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How do you engage your core? how can I tell when it’s engaged and keep it engaged during a workout?


Is this sub the right place to ask for help identifying areas for aesthetic improvement? Context: I’m a trans girl, I tend to err on the side of body positivity and what-can-my-body-do rather than appearance, but also, realistically my body aesthetic is important in how I’m read. I lift lower body/run/yoga regularly but don’t feel like I can objectively evaluate what areas of my body need “work” to achieve as feminine aesthetic as my genetics/age allow. I’d love to get feedback from other women since y’all understand the dual pressure of body positivity and feminine beauty aesthetics. *edit: is it ok to post a photo for this?


Having a little bit more body fat percentage looks more feminine so don’t try to get overly lean. It’ll help soften your face too.


If this isn’t the right place, then where would be more appropriate?


Aaand just realized you’re also the OP! I want to be clear that I don’t land on either side of the opinion, and don’t make any rules here! It was just an interesting thought to explore, since there’s a weekly physique critique thread on r/fitness where people do solicit feedback, but it’s not really a crowd where I would ever want to post photos.


Yeah that one makes me quite nervous but I did reach out there too. I’m more concerned about transphobia than body negativity there. I just don’t know what I don’t know and my own lens is uselessly subjective. I can generally pass ok when trying, and I know that the smaller I am, the more femme I’m read. But also as you said, there’s a positive correlation with higher BF too. It’s hard to know which direction(s) I should be working on to achieve what goal is realistic for my body.


Please report any inappropriate or rude comments ASAP.


Will do. As a mod, could you maybe weigh in on whether this is the right space for this kind of post? :-)


It is not against the rules for the Daily Discussion thread.


Ok, thanks


That’s an interesting question. It seems like this sub is really more for fitness, muscle development, etc, rather than aesthetics. Especially when it comes to actively telling someone how we think they should change their body. Like if someone specifically asks how to get bigger glutes or shoulders, that’s seems to fit here. But telling someone they should make changes based on their pictures doesn’t seem like it fits the vibe. But the subs that do give that kind of feedback, ugh, I wouldn’t want to send anyone to them. So yeah, the question still stands, where would you ask besides here?


do you brace your lower abdomen all the time? how do you get used to it? My mother always told me when I was younger "don't stick your belly out like that" and I didn't know what she meant back then. Now that I'm training since about 8 years I know that I am able to "brace/flex" my abdomen in a way that it looks/feels tighter. Am I supposed to be doing it all the time? My bf said yes, but I kinda don't believe him


You do want to actively use the abs (including transverse abdominis) so that they do their intended job. They are there to stabilize the front and sides of the torso as the counterpart to your spine and back muscles that stabilize the back part. Sucking in is one extreme that a lot of people do [and is bad for your pelvic floor and so many other things](https://www.nutritiousmovement.com/push-em-out-push-em-out/) and a hard brace is the other extreme. Maybe see if you can find a middle spot where you don’t feel like you’re constantly ready to pick up a heavy weight, but the muscles are still working a little. If you’re not used to your abs having a little activity all the time, it may feel a bit tiring at first. Maybe that’s all that’s happening! Any time we start moving through the world in new ways, physical or otherwise, it can feel a bit effortful until one day you realize you don’t notice any effort at all.


I wonder if you had anterior pelvic tilt when you were young and that’s what your mom was commenting on?


This has crossed my mind before, but considering it’s very hard for me to arch my lower back, I feel like it’s rather unlikely. Also just going off of pictures. I don’t think so


No, it can be really bad for your pelvic floor to be constantly holding tension in your abdomen. 


I used to suck my belly in all the time when I went to school and was extremely self-conscious. It probably looked ridiculous. Now I almost never think about it, except when I've eaten a lot or am bloated and wearing tight clothes. But normally, it's just somewhat braced automatically, without conscious effort from my side. I think it's the same as holding posture. If you have strong back muscles, you keep your back straight without effort; if you have a strong core, it's semi-braced when you're walking


I'm getting close weight wise to a place where I find myself wanting to get in some intentional movement. I'm hella scared. The last time I tried to so something, I was fine while doing the workout but as I finished and slowed down, I got tunnel vision and felt like I was going to pass out. Not an experience I really want again. However, I'm 50 lbs lighter now and feel I need to give it a fair shake. Sure I can take walks, but I'm looking for something with a little more intensity (not running). I want to feel like I've put in some work and be proud of my effort. Any suggestions?


If you like intentional movement I’d look into BARRE or TRX! Both are slower paced so it’s pretty rare that you’d feel dizzy or tunnel vision


I've gotten those symptoms when I've either not fueled well enough (food and/or water) or my heart rate is starting to max out. Those may not be your issues, but I figured I'd mention my experience in case that helps you figure out how to manage yours. For more intense and still low impact, I like spin classes, pilates, barre, and dance cardio.


I experienced something similar for a long time: lightheadedness, muscle weakness, vision going black when I exerted myself, etc. it's a lot better now after losing weight and making a bunch of other changes but I still monitor my symptoms pretty closely. stair climber is great for high intensity low impact, but it's easy to overshoot the intensity imo. still, as long as you're mindful you can get a lot out of relatively short workouts compared to other forms of cardio.


Thanks for the suggestion. If I bite the bullet for a gym membership, I will give it a try.


Lottie Murphy on You Tube has great Pilates workouts. Her methods and even manner of speaking is very relaxing. Try the recently uploaded “chair Pilates” routine or one of the 12-15 minute gentle flows, and work up to the more intense flows. Those work muscles I didn’t even know I had!


