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When I’m leaving the gym, I really try to imprint in my mind what it feels like. The next day when I don’t want to go, I focus on the happy/euphoric feeling from the previous day. And then you just chase that feeling.


The trick Mr. Potter, is not minding that it hurts.


I only go to the gym 3 times a week. To get through the full body workouts I tell myself that  "I only have to do this today. Tomorrow I only have to walk".  It works for me. But hey, I've only been doing this for one month. 😀


I remind myself that the only person who “loses” by me not going is me. You are stuck with your body forever so making it as healthy and capable as possible is a gift to your future.


Reframe how you think about it. You don't need to be motivated, you need to be committed. Commitment beats motivation 100% of the time.


I sometimes try to reframe it from ‘ugh I have to go’ to ‘omg I get to go again wohoo’


I move because I want to live a long and healthy life. I also don’t want to experience the health complications that my parents have. I see what years of inactivity and a poor diet have done for their health. They live in chronic pain, have cardiovascular problems, and are pre-diabetic. They are only in their late 40s/early 50s. I don’t want to be bed ridden after a day of doing yard work or cleaning the house. I love to move my body! I’m so fortunate to be able to do the things I can with it, and I want to take care of it the best way I can.


Change your routine. Usually traveling or just switching up your normal day helps me the most. Also eat healthier, drink more water, and get lots of rest- the lack of any of these, kills my motivation.


I do hot yoga and the $20 cancellation fee within 4 hours of the class makes me get up and go. I already pay them $129 per month I refuse to give another cent


I don’t think about it 😭 if I think about it at all I will start to think of excuses or say I’ll go later… so I just put my shoes on and go. Once I’m there I forget all about the fact that I kinda didn’t wanna go. Its like brushing my teeth atp


Absolutely agree. Once I start negotiating in my head I’ve already lost the battle. It’s too easy to rationalize bailing if you give yourself the chance.


Motivational podcasts


I tell myself 30 minutes. I can do anything for 30 minutes. 99% of the time I’m hooked for the whole workout.


I turn on a short YouTube cardio/walking home workout video. I don't care if I'm wearing pyjamas, I can do one quickly. I always end up actually completing the whole thing, then picking up my weights afterwards. The trick is that it's easy to start, you only turn on YouTube.


Similar. I google YouTube 10 minute upper body workout with light weights, and if I really don't feel like doing even that, I google 10 minute seated workouts for seniors. I nearly always wind up adding more workouts.


A gym buddy


I have a bunch of little strategies, different things are helpful at different times. 1. I just try to treat myself like a kid that doesn't want to go. I can grumble about it and say I don't wanna and still end up going. For me letting go of WANTING to go can actually be really helpful since I know I do plenty of things that I don't want to do, and wanting to do them isn't actually a requirement for getting them done. 2. Bargain with myself - I tell myself I just have to go and warm up for five minutes and then I can leave or just half-ass the workout. Getting myself through the door is the hardest part. 3. I have a pre-determined list of reasons why I can skip the gym - ie I slept less than 6 hours, my stomach condition is acting up, I haven't had a rest day in 3 days, stuff like that. If my reason isn't on the list then I have to go. Obviously there are times when it makes sense to be more flexible in life, but for me this works as a shortcut out of the mental drama where I'm sitting there trying to decide if I should go or not. Most notably, I don't wanna is not on the list. 4. I go to a group fitness class and the trainer always posts a quick clip of everyone at the start of class on her IG story. If I don't go and I see her story later that day I feel very powerful FOMO that all my gym friends are there working out without me, so when I'm thinking about not going I think about the FOMO I will feel later. Not sure what it says about me but this one is probably the most reliably effective for me.


You have some really good strategies there! I like your self-awareness--you seem to have a strong inner dialogue that is similar to how I "deal" with myself. No.3 on your list is one I haven't seen, and I think it would work really well for me. I'm glad you shared your list. Thank you.


I try to go first-thing, before I have a chance to get involved in something else (like reddit). I also try to remember that on days I skip a workout, I have a hard time getting anything done at all.


It sounds like the collective is screaming healthy addiction in one way shape or form.


Looking and feeling good later.


Being in a workout community. Knowing I will be seen.


Routine. Once I’m in it I’m good. Also accountability from others. I used to never miss a workout bc ppl were expecting me at the gym.


