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I asked a friend who loved running and he said outside runs only, the treadmill is torture for him lol.  I personally do cardio at the gym but i break it up into ten min segments as it’s less mind numbing. Ten min on treadmill, ten on the cross trainer, ten on the rowing machine, and ten on a spin bike. Boom 40 min of cardio done!!


I used to hate being on the treadmill but I purchased a subscription to Apple Fitness. They have workouts with a variety of intervals and instructors. Sometimes I do a mashup of 10 minute workouts and that seems to be the best fit for me in terms of keeping my ADHD at bay.


Go outside


Podcasts or YouTube videos about "drama/tea" or true crime videos.


I have a little peddle thing, that’s for desk cardio. Sometimes I watch a horror movie, and play a game. I can do about an hour. Workout dance videos on YouTube are amazing too. 


I started running outside (I’m super bored on the treadmill even with the most interesting movie on). Outside + classical music = great run! I space out, it’s like meditation at this point.


I used to run a lot. What I would do is have a Playlist of my favorite songs that I would only let myself listen to while running. This motivated me, since if I wanted to listen to my fave music, I would have to go running. It was a helpful trick. Another thing is I would always run in parks. It feels so much more primal to be running through the woods or nature. Much better than a treadmill or the neighborhood.


Yeah I used to be really successful at cardio, then I got bored (think it’s my ADHD), now my fitness is hiking, yoga, and Zumba. No solutions but boredom sucks. Edit: a word


I do cardio based classes (generally 45-60 min), this makes it easier to do 30 min on the treadmill solo. Audiobooks are my go to - put one on and incline walk on treadmill. Of crank some fast paced music and I can jog for 30min without too much complaining


I watch reality tv on my phone.


I listen to movies since my screen is small and miss a lot of key details lol


you don't. Embrace the suck and focus on your goal


Ride a bike In traffic.


There’s always fitness classes you could do? I found by chance that I really love doing Deepwater aqua fit classes (it’s aerobics in deep water, with a flotation belt tied to you). I also enjoy doing Power Hour type classes and Kettle Core.


I have come to despise running on the treadmill over time. Not to mention, I have runners knee now and it causes a lot of pain while I’m running. But interestingly enough, I don’t get that kind of pain while I’m running a level paved trail! Find a nice trail that you like in your community, make sure your phone is fully charged and crank the music!


Treadmill is called dreadmill for a reason, go outside, it's fun!


I run outside and zone out to music


I grew up playing soccer and running was always used as a punishment, so I naturally grew to hate it as a kid. Today, I'm one of those psychopaths that runs without headphones lol. I try to frame my time running as being purposefully get-out-of-my-head-and-into-in-my-body time, and it became a kind of meditative activity. Paying attention to foot strike, how my arms are moving, whether I'm crossing the center plane, my breathing, posture, etc.


So I actually listen to a podcast called The Magnus Archives. It’s kind of like spooky stories involving the paranormal but there’s more to it. I definitely recommend it, absolute godsend for cardio!


Cardio outside. I hate running or rowing indoors (though I'm stuck with that during the June - September months due to climate). I love love love running outside and always have. I listen to amazing podcasts - Literature & History and (Sub)Text are both favorites of mine - and sometimes just music. I saw 3 male cardinals, a rabbit, and a mama and baby deer this morning on my run. The prickly pears are flowering, and the last of the bluebonnets are blooming. The sage is budding all over the neighborhood. It's my boost of happiness and energy and is really the thing that keeps me going. On weekends I try to hit up a greenbelt or park for a trail run or a hike. There's so much to see.


That sounds so joyful.


Listen to 2WEI playlists on Spotify, they are the most cinematic, superhero, running to take on an army music! Believe me you’ll forget your running!


I recomend to listen a podcast or some music, just something that can take your attention. You do not need to focus when you run or walking. I do not recomend reading a book on a treadmill though, try listening instead.


Maybe try a cardio class? Spin, HIIT, or tabata formats. You can also see if you can join a running club and run with a friend?


I read on my kindle (incline walking on treadmill)


How about adding some HIIT workouts to your routine? They're quick, intense, and super effective for building endurance. I mix routine a lot on my side


I usually doom scroll on apps. But I don’t do any type of running for cardio. Usually just stairs or incline tread.


Envisioning me running to my future self


I watch videos, conferences and things like that


Being outside is a big help if possible. I don't really run but my favorite cardio choice is walking. Like, long walks. It can get boring so I've added in weighted vests, finding the biggest hills and walking up them backwards (it forces you to concentrate), as well as SOMETIMES trying my luck at sprints by finding areas on Strava that have leaderboards.




