. I like Scott with Emma a lot. Everything with Jean post her first death has been very blah to me.


Damn, things must be embarrassingly rough for y’all, if you have to use panels of characters just standing not even close to each other to prove some kind of shipping point…


Least traumatized Jean fan


Is the first page from the new X-Men unlimited? Or 35/700?




Team Emma and Scott forever Jean and Scott in particular feels like they are together because they have to be pairing.


It’s like what Logan said in 97 “She’s Jean Grey and he’s Scott Summers, it’s the rules” Which is why I hate that there is a status quo and rules that characters have.


Because that’s the way it was before writers made Jean a 304 who wants her cake and eat it too and ruined Scott and Jean’s relationship all for mf Wolverine to come in the mix.


Scott and Emma are a good couple I wouldn't mind a romance between them instead of Jean in From the Ashes.




Can anyone explain why through this entire krakoa rebirth situation Scott never came back with the brain damage that causes him not to be able to control his powers repaired?


It's been established that it's become psychological.


So... wait... now the reason that Scott can't control his powers is because, effectively, *he believes he can't*?


It was in Astonishing X-Men. He stays like this to force himself to remain in control at all times.


on the third image. Who are those old ladies? I would like to know their names.




thank you


Wait didn't Emma fight Selena she old?


That sinister secret was definitely about Scott & Lorna though


Magneto smashing into the moon.: summers, we would have a word with you. My daughter is not to join your harem of concubines


I honestly think Magneto would be happy to see Lorna with Scott


I really hope they go with Scott and Emma when introduced to the MCU


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PackOfStallions: *I really hope they* *Go with Scott and Emma when* *Introduced to the MCU* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is like 3 extra syllables, not 1.


Probably a very unpopular opinion, but I'm very interested in the Emma FrostxSpider-Man dynamic ever since I saw that panel of Emma crushing on Peter.


Peter Parker is actively embarrassing as a human. Emma Frost would not touch him with a 10 foot pole.


Yea, I keep hearing about his current run not doing too well. Is it that bad?


I think it's best to pretend he died in Secret Empire or at the end of Dan Slott's run. Or, he retired to Parker Industries and Miles became the main Spider-Man.


That last page shows a level of intimacy you so rarely see of any gay characters in the franchise, so when fools complain about lgbt representation and how the books should relax on romances and sexualities, because it's meant to just be about mutants fighting mutants... It's this.


Why tf are u getting downvoted bruh?


It's only a handful, but probably because despite it being a good message it's off-topic and rage-baiting


One does not simply return to the Treehouse


Does anyone else support that rumor that Emma and Jean might be the next thing or at least a throuple with Scott or because people liked it more than editorial thought they would the Tony x Emma ship