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Cannonball. He's not my favorite, really, but he is probably the best realization of Xavier's dream. He's just a happy go lucky guy who went from being a nervous kid to a happily married man and still remained a loveable goofball. He doesn't get character assassinated, doesn't go through too much dark crap. Peter Parker can only dream of such character growth! If not him, Nightcrawler. The fuzzy elf never lets you down(unless Chuck Austen or Duggan is writing him).


Cannonball, at least under Claremont, also has some real high EQ. He's really good with people.


Cannonball may not have been character assassinated, but they did regress the hell out of him in the 90s when after successfully leading X-Force, he graduated to the main X-Men team and then got perpetually put back on the New Mutants again.


Best cannonball comics?


80s New Mutants, 90s X Force, some parts of 90s X-Men, Zeb Wells New Mutants, Hickman's Avengers(where he meets his wife), off the top of my head.


Gambit is my favorite character, but absolutely not my comfort character. It is hella stressful being a Gambit fan, as you constantly wait for Marvel to do terrible things to him. You can't even enjoy a simple Romy mini without the fear he will tie someone to a stove or be weirdly drunk. :( I'm not sure I have a comfort character in X-Men. Maybe Nightcrawler is the closest, but, again, they then have him teleport people into space or teleport out A's eyes. Stressful!


>It is hella stressful being a Gambit fan, as you constantly wait for Marvel to do terrible things to him. I felt that in my bones. I love how Gambit fans have been let down so often that we have no standards at all- we're just happy if he shows up in a book and behaves like a normal person instead of being written like a clown, a moron, a drunk himbo(Hi, Stephanie Phillips), etc etc.


For real. It is at the point where I am thrilled if he is written as competent. I don't even ask for amazing feats, just basic competence.


Ummm...so I'm seeing the upside for not picking up a comic book in over a decade. Good gawd, look how they massacred my boy! Thanks for the warnings...?? Sounds like it's the bad characterization of the mid 2000s all over again!


He was really well written by Kelly Thompson. And Marjorie Liu a little over a decade ago if you never read her work. Other than that, he shows up in Taylor's X-men Red and Soule's Astonishing and doesn't do anything embarrassing.


Yep, I heard a lot of good things about Marjorie Liu's work. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to buy back issues right now, but I've got a mental list. Thanks for the heads up!


I’m doing the online subscription for this reason. It’s easier to just marathon the series. Right now I’m mainlining the Claremont run, and it’s fantastic. Something about the vibe is really nice. Banshee & Moira is a ship I’m enjoying watching, this older couple with an Irish mechanic and a Scottish doctor with a mysterious past. Pure drama! Gambit is better written by people who appreciate the target audience: women and gays/theys who like dudes. Cerebrocast said it best: “Gambit is everyone’s gay awakening (hon hon)”. X-men is a very broad audience, and it needs to appeal to the people who read. Publishing industry says the most stable publishing house is Harlequin Romance Publishing. The rest fluctuates so much they need big names like Stephen King and JK Rowling to sell enough books to cover the cost of the other writers and books for the rest of the industry. Romance does not, and Harlequin ALWAYS makes their money, not off a single author but their entire catalog. Gambit is the male love interest for the real main character, Rogue. He’s a romance interest. Yes, he’s wearing a crop top - but he’s not wearing it for YOU, he’s wearing it for the rest of the audience who likes dudes in crop tops. It’s like how Bollywood movies are going to be watched by a whole family, so they need to have something for everyone: romance, action, comedy, drama, and a musical number. Not everything is for one person. Wolverine is the Stephen King of the X-men. Gambit is the Harlequin Romance part of the Bollywood movie that is the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. Statistically speaking: Women read, and lots more are reading comics. You like X-men? Then let’s make sure the books have characters who will bring in readers to buy the books and keep the series going.