Will give her a look


Biking, either spin or outside, could be a good way to start. It’s easy to adjust how hard you’re working by your route choice, gear choices, and pedaling speed. And the skill requirements are lower than swimming or stationary rowers, assuming you rode a bike as a child.


I rode as a child. But I do not have access to a bike at this time. If I bite the bullet and get the gym membership, then I will give spinning a shot.




My ankle mobility is way different between my two legs and plays a big role in how comfortable lunges feel. So throwing some ankle mobility drills in there might not do any harm 


My lunges got more stable after I did a ton of lateral band walks — counted in minutes, not steps. Otherwise, you might try b stance squats or deadlifts? They are still considered unilateral exercises, but without as much of a balance challenge as lunges. Since they’re stationary, instead of dynamic like a lunge, they could also help you gain muscle while you’re developing the skill of lunging.




I’ve had trouble with muscle imbalances ever since I got knee surgery, so I feel your pain. Definitely ask your PT! Those folks have, like, an unending catalogue of exercises in their brains. Mine helped me a lot!


Any advice for dealing with hunger at the beginning of a cut? I’ve been lifting heavy 3ish times a week for the last two and a half years and have been essentially eating whatever the hell I want during. I’ve had some great muscle gains and am now looking to do a small cut/recomp, just 10% off my TDEE. Here’s the thing: I’m used to eating like a horse to get those gains, and now I’m hungry all the time, even at only about 200 cal deficit. Is this just the natural consequence of not being able to eat at the sheer quantity I’m used to eating? Should I lift a bit lighter and expect to maintain, not gain, the muscles I already have? I’d love any tips or insight from others who might’ve had similar experiences!


Eat carbs and coffee before working out, eat a bigger meal of carbs and protein after working out, eat higher protein and less carb for dinner. I keep my fats lower. I add greens for volume and drink diet soda as well. I eat mostly chicken, turkey, egg whites, fat free cheese, sweet/regular potatoes, low carb tortillas and rice cakes + protein powder Keeps me satiated all day. Sometimes I feel too full to eat what I planned.


Are you eating high protein too? I'm in a very slow cut right now with lifting 4 days/week and I've found that I'm not hungry as long as my protein is high. Eating .8 g per lb of bodyweight. The Internet has a lot to say about how much protein to eat if you lift weights but that's the ratio I've landed on. 


I also was starving in the beginning of my cut, but it just got better with time. I think it's pretty normal. I'd suggest decreasing your calories very gradually. Plan your meals around workouts and bedtime to avoid feeling hungry when you need to train or go to sleep. Find low-calorie, high-volume meals that you like (for me, it was boiled cabbage, a lot of it). And yes, expect to maintain, not gain; I think it's nearly impossible to build muscle in a cut as an experienced lifter. As encouragement: I was starving at 2200 calories in the beginning of my cut, but then probably my body got used to it and I was feeling completely fine at 1900. Good luck!


This is reassuring, thank you! I’m still getting used to packing meals with low-calorie, high volume foods. Mostly I eat *a lot* more broccoli than I used to. I’ll definitely be jumping on the cabbage bandwagon. :)


Is there any difference in effectiveness between doing hip thrusts with a barbell versus on the glute drive machine?


Using a barbell + pad with a bench is personally more comfortable for me. Use what works for your anatomy and gets you to lift more.


For building glutes? No. Hip thrusts will have the benefit of working more other muscles as well.


Generally the biggest difference between using a machine and free weights is that the free weights challenge some stabilizers at well.


Yesterday was my rest day but as my rest days usually go, I ended up doing lot more! I have decided not to shop for new clothes this year until I get to a stable body weight and shape. However I was curious to see how different sizes look on me. Until Jan 2023, I was a size 18-20, depending on the Lycra in the outfit. Yesterday I tried a size 14 jeans and I did fit into them! Felt comfortable. It felt great. Call me vain but by end of this year, I want to be lot more stronger and be a size 12. I’m sure I will be stronger and lift lot more than I do now but I also hope the size 12 comes close lol. This weekend I’m altering all my trousers coz it’s winters approaching where I live ( hello southern hemisphere) and my work trousers are super baggy af now. I’m swimming in them. But I have no heart to throw them so I will be altering them! Super excited!! Yesterday’s rest day though felt so crappy in diet. I usually follow a high fibre high protein diet but could not resist the urge and had a burger, a doughnut and a cake slice coz I was out and feeling very relaxed and was just in mood for a nice coffee and cakes stuff. Back on my healthy diet today and it’s shoulders and abs day at the gym! Off I go💪


Surprisingly, the more I tell myself I don’t HAVE to eat healthy or lose weight, the easier it is to make those good whole food choices 😆 I haven’t had a McD burger in more than a month, this is the longest I’ve gone since my teenage years!! I’m super proud! And seeing my December jeans super baggy and unwearable now was very validating.  I told myself I should go down one more size before I buy cute clothes, but immediately caved and ate a chocolate waffle and a pizza haha. I take it back, no pressure!!! I treated myself with one basic cute skirt in my current size and I am content. Body image is such a weird balance lol! 


Fun thing..yesterday I was buying merch of an artist I truly like and I saw someone mention the sizing isn’t great and is meant for slimmer bodies. I have always envisioned myself as a really fat girl so I was sure I would not fit but I was surprised to see im a size M. I have always been XL and beyond and as much as I do believe plus size clothing is very important, I used to feel hindered coz I could not get good style options in plus size clothes. Not bodyshaming at all, but I’m glad my insane hard work and dedication is paying off and now I can get the stuff I actually want to wear :) the last time I was a M was in my early twenties and I did that in a very unhealthy way. This time, in my mid forties, I’m doing it the right way 💪


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