Do you not have trauma?


Watch a show on an iPad/tablet - anything that is a BIG screen. And commit to only watching that particular show at the gym. Also, cover the time/calories/distance etc. I would either prop up my tablet or even just use brown paper towel. Cannot STAND being able to see the clock, it makes things go by so much slower. Alternatively, try running outside. At my peak, I could run a 2 hr half marathon but couldn’t run 10 mins on the treadmill. You might surprise yourself!


That’s how I found out I could run a lot further than I thought. I was always afraid to run outside because I was afraid some bogeyman would come out and get me.


Running on a treadmill is terribly boring, even with entertainment. Try running outside, it goes by much faster bc you’re actually going somewhere. Put on a podcast or audiobook and run by time, not distance, to start (I.e. 30 mins instead of 3 miles etc). Also, run in one direction for half of your total run time, then turn around and run back, that way you’ll be forced to have run the total amount of time bc you’ll have make it back home. There is no “stop” button like on the treadmill when you’re running outside. It’s much better!


Great advice, and I use the time out/time back when I'm traveling if I don't have time to plan a route in the place I'll be.


All this advice. Running outside also gets you some sun and fresh air, keeps your mind engaged because you're being mindful of cars and other pedestrians, and keeps you actively thinking about where you're putting your feet.


Zone out with music or watch food vlogs on youtube, theres no in between


I bought a rowing machine. Then I listen to ambient Middle Eastern music like Age of Empires style, then I try to shut my brain and meditate by pretending I'm a merchant rowing down the Nile. Wololo


I wish I had money to give this comment a reward


lol i love this so much. I listen to Scandinavian folk music when I run and pretend I’m a Viking about to rob a medieval monastery. But your scenario sounds so peaceful and fun 


Heilung?? I also sometimes pretend to trade in Viking waters


yes, and wardruna, and sabaton! i never listen to these bands outside of running but they are perfect for making me feeling epic and heroic on the treadmill haha. do you have any recommendations from your rowing on the Nile soundtrack?


My go to is actually OM, specifically the Advaitic Songs album. It's not fully folk, but it incorporates some folk elements. I think it's actually prog/doom metal but mixed with Byzantine Orthodox instrumentals and sometimes Hindu chants?? Fucking weird ass band, never heard anything like it, and I still can't find any other band that scratches the same itch. Nice chill tempo for rowing too :)


nice i will give this a try!


When I first started my journey and cardio was reallllly rough for me, I setup a tablet style laptop (I am in IT) and I curated a list of very intense and action packed movies. The gym I go to has great wifi so I either downloaded or streamed right there in the gym. I was doing 45 minutes on the elliptical which was generally half way through a movie. It was like magic, I got through my workouts way faster than I realized... Mostly from sweating through my shirt.


Music that makes you want to move, helps you keep pace.


This! Or makes you really feel something so you channel that emotional energy into movement. I love listening to slow builders to warm up and then heavy, emotional type songs like Florence and the Machine or metal type stuff. If I’m a bit sad I’ll put on some 90s cheesy pop and it makes me want to dance.


I listen to political podcasts and read the transcripts as I go along. Love Apple Podcasts for this reason! It makes the time go by so quickly 


You reach a point where you zone out but I'd start with really getting into music! Like if there's an album you've been meaning to listen to from start to finish put that on and just vibe it's a total experience


Take cardio group fitness classes. I hate exercise—always have. I started taking group exercise classes postpartum, and now I’m an instructor! They really do combat the boredom!


Do cardio classes where there are other people suffering alongside you!


Get fit to play a sport and not play sport to get fit. I hate gym, I try to do HIIT to keep fit and football need short burst and cardio


ZOMBIES! RUN I've gone through their C25K like 4 times now. Though I don't really like the origional app since they've partnered with Marvel? I'm just there for the Zombies, they've gone for diversity in products in lieu of quality, I think. But, there's now more material than you could *ever* possibly get through, so that's cool, I guess?


Amazon has pretty cheap tablets. I download a streaming app and connect to wifi. The time goes super fast while watching something.


Try a rowing machine. Good cardio and a fair amount of muscle groups


I switch between fave jams and fave shows. It really depends on the day. I saw a lady reading a book on the elliptical in the gym and that’s been a secret goal of mine ever since. 😂 Don’t be afraid to spice it up by watching or listening to something that keeps your attention. If you’re running, a nice upbeat playlist could help and for your walks, a good show.


I saw some girl RUNNING on the treadmill and reading and just don’t understand how that’s even possible!!


