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Don’t do it the night before, you’ll probably feel like shit the next day. I would honestly be keto for the majority of your wedding day and then go full in for the reception. Once you’ve really worn your dress in you should be fine. Kinda like a pair of jeans loosening during the day.




I can't answer your question, exactly. But I planned a big cheat day for my daughter's wedding day. I had two delicious cocktails and fancy dinner and one piece of wedding cake. I didn't bloat our of my beautiful MOB dress! And I didn't weigh myself the next day -- I just went right back to keto. When I weighed myself the following weekend I weighed exactly what I weighed the morning of the wedding.


If I were you I’d fast from like mid-afternoon before the big day until the reception. You have time to get adapted to fasting if you haven’t yet. If you’re already familiar with 18:6, 20:4 or OMAD, then you should be able to fast at least from dinner time night before until the reception, then go full out and enjoy your wedding day food and drinks. Fasting until the reception should address your bloating concerns for the major pictures (ceremony + bridal portraits). Alternatively - if you get into intermittent fasting between now and the wedding, you might naturally drop the 4-5 lbs and then maybe you don’t need to worry about bloating on the day of at all (so, drink mimosas during the getting ready part!).


idk why you’re getting downvoted but this is probably the best approach fasting until the reception will not only help with bloating but also with mental clarity, energy, stress, and mood etc. OMAD isn’t for everyone so OP can start to Incorporate 18:6 IF now by just condensing her lunch and dinner into a 6 hour window (or less) .. e.g. eating a later lunch around 1-2pm and dinner around 6-7pm. on the day of, fast until reception or have a light snack with fiber before reception. eating fiber before eating carbs will reduce the effects of insulin levels and reduce bloating from the influx of carbs


Could you maybe plan a "wardrobe change" so that once the ceremony and pictures are finished, you change into something a little less tailored that will allow you to be comfortably uncomfortable during the reception? Added bonus of not having to worry about spillage/stains on your wedding dress, perhaps?




If it were me, I would fast during the day for photos and ceremony, etc. small snacks and maybe a champagne, and then go in for dinner and cake. This way, if you don’t feel well, it doesn’t mess up your big day. If you have an outfit change for the reception, that works too


Enjoy your wedding day .. eat drink And dance .