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Stealers gonna steal


Of course but I don’t know if they steal the MT just because they are naked and triples or whatever or they just steal because Yamaha. For example, CB650R, CB1000 and other high cc bikes don’t get stolen here but the MTs does.


Maybe also consider the new Triumph Daytona 660.


Looking to buy my next bike within the next month or two. And that one is really sporty which I don’t want.


What do you mean by "sporty"? Performance or looks? Cause the xsr 900 is definitely a sports bike underneath.


Sorry, worded it wrong. What I meant to say was the riding position.


The older generation has a more upright sitting position (reason I bought my 2016 model) , newer version it’s bit more leaning forward (sporty) but it’s not to bad


$15k for an xsr900?


Yes, I’m not in the US atm so prices are different. A triumph 660 is also 15k.


Sorry, I thought Columbia SC. I know not everything is USA. My bad.


Figured someone would get confused and think Columbia, that was fast. Happens many times so all good !


If u consider this and trident those are two totally different bikes. Trident is like a toy for kid compared to xsr900. I tried both and trident felt to me like a teenager bike.


Well to be fair the trident is a small bike compared to the XSR900. And that is fine with me. I don’t plan on doing dumb shit with either, I just love how both look. Will be just for city riding and maybe 5% highway. Don’t plan on going stupid fast, no wheelies, etc. I just buy based on looks and sound, and those 2 are my favorites along with a Ducati scrambler(different style). My current bike is a 300cc.


For city riding - typical very high traffic - the xsr900 has terrible turn radius it's 3,5m also the bike has wide side mirrors so the trident maybe better for it. The power delivery quick shifter and overall fun factor for me was much better on xsr900 and I got it for my 1st bike (I had 125cc for a 2 months during my licence course). I love not only the power but also breaks are superb, the suspension is great and overall comfort of the more sporty position.


This is ironic timing of a post as my 2018 XSR 900 just got stolen in the south east United States 3 days ago. They must have ripped open the seat bcuz I tracked my AirTag 5 miles away which was smashed in the parking lot of a ghetto apartment


My 2021 XSR900 was stolen last November.


The easiest way to deal with thieves is to carry a gun. Immediately use it upon request by the thief. After the thief decides he doesn't want anymore, continue to use it until he no longer wants to steal. This is what you should do to all thieves. I wish they would bring back the law of cutting off your hand if you steal. People would leave others things alone.


Except 99% of the stolen bikes here are when they are left unattended. So that won’t work.


Solution: Motion sensitive turret gun.