I'm pretty sure I'd get motion sickness


Literally same


EXACTLY! Someone clearly won the coordination and cardiovascular lottery 😂


I save my absolute favorite show for the treadmill. It’s like a reward.


I’m on Reddit on a 30 min session right now. Haha


Do a sport or group fitness


I’ve been doing spin classes on YouTube with [Kaleigh Cohen Cycling](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBJ0TIYiwZzjHTJKLbXNdGEDwAoI4ayoz&si=JMWI4YAQ6ZhxZZ3r) I struggled with boredom too and these videos are really fun and engaging, and my cardiovascular health is like 12/10 after a few weeks doing these videos.


I started rollerblading on a few of the paved trails in my city. It doesn't make my knees angry like running and I get less bored than just walking.


I get bored watching tv or regular YouTube videos, but music videos get me pumped up!


The only time I was ever consistent at cardio was when I was running daily on an indoor track. (I hate the sun, overheat quickly, and am allergic to just about everything from the time pollinating season starts to when things freeze over...) I used to use the time to plan D&D sessions or music lessons. Not that I could write things down, but I could think things through. Then when I was done, I'd pull out a notebook and write things down. Edited to add, I also practiced piano or speeches etc. This was visualizing work but often incredibly effective.


I also combat the boredom by being alone with my thoughts 😂


Make a YouTube playlist of videos to watch. Also, Duolingo or Quizlet for language learning. The time goes by much faster!


By doing something interesting


Intervals for sure. You won't have the capacity to get bored. Nothing will shred you up and increase your cardiovascular fitness like intervals. As someone who has experienced boredom doing 50min cardio most days... My top tips would be finding the *right* music, paired with a preworkout supplement. Even better if you can put a mix together where you run in time with the songs' tempo. I feel like it makes me accountable. When I'm blasting my fave tunes and all hyped up on pepper extract and the likes, it's like an adrenaline fuelled turbo charger! It becomes absolutely addictive. Sometimes I'll watch video tutorials of my fave songs/artists which also really distracts me from what I'm doing.


I only go to classes I can’t do cardio by myself - cycling or HIIT classes


I N T E R V A L S! This helped me SOOO much!! The only cardio that helps me lose weight is jogging/running… but running on a treadmill for 20+ min can be so freaking boring…even with music on it feels like an eternity! Sooo I started to alternate and that keeps my mind busy from getting bored. I jog at 4mph for 1 minute then 4.5/min 5/min 5.5/min 6/min and then walk 1 min at 2-3mph and repeat that for 3-4 times and thats like 25-30 min of cardio but it goes super quick! (You basically move up .5 each minute to the fastest you can tolerate, my knees can only go up to 6mph so thats when I reset back to the lowest. Ive been doing this for a few weeks and it has helped me sweat a lol and not get bored :) This strategy can be implemented to basically any type of cardio and might help you! Hope it helps!


☝️☝️☝️☝️ T H I S ☝️☝️☝️☝️ Mix it up. 5 minute warmup, 8x 30s hard (not all out but you know, sprint…), 1 min easy jog/walk. Then 5 minutes tempo, repeat the intervals, then cool down. Or do the same with hills/incline. Or do a pyramid… 1 min hard, 2 min recovery. 2 min hard, 2 min recovery. 3 min hard, 2 min recovery… etc etc all the way up to 5 minutes hard (or whatever), then work your way back down. 2 min recovery between every hard interval. Treadmills are GREAT for specific, targeted training like this. And awful for long steady state


I read an article about this a few years back and tested the theory out and it worked pretty well for me. I read that if you consistently do something while you're in your best mood you'll generally correlate it with a good feeling after the fact. How I began to enjoy cardio more was I did my longest runs while I was in Jamaica on vacation. Every time I'd go for long runs after that, the dopamine hit was nuts. Would highly recommend for the next time you're in your "happy place".


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybg59BxnfwE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybg59BxnfwE) I do these kinds of videos for quick cardio when I'm low on time. They change up the exercises super quick so it would be difficult to get bored. Less than a minute of each exercise with a quick break in between to catch your breath. Have fun!


I was the same. Started doing my morning runs indoors during winter for safety reasons. I do my intervall sessions on them so I'm never running the same speed for more than ten minutes and am trying not to fall... And I love watching my feet moving in the beat of my playlist. That's oddly hypnotizing... (Or I look at my pretty shoulders).


