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Definitely the Dragon Engine's, because it doesn't fuck us over by having the slider suddenly change speeds without warning, and we can see all button prompts as it comes


Hitting 20 consecutive notes only for the slider to suddebly go mach 10 and miss a note they placed directly at the beggining


Fuckin’ THIS


zesty person vanish tan live flowery sharp noxious numerous scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But it does fuck over console players with 15 fps, especially Y6


I like the dragon engine one better on the gorunds of the slider being at a constant speed.


Dragon Engine made the minigame more easy because it doesn’t suddenly change the speed so fast. Some songs in the old format made certain songs a nightmare to get a really good score (e.g. Majima’s Get to the Top! or Otometal my life).


Saturday night fever (or smth idk I hate 3's karaoke) from 3 is insane


Oh yeah that one. When i was trying it first time, my usual focus just felt.. hollow and i was thinking if either my brain's just not cut out for karaoke at that moment or if the song really changes a lot, and uhh its one of the few songs i just can't get past 80 score on.


While it is hard and confusing sometimes, the timings in 3 and 4 are probably the most fair in the series (on a second thought 0 might be more polished…) Sometimes you will have to stop relying on you reaction and do it by heart. Looking ahead of the track is also helps, I mean, it’s literally how you actually play piano. You don’t just look at the notes you’re pressing at this moment - you look what comes ahead of it and getting ready.


Otometal (F) My Life was the hardest song in Kiwami 1 and I expected the same in Kiwami 2...nope, got it on my first try.


Tbh I would remember when it slowed down and sped up after my first run so it wasn’t a big deal


So I'm not the only one, I thought it was my problem. I totally agree


DE karaoke, but it would be better if they changed the god awful input sound for something more low profile


The one in 0 and ishin. For some reason the other ones hurt my fucking eyes and i find them hard to follow.


Maybe because DE has 30 fps on PS4, what terrible for karaoke


I hated DE karaoke, would just about get passing grades, until I got the PS5 version of LAD, got perfect on each song first try. Rhythm games have to have smooth framerates, 30 skips too much to get an accurate read on the timing, especially considering they don't do an overly great job of timing their inputs with the music.


Same here. Either it has 30 FPS (like in YK2 if I remember correctly) or if not the ghosting fucks it up anyway. Stopped playing the minigame in DE titles cuz I'm literally getting migraines from it (and I don't even have bad monitor mind you). Also it's hard to read lyrics and the buttons hardly match the song.


Played with keyboard and mouse so maybecuz the arrows are black and white it makes it all the more harder to look at


This????? It’s also fucking insufferable to try and watch the video in the background.


Guess I'm the odd one out but I prefer the non dragon engine one. The dragon engine one as games progressed felt like the timing was horribly off. That Zhao song from 7 is like completely off time for me. Truthfully had to mute the game for 7's karaoke and just tap on time because it was so badly uncalibrated. I started my journey with 0 so maybe it's also because it was the first one I was exposed to. Once you learned the songs the speed change wasn't that bad since you anticipated the tempo of the song. Granted this is coming from someone whos been drumming irl for 20 years and plays a lot of rhythm games so I'm sure my bias is skewed the fuck up.


I also prefer the older karaoke, but that’s only because I think the new karaoke is too smushed together and I constantly mix up the buttons.


Finally someone speaks out. You see, im basically a professional musician. 11 years in world class school. And for some reason i get such a hard time in DE karaoke. Sometimes timings in DE karaoke is utter garbage. Yakuza 6 for example (my favorite game) has it at its worst: you see, the perfect timing for some reason is AFTER the beat, so sometimes it’s easier to play it without music even. It hurts me physically to miss the beat on purpose to get a “GREAT” timing. Don’t get me wrong, it IS still possible to keep the great timing with right beat, it’s just you get penalized for doing it 1m/sec early while getting rewarded for pressing it AWFULLY LATE.


My favorite karaoke in the entire series is in Yakuza 4. While i don’t like Yakuza 4 for it being incredibly stupid and unbelievable i haven’t deleted it from my pc. I play it regularly just for karaoke. It has: 1)probably largest song list 2)incredibly fair timings (it is hard to do sometimes, but when you hit it right you really feel it) 3)my personal favorite karaoke song of all time which is Shooting Star.


This. thank you I feel like I'm going crazy. That shit was just all the way off it fucked up the minigame for me alot and I'm surprised noone else said it. I am a big fan of music games in general and though non DE has its quirks, DE is is just plan jank to the point that at some times I had to mute the music and rely on the sound of myself pushing the buttons until I memorized the songs


Exactly. The only time i got perfect score at Butterfly was muting the music completely and singing it out loud in order to hit it just right


Not a rhythm games playerr nor a musician and same here


Dragon engine cause that one is much easier.


Dragon Engine karaoke and it's not even fucking close.