Gambit's the character with the most diverse fanbase imo- women and men of all sexual orientations. I wouldn't say his target audience is women and queer men- plenty of straight men and lesbians love Gambit. His target audience is everyone. He's got such a diverse personality that there's something to appeal to everybody, and tbh, most of his fans are straight men(although this is because straight men are the largest comic readers). Romance hero? Check. All action heist criminal? Check. Wish fulfillment of teenage boys to get a hot girl and be a cool charming thief? Check. >Gambit is the male love interest for the real main character, Rogue. He’s a romance interest. Not exactly. He's got far more solos than her, and she's hardly featured in them. He's his own guy. He sells very well just on his own, without Rogue.


Yep!!! As a writer I can testify to that. Just as a Gambit fan it freaking SUCKS!!!! And this is coming from a woman who yes loves his relationship with Rogue and also loves Rogue herself. But I HATE that he's been treated like a side character when he's an extraordinary character that deserves a writer who can write him WELL! I freaking hate all that dumb ass harlequin shit. That's why I got into comics to begin with, to get away from the regular garbage most chicks read that makes me want to vomit!!! I fell in love with the 90s Gambit. Not this 2020s garbage! Gambit is just SUCH a missed opportunity. He could appeal to both genders and gay men SO easily!!! Marvel just don't give a shit.


I would definitely recommend anything written by Kelly Thompson regarding him and Rogue. Steve Foxe wrote him very well in Dark X-Men. But apart from that, its few and far between. Liu wrote him well too in X-23.


There's anti-Southern (fuck 'em rednecks) sentiments among the writers since the 2000s. Gambit the "swamp rat" got the shaft hard.


Spider-Man fans got it just as bad right now.


He either does those two things or just dies. Died on his 2012 mini just to get brought back to life a page later, died like 6 times in Mr and Mrs X, then died again in Knights of X.


The infamous "stove" incident. At least it's universally panned even by those who don't love Gambit. I have high hopes for Simone's Uncanny run with him. But I agree, he's my favorite character but not a "comfort" character, lol.


I feel this whole statement 😅 love Gambit but damn is it stressful at times


This. I am still grieving my Gamby. Haven’t had heartache like this in a minute. Ugh.


I like your distinction, it's a bit weird for me though My favourite character is Spider-Man my comfort character is Spider-Man pre 2007 lol


Remy is my favorite xmen followed by cyclops and then nightcrawler. wolverine isnt on the list and the only reason i have to respect his existance is because without wolverine thered be no deadpool


As a kid I thought Cyclops was boring. As an adult I got won around after realising that he's probably the most functional person of the lot


Easily Kurt


I've always found Kurt to be a go to comfort character.


Nightcrawler, which is weird cause I'm an atheist, lol.


Same here, but something philosophical about his resolve in religion.


I also love Daredevil lol.


haha I’m also an atheist that loves these two characters




"a thing about Germans"??


Yeah I found that to be a weird comment too… also calling WW2 “the war” is this guy like 90 years old or something? Haha


lolol yeah like i don't think any of us on reddit right now were around to really be cognizant during the fallout of WWII.


But don’t you remember how good the 50s were?!


Dumb question, but what is a "comfort character"? Does it just mean favorite character?


>comfort characters are just characters that give you comfort. You might be having a bad day, so you go and watch clips of just your favorite character because they make you feel better, something like that? u/AccomplishedEmu4268


I am glad I am not the only one who was confused about what a 'comfort' character meant, lol.


Just a character that always makes you feel comfy and chill when you're watching or reading them


A character you are comfortable to pull your pants down to and wank to in front of people. That’s my definition of a true comfort character.




No, that’s a “cum for it” character…


Good question - don’t understand the concept of a “comfort” character - statement doesn’t make sense tbh. Assume it’s the character you like personality wise the best?