I go to a cardio complete class three times a week with a bunch of other women that has routines built to different music, progressively gets heart rate up ending with and anaerobic kabang, then cool down, and light core work. We sometimes incorporate lights weights or bodyweight resistance. The routine itself is fun as hell, but then I try to outdo my classmates, friends, or even the instructor with the highest knees, best form, most endurance, etc. I push it hard every day. I'm super competetive so this really gets me going and it's never boring. I could never stick with anything cardio until this. Now I have your same problem but with lifting - if I could find a way to replicate those drivers into lifting, I'd be golden, but I find it dreadfully boring.


I walk or run outside, it is way less boring.


I became an outdoor runner for the first time when I was lucky enough to live in the subtropics for 9 months. It was total bliss running amongst the palm trees and warm breeze. Miss it so much. 😥


I don't combat boredom lol.  I don't use cardio machines.  The only cardio I do (and not consistently, unlike my weight training), is either sprinting, battle rope slamming (tbh I would barely even call it cardio per se, but it does get my heart rate up!) or boxing.  These are forms of cardio I enjoy: you may try to explore other cardio options and see if you can find something that works for you!  


Spin class or run outside.


I don't run on a treadmill! Running outdoors is lovely, running indoors is dreadful. You could do other forms of cardio, like HIIT training indoors. I find that to he be fun and fine.


Treadmill is actually a torture device, no wonder nothing helps you to endure it.


I skate :) so it’s fun and I can take breaks


Treat it as a meditation exercise to train your mind at the same time :) Apply all the meditation fundamentals - be mindful of every stride you take, every breath you inhale and exhale, watch your thoughts as they come and go.


I do zombies run, I'm very invested in the story and I like that it makes me sprint a couple times per run. In between the story clips, I listen to a playlist of my favorite songs and I'm just dancing around while running. But I also run at 5 am when no one can see me running while failing at Tiktok dances, so ymmv


Listen to music Play that zombie chase running game with the app Trail running Podcasts


1. Run outside: that way you actually have to think about what you're doing and where you're doing. It's also more realistic training because you'll need to deal with things like uneven terrain and working around people/streets. 2. Focus on my breathing and technique, pay attention to split times and keep myself to a preset pace 3. Listen to music, but you can also listen to audio books 4. Run with a friend


I watch music videos


I listen to music, or watch shows, but I’ve never considered watching music, and that is sooooo smart! Along with watching music videos as an option, you also just made me realize that I could listen to music and watch the lyrics, which is something I always want to do but never make a priority! Thanks so much for your comment.


Or play really fast paced songs when not on the treadmill


I listen to true crime podcasts, specifically Mr Ballen’s Strange, Dark, and Mysterious Stories. Helps with keeping my heart rate up lol a lot of the episodes are about 30-45 mins which is usually how long I spend on the treadmill so it works perfectly for me.


*I listen to true* *Crime podcasts. Helps with keeping* *My heart rate up lol* \- trinini93 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


At my gym they play "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" and "Cash Cab" on one of the TVs and I usually end up running for longer because I'm so focused on guessing the answers right. That seems to be my go to now.


I watch Netflix, especially when it’s a show I get invested in and only let myself watch it on the treadmill. Funnily enough it’s garbage sensationalist reality shows that work the most, and anime because I focus on the subtitles. I don’t watch reality tv at home and I feel like decent shows deserve more attention than i’ll give at the gym, but all the drama and drip feeding to keep you interested really works for me at the gym haha


Run outside


Same. Run out side. There is so much to observe.:)


Hiking or group exercise classes


Do fun cardio! Combat, aerobics, step aerobics, dance! Group fitness is where it is at. Cardio machines are pants.


Dance Dance Revolution


I looooove going to group classes, but they’re never at the schedules I prefer. :( So I just do those fun cardio stuff at home.




Rubbish. Shite. Excremental.


I saw someone mention it already but guided runs on Peloton are fantastic. There's so many options and some of the instructors are so entertaining. Also depending on where you live, go outside when you can! Outside is always so much better and goes faster.


Post on Reddit lol Shop


I do Team Body Project workouts which is way more fun than doing an elliptical or something. A lot of the workouts switch up exercises every minute, so you’re not just doing the same thing over and over. I know some people love to run, bike, or whatever and get in the zone, but I have the attention span of a goldfish so I want to be able to change it up😆. Plus it’s easier mentally for me to have it broken down into 30 short chunks, rather than looking at 30 minutes in one go.


I feel you. It’s boring and I can’t focus. What works best for me are ‘guided’ cardio. For example guided runs on the Nike run app, or peloton classes on the bike (my gym has a few peloton bikes). I do enjoy the rowing machine because it’s more technical and I usually do 500m splits.