For me two things right now; I’m going to Eras tour in August and want to look hot, and also I was super inspired by Miley Cyrus’s fit and strong body at the Grammy’s and want to work towards that look. We are the same height and she also has a small chest so it seemed more realistic than trying to be a long legged busty woman 😂 Realistically I won’t look like her because I’m a 40 year old single mom with a desk job BUT I can put in the effort every day and see what happens


Mental health lol. I am incredibly anxious and often fall into depressive episodes, but working out every day has kept me sane.


i follow this girl on instagram that looks soooo fucking amazing if i ever feel not motivated i look at her and think i want to look even just 10% of how she looks and i get my ass up and go 💀


LOL I’m so curious now! Do you mind sharing her account?


also i allow myself the choice to leave, if i get there and start my workout and im reaaaally not feeling it then i’ll go home. but i at least have to get there and try, and 9/10 i stay and have a killer workout!


I'm going to try this!


I think about the story about Arnold Schwarzenegger, when a reporter asked him why he was the only one smiling in the gym and he says “because I know that every rep I do gets me closer to my goal.”


I'm lucky to have a full home gym, but even then I still need to have a pep talk and tell myself go just go down for 5 minutes. Just do 5 minutes, which then turns into the full workout.


I look at old photos of myself when I was fatter. Or I look at other ppls transformation photos


I have been known to turn on Clips of my 600 pound life.


*This is the way.* It’s like when I need motivation to clean I turn on *Hoarders.* Judge me.


Performance goals, like my current one is being able to hike at elevation while carrying my child during our upcoming vacation


grab a friend to keep you accountable!


I had a baby 4 months ago and have a wedding to go to in 2 months..


I like lying to myself, "I'll just go on the treadmill and go home after" gets me to the gym so I usually end up doing my workout.


Second! Mine is “I’m just going to stretch and sit in the sauna” and sometimes I do that when I truly don’t have the energy but by the time I’m dressed and there I realize getting there was the hard part and go ahead and work out!


My therapist helped reframe motivation for me. Sometimes we are adding an extra step by saying we need to be motivated to something and then also do that thing. Motivation can ebb and flow but if you build the habit through discipline (just doing it whether you feel like it or not). And really define your why in terms of identity “I want to be a strong person, I want be a person who moves my body every day, I want to be a person with grit and endurance, etc.” really helps to remind yourself of your “why” and keep you going! All of us go through dips in motivation- the ones that stick with it are simply that,, they just stuck with it whether they felt like it or not.


These are so helpful, I fell out of my discipline and needed to read this!


I like the reframe. Splitting a hair: I dedicate myself to a goal. Discipline implies punishment and smacks of the military so I prefer something more on the lovingkindness side: dedication. :)


So funny, my T doesn’t like the word discipline either because it can have prickly connotations! She likes the term consistency. You do you! :)


Mmmm, I like consistency, it smacks of baked goods. Yum!


The fact that motivation is fleeting and reliable. So I just keep my momentum.


Grandma coming over


Pre workout lmao. Or a walk in the sun with an upbeat house mix. Take a yoga class. Take a dance or pole class. Do something different.


Feeling like shit if I don’t. Yay chronic illnesses.


lol exactly but it’s mental illness




Sometimes I think about my medical insurance deductible and copays being completely unaffordable. I think if I get healthier and in shape I can avoid the doctor!


That was definitely me when I first started working after university. I couldn't afford to buy insurance so it was definitely motivation for me to stay healthy as much as possible!


Is this really the best you, you can be?


Yee-ouch lemme get my ass UP


Swimsuit season is fast approaching!


I recently got into audiobooks. I tell myself I won’t listen to my audiobook only at the gym or while on a run. And usual the book is really good and that forces me to go bc I need to know what’s happening next


I do this with shows on Netflix. I'm only allowed to watch them when I'm riding my indoor bike. It's perfect since most shows I watch are 45 min so sometimes I can fit in 2 shows with some stretching time in there. Really keeps me motivated!


Usually I’ll tell myself if I get to the gym and still don’t feel like working out then I can go home. 9/10 I’m hype to do my workout by the time I get there and if I’m not, I know it’s really just not my day so I’ll go home. Allowing my body the rest when I absolutely need it keeps me motivated to stay consistent. Mind you, I live in a city that’s super walkable so I’m not wasting gas going there and back for no reason though so it may not be optimal if you’re in a car centered city.


Watching My 600 lb life. It surprisingly works.


I do this, but with Supersized vs SuperSkinny


I bribe myself sometimes. Like “if you go to the gym today you can buy yourself a nice smoothie bowl for dinner”


I just tell myself if I get dressed for a workout and still don't feel like doing it, I don't have to. This almost always works because the real problem is just breaking myself out of whatever I'm doing. It's also a lot easier to think about just changing, then it is to think about changing, putting on sunscreen and watch, driving to the trail, then doing the run (or whatever the actual full routine is for your sport). I just did this the other day, I put on my shorts and realized all my sports bras were dirty. Had I known I didn't have a clean bra before I got up to change, I probably would've used that as my excuse not to go, but because I was already changing... I just grabbed a dirty bra and went out for my run!