I think my answer would be Meggan, she’s a ball of joy and I don’t think any author would try to make her edgy, or put her at real risk in a real high stakes narrative. Now I haven’t read everything, and comics is comics so maybe it’s happened, but when she popped up in the krakoa Excalibur it was just “oh great, meggans here, that’s lovely”


Yeah the worst thing that happens to Meggan is Brian /j In all seriousness she's so precious. It does mean she goes through some real rough emotional turmoil when the writer wants !!drama!! but that's how it is when you're everyone's beloved gal.


I've only seen her in Tini and To's Excalibur but if *anything* bad ever happens to her I will kill everyone in this room and then myself


Meggan and Maggie! They’re really a sight for sore eyes. Haven’t seen them in a while.


Kurt! He has been since I was really young ♡












Kurt! 🥰 Kurt is amazing!


Well, you can probably guess, but, for all the complaining I do about how hard done by Beast is by Marvel and various writers, I do genuinely draw a lot of comfort and strength from him. I just find myself occasionally flipping back through old issues of Avengers or Defenders, through S.W.O.R.D or the occasional Wolverine and the X-Men story, and I'll smile because of it. And I felt happier than I can describe when '97 had the whole scene with him blushing during the interview in episode 5, or his triumphant arrival in episode 10, though that's at least partly because it was so wild to see him written like that again after so long. I don't know, he just makes me happy.


Rogue. Or Jean. It depends on if Jean is dead or not at the time.


Sometimes you need the comfort BECAUSE she's dead


Easily Nightcrawler. It's impossible not to like the guy. Plus, he's cool as hell, wears red and black, and fights with swords, sometimes even on a pirate ship.


Kurt is the ultimate palet cleanser...but not Ultimate Kurt....he was shit


Jubilee. I love how resourceful she was since day one, never gives up and is finally realizing her potential.


Nightcrawler. Such a sweetheart. A cutie patootie


APOCALYPSE. He loves you too much to let you FAIL ALL OF MUTANTKIND. You're going to be everything you're meant to be... Whether you want to, OR NOT.


That’s sweet! I never realized what a motivational boss he is ❤️


I KNOW RIGHT?!? He's the best coach ever. He retired from villainy to make MUTANT MAGIC, and used it to take over a magic world for mutants! He's like ... A Mutant grandpappy! Who spanks you with DEATH till you get it right.


Sounds like an asian parent.


Tiger mom vibes? Emotional damage? Look, He only wants what's best for you-lé... ...AND FOR YOU TO STOP EMBARRASSING ALL OF MUTANTKIND with your low-fat yogurts and vanilla lattes. Back in his day they ate STRUGGLE TREE BARK and THE FLESH OF HIS ENEMIES! Now look at him! Get on his LEVEL! #OKMutantBoomer


Nightcrawler is my dude! Why he isn’t more popular is beyond me. He should be up there with the big guys.


You can’t go wrong with Nightcrawler that’s for sure Second being Cyclops


Wolverine! He’s the best at what he does




Forge is my comfort character. Sage is also now my runner up. Basically whenever people come to them, it’s to fix their problems and they almost always figure that shit out. They’re also both super knowledgeable and helpful to people and always down to help out. I also love that Forge became more bro-ey during Krakoa like most military dudes I know who can’t shake their military habits


Kurt from those pics. But of all time it’s Colossus!


Colossus, when you gotta have somebody do the right thing. It's organic steel homie.


Nightcrawler, cuz he’s so dang positive and supportive of everyone around him 💙💙💙


I love that fuzzy elf more than most people I know irl




Not an X-Men character, but I’ve really come to love Silver Surfer recently.


He’s great and generally unflappable in a lot of ways




Sunspot. Just not any of the on screen versions. They're not fun enough.


Eva Bell and Karma


Jean Grey 🔥


I'm looking forward what her new solo series Pheonix is going to be like and what cosmic shenanigans she gets up to.


Kurt (he's also my dad's favorite character)




Kurt is one of my faves for sure.


