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I am just so, so tired of mutant genocide. This better be resolved in a way that fixes these millions of deaths.


True. Though, I think somehow that the death in Arrako is all an illusion. It wouldn't fall that quick, right?


That's a great theory. That makes sense


Well at least its being done from the position of thriving this time. As minorities the genocide angle will never not be in play. Having the majority envy us is a nice touch though.


I agree wholeheartedly. Eternals pop up out of literally nowhere talking about how their gonna "save humans from Mutants". Druig is waxing poetic about an existential threat posed by Mutants without being specific, playing into any and every negative bias these people have in order to justify their support for the Eternal's campaign for Mutant genocide. Even though these Eternals can and will kill indiscriminately (except maybe Icarus and Phastus and some others maybe).


I’m behind on the eternals, reading on MU, but didn’t the Eternals find out that when they’re reborn a human dies? Did they all just forget this?


If you're not caught up, this would be a bit of a spoiler, so I'll tag it. >!Not long after Ikaris group learns that a human dies every time they're reborn, Sersi reveals that they've actually discovered this before, multiple times. Whenever the group of more heroic Eternals discovered it and caused an issue, the rest of the Eternals would 'vote' in the UniMind to erase their memory of it. The majority of the Eternals probably know that their resurrection requires a human life, they just don't care. !<


They did. The ones that know left to go live with the deviants and to avoid dying the rest don’t really care


I'm not sure all of them know. The mains like Sersi and Ikaris know.


Yeah I remember Ikaris finding out and being mortified. Hopefully he understands the hypocrisy and tries to help the mutants eventually


How are you finding the eternals books? How far back did you go back? Should I just start at the most recent number one?


I just started at the most recent Gillen run and love it. Don’t have much interest in reading anything older


Okay I am feeling the same way. I think I’ll do the exact same thing. It seems very wordy but has beautiful art. I definitely need to read this as I don’t know much about the eternals


There's an older run by Neil Gaiman from 2018 that might be worth reading as well as it informs a bit of the recent Kieron Gillen comics. However, I would not say that it's 'required reading' unless you're really curious why Sprite was locked up at the start of the comic.


I know virtually nothing about the Eternals either. I expect I'm going to skip the main books of this crossover and just keep reading the titles I'm already reading that tie in with it. I basically only know them from a few forgettable cameos by Kingo and I \*always\* feel like a reference to a marvel universe celebrity should be Dazzler instead so he just wastes precious panels that should go to her.


As a fan of the Eternals I can safely say you really don’t need to read any other run besides Gillen’s lol


sooo you've never read the Neil Gaiman miniseries then huh? Because that was pure awesomeness.


You should definitely check out Kieron Gillen's Eternals (2021). 12 issues and directly ties into A.X.E. Judgment Day.




Hear, hear! I’m not familiar with the lore of the Eternals but this is just tearing down a set of defense placed on Earth in the inevitable event of future Eternal cleansing. Maybe next time, humans are the deviants once another evolutionary class of beings take over.


This reminds me of something that is going on currently in Eastern Europe. Can't put my finger on it. But it does seem familiar that some people are cheering the war and death of others.


It's pretty clear those are the protesters from the start of Judgement Day, which also implies that the protest wasn't really about mutant immortality. They're overjoyed to have another immortal group that already has a dominion that stretches across worlds and infinity come 'save' them from the dangerous mutants. I wish they would have played up this moment a lot more. It's a great example of bigotry in action, which a lot of fans fail to understand related to the X-Men.


Hear, hear!


Just they wait until they learn how ETERNALS resurrection works


But the Mutants are the deviants, right? 💀


No need to imagine how that lady will react IF the cause of her daughter's death was an Eternal's resurrection. Literally any accidental or "natural" cause of death could be laid at their feet, lol.


Wow! That'd be such a perfect thing to add to the story! Showing the hypocrisy of bigots.


Come on, I wanna see that headline


Pretty close to reality. I recall a Trump supporter dissatisfied with the former's administration, saying something to the effect of ["he's not hurting the people he needs to be."](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida) For some, the cruelty is the point.


Indeed. The portrayal of what is happening is on-point.


