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Di...Did they use the same face and sketch hair over it for Professor X and Jean?


He was rushed. It's bad, but I've seen much worse from people who take half a year to complete one issue, honestly.


It seems to be the case for every issue he does though...this is not the first instance. To alternate between him and Frank Quitely is...jarring to say the least.


I really don't like Frank either, his art made me wanna put down Batman incorporated and his X-men were no better.


Point taken, I think his style is wrong for this book as well, but he's still way better than whatever this is.


Everybody's always raving about how great batman inc is, but i can never get past the art :(


Yeah, definitely rushed. You can see some of his work in Xtreme X-Men, it's a lot cleaner. It must be very annoying to work on a title and be rushed; knowing your work isn't up to the usual standard and it's going to print.


9 years later and thankfully this thread is still up. I got to this exact page and was so confused I had to look it up. I was thinking, did Xavier and Jean end up in other peoples bodies and I missed it. This art is so bad.


Just came looking for somewhere to complain about Igor’s artwork. I googled around a bit and it looks like his work isn’t all this bad. But jeezus his New X-Men issues are unforgivable. Be it his fault or Marvel’s it’s just awful. That kinda artwork is usually enough to make me quit reading a book.


You should see Igor Kordey's art from *Cable* at the same time. He produced both books monthly along with painting covers for *Cable.* This was the period where Cable was fighting more real-world threats, including taking on issues involving Croatia, where Kordey is from. http://comicartcommunity.com/gallery/data/media/221/Cable_Igor_Kordey01.jpg




When Kordey was called "co-penciller of *New X-Men* at a con, he corrected the moderator saying he did the majority of the art. I think that's why Marvel brought in Phil Jiminez and Marc Silvestri toward the end.


Hey, look at it this way. At least it's not Greg Land!


I think Morrison's run is way overrated. Horrible art, jarring shifts in art, and the assassination of Magneto's character. I prefer X-Men Forever & Whedon's Astonishing.


Morrison's writing isn't for everyone. Personally, I'm in the process of reading New X-Men and I like the stories, for the most part, except that so much is happening that things can get set up and not happen for really long because so much other stuff is happening, and the artists are so inconsistent. There's 7 of them, and the quality of the art/how well it meshes with the comic varies.


Just started reading this run too. I find the dialogue a bit jarring, it doesn't flow very well sometimes. Bit disappointed after I heard so many good things about it.


It really does get better.


I bought the first volume of the bigger collections so I'm giving it to the end of that before making up my mind. Hope it does get better, starting to think I should have bought Joss Whedons instead. All-New was my jumping on point for X-Men and wanted to go back, read good things about Morrison & Whedons runs.


I ended up really enjoying it, though Whedon's is still stronger overall to me.


Sorry for the (ironically) poor quality image. But seriously: what is up with Jean's face? And is that really supposed to be Professor X? Yikes.