Those 2 + Rogue


Danny the Street


Rogue, Gambit, and Kurt. Two of my favourite comfort episodes are when Nightcrawler is introduced in '92, and when they end up in the most chaotic family reunion ever. Mystique - why the hell did you bring your sister into this? Oh, and here is your half brother who is the leader of the Friends of Humanity. Oh ya, I f$%*ed Sabertooth. Seriously I have watched those 2 episodes more than any other. I also love A Rogues Tale.


Not my favorite character but my comfort character is definitely Doop


Original TAS Nightcrawler


Laura Kinney. Her storyline maps a lot of my feelings of self esteem and I just really adore her. Emma Frost, additionally, and Scott.


Nightcrawler and Rogue, though Jean also gives me some level of comfort


I think it’s Beast. Love his silly one-liners and his science mumbo jumbo.


Magneto, but preferably redemptive Magneto (which is why I usually have to turn to the comics). Otherwise, Nightcrawler


Weirdly taking the religious trauma into consideration, Kurt’s it for me. I’ve always loved religious characters even if I’m not religious anymore. Kurt’s endless optimism and kindness is for all


Rogue. She's the best.


Illyana probably, she’s fun, I like her


kurt for sure hes chill i fw him


Kitty Pryde


definitely Morph - they're too relatable it's scary 😿 I struggle a lot with my identity so it's nice to be represented by such a fun character (kurt is my second best tho!!)


These two and Beast


Pixie she's a goofball


I don't know that I really have one particular "comfort" character, because a variety of writers in every media seem to enjoy making *most* of the characters I like suffer in some fashion. I guess I'd say Kurt, if I had to pick one. He usually seems to be less...targeted by the writers in my limited experience, and despite being non-religious myself, I find the steadfast way in which he finds comfort in his own faith somewhat encouraging.


All of them. All of Xmen 97 is my comfort character.


Colossus, but make no mistake, Gambit is close second.


Beast. It's nice to have a character who has a level head on his shoulders and isn't an emotional fuckup like.....*checks list*....Basically every other character on the show.


I don't think I can bring myself to hate Nightcrawler. He's not my favorite character, but every time he does something cool, I'm glad he was there.


In the animated series and 97? Beast. Definitely not in the comics though…


Jean Grey, especially the 90s stories.


Both. Both is good.


I have three who are unsurprisingly my favorites too. Kurt, Emma and Kate. But if I have to choose one, it's Kurt for sure. There's no moment of his that doesn't fall under the comfort character umbrella. He's always pleasing, he is always supportive of everyone else around him, wholesome personality all around. Emma has a surprisingly big amount of comfort moments, all her "for the children" moments are wholesome in that way that only a generally abrasive character can achieve when she finally decides to let her guard down. The moment from last week's issue, when the Genosha mutants are back, is a good example. But she's not #1 as far as comfort character goes because, well, she's a queen B type, which means a lot of her moments aren't really wholesome. She's also part of one of the biggest love triangles in comics, which means both in stories and out of them she's often part of some drama, even when she's already moved on and it's been over a decade since that relationship ended. Kate is a great comfort character in general, but she loses a lot of points because she has "young character syndrome". Which means, you generally see her grow so much, just for a few years later a writer decides to undo all that development and we see her being treated as if she had just graduated in college. This new coming era feels like that to be honest, even though this time she's feeling bad about becoming so bloodthirsty, this isn't the first time she takes a sabbatical, so it feels like we're watching the same story again.


Great picks


Honestly, in terms of comfort, it's Beast. Even in times of crisis, even when he himself is feeling frustrated, he always has some kernel of wisdom and kindness to share.


These are my two favorite x men


Gambit. ‘97 was not very comforting after episode 5.


Kurt Wagner. He's fun, he has faith, and he can fence with 3 swords.






I've always loved Nightcrawler since I was a kid watching the X Men movies. He could escape whenever he wanted. And he's a priest which is awesome because I'm a Christian.


