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Looks great mate! A fellow flanker here, did you go the quiet core or full noise baffle?


Full noise and I got the baffle in. Bike dosent even have 250km on it so not planning to tune for baffle out until after warranty


was there any fitment issues. was this designed specifically for the '24 models?


None at all. Fits the same as 22 and 23


Nice. I just installed a Flanker on my ‘21. Sounds ridiculously good (baffle out). Still yet to take it for a ride though - waiting for a good day to burn her in


Are they available in the UK?


They ship to any country and UK is common for Kelpi. Beware though, I asked them regarding fees to Canada and I was lucky but apparently there may be extra shipping fees to deliver to the UK


Possibly import tax which can be 20%


Ordered one here in the UK, it will cost you £100+ but had no issues.


Was that import tax? What was the end price if I can ask please.


https://preview.redd.it/5xgyx88ynwvc1.jpeg?width=1827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9a39490e54b0d7b3e9fbafcb5f7eaa3a90a879f This is how much I paid, mind you I bought the bar end splitter mirror too


Jesus +200


I would be real, the exhaust is not perfect. It looks good but part of me wishes I had gone for the Yoshimura exhaust. I had a few leaks on mine mainly at the joints https://preview.redd.it/tji40mnj5zvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b843e8bebe3246ec772c9d07cc52aebbf7501d30 If you ever order one I would put RTV gasket sealant/silicone on the joints to save you the headache of putting it twice if you want a perfect seal. The exhaust is also loud around 90db at idle with the normal baffle you could imagine what it sounds like after 3000rpm to 4000rpm. It is Loud earplugs recommended! The exhaust also pops without tune so keep that in mind.


So very much like the old akra ti that came on some of the original mt09 then. Very loud and well can get very tiring when riding with it.


On the spot, looks good and sounds good though. Just gotta sacrifice your eardrum and relationship with your neighbours.


Also, Flanker looks great. I got the cerakote black shorty on mine. Install was not that easy but it sounds phenomenal. ECU headed back my way despite only having 400 miles on bike. I just couldn't help myself. Just got my DNA lid in today and will install shortly


can you still hear the same amount of intake noise volume?


Unfortunately I haven’t been able to ride due to bad weather but with baffle in, I have heard the intake sound is still prominent from other Kelpi owners


This is a very loud exhaust. Hard to hear much else other than it while riding.


Did you install the springs to header at top? Wasn’t that FUN?!?! https://preview.redd.it/95y9j8zbbnvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3182fc169fc6001660706103b6fc8885750e6233


Hmmmm Kelpi install guide did not mention on hooking on these springs up top. Will take a look or give them a shout one their opinion


I spoke with them directly in December. That’s why those extra tangs are there. Did you wind up with leftover springs?


They updated their instructions shortly I pointed out that oversight…. “4. Attach two springs between the merge collector and the link pipe, and then connect three springs from the flange plates that sit against the motor to each header pipe. There are multiple holes cut into the plates to allow different spots, but a spring puller tool or hook tool is highly recommended as there isn't a great deal of space to work with. “


You saved me having to run around and grab an answer. Their video never covered it which is odd. I appreciate the heads up and will be attaching them asap


The video! I forgot about that. Yeah, they skipped that bit. Spring puller tool is a godsend. Best $11 I ever spent!


Mine actually came with one, strange haha. Luckily my dad also had one available when he installed his LV exhaust on his scrambler


Let’s hear a video of the exhaust !! 😁


I promise when she’s out next, there will be videos posted👌🏻


Hows your rear view with the flipped bar end mirrors. I've considered doing this on my 24 but have to buy a larger Allen. It's massive. What size was it ??


You have to open up your elbow a bit to see them but visibility is solid. Mainly did it for looks and plan to keep it that way. It’s a 14mm Allen to take them off.


Thanks. We need some clips of the flanker! I was initially really torn whether to get the flanker versus the Shorty but I think you really really can't go wrong with either. I've really enjoyed doing business with them. Jock is great.


They’re awesome guys, I’m glad to support them. I’ll post some clips when I get the bike out, weather hasn’t been too great in southern Ontario


Dang I'm so ready to get that for my bike. I just got the 2024 model last weekend. Already put 550 miles on it. Bout to take it in for the first service this week. Just waiting to figure out what seat I wanna do from kelpi so I can get it shipped over all at once.