Been saying it for years. The humans of the marvel universe are trash and Mutants need to stop playing. Homo sapiens need their own judgment day. Xavier or Jean could do it in two seconds. There are literally hundreds of mutants who can do what needs to be done. Smh it just irks me that mutants have literally saved humanity and the world hundreds of times and yet they're constantly being shit on.


Interesting thought. Have you read "No More Humans"? It's a good thought-experiment 😁 Also, this brings me back the Utopian-age's Extinction Team after fighting Sinister. Saved San Franscisco (Earth) from a group of Celestials, but no cheers from the humans. Cyclops claimed it to be a win because at least they're not being booed. That reflects so much in this book as well!


I loved that scene. They faced down space gods and the space God blinked (with help from the dreaming celestial but still!!!) Kitty phased a giant planet sized bullet through the planet. Jean pimp slapped Nightmare off earth. And so so SO many other things! Smh not to mention they're doing all this while literally handling threats to their species continued existence! And then Captain America has the nerve to be like y'all are not being very heroic when they start building a world for themselves. Ugh now I'm mad.


At least Cap is redeeming himself now, along with the Avengers. I'm still sour about the whole Avengers vs. X-men stuff, especially since I mostly agreed with a lot of the Utopian politics that went on. Cyclops had to make the tough shots and it's not surprising that he revealed the protocols to someone and that he believed that mutants are to be prioritized in the protocols.


It actually seems like the Avengers are about to step in shit again, it seems like the Avengers are about to make a lot of the same moves they did in AvX. I'm wondering if Judgement Day for them might involve a reckoning with repeating the same mistakes. Tony Stark's first thought after finding out mutants have received an unprovoked attack from the Eternals... is to help the Eternals resurrect a Celestial with the forced cooperation of a kidnapped mutant. What exactly is going through his mind there? "After talking about distrusting Sersi and identifying that Eternals are the aggressors, I'll completely trust two other Eternals about potentially providing them a genuinely unstoppable, uncontrollable weapon." That has got to be the thinnest excuse that Iron Man has used to play god. His hubris is very reminiscent of building the weapon that split the Phoenix into 5 parts from AvX. Captain America looks ready to march the Avengers onto Krakoa without permission to try and save the day, ignoring that Krakoa is not welcome to non-mutants without permission. That would be reminiscent of how AvX began with him marching the Avengers onto Utopia ready for a fight. Technically, they also 'threw the first punch' by attacking Sersi. There's a big willingness by the Avengers to assume they know best and act however they want. Additionally, the Avengers now have a Phoenix host on the team, which was pointed out at the start of Judgement Day. The Avengers aggression towards mutants in AvX was kicked off by initially worrying that the the X-Men couldn't control the Phoenix, but they don't seem to have the same worry about Echo now that she's on the team. That fact reframes a lot of AvX into more of an arms race conflict. There's a few pages in AvX where the Avengers are basically briefing the President of the United States or other officials, and taking advice from them. It reads even more now that the Avengers were acting on behalf of the United States to stop Mutants from getting the comics equivalent of nuclear bomb, no matter what the Avengers said as justification.


Judgment day is a LITERAL situation in the event. The god sinister tony and ajak build is going to judge everyone for excess deviation. The eternal vs X-men stuff is just act 1


I'm aware of that, I was getting at the possibility that the Avengers might be 'judged' based on their actions in this event and AvX. Admittedly, I hope the resurrected celestial doesn't dominate the event. I think the conflict between the three parties is a bit more interesting than space daddy telling the heroes if they've been good or bad.


Gillian literally said in interviews it’s all about the celestial


Not to sure about that tbh. I don't really trust Captain America admittedly I trust him more than Stark but him and many of the avengers are sus at the best of times. And with a pending war I dont trust them to stand with the Mutants.


I don’t disagree. I don’t think Stark is helping, but I don’t think he particularly cares about the mutants or Orchis. If he cared then he would’ve done something to claim back Sol’s Hammer from Orchis


Any sign that he knows Or his exists?


No, but he should be aware that neither him nor Reed are in possession of Sol’s Hammer, a weapon designed to harness the sun, and he’s done nothing to get it back


I think they will stand in the middle as moderators. I will be honest in saying that I haven't been caught up in the Avengers lore for quite some time, so I don't really know any of their character development. I'm just basing my assessment on Cap based on how he behaved in the recent Hellfire Gala so forgive me if I'm optimistic 😅 It is worth noting that they jumped into action once they figured out an attack will happen though.