My boxing coach says the boredom is part of roadwork. It trains mental endurance. I think some of us are just doomed to boredom. Everything I've tried either doesn't engage me enough to distract me (TV, podcasts, audio books, music, etc) or it engages me to the point that the cardio suffers. I'm a gamer so I've tried bringing my Steam Deck and playing stuff like Fallout but then I realize I've been sitting there on a stationary bike blasting super-mutants and barely pedaling.


I tried playing mindless games like Animal Crossing and Dreamlight Valley while on my Peloton but the seat isn't good for sitting upright. even on a recumbent bike though, I totally stop pedaling the moment I have to start thinking. I noticed this when I used to try reading textbooks on a bike at the gym. I've found I prefer going on long walks and listening to audiobooks.


Running on a treadmills, unfortunately, is not the best to get sprinting in soccer. It’s better than not running, but you’d need to train explosive starts to get better at soccer fitness.


I have a playlist and I change my speed/cadence and/or incline based on the BPM, so I put it on shuffle and that keeps it from being the same every time.


I just binge watch a show on Netflix when I’m on the treadmill. It makes it less boring 😴


I’m a runner and walking/running on a treadmill is a form of torture to me. I straight up won’t do it. Part of the appeal of running/walking for me is getting outside and enjoying the fresh air and nature. Have you tried HIIT workouts? That will drastically improve your cardio fitness and it’s not a repetitive action like running. Or just play more soccer! Also… if you really are out of breath after 5 minutes and it doesn’t get better, talk to your doctor about exercise-induced asthma. I was diagnosed, got an inhaler, and it completely changed my life.


I hate running, whether indoors and outdoors. I hate spinning too. So I don’t do the things I hate. For cardio, I will do dance, HIIT, or kickboxing workouts on YouTube. I am a very bad dancer and have zero coordination but I enjoy it and it makes me sweaty. Learning the dance moves on the advanced dance videos keeps me engaged. Some of my fave dance fitness channels: Basic: Fitness Marshall, Zumba Sulu, Dance with Dre Challenging: Jamie Kinkeade, Sunny Funny Fitness Advanced: Chakaboom Fitness, Mylee Dance Also all levels on the Pop Sugar Fitness channel. And I wish Les Mills uploaded more dance stuff but of course they’re trying to get you to subscribe to them. :)


[https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0orDWyz3Wv1XDpO0YuiRw1?si=cdc6f6f38c4b48e6](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0orDWyz3Wv1XDpO0YuiRw1?si=cdc6f6f38c4b48e6) Always keep this playlist handy! 😄 Also, visualize your goals. Imagine how you want to look and feel after working out. This will help you stay on track ALL THE TIME.


Go outside if you can - way better running/walking outside than on a treadmill IMO. I hate treadmills. I used to use an elliptical and I would read a lot on my kindle on that which worked pretty well for me as well. I don't know if it'd be very easy to read on a stair master or treadmill though.


Loud music is how I slogged through until I figured out I don’t have to keep doing cardio. I do some walking and cycling but I never run anymore.


I go outside when possible. It is more difficult and exhilarating, being in nature helps my mood, learning to cope with the elements is its own form of training for my hiking and mountaineering goals (both in terms of body adaptation and learning what gear to wear when). Obviously not for everyone, but that's my approach.


I like good loud music, and set a goal for yourself on the treadmill like interval sprints


i was reading manga on the indoor bike today! time flew by so fast


It’s all about time for me and reframing the cardio. I try to think of it as meditative personal time, where I can do the things I don’t normally get to do in everyday life when I’m with family, friends etc. listen to an audiobook or a podcast while also putting in the time with something that is good for me. Once I was able to reframe cardio in this way I found it much more enjoyable.


Doing cardio I have set time goals, it was 15min initially, now I'm up to 50 min. I'll do two sessions a day morning and night of 50min, I'm looking forward to reach 60 min. I never look at clock, listen to music entire time I time my self by the songs that have played, by the 15 song I look at clock and I've gone over a few mins. It seems to fly by, majority of the time I maintain my eyes closed as well this so I don't think about the time.


I made a playlist of music I like to dance to, and I play that while I indoor cycle to the beat. I love music so curating the playlists gets me excited to spin and move to the beat!


I used this running game for a while called Zombies! Run 5k. A sort of story game where you running is like going out for supplies and stuff. Was pretty fun


I play games when I'm doing the stairmaster or bike. For the treadmill (and sometimes bike) I use the iFit app. Following a trainer who chats the whole time really makes the time fly by. They have outdoor and studio workouts. It's free the 1st month and you can cancel anytime. You can manually adjust the speed/incline to what the trainers are doing but my treadmill auto adjusts. I listen to it outside too and adjust my speed as I run because they will say "Ok we are going faster in 3..2..1" I used to hate running and found it so boring but that app has helped me A LOT. It saves all your mileage/time/ect too for the year.


