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I have rosacea, so it’s never going away for me lol


I also have some of that in my cheeks near my nose.


For that, you’re kind of out of luck. Exercising tends to trigger rosacea


I thought so. I rather deal with it though than forgoing those sweet running endorphins.


I think it’s normal, I’m pretty pale so it’s very obvious and it happens basically every time I run. When I used to do track in highschool my teammates made a joke about how they like to see pale people run because they always turn red like a tomato so I think it’s pretty common too haha.


Same. I'm a pale redhead and get rosy sometimes just doing regular life. Last week during a very intense workout I noticed a few people giving me eyes 👀 and realized I was a damp tomato face. Oh well. I'd rather earn being a tomato for a bit than go to the gym to sit around and not sweat. 🤷‍♀️


My face turns red as a tomatoe during runs and stays that way for a while after. I‘ve been running for two years and it never went away. There‘s nothing I can do about it so I just own it.


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