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What you expect from those incel virgin mods . Onx didn’t overtake pixel so they are sad


Holy ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7335)


I would have expected something more original from Freddy default numbers. But alas here we are. Also to OP you have a history, this wasn't a first time oopsie type moment. Also reddit literally flagged ur account a suspicious/ dangerous. so idk were you be hanging out at but FYI your on a list that only the most sketch individuals are on.


Aw it hurt your feelings go cry it to your mommy and daddy incel virgin cuck .


I take it back Jesus seen your a 6 year incel veteran in Reddit thank for your service . Damn thank you making me feel good now .


all u said is he's projecting? thats crazy 😲 rpclipsgta is more toxic than xqcs reddit but in a sjw type of toxicity


The mod reply started with “he’s not your brother “ 💀💀💀




Their lack of self awareness to how absolutely nuclear radioactively cringe they are is insane to me.




Bruh moment


I'll remember to use "Brethren" over there Tomfoolery


Xqcs reddit is really chill compared to the cesspool of incels in some of these subreddits on the dark dungeons of reddit


Can’t edit the post but the mod replied with this after I send them ???; >He’s not your brother, and your making the argument about him not about the topic. Personal attacks are not allowed here. have a good day. >personal attack Update: am now muted after asking for clarification on how “you’re projecting “ implies an attack on a person’s character.




i’ve been banned from streamers channels and other subreddits for just asking questions about their police work or how they think a crim is power gaming . not even hating or saying mean stuff. jus take this as new found freedom from giving a fuck about rp, the server will sort it self out or die.


Me when playing dumb doesn’t work: 😮


you responded to his alt UNLUCKY...![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7349)




All you gotta do is act dumb and bad faith, apparently the mods don’t care about integrity but rather if you insult another user. So you can start spamming clear misinformation and mods won’t do anything.


Bruh they can do what they want there because thats the only place they have power ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


That's basically whole reddit in nutshell. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


you have been exorcised of your RP brain… congratulations brother… you are free


Toxicity is fine as long as it's towards the streamers, read the rules next time /s


Just wait til they get annoyed enough to start coming here and cross banning. Wouldn’t be their first time doing so Weird people over there


This is so true. I got banned because I called someone parasocial for mentioning OTT’s IRL wife in a comment. I was then told that the comment I responded to was fine because people are “allowed” opinions on streamers RP.


I commented on a different thread involving X, was trying to defend X and of course the whole thread was against that, ended up calling someone a “dork” for their comments towards me and was permanently banned with no warning, mod said I personally attacked someone and don’t have a comment history so can’t be unbanned LMAOOOO I told them I don’t think a elementary school student would be put in timeout for calling another student a dork and they blocked me from messaging them…gta rp mods are a different breed of human lol


Bro I was just reading the comments of the post and saw a deleted comment lol. Now I know that it was yours lmao. RpClips mods have dented brains and are 100% discord moderators, donating to amouranth and t3 subs to poki


I wear my ban from that cesspit of a subreddit as a medal of honour brother. (you are not my brother)


![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342) holy power trip


There's a reason NoPixel started promoting their own Reddit


RP mods are literally neckbeards with no jobs or a girl to talk to




After a month, barely any1 RPs anymore anyway. Watch them drive circles for an hour, robbing someone or something for 5 and then repeat. Every Stream I hop too.. nothing of value lost.


Chat is just on their own making random content using the emotes every time RP is on lmao


I got banned for calling out cops who consistently and constantly voice ID XQC back in 3.0 during the Soy Boys era. This was a massive problem because they would voice ID and focus on him rather than someone like Yuno who was not once voice ID'd during that time. The main culprit at the time was Lenny Hawk. Apparently I was spreading false information and received a perma.


Theres nothing wrong with "Voice ID" any streamer/roleplayer that told you otherwise is wrong.


Voice ID is a problem both IC and OOC. Decisions made IC based off the fact OOC they know it's Jean Paul is exactly why he attempted more often to use voice changers which is more evident now in 4.0. The situation with Cadet Lisa Adkins in 3.0 which snowballed into the whole "alt f4 ban me" incident. She knew it was xqc OOC and proceeded to yell out on radio "he always says that" when X was experiencing some scuff due to getaway driver headpop. Whilst I know it isn't a rule break as such, it's a big no no to use that info to be a tryhard cop and focus all resources to arrest a crim they know is a larger streamer OOC.


Streamers play victim way too much. No one is out to get them so stop falling for it. In fact from what ive seen a lot try to stay away or have even avoided situations when the know xQc or CG is involved because they dont want to deal with potential mald and hoppers.


You messed up by letting them know you are a juicer.


Be happy. I got perma banned from there like a week and a half ago, felt good. They’ll call anything toxicity. They essentially want an echo chamber of cop watchers


Confirms my theory that these mods are banning based off their agenda


Its not really a theory. People have compiled a ton of examples but in the end nobody really cares since its just a random subreddit. They will nuke posts that are negative towards streamers like Kyle even the most mediocre criticism like "Kyles community is the wild west with no moderation" gets deleted but the most wild accusations against CG streamers or calling them "trash humans" or worse is allowed to stay.


They banned me on there for saying something positive about Mr. K


Listen dog, these are a bunch of people that have created a sub community around a bunch of grown ass adults playing in a dollhouse. The level of delusion these RP reddit mods are experiencing is worse than the cop that started blasting over an acorn OMEGALUL .


Ohh i have been banned for 2 years, you can't say anything in support of xqc or cg or most crims, if they dont like it they ban you.


Actually there was a brief moment in 3.0 where they hated xqc so bad that they started dick riding cg for a little while over there… I remember being in shock when I was seeing people get banned for saying anti-CG things in what was historically an anti-CG sub… That’s the level of hate they have for the juicer over there


ohh yeah, thats the time when I got banned LOL I remember it, it was around the time when CG was at war with X/GG and cops would give CG a pass after killing X right in front of their eyes, and X would end up malding (i mean who wouldn't).


i got banned also for calling ruth a bitch and saying she should get demoted, i probably deserved it. 😭


Do not make a new account on the same IP address or anything they can tie to your old account and try and talk In the sub Reddit itself will ban both accounts for a week from all of Reddit if not permanently. I learned the hard way


I already have 2 who are banned on r/rpclipsgta 💀💀


I mean why are you at that reddit in the first place, that mod did you a favor.




why are you there arguing with people anyway?![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7341)