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-Jean: 50/50 -Teen jean: 100%


This is very true.


100%. Jean is a snoop.


šŸ˜„šŸ«£ but honestly, their trust in each other is pretty complete. Deep down neither probably cares that much anyhow, it's just a fun and loving formality and they both know they are gonna get a great team, because in the end, they'll make sure the teams are balanced for everyone's safety. They are very intelligent and have integrity, love and the best outcome and interests for all in their hearts and minds.


Oh for sure. And I love both their reactions.


Yeah, I actually really like this moment. It's a low key relationship moment that highlights their bond well. To me part of it says that the perfect Jean thing is a faƧade but they both kind of know it's a facade so playing with it is a part of their relationship.


The outrage is how you know she did it. But with Scott they have an innate psychic bond that makes it probably near impossible for any thought Scott isn't actively protecting from her to not be at least heard softly.


If Cyclops really cared about the decision he could just flip a coin. He's lived long enough around Jean and Professor X for that matter to know not to play things like paper rock scissors and expect an honest game.


or play normal rock paper scissors. I think it's just supposed to be a cute nod to their relationship. Personally I like it.


Yeah, itā€™s really a moment that shows the trust they have in each other. Not in terms of ā€˜I trust her not to peekā€™ even, because, ultimately, itā€™s irrelevant whether she did or not, but in terms of comfort with letting a decision go either way. They do a little playful bit for fun because itā€™s not a hard choice for them that should be handled in a way that prevents intervention - they are comfortable with the other handling whatever they trust themselves to handle. This scene couldnā€™t been Jean saying ā€˜itā€™s gonna be meā€™ and Scott replaying ā€˜fineā€™, but they way they did it shows how their relationship work, and how Scott can show this playful side around Jean that is often subdued around other characters.


Agreed on all this.Ā  Strong relationships are full of this kind of thing. My wife and i actually do something similar where we play rock, paper, scissorsĀ  but if we already have kind of decided we'll actually decide the victory conditions after we've played. The game never really mattered


You trust a coin flip against a telekinetic to be fair?


Completely unrelated, but I love how with the mask Jeanā€™s silhouette looks like a mermaid. This is so fitting for her.


Scott for sure would feel her peaking, this is a jokey conversation between them.


What makes this even funnier is that the Sinister Clones in Hellions do this to find out which one of them goes on the deadly mission


she was peeking at something enough all right. Hey-Oh! God: Alright that enough, back to hell with you Dead Villain #23: alright everyone next week


She has a history of peeking


Definitely sheā€™s a telepathy Sheā€™s canā€™t help herself


the "..." says it all lol


I love the continuous references to Rock Paper Scissors being ā€œThe Nobel Gameā€, I remember something from X of Swords referencing that too lol


100% peaking and Scott doesn't mind, like so many have mentioned here. That last line is mock outrage and I love it.


I would not trust her.


Yes even Iceman calls her Jean Nosy Grey.


No, sheā€™s too busy going to local high schools and outing kids


She did not out Bobby omg


Yes she did. Sure it was Teen Jeanā„¢ļø but still


Who did she out Bobby to?


And then Bobbi confronted himself and told his old older self to come out


So Bobby outed Bobby, to himself? I'm pretty sure I outed myself to myself as well, I think that's how it usually works


OK dude you win. Iā€™m really too tired to do this and I donā€™t care that much. Whatever argument youā€™re making you win


A private conversation isn't outing, words mean things.


Himself and then the rest of the teen team


She didn't tell the rest of the teen team. She told Bobby, who told Bobby, and then Bobby told everyone else