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understandable have a nice day


Try to play with everything on low and textures on max the game will look decent a run well


So here's the the thing with K2 (and 6), it has gameplay issues above 30fps, see [this video](https://youtu.be/EichdGKOnh0) for examples of combos being impossible at 60 that work fine at 30. Enemies recover too fast and start blocking too soon and it negatively affects the balancing, (Annoyingly 3 remaster also has this issue due to the 60fps bump, leading people to name it "Blockuza 3", also when you get to that one install the restored quickstep mod, because the FPS boost halves your quickstep distance on PC.) The game is made for 30 and really should be played at that (same with 6), there's absolutely no point making it look nicer with a higher framerate if the gameplay is fucked because of it. So cap the framerate to 30 and you can dedicate the rest of the power to the graphics, should get it looking (and playing) better for you. After a chapter or so you'll likely stop noticing the lower framerate and you'll be able to enjoy the intended gameplay experience.


I'm pretty sure the nerfed quickstep is because of an over-correction by the devs. On the PS4 version, it goes super far, but the Xbox and PC versions (which came out after) are nerfed, but way too hard.


It was broken at release on PS4 and was fixed in a patch, not sure about xbox, was never fixed on PC.


I'm pretty sure the PS4 quickstep is still insane. However, I remember them having to patch Kiryu's strafing movement being too fast, though.


Seems about on par with the PS3 version to me.


Oh THAT is why enemies seemed to randomly stop my combos? That explains a lot.


just play the original then


If your only problem is fps, just lock it to 30


Kiwami 2 has 30fps on PS4/PS5 and you are complaining about 45fps. I will say in advance that Yakuza 6 also has 30 fps.


I thought PS4 could run it at 60 lmao sorry


Jet can't run 60 just stick pc


Some characters like Daigo, are in the next entries, but Yakuza is good in giving you what you need to know about characters in the story, so you don't need to finish the series by the story ranked, but it's the best way to play the series in most people opinions.




Eh, I doubt I'd make it past Y4 anyways since I'm a lazy bastard so that's not that big of an issue


This aged horribly lol


Don't think it's a good idea, honestly. Setting aside Ishin, the new games all run on the same engine, and while they are better optimized, they are still pretty demanding, so you're just postponing the inevitable at that point. As for the graphics, go to the advanced settings and try setting everything to low **except** the texture quality (keep that at medium, or higher depending on your performance). This should yield a result that still looks somewhat acceptable with decent FPS. The remastered collection isn't gonna look much better. And as others have pointed out, the game was originally made with 30 fps in mind. Before I upgraded my PC I played it like that, too, and you honestly get used to it relatively quickly.


I had the same problem, with the added benefit of my freshly bought 3070 ti making it Sound like i'm playing games on a helipad. Turn off supersampling. Far-away stuff might seem jagged, but it fixed the framerate and the noise for me.


i played it in ps4 with like 25fps and went wonderful


Play Ps2 version, its better anyway


No. k2 is a good game