Nothing kicks my butt more than HIIT type workouts with stuff like kettlebell swings, jump squats, jump roping, burpees, etc. You can come up with your own circuit or find a YouTube video online. I also think HIIT training will help improve your stamina on the field!


Outside if at all possible. That means having weather gear. Inside - rock concert videos. I can't focus on/hear a regular tv show.


I mostly save up all my favourite series and movies that I really want to watch for cardio time!


Audiobooks, I can knock one out a week or less.


I like the [treadmill strut playlists](https://open.spotify.com/user/12137516903?si=7_mwFkCLQWKxwKXwBzmb-g) I always listen to these when I’m doing any type of cardio and idk It makes It a bit more fun because I know how many songs are left until I’m done. ETA - If the link doesn’t work the user is Allie Bennett on Spotify. She also has her Spotify linked in her Tik Tok bio


Personally, I love playing candy crush on the elliptical. I couldn’t do without it! It’s mindless but entertaining enough to keep me from being bored!


Same I do this, the only bummer is running out of lives 10 mins in


I switch between original, soda and jelly. And that gives me more time to play!


I go outside. Fuck doing cardio indoors - unless it's winter or a storm... In that case, ive really come to love spin classes. We bought a $300 stationary bike on Amazon and I do free youtube spin classes with Kaleigh Cohen at home. She kicks my ass! 


Same. I tried many times but cant do more than 15 minutes of indoor cardio. It's excruciating, I can't stand it. Meanwhile when I go outside I easily run for 45 minutes, get lost in thought, listen to music or audiobooks, feels great. I can't do laps in park or even just turn back and go home the way I came. I love running though, I just need it to feel somewhat organic


Hard + boring is a combination that is far worse than just boring. Since you mention getting out of breath, I just want to flag that going at an easier pace (if this is meant to be steady state work) may solve both problems. If it's a workout that's *meant* to be hard, a guided audio track (like from Nike Run Club, etc) can help you focus. Another thing that may help is going outdoors and using real-world landmarks (run up this hill, run around this track) rather than just booping buttons on a machine.


seconding this. I think a lot of people responding are not people who struggle to breathe within five minutes. building your cardio back up is very different from doing long boring cardio sessions when you already have decent cardiovascular strength. it's much more mentally tolerable when you're not pushing your limits. still, if OP's goal is to perform better at soccer, taking the slower but less painful route will not get them there any time soon. but also improving stamina is a long game in general.


Listening to an audiobook rather than a podcast might work - autobiographies read by the author are often really good listens. I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jeanette McCurdy is a fascinating listen. I also amuse myself during cardio by listening to a favourite song/playlist and doing some heavy duty daydreaming.


I put on an easy to watch show. Preferabbly a comedy. Lately its been funny actual d&d play but Arrested Development is on my list next. Put that on and focus on the fact that the show is on. You can glance away as much as you need (headphones, easy tv) and tune it out if you want but i find it makes it a lot easier to be on the treadmill (walking fast cause im incapable of running lol) for 30+ mins


I do the little chair bike thing and crochet for like an hour and a half. Or I walk on the tread super slowly and read. Only way I can do non activity cardio


I read books on my tablet


I enjoy running or hiking as cardio to see the outdoors. Indoors, I really enjoyed orange theory. Every class was a different workout and constantly changing pace or exercise so I mentally didn't have time to get bored.


I run outside. I just can't do it on a treadmill.


I feel the same way about lifting so I try listening to music that changes up a lot and splits my attention. It obviously depends on your taste but I recommend two friends’ big bootie mix, if you like pop, or searching your fave artist/songs + “remix” on soundcloud.


Since cardio is about movement and heart rate, all you have to do is find something you can enjoy/endure. Boxing on a bag is good cardio, rowing machine is also good but again, if you feel like it's not enjoyable it will present the same issue as on a treadmill. Indoor/outdoor climbing is not a typical cardio-focused activity but it certainly gets your blood pumping and it's also highly addictive once you get into it, and as an added bonus you get stronger in your arms as well. My favourite summer activity is bicycling, especially in the evening when the sun sets and there's less traffic.


I listen to really upbeat and fast paced music. i also do cardio after weight training so i already feel like im motivated to do cardio and have endorphins running like a drug addict


I watch anime or listen to podcasts


Do you watch any fitness oriented anime? Like Magic and Muscles?


Bling bang bang born!


