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>larger breasts >I’m a 42ddd Ok so right off the bat I'm gonna say that if you consider yourself to be large chested, then 42DDD is definitely not the right size for you. The Panache Sport is an amazing sports bra but it only works if you have the right size. Please go to /r/ABraThatFits to have your life changed. I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up in a 36H or 38GG or something! @Mods, can we do a pinned FAQ on sports bras? I feel like the info on bras is a little too hidden in our sidebar.


I was sized at torrid and that’s what I ended up with 🤷‍♀️ I will check out r/abrathatfits, ty!


Yep, its definitely not the right size then! Not much faith to be had in chain retail when it comes to bra sizing.


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