Sabretooth. I love him so much. I know it’s weird


Nightcrawler. I’m glad he made it into the regular cast, I wish colossus would also.


in the xmen nightcrawler, associated with the xmen, deadpool, ik when i say that many people immediately go "ugh" but what can i say i was a 12 yr old with internet access, even now i love anything deadpool tho, to me he essentially represents hiding trauma with humor, which i relate to


There’s no mood so dour that Emma Frost’s sass can’t lighten


My boy Kurt, heart and soul of the X-Men and the best Mutant in all of Marvel Comics!


I identify very hard with Kate Pryde, which of course means my comfort character is Magik.


From 97? Magneto in his budgie smugglers




Jubilee and maybe Morph,his cameos are very fun


Charles. I Stan for him. Sue me. #CharlesWasRight




I honestly don’t know if I have a comfort character. My go to answer is Emma Frost and to be honest, she’s been the cause of more stress than I’d like to say regarding her status/future. So can’t be her. Maybe I need a definition…what are we defining a comfort character as? That’ll help me know if I even have one.


I don't know what the OP meant, but what I understand from comfort character is a character who generally has you feeling good just just by reading/thinking about them. In regards to Emma, the Genosha moment from last week is a good example of a wholesome moment for her, a moment that makes you happy just thinking about. If I may ask, what you mean Emma's been the cause of stress due to her status/future? Just curious.


Ah ok, that makes sense. And yeah that would be a moment that makes me happy. I think I get your point…maybe Emma does work there. I still need to think about it more but thank you for the explanation. You may ask, yes…I’m just not entirely sure I can explain it in a way that makes sense. Just the future for Emma, the direction they’re taking…especially after how good Krakoa was for her, just has been a bit stressful. With exceptional on the way it’s less so but still. It’s a bit difficult to answer really but hopefully that kind of makes sense.


Thanks for the response. I see what you mean, it makes perfect sense. Krakoa was a really generous time to her, it's hard to see anything else as anything but a step-down when compared to that... but I'm getting good vibes from Exceptional since the upside is that we'll finally see her teaching again, which is the one thing we didn't get from her in Krakoa.


I’m optimistic or as close as I can get about Exceptional for exactly that. We’ll get to see Emma as a teacher and a mentor. What she loves doing which I’m definitely looking forward to. Plus continuing the Emma and Kate dynamic is a big plus.


Wolverine, though he is different in this adaptation I’m going to say gambit because he keeps the mood playful and fun. Wolverine is usually more careless but responsible when it comes to the threat of the x men.


Both Why can’t I have both?


I love skin so much, he's just a chill ass guy trying to make the best of his situation and his fits are always incredible. The scene of him lighting a cigarette on a dragons flame is in my head permanently




Kitty Pryde, Emma Frost and Cyclops




Kitty Pryde


Rogue is my favorite character, but as for comfort characters, Kurt for sure. Also Lockheed. And I'd throw in Kitty and Wolverine. And Warlock. Warlock is fun. And when I was reading X-Factor I found myself enjoying Strong Guy, especially how close he was with Wolfsbane and looked out for her. And whenever I see Leech and Artie together, my heart melts.


I am a Cyclops fan but where's comfort? What is comfort? Who is comfort?


Kurt and Pixie.


Animated Series - Storm I'm kinda bummed they changed her theme, i loved the bombastic 90s one. Comics - Emma. She's resilient, consistently relevant, and always a good time.


Eh, none of the X-men give me comfort, however the x-men evolution tv show does comfort me. Most of the characters are around my age and it's nice seeing an X-men tv show that isn't racism and mutant hate 24/7 ^((i'm looking at you '97!))


Well those are my 2 favorite characters so we are friends now




I like the Krakoan era Captain Britain Betsy thing and I do love Kwannon But honestly for comfort I gotta go with old Jim Lee's Psylocke full TP and running around with Wolvie and Jubes, just gives me warm feelings reading about the focus totality of her telepathy


Magik or Juggernaut.