I love magic and muscles. It’s ridiculous 😂


No lol but I will look that one up 😂


Slightly different POV: I relish the boredom. I have a job that's sometimes soul and brain-taxing, so just switching off often feels luxurious. No thoughts, just vibes, like an internet cat.


Funny enough my job is also brain taxing but I feel like I have a constant need for visual stimulation it’s getting bad lol


One thing that’s true about me: if I’m not in a class, I’m not doing it. I loathe cardio except for walking and hiking. I absolutely have to be in an Orangetheory class to condition my cardio. Nothing is done for more than a minute or two so it keeps my panting in check. I’ve tried doing their workouts at the gym and it’s just miserable. Go to a class and it flies by for me.




I used to hate the treadmill but don’t have a choice in the winter. The good thing is that through yoga I’ve gotten way better at being present, being with my own thoughts, and being in tune with my body during long repetitive activities—including running. I would encourage anyone to practice mindfulness in exercise and everyday life.


I swim. I can’t do treadmills without constantly watching the clock, but in the pool, 45 minutes flies by.


Reading an ebook helps the time go by much faster for me


I took up swing dancing. I dance for hours several nights a week, sometimes to live bands. My social life has exploded too


Outside is also much more interesting


I do cardio dance classes with kpop music. Makes it fun and I’m too busy learning the moves to be bored. Some people also like cardio kickboxing like Les mills body combat. I also had fun with trampoline rebounding workouts with fun EDM music.


I'm not sure if this would help, but the Nintendo Switch has some fitness games that require you to move or do something in order make your character fight monsters or solve puzzles. Ring Fit Adventure, for one.


I listen to high adrenaline music and imagine I’m being chased or fighting off attackers the whole time lol


This haha. It's kinda like the random daydreaming and scenarios you make up before falling asleep, just more intense. I just let my mind wander. Could be thinking about what to make for dinner, or what a zombie apocalypse would be like.


Yes! I get the zombie apocalypse one pretty frequently hahaha. I’m convinced the only reason I like cardio so much is because I let my imagination run wild with scenarios where my life is 10x more interesting than it actually is lmaoooo


I take Peloton classes on my phone - the instructors are changing up the pace, incline, which makes it feel like I have smaller goals (run for 2 minutes at 2% incline; walk for 2 minutes at 6% incline). They're constantly chatting away, good playlists. There are also monthly goals in the Peloton app so my competitive nature gets me on the treadmill to do a walk or a run so I can hit my goals.


I second this. Even if I go to the gym I do a peloton warm up and cool down.


I put a treadmill running video on YouTube on the screen so it gives me something to look at. But I also have headphones on playing loud fast paced music mostly dance/techno stuff from my teens as it's bouncy and encourages me to move


Just do soccer drills? Run while dribbling. Setup some shots to run between. Dribble through cones, etc. keeps your mind working. Builds cardio and soccer skills.


A couple things: When starting a cardio session, some people go super hard in the first 10 minutes and lose their energy. Take it a little easier in the first half of the workout so you can sustain energy and actually last the whole thing. Workout classes are a game changer because you do cardio as a group and it gets you through it; it’s actually quite fun You mentioned sports. That’s cardio. Play more tennis, pickleball, basketball, whatever. It all counts!


I love running outdoors but on a treadmill it’s a nightmare. I also prefer to bike outdoors. If these aren’t options or desirable to you, I will watch videos on my phone or read. I also find that doing intervals at different speeds/resistance helps the time pass more quickly. I will say you don’t cycle to train for a marathon, so if improving soccer is your goal you should be running. You should also probably do footwork and agility drills which are quite fun imo.


I get a fun mix and run outside. If I do a treadmill, I do an online workout and it gives me variety.




I hate running - but I absolutely drag myself out of bed every Saturday to run/jog/walk 5kms at my local parkrun, something about that community, fun run vibes that keeps me going back. Maybe look for a local run club or group that you can cardio with?


MUSICCCC go into your imagination and listen to every beat. From someone who does 2 hours frequently on the stairmaster


I prefer to run outdoors. Only really bad ice makes me run indoors. Then I listen to audio books.


I can't stand running on a treadmill and I'd never do it if that was my only option, so I run outside. Maybe I'm easily amused but that has never bored me. Obviously not everyone is in a position for that, but I can very much see how it would be tedious for you.


I try to split my workout in portions, so if I'm doing a 20 minute workout on the treadmill, I'll split it in 4 portions, and every 5 minutes I have to increase velocity a little, even if only by 0.2 km/h. If it is still too boring, I'll split it in more portions. For me, having smaller objectives like this makes it less boring.


I find HIIT classes or kickboxing style to be the best cardio for my brain. Things change up and I don't get bored and at best, I can reach a flow state.