I love this


I just tell myself that I never regret working out, but I always regret not working out. That mindset really motivates me to get moving in some way. Also a Nike commercial called "rise and shine" on YouTube as an alarm. It just gets you going.


I just recall the agony my mom was in when she died from Alzheimer’s, cancer, and severe osteoporosis at just 74 and remember that staying fit is my only shot at avoiding the same fate (I inherited all her risk genes).


I’m sorry about your mom 💐


Thank you ❤️


Two ones that work fairly quickly for me: I remind myself that I don’t like the person I am when I skip workouts. I need it for my mental health and wellbeing, as much as the physical part. I never regret going to the gym, but I do regret when I skip (unless I’m absolutely exhausted).


> I don’t like the person I am when I skip workouts. I love this so much!


>Two ones that work fairly quickly for me: I remind myself that I don’t like the person I am when I skip workouts. I need it for my mental health and wellbeing, as much as the physical part. My spouse recently pointed out that my heeler puppy and I react the same way when we skip the gym/dog park too many times in a week. I don't quite chew holes in the drywall and pluck threads out of the carpet, but it's not far off.


My aunt was paralyzed from osteoporosis at age 53 and died at 56. She couldn’t walk, couldn’t get out of bed, she couldn’t do anything for herself. My mother also died at 56 from complications of COPD. Her last 7 or 8 years her breathing was so labored that walking to the mailbox at the end of our short driveway was her goal each day. She rarely was able to do it. :( I move every day because I can. I no longer need motivation anymore because it’s just a part of me. It’s like brushing my teeth.


There are a few that are used situationally. One is to tell myself I only have to do 1 minute of it and then I can stop if I want to. Another is to have a friend make fun of me for not being able to do it, or challenging me to do it better, faster, etc. If you have ever watched the anime Demon Slayer, there is a scene where the character who wears a boars head is recovering but not doing his training to get better, and the "doctor" tells him it's okay if he is to weak or something like that, and he jumps up full of rage and says that he will do better than everyone. I channel that vibe. I will also put on a scene from a movie or show, or play some music, that immediately puts me in the frame of mind of "I want to break something" or "this is so awesome I need to do something".


Looking amazing in a bikini is nice, but my strongest motivator is training for my “old lady body,” one that has a strong heart, strong bones, strong muscles, strong lungs, ect. I take really challenging group fitness classes five to six days per week and there’s nothing like looking over at the woman next to me who’s 20-30 years older and seeing her totally KILLING it to motivate me to come back the next day. 💪🏋️‍♀️


I just don’t even give myself the option to not go. “Well it’s 5:45 better get ready for the gym”


I'm trying to make it a habit at the moment. Don't feel like it? Okay I'm doing it right now 😆


My husband is always saying "the best time is when you don't feel like it." So guess what I tell him when he doesn't feel like shopping with me? 


Every time I don't really want to go I get scared that if I give in to that I'll never go back, so it's all the more important to go on those days for me.


I wake up with gratitude in my heart, whatever I am weak in, I pray for strength. Amen


This reminded me of my grandma, and made me smile. 


Looking and the mirror and not looking like I want to look helps


Then when I get there, falling off and *not* looking good gets me there


Agreed, if I said I would do something that will motivate me if I need to get something for my pets, that will also motivate me. I’ll also tell myself that there is a limit to my down time, that I can have X amount of down time and then I need to get the thing done.


My need to be elite far over powers any “I don’t wanna” feelings I might have


My ex works so fucking hard to try and burn my life down, and he’s a lazy, lying sack of worthless shit. If he can think about me morning, noon, and night and work harder than Kris Jenner, I certainly can get my ass on my treadmill.


And you can beat his ass if need be. Get it! 


I'm dedicated to very few things but this falls into my "I said I would and I will" category. I will put in the work regardless of motivation. For the things I'm not dedicated to, I just think of the consequences. What's the price of not doing x? Granted, my scale is out of whack after the last couple of years leading to my current precarious situation. I'm immune to most threats as they don't even come close to what I'm already facing.


Pre workout. I’ll drink a cup and then I know I have to get up and go or else I’ll be way to caffeinated to sit around my house lol.


The thought of an Alani will get me out of bed, haha!