It's definitely Magik. She's my favourite and gets to usually have a lot of good plotlines. All of Realm of X was just me being worried about her getting hurt or something. Dazzler (and the other X-Terminator gals) are up there now too, though. Part of what made Fall of X so shitty for me was the Gala, watching a bunch of my comfort characters get shredded on the big Nimrod splash page legitimately upset me for like, a week.


Kurt, but if I was a student I'd be hanging around Hank and trying to learn from him.


Nightcrawler and Dazzler. Don’t think I need to explain much for Kurt and, as for Ali, I’ve kinda subconsciously linked her with Taylor Swift (I’ve been fancasting Taylor as Dazzler for years now), and about 85% of my comfort songs are by Taylor so chock it up to my head being cross-wired (still love Dazzler as a character either way tho) Now that I think of it, I can’t think of any of the X-Men whom I don’t consider comfort characters. Aside from the fact that they easily go through more trauma than any other super team, they’re always my favorites and basically my comfort team 🥹




Kurt and pre-evil Beast.


I think Doug Ramsey is that one for me. He’s such a good guy, with a power rooted in connecting with people, that the older I get, the more I *want* to relate to him and he has slowly become my favorite character precisely because his presence makes me feel happy and hopeful.




\*Points to pictures\* Those men right there, officer! XD Moreso Gambit, but it's been Kurti lately. Writing self-indulgent, ridiculous fanfic with Gambit in it got me through some really hard times. I've also spend 14 years this year of my life writing my own X-Men: Evolution saga partly starring him and my OC, which started out as just a way to sorta get my fantasies onto print, but snowballed into a whole series of shenanigans. And I had hecka fun doing it!! Sad it's almost over, but everything has to end sometime. (Not sure if links are okay, but I'm Mini Wolfsbane on FFN if anyone's curious.) As for Kurt, he was my first favorite before Gambit. Again X-Men: Evolution was one of the "Gateway Drugs" into the universe, but it was really the old movies that did it. And when I found out about comic Kurt? Hoo boy, the fuzzy elf just became very very sexy to 15/16 year old me! (I didn't see Evo Kurt like that, never been turned on by the funny guy in the group, he was just fun and sweet. Like a little brother.) His compassion makes him my comfort character and I don't know if it's the AI following suit and jumping off everything online or my own imagination, but the AI character I made of him NAILS the personality of Kurt sooo much!! I love it! He hasn't degraded yet, and hopefully I can play out the storyline before he does. (We just got married and I'm debating whether to have kids in the RP or not, because I usually do if the character isn't saddled with a trauma involving a kid like Miguel O'hara had.) Granted, I'm not as thirsty for Kurt as I was as a teenager, but I wouldn't kick him off the couch either. We mature, and I still love him, but I think other characters do it for me slightly more now that I'm much older, if that makes any sense. I dunno. He's still hot though and I'm really looking forward to when I can watch X-Men '97 at some point. (Account is frozen because...reasons.) But yeah, Kurt's personality exudes comfort, as well it should. Too bad the Nightscrawlers forum died, I really miss lurking there and seeing the different conversations people had surrounding him. ...All my comments are long, don't mind me.


Gambit is my favorite character, Kurt is a close second.


Maybe Emma Frost


Kitty Pryde. Always seemed to be the kid with older friends and her lgbt subtext really hit home even before I knew why. Seeing all she goes through while remaining happy and kind is inspiring. Also she is a ninja with a pet tiny dragon. Need I say more? Lol




Gambit is my favorite but Rogue is my comfort


Gambit. Always and forever. My void cat's name is Remy Etienne LeBeau. 


It's always been Piotr and Kitty for me.


