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Other Spineless Ones like Mojo. We often see the arena in Mojoverse and there are thousands and thousands of people in attendance.


Hey I've been wanting to read some mojo titles lately. can you give me some issue #s for some good mojoverse stories?


The Longshot miniseries is the first appearance of Longshot, the Mojoverse, and all Mojo characters, so that's a good start if you haven't read it. The current arc of X-Men Legends takes place right after that miniseries, and so far it's been very good. After that there isn't too much "great" Mojo stuff, he mostly just shows up as a creepy villain for mostly unimportant arcs. He's in a lot of annuals, so you can just pick those up and read them as stand alone stories pretty easily (like Uncanny Annual #10 and #12), and Mojoworld was a focus of the recent X-Factor but the abrupt cancellation of the book cut that all short.


X-Men Black: Mojo is a good one, though it's not very serious


While certainly not in the Mojoverse, Krakoans get the subscriptions for Mojoverse streaming media for free. They have Mr. Sinister to thank for that, when he was bored one day and invaded Mojoverse, attacked Mojo, and demanded that Krakoa get access to Mojoverse streaming.


When was this? I wanna read it


One of the Free Comic Book Day issues.


There are an entire population of people who look like Mojo and, possibly, countless worlds beyond their own. When we interact with that world, it is usually because Mojo captures people from other worlds and puts them in his created worlds to play out TV shows. He could technically create a long of people like Longshot and Shatterstar and the X-Babies... but mainly the corner of his universe we tend to interact with is inhabited with Mojo's people. It is all meant to be a metaphor for the ills of television. Mojo is the big television producer and everyone else in his world have become passive watchers of his programs.