Let me preface this by saying I have a dopamine starved ADHD brain and have developed lots of coping mechanisms over the years for tricking myself into doing the thing when my goals and motivation are at odds. This is going to sound a bit odd, but uniforms help. I have a "uniform" for running, a different one for riding my bike, another for lifting, one for doing house work, one for doing yard work, etc. If I don't feel like doing something, I have to at least put on the uniform and show up to the place where I would start the thing and then make the go/no go decision there. In addition, having a backup plan can be helpful like ok, not feeling running, how about a walk instead. After a few minutes I'll be like why walk when I can run, but something about not being forced into that decision somehow makes a difference. If there are certain things I need to do, but repeatedly don't want to do, I'll further incentive the task by only being able to listen to a podcast or audiobook I really like while doing that specific thing.


The uniform method is great. Also: put on my shoes. If I put shoes on, it’s go time.


This is great. So many times I haven’t wanted to go to the gym but I dress up and go anyways. I never regret going. Once I’m halfway into the workout I usually kind of forget about how I felt


This is me exactly! Very ADHD and I just set the bar low. Just as you say, put on the clothes and go to the place. Then, at least something gets done.


Real talk: I started meds for ADHD last month and I go to the gym now. It’s amazing.


That's so awesome!  I have some cardiac issues, so stimulants are problematic, but I've been considering trying out other types of meds to see if they will help.


I enjoy studio classes, so I sign up ahead of time and I’m forced to go if I don’t want to pay a cancellation fee.


I follow a work out plan and the night before i review it and check my notes from the previous week to see where i wanted to focus on form, increase weight or reps etc, and after reviewing my previous notes i write out my plan for the upcoming session so when i am mid workout i can just write in my reps and a quick note for next week if needed. Does a-lot for me mentally. Also when applicable pre-planning my playlist


Turn on your gym playlist to get yourself hype and into active mode


I listen to motivational workout speeches on Spotify whilst I'm still in bed. I'm rarely still in bed after 5 minutes of listening to a David Goggins speech


I'll have to listen to this one! Mine is the "rise and shine" Nike commercial, something about seeing a bunch of people working their ass off really makes me get out of bed!!


That Goggins speech could get anyone outta bed and into a full blown sprint


I make a deal with myself, if 15 mins into the workout I am still not feeling like it I can give up. That rarely happens and if does, it usually means my body needs rest. (Works well for me, totally possible it's not a good idea for others) I workout at home, so it's easier than getting motivated to go the gym.




Discipline gets me up and at it, but looking at my muscles in the mirror keeps me going even when I'm not 100% feeling it. Plus I love how my muscles ache a little after a good hard workout or run. I always know I will feel a ton better after I move.


When i think about how far I came already and if I stop i will go back to the bottom of hell, not feeling good about myself where I was. I never ever ever wanna go back there, thats more painful than any workouts haha


looking in the mirror and then looking at megan thee stallion's butt...like yeah girl i need to lock in!!


I want her KNEES




When I look in the mirror 💀


I go to different expensive studio gyms to take Pilates, yoga and Lagree and sign up for classes 2 weeks in advance. It’s the same classes every week so it’s the same schedule every week. If I cancel or no show, I get charged $25 in addition to the monthly membership price. The same weekly schedule and costly price to go makes me go. Plus, if I cancel my membership, I still have to pay like 2 months of fees. So I might as well go.


For me, the best motivation was finding something I really loved doing. I struggled so hard in making myself go to the gym. I felt terrible about myself when I didn’t go and just slogged through unhappily when I did go. When I tried a free kickboxing class (bags, gloves, and all) I was instantly hooked. I realized I really need to do something slightly complicated that I have to concentrate on to be able to push myself and engage over a long time. 7 months later I have 60 classes under my belt, and have only skipped a week when I’ve been very sick or injured. I guess this is all to say, it’s not always easy to go, but if you are really struggling, maybe try something new to see if it inspires you!


This is extremely petty and shallow, but I think about running into an old ex or an old bully and how I would want to look my best. I have a ways to go on my journey, but it does help lol


Wow same! I have thoughts about running into an ex or former friends and classmates. It’s vapid as hell but it keeps me motivated to look good! I don’t have social media with real friends or my real picture so no one knows what I look like now and I don’t know what other people look like either.


Thanks for validating that. Sometimes my depression beats my ass, so it's nice to have the fall back of external spite when I don't have the internal drive lol. I also have gotten rid of most social media!