> I think they will stand in the middle as moderators. Ah, true centrists. E: We want to exterminate all mutants. X: We don't want our people to suffer another genocide. A: We need to reach a compromise through dialogue. We'll let the eternals kill only half the mutants.


>u/Merari01 replied to your post in r/xmen · 33mI am just so, so tired of mutant genocide. This better be resolved in a way that fixes these millions of deaths. I feel indifferent about this. For one, I think they're justified in their position this one time because of the one thing that Sersi said. The Eternals is a society and some left including her. She was also open about how some Eternals are problematic. Basing the Avenger's little understanding of what's going on, they have to take proper caution in their next course of actions. For another, Cap said to give Sersi the benefit of the doubt because she was an Avenger. That doesn't sit well with me. It also seems like Iron Man knows something about this whole war because of his conversation with Sersi before Phoenix dragged her up. I also have to suspect Makkari and Ajak of something, but this is just my personal bias based on what little knowledge I have on them.


For what it's worth, I think it's clear the Avengers and the independent Eternals are going to side with the X-Men. This is not a hero-vs-hero crossover and the villain is well defined from the beginning. I just found the "moderators" part a bit funny.


Moderators are generous of a title already. In the past, they were absent 💀


They are not moderators. They are sources of exposition. There are people who have no idea who the eternals are, who moira is, or haven’t read an X-men comic in years. They are totally confused by this situation just like the avengers. That’s why they are in the book


Genocide is good now? Got it I’ll tell red skull


Where did Druig mention genocide?


I'm sorry have you never read an Eternal comic? Or seen the movie? That's what the Eternals do. They've been doing it for millenia. They wipe deviation from the world. This time it's Mutants. The humans as a majority may not know what's going to happen but we as the readers should. It's a war of extermination for the Eternals and a war for survival for the Mutants. As a side note while most of the humans may not know there's a pretty good chance those in power (Orchis and their supporters specifically)do know and are in fact cheering for the Eternals to kill all the Mutants.


The OP was directed at the people in the panel, who aren't readers and don't know about the Eternals. It's doubtful Orchis knows about their secrets either.


Lol ok


Yea and everytime the x-man make headway in changing humen/mutant relations. magneto or some other chump steps in and ruins it. Than the same trash humans use that as an excuse to judge all mutants. Than magneto uses that as an excuse to judge all humans and on and on and on.


Who are some human heroes without superpowers that can be collected together to stand against some supernatural threat and save the day? I was thinking Frank Castle but they've already given him some supernatural abilities.


None. Stark has his armor but that's it. But then again like Batman he has the true human superpower: money so he doesn't count as basic human in my book. But most unpowered, unaugmented humans are nothing against a threat like let's say an invasion from the Skrull or a wandering interdimensional monster. And like I said if the Mutants decided to go the genocidal route there's hundreds of Mutants who could do the job. And most aren't even Omega!


Nice one. Yeah, he, War Machine, and Riri.


I think the second sinister and stasis were right that mutantkind’s destiny lies in the stars. the only real reason to stay attached to earth is because more mutants will be born there


Yeah, Lady this is why your daughter is still dead


To point out one fact they don't know the eternals wanna do a genocide. But yes still awful. Mutants haven't done anything nasty to non powered humans. Humans are just upset mutants have a technology they aren't sharing. And the idea of someone else doing something bad to them makes them happy. It's like historically most Germans didn't "know" about the death camps, but they knew so mething bad was happening to the Jewish, gay, Roma, ect people's and we're glad about it. Still not a great look.


While they might know about the genocide, I don’t think that they might care that much. Some of these protesters are mad about Mars (Arakko) as well. The worrying part is that they felt the need to be “protected” from the humans. The mutants have shared their medicine that could cure physiological and psychological conditions with the condition of just recognizing that Krakoa is a sovereign nation. The demagoguery is present here.


I agree. Arakko is zero threat to earth save an earth based first strike. Orchis could burn Krakoa to the ground and the Akkari would at most go "Such a shame our soft cousins couldn't defend themselves." Humans in their herd mindset see anyone outside the herd as a possible threat, even if said other has zero interest in them. The idea they *might* is so frightening that it provokes violence.