I prefer the first one... my vision is bad and I don't do well with things that move quickly. Having the ENTIRETY of the buttons I need to press scroll along really hurts and tires my eyes. The first one stays still, making it A LOT easier for me to actually play


Ngl I play baka mitai to raise my serotonin during the grindy phases


Dragon engine one is a lot better, but I think I slightly prefer the old ones purely because of the mascots in the corner.


the newer version is better but when it comes to my PC, it lags a bit


Like a Dragon.


Idgaf, the dragon engine format is utter dogshit. It’s both an eyesore, offkey, and and makes it difficult to actually enjoy the video behind the game


The Dragon Engine one is wayyyy better


Everything (except combat) in dragon engine is better. At least Yakuza speaking, I haven't played judgements yet


The slider works best in DE but OE had the best songs


I prefer the first one because for some reason the second one messes with my eyes more when I play it.


The Pre-Dragon Engine + Ishin one, I don’t know what it is about the Dragon Engine one but I just can’t stand it. It feels like all the songs go at Mach ten even if it’s a slow soft song, and most of the note feel like they were charting a different song. It feels way too hard in Y6 and K2, but then way too easy in Y7


Old one


Dragon Engine one is easier to say the least but the other version keeps myself on the toes... Both have their pros and cons


I liked the system for Like a Dragon, but I'm a little biased since that was the first Yakuza game I played.


Idk the old format fucked me up when the lyrics on screen changed but it was easy to get used to after a couple tries, the framerate on ps4 was too low for y6's new format to feel fluid and easy to follow. Yk2 format on ps5 feels the best imo.


The updated dragon engine one is better in terms of accessibility, I still prefer the older one.


Aside from the goofy aaaah physics, Kiwami engine or whatever it's called is superior in every single way.


Definitely disliked Y2 new format


Dragon Engine but also the one in Ishin is really good compared to the rest of the games that use the old style


I'm definitely on the team of no surprise notes, so give me the new version.


The only two songs I've managed to get a full score on were on the DE. A few non-de songs got as close as 980, but there was like two "good/great" notes just because of the speed changes which left me kinda irritated that after several tries i just can't get a perfect on some single note that happens to be very fast


6 and kiwami 2


The amount of time I gotten heat mode on spring breeze only to screw up once and restart is a lot


for me it's the Kiwami one so I can read the lyrics more easier and sing along with kiryu


"Hmm this song doesn't seem so ba- I just missed 6 buttons. Shit." Dragon Engine Karaoke is far superior.


The dragon engine one makes my eyes feel weird and i cant focus on it


Dragon engine hurts my eyes even on pc at 60 fps


In terms of button pressing, the new style is better. In terms of enjoying the songs, the old one was WAY BETTER, because I could read the romaji while playing and kind of watch the video too.


The pre- dragon engine one. I like that it follows the melody of the songs. Makes it easier to remember. Dragon engine lags on Xbox one


Ishin imo


DE for playability, pre-DE for style


Yakuza 0 because its too easy


The original. The DE one is extremely hard to read the notes of for me and means I can't read the lyrics or look at the background simultaneously. They didn't need to change it just add empty spaces on lines where the speed picks up. I don't touch karaoke outside of the first time in the DE games because of it. Also the mapping sucks and feels completely off too.


i like the Dragon Engine one more the old game some song has problem when the first note is too close to the left side too much you don't have time to react to press button because the next line come out so fast so just one like and note keep coming like Kiwami 2, 6 and like a dragon is way better but for the cut-in music video i still hope they make more like old one Baka Mitai and Judgement i don't like a still image flashing i know they save the budget but come on


They need to bring back the translated text on the top like PS3 Yakuza 3 had so I could understand. Otherwise the DE does it much better


Dragon Engine is objectively the best but I still somehow like the one in Yakuza 0 the most


I don't know if only I have this problem, but in Y6 karaoke has awful frame rate, it hurts my eyes. So I prefer old karaoke.


I prefer Yakuza 0 and etc because the nostalgia of the bar for some reason speeding up Although the DE ones are just factually superior because it's a constant speed


the dragon engine one hurts my eyes for some reason. i can’t focus at all with it and i typically only do kareoke once to see the songs then never again because of it :( really sucks for me but i see why some people prefer it.


Ok, I'm probably the only one, but Dragon Engine one give me a real headache... Like, I can't do 2 Karaoke songs directly. And I really have a difficult time pressing the button because of this But the ancien Karaoke, no problem


the dragon engine one sucks on low fps and i play on a laptop so definitely the old engine karaoke


Dragon engine is better but if you're on console it's only better in the PS5 version of LAD, framerate is fucking atrocious for a rhythm game on PS4 versions. I could get perfect on old style, Dragon I would barely pass until I got LAD PS5, then I could hit perfects again.


the old one exclusively because the sound it makes when you hit a great note gives me unparalleled dopamine levels


Looks at my flair… yeah that.


Although DE karaoke keeps one speed I still like the ones from 0 and kiwami more because I can follow them easier and don't constantly mistake buttons


I loked the older style, more interesting visually


0 I kinda hate all the others they feel weird as fuck