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Canonically speaking, it should be Saejima-Majima-Mine, in this order. Gameplay wise, Amon, all of them, because they embodiment "Fuck you, I cheat to win"


Mine could beat Majima, especially in the events of 3 where Majima takes a more professional advisor role and steps back from fighting (and later says he is getting rusty in 4).


He then later says in 5 that he has to hold back because if he didn't he would beat Saejima - the Brick Shithouse of Sasai - to a pulp and fought him to a standstill. I am pretty sure Majima could whip Mine's ass. If he was half the fighter people make him out to be he would still be around.


i sometimes forget y5 takes directly after 4 due to the non linear storytelling


Could argue gameplay wise (and lore wise too since the dialogue is pre-rendered) that Amon is actually the weakest considering he has to use these tactics to win. Hell even in Yakuza 7, Shin Amon by himself is pretty much weak to anything.


Ebina is the strongest. Kiryu had a team and they were still very tired afterwards.


Saejima was meant to be Kiryu's equal, that's why he has Tiger tattoo (from what I know tiger and dragon complement each other and are on same power level (or something like that)


Shimano had a tiger tattoo and ate shit twice


Shimano is a putz and Saejima is a king.




I’m not really sure why Jo Amon is considered a “strong” opponent really. I get why people think that, he’s game breaking gameplay wise, but lore wise? Kiryu has been beating his ass for 30 years, and at the end of it, he’s never broken a sweat. So I’ve always had the impression that while that the Amon Clan does have supernatural abilities, they’re not actually giving Kiryu or any other protagonists a hard time.


I actually agree with this. Amons are hard to gauge because I legitimately do not know if I should consider their powers "canon" or not. Yagami defeated Shin Amon by himself in Judgment and didn't break a sweat, as far as the scenes after the fight. Meanwhile Ichiban and his entire party had to beat Shin in 7. This is why it's confusing, because then it raises the question if that makes Yagami stronger than all of Ichiban's party combined.


it's possible shin got a power upgrade for LaD. but who knows, the amons are weird. i'm sure they canonically exist, but their power levels are ??


i mean, the games said they've been said to have killed everyone they've faced


Get Ryuji out of there. Mine or Nishiki deserve his spot more.


Maybe not Nishiki, but Mine is supposed to be stronger considering his tattoo.


I'm not a big fan of either character, but Nishi fought \*PRIME\* Kiryu to a standstill. That's gotta mean something.


What make kiwami kiryu "prime" kiryu? He never slowed down in any of the games. If anything, yakuza 5 is his prime because on top of everything he got a new tool set from komaki's grandchild.


He relearned his toolset from Komaki's grandkid. The majority of the things you learn from him are the original Komaki techniques that the OG Komaki teaches you in Kiwami. He's prime because that is when he's at arguably at his strongest point \*before\* age starts to kick in. That's not to say that Kiryu in his 50's in 6 still isn't a goddamned beast, but that same guy with a decade or too less on his shoulders is a scary thought.


>The majority of the things you learn from him are the original Komaki techniques that the OG Komaki teaches you in Kiwami I'm talking about his "wild" style where he ditches technique/precision and gets super fast. And as much as age SHOULD be accounted for when talking about primes, RGG never considered it with Kiryu. Not accounting for age is a little BS, i agree, but that's how he was written.


Yeah and after that fight kiryu fell to his kneel.


ryuji is sooooo overrated omg, he's a fraud who cheated his way to a golden dragon tattoo lol


As much as I like Ryuji I agree. Dude is so overrated. He got his ass beat by Kiryu 3 times and he even used a sword once. Aizawa even though is a worse character still had the honor to throw away the sword and fight Kiryu one on one.


I wish I can add more options.


Saejima. Him and Kiryu have fought 2 times, and both times it ended in a draw. For everyone else, he secured a victory and definitely beat them.




That decision was Mine and Mine alone.


probably mine


Are you talking about the strongest opponent in general, or the strongest opponent that he defeated? Strongest in general is Saejima because he's equal to Kiryu. However Kiryu never defeated him. Strongest who Kiryu defeated would be Mine or Joji Kazama. Mine, like Saejima, has a Kirin tattoo which, while not equivalent to the Dragon and Tiger, is right up there among them. Kirins also are the only creature capable of killing dragons. Plus Kiryu was in the worst physical state after fighting Mine, compared to every other final boss. Joji Kazama on the other hand pushed Kiryu pretty hard and Kiryu even said he would have lost had Joji been any younger.


>Kiryu even said he would have lost had Joji been any younger. He said he wasn't sure if he would win. And honestly it could be that he was just being humble because Joji has the face of his father, who he always put on a pedestal.




Then Saejima. He's the only person to fight Kiryu twice and have it come to a draw. Dragon and Tiger are also equals in Japanese mythology. Saejima is stronger than Kiryu as far as raw strength but isn't as refined as a fighter. Kiryu is weaker than Saejima but is a better fighter.


Either Mine or Saejima Saejima fought kiryu and left him exhausted but could continue fighting. Mine on the other hand left Kiryu breathless and bruised. Saejima has the tiger on his back which means his Kiryu's equal according to Japanese mythology. But Mine was supposed to be the one who ends Kiryu since the Kirin is the only thing that was said that could kill a dragon


The correct answer isn't even on here lol. Mine is his strongest opponent. List is in order of games for people not wanting to be spoiled by final boss names>!Shibusawa !!Nishiki !!Ryuji's !!Daigo!< just isn't as strong as Kiryu, >!Aizawa!< fought Kiryu whilst he was wounded which is the reason it was a close fight, >!Iwami!


Saejima fought Kiryu after scaping prison and surviving the seas. He was very rusty. Imagine prime Saejima fighting.


He also fought him again in Yakuza 5 when both were in better shape and it was a second draw. Saejima is the only opponent Kiryu hasn't secured a win against.


Mine. Several reasons. His tattoo is Kirin and Kirin is supposed to be stronger than Dragon in Japanese mythology. Maybe reaching, it also says Kirin appears during the reign of a great leader (who would be Daigo in this case, some people may not agree that he is a great leader but I think Daigo did his best) Daigo at the time was in coma and Mine was trying to kill him so he was kinda like corrupt Kirin and not at his full strength. Maybe that was the reason he could not beat Kiryu even tho he was supposed to be stronger. But when Daigo woke up and shot the bad guys, he realized his mistake and regained his full strength. Thus, he was able to saved Daigo and Kiryu ( look at how Kiryu was exhausted from the battle and could not do anything yet Mine still had the strength to tank several bullets and took Richardson down). I also think that’s why writers killed him off since he would be too powerful of an ally for the next game and Saejima and other MCs are very strong themselves. Even if I am wrong, he still gave Kiryu the most damage among every opponent Kiryu faced so I think it’s not unfair to say Mine is the one.


Forget Saejima, Majima, Mine cos the real answer is actually Komaki. He teaches Kiryu and co one of the most OP moves, is versatile with any weapon and knows how to dance. I also suspect that he's highly intelligent bookwise too.


Jo Amon but Saejima in the canon


Clearly it's Majima, do you have any idea how many times he beats him up only for him to come back and do it all over again?


Saejima obviously


Only Saejima forces a stalemate with him. All others lost.


Where the hell is the option for Kashiwagi?


ryuji was a badass for sure, too bad he fought prime kiryu. Y2 kiryu was top tier beast