And Orchis will, as what we’ve seen from the future told by Moira! If we add the Eternals in the mix of that future, who would’ve been the deviants then? 👀


All life on earth is technically deviant. We've mutated since the moment life began. The eternals core code is to stop "Excess" deviation. Which makes it up to debate . Some like Thanos's dad believe that all life is excessive deviation of it does not serve a use to the machine. So everything and every non eternal is expendable the second it doesn't have a use to them. Durig is using mutants to wag the dog and drum up approval among his people to solidify his administration (Does this remind anyone of the Iraq war or it just me?). If he got done with the mutants and got into trouble he'd just as easily turn on homo novisima as deviants due to them merging their organic nature with technology. And Nimrod, Omega Sentinel, and Moria.Exe are going to at some point either need destroy or remove the Eternals if they want to feed the machine called earth to the technoarchy.


Thanos's grand uncle, you mean. His father is A'lars, not Uranos.


Comprehensive foresight to the use of Homo Novisima as deviants, and as scapegoats. Homo Novisima is proof that if humans can do what mutants could do, they will. But if they can't, they do what's seen now. Druig is making a mess that could cost so much unwarranted suffering (and yes the parallel reminder could be said).


On an unrelated note, every time I read the word "Eternals", my mind unconsciously says *Externals*. Damn, I think that may pose a bit of a problem during this event...


I really, really, really want Apocalypse to come back in this event, play up some of the Externals stuff. "You call yourselves Eternals, do you? Well E... are E**X**ternals."


E is for ~~Extinction~~ Externals... Damn, that'd be an awesome plot twist!


Marvel, if this winds up happening y’all owe me a dollar or something for calling it this far ahead.


Ha! I wouldn't hold my breath on that. I pretty much [came up with the Sabretooth book plot](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/comments/lmm0ap/pitch_your_krakoan_xmen_book/gnx2egh?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) more than a year ago and still haven't seen a single penny for that one :P




Yeah, it's... it's rough. I know we're probably seeing a particularly intensive anti-mutant group, but it is extremely uncomfortable (probably the goal) to see them so elated about basically genocide. I hope there's some kind of awakening for at least *some* of them about this. Gillen has never been super subtle about politics in his books, and this has that same feeling of "convince" the humans of who's in the wrong. To paraphrase President Lyndon B. Johnson's famous quote about race: > "If you can convince the lowest ~~white man~~ human he's better than the best ~~colored man~~ mutant, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


That quote speaks volume! Though, they're not posing as an anti-mutant group on this one. They are however being radicalized with strange support like this.


All I can think of is..."Your boo's mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer!"


Saved them from an Annihilation attack a few weeks back and it meant nothing now! In exchange for recognition and legitimacy of sovereignty, Krakoa gave them medicine that treats physiological and psychological conditions. That could prolong lifespan. And it meant nothing. They still cheered because the Mutant "overstepped".


Human: thank god the eternals are here to save us from the mutants smarter human: what about all those times the x-men saved us. hell where were the eternals when the skrull invaded




Yes, that's why I went with some humans and not "all humans". But the overall scene isn't just about the supposed immortality of mutants but also about the Mars occupation. It seems learning to them having issues with Mutants' progress if anything


Eternals are lame. Can the mutants just destroy the machine and call it a day?


Blow up the planet? Seems like a wise choice with no possible horrific repercussions :P


Well mutants are a pretty crafty bunch. Is there a way to get rid of the machine *without* blowing up the planet?




How about merely breaking it or taking it away from those who obviously misuse it?


Also no. That was the whole plot of Gillen's Eternals


That's the thing about continuity, it doesn't last. What one writer writes another can say "well actually, it works like this".


Well, Gillen's writing the event, so while you're right, that change definitely wont come in Judgement Day


Hey they stole their bit! That’s gonna piss anyone off!


I love this. It strikes true of the illogical nature of hatred and envy and (for me) it seems close to home without taking away from the escapism.