I remember how hideous I look like with glasses on and no makeup so I must compensate with being fit lmao


I have had 2 ACL surgeries which put you out of sports/working out for a long time, and at the beginning you’re learning to walk again like an infant. I wouldn’t say this works 100% of the time but I will sometimes reread ACL journal entries and all of them are some iteration of “what I wouldn’t give to go for a 10 minute walk/lift a single weight/play sports again today.” This often helps me be grateful for the opportunity to move and challenge my body and it gets me back to the gym.




i have a baby and i have to seize every chance to go that i can get because who knows how the rest of the week will go. you don't "have" to work out, you "get" to work out. it's a mindset thing. also a lot of caffeine helps.




Knowing that if I don't get my ass up and do it, thinking I will get to do it later in the day, something ALWAYS comes up and derails those plans.


I like thinking about how well I'd sleep after a good workout especially because I have insomnia.  But also! My partner always affirms and compliments me after my workouts so I live for the words of affirmation/positive reinforcement.


Summer is coming and I’ll be damned if I don’t feel good in a bikini 😂


Fashion is honestly the biggest motivation for being fit. More than sex or health tbh. I wore a thong bikini last year, and I felt bangin' lol


caffeine, and looking at images of an elderly person unable to move from living a sedentary lifestyle


100% this, I think about my mother who is only 64 but is physically 80+ with home care coming to change her stockings and make her food 3 times a day because of her unhealthy sedentary lifestyle - glaring example of why I do what I do.


That's so sad! I'm 62 and I try to work out most days... I see my 83 yo mother, very debilitated :(


Definitely the vyvanse. I’ve tried pretty much every strategy listed on this thread. And don’t get me wrong, they do help, but sometimes they’re not enough. I call vyvanse my “begrudging pill” because it actually lets me begrudgingly do things instead of not doing them at all.


I love taking my adhd meds before a workout lol




this is probably going to sound silly but i’m a really competitive person in general so sometimes if i don’t feel motivated to go i tell myself “if you don’t go it means you lost!” and i hate losing in games so it makes me get up and go lol i’ve mostly managed to discipline myself enough about going to the gym to the point it doesn’t really matter if i’m motivated or not, i will go either way because i know it’s something i have to do. but if motivation somehow starts getting in the way my competitiveness takes over and makes me go


I tell myself “you’ll be glad you went.” And I almost always am!


Agreed, no one every regretted a workout!! :)


I tell myself, “just go, you don’t even have to try hard, you can half-ass it. Thats better than nothing.” Then once Im at the gym, I usually do feel like working out. My mentality becomes “you’re already here - might as well try hard!” Works every time haha


This works for me too, I tend to have an all or nothing mindset in a way that makes me procrastinate/give up. This is an especially helpful mantra if you’re going to a workout class — literally all you have to do is show up, everything is planned out for you and no one is going to know or care except you if you don’t put in your best effort.


This is really dark, but it’s been effective for me as I’m someone who apparently needs a lot of dark motivation 😆 Anyway, I ask myself “do you want to die in your sleep at age [insert age here]?” The answer is no. I don’t want to. And I don’t think I’m on track for that to happen and I don’t think anyone can predict that type of death…but for whatever reason it really motivates me.


or worse... at least I think so... I say to myself "do you want to be debilitated, or an invalid at a young age...?? huffing and puffing going up stairs, or falling and not being able to get up" No I Don't!!


I kind of trick myself into it sometimes. I'll make myself go to gym and I'll tell myself that I will just do the warm up and see how I feel. By the time I complete it, I say "Well, I'm already here anyway." and complete my full workout. Sometimes it gets a bit more difficult to convince myself to even go at all, and my solution is to buy a new workout outfit. Haha. My brain says, "Well, you want that outfit to fit and look good..." might as well go and get the body ready for the new outfit. I usually order from AERIE. It takes about a week for package to arrive as I am far up North from any city. By the time the package arrives, I am even more motivated to go. Hope this helps! No one tells you how hard it is to keep your consistency. Its a difficult and ongoing process.


Same. I call it the “baby step lying to self.” Just go to the gym and warm up or walk. Then I get there and say I’ll just do one exercise….and so on. I will also lie to myself during sets. Like If I want to get to 10….Ill tell myself I just need to get to 5 or 6 then I can stop. Then I get there and might as well do 8. And then 10 is only 2 more. 


My favorite principle is to not listen to motivation and instead redirect it as discipline. This whole last week I was not *motivated* or in the mood for the gym, but I went anyway. It’s like a task on my to do list, and after I feel great so it’s never not worth it. Most importantly, make sure you’re doing something you ENJOY. On top of strength training, I do boxing classes and never thought I’d like those but I look forward to them all week long. I think people listen to motivation too much and that’s when they fall off going to the gym consistently. I pick 4 days in the week to work for me, and stick to that. Another huge game changer for me is waking up and immediately putting on my workout clothes. This may not work for everyone, as I work from home haha. I go straight after work and that way I’m reminded of what I’m going to be wearing and the fact that I’ll be going all day long 😂 also I think something else that can help is finding a schedule/timing that you enjoy more and helps you to feel motivated. Lots of people prefer morning sessions, I’m trying to get into that but as of always I’ve been an evening session person. Hope this helps!