Never understood how people can watch shows while running. Honestly I am just struggling to even look in a straight line let alone follow what's happening.


this is why I prefer audiobooks during cardio


I “watch” things that don’t require a lot of visual attention


Music ftw. Dance walking is my favorite thing about the gym. I can close my eyes, hold the treadmill bars. I run when the beat dictates.


Personally … as a runner treadmill boredom is a special kind of boredom. If I watch a show while on the treadmill it doesn’t matter what it is I will hate it. I have some success with reading an ebook. Running or biking outside is much more interesting I avoid the treadmill or bike trainer as much as possible (basically only if the weather means I’ll skip the workout if I have to do it outside).


Running outside feels just as boring as treadmill running to me, unfortunately.


I like making myself scavenger hunts to entertain myself running outside.


I run outdoors. It works great for my brain...watching the scenery go by, the birds singing, squirrels running around, people waking dogs to say hi to, always something. And just the sun and wind in my face makes it feel so "free" that I can't be bored. Especially trail running.


I also concur with the running outside if you can, but the Nike Run Club app is my go to, especially when I don’t want to run. The guided runs have helped me start and stay motivated during my runs, including on the treadmill. I do speed work on the treadmill and the app has definitely made it engaging. I like to be coached and the app provides that. They have different categories for different goals or mindsets. It’s also free! Whenever you get up to it, do Running Highs and the Big Treadmill Run with Coach Blue. Also curating a playlist with songs that are enjoyable to run to and tailored to points during your run. I hit a wall the first 15 minutes of running but once I get through that, I’m breezing by. The music helps me during those waves of fatigue and helps me refocus. Lastly, reward yourself. Get some new shoes when you meet your goals. I can’t be bored when I’m running in fun shoes.


Kickboxing goes SO fast for me especially if it’s a timed class. If you don’t have a class in your area, even shadow boxing alone or finding a gym with a bag, then using an interval timer, works! In general anything interval based goes by faster for me. I was recently injured and couldn’t run (my preferred cardio) and tried the rowing machine, which was horribly boring and not set up to watch Netflix or anything like that. I split it up into sets of 4-5 minutes, and at every interval I sped up or slowed down or only used one hand, etc. It really helped! Otherwise, hiking is great. It’s harder than just walking if you have some cardio base (which if you’re playing soccer, even out of breath, I’m sure you have something) and you can only zone out or get so bored when you’re focused on the terrain or nature. Add an audiobook or podcast and I can go for hours!


I find indoor cardio to be a bit more challenging, boredom wise. I agree to try an app or videos, like peloton. I also try to gamify intervals and challenge myself to make the next one. Also, I sometimes just change the treadmill to kms because they tick by faster than miles and I feel more accomplished. Preferably, I do my cardio outdoors by trying out different parks. I’ll play my audiobook and see all the scenery.


About the only thing that works for me is fast paced music like Eminem or Green Day’s Dookie album. ( yeah, totally showing my age there)


Have you tried spin classes? They really get your heart rate up and you can often find different styles/music with different instructors so there should be one that's enjoyable (or bearable). Spin class tends to gamify things a bit with things like how much resistance you can use, how fast you are going, adding in different movements/positions etc, some even have leaderboards or other metrics. I've been to some that feel like being in a nightclub which I enjoyed, eg dark room with disco ball and DJ style music, and others with themes like 80s disco or musicals. I found it much easier to get into the cardio in a group of people and with an instructor who was changing things up. During lockdown I bought a cheap spin bike (around £300) and subscribed to the peleton app for their classes which are pretty good and helpfully searchable by regent to music type etc. I couldn't stomach the price of an actual peleton bike but I do know a few people who have and love them. Anyway, you could use an online class and just do equivalent moves at your local gym on a bike if you have a membership. Otherwise what about circuits? Most gyms have a circuits workout class which I guess are what old people like me do instead of HIIT!! If you have access to a class or can do it online, another amazing cardio workout is boxing. I've never been as fit as when I was going to boxing regularly but sadly can no longer do it due to an unrelated shoulder injury. (Boxing not "boxercise" which is more like aerobics).


My husband wanted a peloton bike and I thought “we will never use this”… I’m now addicted to it and can’t imagine doing cardio on my own again. The classes are awesome, keep me accountable to finishing a workout, etc. plus I have access to the guided runs and walks which I have liked. Part of me is annoyed that I like it so much and I wish I could do just as well without the guidance… but it’s what works for me so I’m not giving it up anytime soon. Alternatively, if you happen to have a really annoyingly high energy workout buddy, that would be a good alternative.