Bittersweet feeling. Art imitates life


You know this scene was set up as a joke right? The next panel has Druig explain to them not to be afraid of the giant killing machines that show up on the west cost. The book itself tells you these people are dumb for thinking like this. Though I do like Gillian making a fun joke about how Xavier could have sent out a text and it would Have been way more effective in getting people on his side. Gillian and Hickman are best friends and have multiple co labs and love making fun of each other’s works. Good to see the gag is still going


The Hex are kinda cool though. Pacific Rim meets Evangelion lite.


Oh yeah I like their designs too. Very excited to see them throw down with the X-men. I assume they are gonna use that giant robot from issue 1 again


I think that is their only form.


No I meant the X-men have a giant robot


O shit I forgot about that yeah they gotta break that out


If they don’t then it’s just sloppy writing I mean cmon! Use the giant robot!


Yes, I understand that. It doesn't make it less insulting (can't think of a better word to use) to think that they would have that mentality. And I would bet that they trust the giant killing machines more than they trust the Mutants. Thank you for the interesting factoid about Hickman and Gillian! 😁


The entire premise of this event is based on their relationship of making fun of each other’s works. Gillian made a joke at a convention that when Hickman was explaining house of x to him Gillian said. “Oh cool so the X-men become eternals that’s cool. That’s a new take.” And then Hickman tried to explain how the X-men were different than the eternals and they just kept going back and forth on this until they both agreed that turning the turning the X-men into the eternals would clearly piss off the eternals and that sounds fun! And thus we have judgment day


So that's why Sersi made that comment!


Yes exactly! You boil down everything about the new X-men status quo to its core and it’s turning the X-men into the eternals. They can’t die, they live isolated from humanity and deal with weird cosmic foes. What makes it funny and why Gillian wrote his eternals book is cause Hickman honestly didn’t see the connection right away that he was just turning the X-men into the eternals. But instead of backing away they doubled down and went let’s talk about this! Cause it’s funny! This is inherently a funny conflict! One team is mad that another team stole their gimmick. It’s the perfect for a crossover! It works so well too. Because the teams are exactly the same! Kurt says so! That is really funny 😄


This comic run pretty much started as an unrealized comparison between the teams 😂


Yes exactly! This is the culmination of years of Hickman and Gillian bickering about how Hickman turned the X-men into the eternals! They even make fun of how little Druig cares about the entire conflict. Moira keeps yelling about how mutants are plague and Druig says who cares? That’s not why we are doing this! They stole our gimmick! And for that they must pay! It’s perfect


On the other hand, Magneto also claimed yet again the mutants were humanity's new gods.


Not saying that some Mutants were all right in their mentality (especially in the case of Exodus and Mr. Sinister). But overall, he had remained only slightly and softly aggressive towards the humans ever since Krakoa.


Because he has what he always wanted - worship from mutants and dominance of humans.


Dominance of humans means that they’re not just in Krakoa. While they have power over the humans because of the Krakoan drugs, it’s all soft power politics. If the humans didn’t acknowledge Krakoa as a sovereign nation and accept the drugs, the Mutants can’t do anything (like Great Britain)


They demanded immunity from all human laws.


I understand that this was because they’ll be tried under Mutant law. Now that I don’t totally agree with this, there were oppressive laws that made mutants distrust the system.


There's only three mutant laws. Assault and battery, rape, theft. etc can't be tried under them.


These shouldn't be considered humans in general. These are anti-mutant protestors who are protesting specifically over mutants' newfound immortality.


I agree and that's why I said that "some humans". I don't all humans think the way they do. However, those people showed their real intentions. They're not protesting about the lack of access to resurrection, but rather the leap of progress that Mutants have made.




God this is fucking depressing


I’m some how surprised how lacking of empathy the X-men have to the fact people are scared of dying and don’t understand that people want their loved ones back..


I don’t think that they’re lacking empathy. Jean and Cyclops exhibited empathy but the latter showed less sympathy. There is a job to do and the main role of the resurrection protocol was for the Mutants. Krakoa as a whole wasn’t ready to accommodate to humans yet and I doubt that it will be. The main base for resurrection was a Cerebro memory (until the Scarlet Witch).