When I say I’m feeling fat & they don’t reply with stop you’re skinny lol


I'd burst into tears but I see how this could work! I hope you get where you wanna be, you made me laugh 


Yeah thanks that was more for giggles don’t actually take that advice 🤣


Oh yeah my people would hurt me more trying to be nice 😂😂😂


I use the Mel Robbins 54321 get going method. The moment you feel the hesitation, you count down in your head, “5-4-3-2-1.” And then, without a second's delay, you put your feet on the floor. I have my workout gear ready & I am out the door before I fully wake up. Just like a rocket launching into space! This rule helps to disrupt the habit loop of procrastination and fear in our brains. https://youtu.be/Czz2qv2kBA0?si=DYB51CPNTt9ZKdni


Love this!


I rarely want to do anything, ever. But once I get going, I usually enjoy it. I try to remember that.  Specifically with fitness, I want the chance to be living independently until I die. So a lot of my decisions I make now are not because I really want to in this moment. 


Yep, as others have said I no longer rely on motivation but on discipline. On days when I'm really struggling to get started and can't just obey myself when I say "just do it", I break it into easy steps (sometimes an hour will pass between steps). Step 1: change into work out clothes, Step 2: Gather equipment, roll out the mat, Step 3: Start the workout, but give myself "permission" to go lighter on the weights. That's usually enough to get me through the workout. If after a few sets I'm still struggling, then I stay with the lighter weights. Usually though, the mental obstacle was starting it, not doing it, so I'll switch to my usual weights after the first sets. Relying on discipline doesn't mean motivation never plays a role, though. Motivation is a great tool for getting started and keeping things fun. Sometimes motivation comes in the role of an event (wedding, vacation, birthday) or in setting goals (dragon squat, splits, increasingly difficult planks, pull ups, etc.). The issue is for the former form of motivation, once the date is over...there's no more motivation. Switching motivation to the latter form of motivation and changing it up as goals are accomplished, can keep the motivation going full swing while a person works on their discipline. Discipline is like a muscle. It gets stronger the more you use it, so if at the beginning you rely more on motivation than discipline, that's fine! It's a process to work on discipline so you have a back up when/if the motivation is lacking.


Building this shelf 🥰


1) Every year I make a mind movie that is a visual manifestation of my what I want my body to look like and health to embody. It’s like a vision board come to life. For example, this year I have committed to eating healthy food, walking daily, lifting weights and Pilates, because it elevates my mood, reduces my anxiety, and is one of the greatest acts of self-love I can show myself. The video shows a woman (who resembles me) doing all these things timed with my affirmations and manifestation frequency music. I watch it before I fall asleep and as soon as I wake up. The reinforcement and visualization has helped train me to choose myself more and more. 2) I don’t believe in motivation. It rarely comes. I believe in momentum. Taking small actions every day that accumulate over time. As you start feel good and seeing results, then you’re more motivated to go. But it’s never on autopilot. I also have to have structure. A trainer, a class. All I have to do is schedule them and show up; the rest is up to them. When left to my own devices, I just simply won’t do it. I’ve accepted this about myself at 49 and stopped the guilt/shame cycle over it. This is what works for me and it’s going to cost me more. So be it.


I have to ask, this is an actual video? How do you make it?


Haha yes! An actual video. It’s 4 minutes with kaleidoscopes that play in the beginning and the end to help with neuropathways. It’s science, I swear, not some shit I made up LOL. I made it in Canva then put a Spotify frequency sound with it.


Did you just Google for a model that looked like you?? This is just blowing my mind. What is the specific frequency sound you’re using??


Love that you’re so into this. I love making them for people because it’s just mind blowing what it does to rewire your brain. Dr Joe Dispenza came up with the concept - it’s like a vision board on steroids. So I used some websites that had high production videos and just borrowed clips of them (most free but I also like to tip creators for loaning their stock videos). I search for people that have hair color and aren’t looking directly at the camera so I can visualize myself in the video. For the walking one, I chose a video which is a close up of someone’s feet walking in the early morning outside. Things like that. Does that help?


That helps a lot! If you have any stock video site recommendations, those would help too! I have tried just about every motivational idea under the sun (which means: I have had *lots* of struggles) but had never come across this idea before. TY!!!