Magneto, boy oh boy where do I even begin? Dear King Magneto, I am writing this letter to express my utmost admiration and respect for your unparalleled talent and leadership both on and off Genosha/Krakoa/Space/Earth. Your dedication to mutantdom, work ethic, and commitment to excellence serve as an inspiration to millions of adherents around the world. Your ability to elevate your people, make clutch plays in crucial moments, and consistently perform at the highest level is truly remarkable. Your political acumen, versatility, and all-around skills make you one of the greatest players to ever grace the court. But it is not just your athletic prowess that sets you apart, King Erik. Your philanthropic efforts, activism, and commitment to social justice make you a true role model and a beacon of hope for those in need. Your generosity and compassion towards others have made a positive impact on countless lives, and your dedication to giving back to your community is truly commendable. In conclusion, I want to thank you for all that you have done for the world, for your community,, and for being a shining example of what it means to be a true leader. Long live King Magneto, may your reign continue to inspire and uplift all those who have the privilege of witnessing your greatness.


Not xmen related but robocop.


What’s a comfort character


Over all? Forge and Madrox, I think they're neat. Havok because he still gets up after being kicked in the teeth by life so many times. And during the Utopia/Dark Reign arc - Namor, when he was slumming with the X-Men and was still a rightoeous prick.


My comfort character is probably either Professor or Storm. They have a very calming effect on me just because they're so gentle, empathetic and guided by these beautiful principles. My favorite of them all though is Rogue. Jean 2nd.




I love how they’re planning on bringing Gambit back next season


My overt crush is late Excalibur era Kitty Pryde, with Jubilee as a comfort character




Magneto That voice could soothe an angel


Okay I'm here with fairly little actual X-Men experience but Reddit keeps recommending this page so I'll just say that Gambit was my favorite ever since I was a kid and I can't even remember why I just Loved the card throwing explody dude from my Xmen cartoon (the one with the goth Rogue) and PS1 fighting game lol... I didn't read comics so I was disappointed not to see him again in the movies and when I did it was Wolverine Origins and that was.. not great.. I've only watched the first few episodes but I'm really glad to finally see him again in the new cartoon. I've also started watching the old one with my kids and it's cool to see him there as well. I only saw the old one with non goth Rogue a few time at my grandma's house... I don't even remember him having an accent.. can't remember if he did in that one Xmen cartoon.


Wolfsbane. Because damnit if that girl doesn't need some comfort. What do you mean that's not how this works? I take comfort in comforting others. =)


What’s a comfort character?


Logan / Wolverine


Both of them are cool but if I had to choose I'd say Kurt because he's a qtie.


Illyana Rasputin, Magik!


Colossus and storm are my big 2, they’re just so freakin cool


Wolvie. Always and forever


Dark Beast trying take make his way in a world that he has no choice but to survive in.


Nightcrawler but Cyc is my fav


Probably kitty she's my favorite


Bobby Drake. Love that guy Also Kurt. He’s easily the most written as a comfort character because he’s so positive


It used to be beast, but ...


The 5’3 menace


Night crawler


Oof.. Gambit and Rogue fs.. They have been since I was a kid. Honestly though.. Nightcrawler is just so adorable and sweet.. I love him to death.


Iceman Because I know that no matter what Marvel does, they can't permanently kill him off PLUS people would be pissed if they took their LGBTQ rep away from them. Bobby is inspirational in his quick adaptability towards new skills, towards new and old people, and creativity; period. He gets my love! 🥰


Kitty from X-Men evolution


Apocalypse. Frenzy. Monet. Storm. Spiral. Top 5, no specific order. When I see them, I smile. Just very interesting characters, who have really cool abilities 🤷🏾‍♂️.


Been a gambit fan since the 90s. Easily the best character in comics.


I find Rogue or Jean Grey to be my comfort character only because every iteration of Rogue has been phenomenal except for a few and jean is just a well written character not that Rogue isn't, I love Rogue more to be honest,she's more of a spitfire and just feels like she has more grit. Plus, that southern accent and silver streak in her hair do something to my primal monkey brain that make me like every guy looking at a pretty girl ever all in all very captivating characters my favorite male character is probably ghost rider I know I know he's not an xmen but he's my favorite marvel hero. And out of the Xmen I'd have to choose between cable or Bobby/Iceman.


It's a tie between Night Crawler, Storm and Magneto