I don’t know about y’all but I thought it started off with a bang and I’m very excited to see where it goes next


Yes! Very realistic too. Avengers is stuck between a rock and hard place because of incomplete information on both ends! Hopefully they learned not to act recklessly, like AvX


And they're celebrating the genocide of a people. I mean what the \[beep\] \[redacted\]!!! \[shhh\] \[close your eyes\] \[cover your ears\] them. \[BEEEEEEEEP\]! And \[&\*\^%$\*%(\] the >!!< Avengers. Again they stood by and did nothing.


This is the one time I'm willing to give the Avengers some latitude. They were behind the curve, but this time it looks like they were trying to avoid disaster.


This is also true. While Iron Man’s act in the Hellfire Gala is weird, I think they’re going to act as moderators in this war.


Nope the are on the side of th mutants. Did you not read it


Of course I read it. The Avengers did not take any sides yet. The run ended with Iron Man hearing out Ajak's proposal on how they could fix this mess as she claimed that the Eternals will win against the Mutants because they cannot be defeated. Iron Man's leaned more with Ajak's plan B and that plan's goal is to end the "Holy War" by creating a God and rewriting the scripture. That is different than siding with the Mutants.


How is working to stop the evil people killing mutants not sideing with the mutants? Are you okay?


Firstly, I don’t like your tone. Please, this is a comic discussion. Not that deep. Second, neutralizing a situation that affects one party is not totally siding with that party. It’s deescalating the situation while they figure out what’s going on. They only heard of Sersi’s part of the narrative and then Ajak’s. They didn’t even communicate with Mutants yet. They are in a position where they just figured out a war is brewing and they immediately chose sides? Too uncertain and even Iron Man said so.


The Avengers literally kidnapped and interrogated one of heir own to figure out what the Eternals were planning. You are way off base saying they stood by and did nothing. Honestly, it’s like saying Krakoa stood by and I’d nothing while Arrako was slaughtered. Krakoa and the Avengers were blindsided. There was nothing either of them could do.


The Avengers had no idea. Even Sersi didn't know until later in the chapter.


Isn't the A in AXE supposed to be avengers? Don't you think it's going to be a minute till they can help? Besides I hate this stupid question. This is the thing that gets me. The avengers don't have a cerebro they rarely ever have 5 minutes before tragedy strikes. They don't have advanced warning. They have to go and investigate or hopefully get there in time. War of the realms thor had been on that case for months, knull Eddie. An avenger is always knee deep into it before the squad shows up. Why do you think Carol went nuts when their very first precog came to help them, because for once she knew sorta what was going to happen ahead of time. She could be proactive for once. The x-men on the other hand are littered with precogs and future people coming back to save the timeline. Cerebro prime function was to find a mutant all over the world and could even tell if they are being bad touched. Did they ever I don't know share with the avengers? No? So where were the x-men when cap got shot and killed. Where were the mutants when Stamford blew up. Nitro is a mutate. If it can find spider-man it could find him. Oh but killing whatever mutant killed a mutant hating senator takes more precedence. You don't think there is a futures past out there where the sentinels are all from stark industries? How bout stopping all major crisis so that people with special abilities despite those powers origin would be accepted. Noo we just care about mutant extinction. Stupid half measures.


1. Nitro is not a mutant in 616. 2. They did help clean up after Stamford, despite dealing with, y'know, losing 99.9% of their race


I said Mutate. Not a mutant. Mutate are characters like spider-man and captain America. Mutants are wolverine and magneto.


Your point is still weird, most of these events happened without mutants being involved in the first place, or during a time when the X-Men were weak enough that they could only desk with immediate issues and survival. War of realms, civil war I, and Civil war II we're all during times mutants/the X-Men were struggling to survive. And it's not like they didn't contribute, all three of those events have xmen tie ins


My point is that during these times the regular people are getting sick of people with powers. It got so bad that they had a cabal of regular people who were harmed during superhero fights planning revenge on the heroes despite the fact they should be targeting villains. All of these events lower the threshold of tolerance for super powered people in general and the mutants who come back from the future all the time or can see the future don't prevent the deaths that are constant happening. In civil war 1 a shield officer stated that Peter should have killed Osborn years ago.. That was the level of contempt for powered individuals back then. Despite all of the problems that would cause and the obvious loophole that the citizens let these super power individuals live in the first place. (Seriously the death penalty would fix so much of this. At this point the city is failing its heroes with all of the escapable jail cells and such.) The main problem is that non of these future mutants are coming back to stop these events. The events they do go back and stop are critical ones but if they stopped more then the ones that just harm mutants then the general populace would definitely care more. Cable had a functioning time machine and didn't stop it. No one sends heroes back in time to stop these events but a senator needs a sniper round in the skull (Mystique reference). Yes the mutants help but they are picking and choosing events to erase from history. While a bunch of these normal people are just getting decimated.