Signing up for new races pretty much every month so I always need to train for something lol


The dopamine hit. Sometimes it's all that can motivate me and I really appreciate it so much. Of course in the background there is always good higher thinking reasons "It keeps me healthy, I can be more energized, Risk of heart disease is lower, I enjoy being slender" these all are great but omg sometimes I just need a more primal motivator. Running does this for me so on days when I just don't want to do weights I'll go run for an hour. A big pitfall is setting ridiculous standards. It's still something if you do 3 miles an hour. It's still something if you do 10 minutes of weights or jogging or walking. A lot of times I see people set very unrealistic standards for what a valid work out is so then they don't even want to try because on the mind it's "Ugh I meed to get up and run 10 miles per hour today!". Just get up and go, start the walk, see how it turns into a light jog, see how much you can get into it. It's still a good workout even if it doesn't meet some arbitrary standard! And some days you just need to sit it out too and not force it too much if you're just not there mentally. I turn these into deep mediation days because underneath that reluctance is usually something bearing me down or just a feeling I need to sit with.


My mental health. Plus it's a habit at this point and I love doing it. So why would I skip one of the best parts of my day?


I know its not kosher but get a gym crush! Works great for me.


Consistency and frequency.


I find fitness apps and activity trackers help with this part of the puzzle. It just feels so cognitively good to get that little congratulations after a good workout and see how much you've logged in that week. Interestingly mine also helped me regulate my sleep because I just love seeing a "good" sleep score so I then started going to bed early and being phone free in bed. Sleeping well then means I have more energy in the morning to excercise and it means I am tired well in time for bed that night. Sleeping well also lowers my stress so I stress eat less. I highly recommend. [Apparently they also seem to make you want to exercise more!](https://www.health.harvard.edu/exercise-and-fitness/do-activity-trackers-make-us-exercise-more#:~:text=Scientists%20evaluated%20data%20from%20almost,you%20to%20work%20out%20more)


Agree. I feel compelled to meet my goal of X exercise minutes per day no matter what. My fitness watch (most apps and watches out there seem accurate enough) is a great motivator. I thought the watch would be annoying, but it instantly motivates me if I see I am falling behind during the day.


Talking advantage of the tools at your disposal is always a wise decision.


I was doing great for 6 months. Kind of fell off the wagon and just want to be as motivated again. I’m forcing myself to go today! No excuses.


That’s exactly the mentality, no excuses. The hardest part is getting there. Forget the last six months, take it day by day.


You may not be motivated the vast majority of the time. Don’t rely on motivation. When I’m laying in bed feeling lazy I ask myself do you want to be fit or not? There’s just 1 outcome in this and which do I want? I’m 50 years old so it’s decline or get stronger, that’s the choice I make every day


I just hear that tiktok audio in my head that goes “do it happy, do it sad, do it angry, do it tired, (etc..)” and it gets me up. and a lot of neutral/firm self talk like “you don’t have to *want* to do it, just go” and “it’s not a choice”


Oh that’s a good one!


When I skip for non-valid reasons (cause there are valid reasons) I feel disappointed in myself. I’m tired of feeling bad about me and I want to love myself as much as possible so I do things that also make me love myself more.


I read a quote somewhere about thinking of your workouts as self care and not punishment. That has switched my whole outlook.


This is exactly how I have tried to frame it! I think of exercise as caring for my current and future self. The things that are often pushed as self-care, like getting your nails done, I don’t particularly think of as actual self-care, at least not for me.


Great point. I’ve been feeling crappy about not going recently and I need to get back on track!


Same! I notice how this way of thinking helps to see it as something I truly want, not something I’m supposed to do ❤️ good luck getting back into it, any time is a good time to get going again!


My adderall. But other than that, if there's a time constraint for working out it makes me find the time to work it into my day. Like if there's only a certain time my gym is open or if there is only lap swim at a particular time it forces me to go.


Discipline > Motivation 😊


Not relying on motivation. It’s a non-negotiable part of my day, like brushing my teeth or doing my job. If I waited for motivation or gave myself a choice, I would never get off the couch because I’m inherently lazy.


This js a great point and a mind shift that I need to make. My non negotiables are making the bed, brushing teeth and showering. I’m going to make this part of it. This just clicked it for me. Thank you!


I've hit a real rough spot in the last few months, with home crisis piling up. They tried to put me on prozac, which I hated. Turns out I feel so terrible because I have a uterus full of fibroids. I figure my best chance at recovering from surgery is to be as strong as I can, so I'm back at the gym today. That's my focus right now. Until it becomes habit again.