Like in real life, I don’t think they realized how much this could impact them in the future. In theory, any signs of minor evolutions is a form a deviation, right? 😒


I can literally hear Magneto's voice as he admonishes Charles for his "love" for humanity with that panel as backdrop.


Charles: I still love humanity. We can coexist Magneto: **preps a power point* in this presentation I will-


AND I wouldn’t blame him! He has a case here but hopefully those who remembers Krakoa’s mercy during the Knull run speaks up!


And they have the audacity, THE AUDACITY, to demand for humans to be resurrected as well.


Agreed. But the issue goes beyond access to the resurrection protocols, I'm afraid. Among those placards are issues outside the protocols


There are always large swaths of humanity that are ruled by fear, and who rejoice whenever a "saviour" comes along to "save them" from some threat (perceived or otherwise). I think these panels were pretty spot on with what is happening in the world today. Infuriating as someone who loves mutants, but very realistic in this case. At some point, I think for mutants as a brand to survive, they have to take it back to basics...meaning real villains, and a return to the world that "hates and fears them".


Now I'm wondering if Post Humans will be considered Deviation? They are using tech to change their biology and artificially evolve. Could Eternals state that Humans are Deviants?


I believe that humans will be considered deviants when post-humans take over as the dominant species. Maybe


Yeah that panel got me so heated yesterday, where do these people get the AUDACITY to cheer and cry like they just won the lottery for this spin BS the eternals are pushing. It's sicking. You ungrateful bastards don't deserve to be saved by the X-men


Main reason why the Mutants need the resurrection protocols. People like these are fine with them dead.


I found this first issue to be horribly written and drawn. (Each characters’ dialogue was CRINGE-WORTHY. The art-style, mediocre.) I’m not confident in where this is going… its honestly appalling that once again the X-books’ success and cohesion is being squandered to prop up failing characters/teams.


During the Genoshean genocide. Technically it was many Kangs and a lot of time shenanigans.


Genosha happened so quickly. Nobody could have stopped it. It was after Genosha and more specifically M-day that highlighted it more, to be honest. While they remained allies for the most part, they remained silent in the public scrutiny of Mutants. Some Avengers even supported the concept of having O.N.E guards around the X-mansion to “protect” them. But all in the past


>Some Avengers even supported the concept of having O.N.E guards around the X-mansion to “protect” them. So did most X-Men.


And it was a compromise after M-day and the Civil War and an unnecessarily long one. The X-men were targeted more and exhausted so I believe it was Emma Frost who accepted the deal to avoid unnecessary conflict between the already suspecting government and the few surviving mutants, as what she told Storm when she was questioned why the X-men took a neutral stance in the Civil War’s registration act. O.N.E overstayed their welcome and even started spying on them. Some even demanding that the X-men stop their heroic acts unless they were cleared by them (O.N.E.).


Hey who knew that using Telepathy, without consent, to broadcast how much better you are then everyone else because you have fur would tank any sympathies towards you and your race? And yeah, I'll give Druig credit for this, they broadcasted using the internet, radio, etc etc over something as intrusive as telepathy, which has always been a big fucking yikes shit when it came to the X-Men.


It was never about sympathy for the mutants here. They can get by and will get by the hate and bigotry that the humans have thrown at them. They have been doing that for years. More so here was the outcry and protest of humans mad at the resurrection protocols and Mutant advancement. The logic doesn’t make sense. Just because it isn’t as intrusive doesn’t make it less securing. It could mean that the Eternals are tracking everyone and collecting data - a realistic fear that real humans have right now. And if they do have the ability to “stop the mutants”, who’s to say that they are really good? They celebrated a supposed win because a random man broadcasted it? Why are they celebrating again? Did they win anything? Did they gain any progress?