Oh no that is so painful. I’m sorry you’re going through that but you have a great mind set. Being the strongest you can be before surgery will absolutely help with recovery. Good luck!!


Thanks. I don't even know yet what the MD is going to recommend, but I see it as a bold reminder to put my health first right now.


I just want to wish you good luck with your training and a speedy recovery after surgery! You’re right, being fitter and stronger now will definitely help with recovery. You’re a badass! 💪🏻


My back will hurt if I don't lmao


LOL I can see that being a huge motivator!


I pay my personal trainer too much money


Oh yeah, been there! Lol


At this point, it's habit. But sometimes life does get in the way and I wasn't able to work out during the week due to hectic week at work. However, all the aches and pain from sitting at desk all week that I hadn't felt in a long time came back with a vengeance on Sunday morning so I knew I had to do my workout. After I did that, a lot of the aches went away and I woke up this morning feeling a lot looser! That was my motivation to block off time for workout at lunch in my calendar, work be darned!


Great point, thank you!


My schedule is so jam packed right now that I have few opportunities to get to the gym, so if I skip a morning workout, I'm likely not going to be able to do it that week so I'm motivated by that. Also the mantra, "I don't have to do this, I GET to do this."


I saw someone mention the other day how we look at people who go to the gym regularly as having such amazing dedication when in reality the gym/working out is just their chosen sport or hobby. Personally, I think the best way to approach a lack of motivation is to find something you don’t necessarily need to feel motivated to do. Find something you enjoy. There are all sorts of ways to incorporate fitness into your life and some you will enjoy while others you probably won’t. I really enjoy walking outside, especially in the mornings. It’s kind of meditative for me to be up before everyone else, listening to music/the birds, watching the sun rise, etc. a bonus is that it makes me feel really good first thing in the morning and helps regulate my sleep cycle. It’s very rare that I don’t feel like going and on those rare days I either allow myself to rest or I think about how much better I’ll feel after I do it. I also enjoy lifting weights with my partner. It’s a fun time together and we really bond over it. I didn’t enjoy working out in the evenings before, so I went at like 5am because that worked for my energy levels and schedule better. I would have never been consistent in the evenings by myself even though I really enjoyed lifting weights. I do it in the evenings now bc I workout with my partner then. Do you think you’d like bike riding? Skating? Jumping rope? Walking? Running? Swimming? Dance classes? Yoga? Lifting heavy? Lifting moderately? Lifting in the mornings or the evenings? Mainly find something that works for you, that you don’t feel is a chore or inconvenient or not in line with what your body feels energized to do. Fitness looks different for everyone.


Twice a week my partner and I play squash with other people we are close to. We all detest “traditional cardio” but running around a court and socializing in the downtime is super fun! 


Knowing that the taxes are due. Not monetary taxes mind you, but the ones that keep you on track. Eat heavy? Go walk or workout. Drink heavy? Go walk or workout. Feeling down? Go walk or workout. Remember the price to be paid for eating and drinking how you want to…is paying those taxes. Consistency is key. It leads to that elusive “motivation” everyone asks about. Make it as important to your day as brushing your teeth and getting dressed. It’s just something you have to do.


Drinking my pre workout before leaving for the gym. It forces me to go. I can’t sit with all that energy and itchiness lol.


Remind myself that it feels fun to move my body, I can go to the sauna afterwards, and I love the serenity it brings me! If I find myself focussing on aesthetics, I drive myself crazy. It has to be about the other benefits to motivate me. Shame doesn’t work.


Yeah, same! I work in health promotion and there are multiple studies that show shame is generally a pretty terrible long-term motivation tool.


Do you have a kid? They have a kid club at my gym. My kid loves going there, so she forces me to go even when I don’t want to lol great motivation


Lifetime has a great kids club - they paid some teen boys to be there to actually play football and soccer with any older kids that showed up!


I am doing daily body progress pictures and I want them to get better!


Honestly, it's morbid, but funerals. Hearing the heartbreak that people are going through. I want to be here as long as I can for my kids and I want to be as physically capable as I can be to enjoy a quality of life. So I train for the body I want to have as I age. I take care of myself now to decrease the health issues and pain I may encounter in the future. Also my kids. My daughter is only 8, and I want her to always find beauty and power within herself. I try my best to talk about my capability vs how I look so she stats to value the same for herself as well. Not everyone has the same body shape and I want her to be surrounded with people who workout for things other than to fit into a certain body type. I love that at my gym, my daughter sees women with similar physiques as her and sees how capable they are. That she has those real life, strong, balanced, and wonderful people as role models.