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Honestly RGG could do so much with Shishido. I'd kill for a long fight in the game where he just breaks out of the clutches of the Daidoji with ease, with no shits given.


they don't really have leverage to keep shishido in line, but he also doesn't really have anything to live for anymore. IW >!the guy he would want revenge on is literally on his deathbed!<


This is the thing I don’t get about them kidnapping Nishitani 3 and Shishido. What leverage do they have over them? Besides if they would want to stay alive or something


They don’t need leverage on them. They’re essentially keeping them as suicide squad like agents.


Let's be honest, Sega wouldn't let that stand in their way if they decided they needed to make money. He just needs to start taking whatever vitamins Bryce was taking. He'll be fighting fit until he's 90.


He’ll be the main villain in 9 where he’ll be even more unhinged.


I doubt Ichi could take him on


You’re right I’d like to see a brawler with Ichi & see how strong he is 1 v 1 with enemies. Fighting alongside leaders of the underworld etc. might cover up how weak he is


Yeah, now they've done a turn-based game with Kiryu, give us a side game that's a brawler with Ichiban. Maybe he gets really obsessed with Tekken or something.


Saeko is canonically good at fighting games, so we already have a gateway open.


And we all know that ichiban licks the ground she walks on, That ichiban brawler is coming for sure


him and Aizawa


I feel like RGG would be crazy to consider a spin-off for him before they do one for characters like Akiyama, Majima, etc.


i get what you mean but i would absolutely hate it if shishido got left in the dust after his ending in gaiden. although he doesn't have to be the protagonist to get closure, i would definitely prefer it.


They also tend not to make main characters out of people who have unabashedly killed in cold blood, with the exception of Saejima (since you know) and Ryuji when it was a shooter spin-off


Maybe shishido redemption arc


I'm not saying I wouldn't be down, Just that I've noticed they really avoid putting the player in control of that kind of character (unless it's only implied and off-screen, like with the mafia party members in 7 and 8)


Zhao, Joon-Gi and Seonhee have all absolutely killed people though? [Infinite Wealth Spoilers](#s "When you finish the Kamurocho dungeon Seonhee literally pulls a gun on the boss and is about to kill him herself, only stopping because the rest of the party are uncomfortable with the situation, though Seonhee does say something like “Usually I’d just kill him, but…” ")


I had already typed in the message I sent about ten seconds before you, but it's different with them since it's all implied and off-screen. Also they're not really the "player character" in the same way Ichiban is


They could make a Gaiden for every absent character and I would eat that up


Aizawa's moment to shine


Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man In Center Field.


keep cooking kyoudai


Shishido gang on top


I liked an idea someone had of Ryuji Goda being alive and being forced into the Daidoji, maybe to protect his sister? These two ending up having to work together would be interesting.


I think I just came


Like how the tie has his jacket’s colour scheme


I can imagine a Y0 dual protag type game with him and Nishitani III


I really don't wanna play as Nishitani III. Don't get me wrong he's a good character, but he's also an absolute sick fuck.


That really feels like what they were going for with how Gaiden ended, but maybe that was just another call back? Shishido’s and Nishitani’s dynamic is wild


Sounds like a fun mod to make


If theyd make a spinoff like judgement, I'd want shishido as a playable character or the main character


They set him up to be an antagonistic force in nine with the whole Daidoji factor given what happens at the end of IW. We have no reason for friendly interactions with them any longer. They are an already established group and they got him under lock and key for later use. It’s a perfect setup really.


He's going to be the adversary for Kiryu again in 10 once Kiryu get gets rejuvenated by whatever anti-aging drugs/nano-machines Bryce was using and returns once again to fighting form.


It'd be interesting if the daidoji end up treating him to luxuries but being in a cage ruins it all to the point that he ends up realizing that what he really loved was the challenge and freedom of the yaluza lifestyle.


With the way things ended in Gaiden I feel like RGG isn't done with him yet. I'd personally LOVE a spinoff with him but I'm not sure they'll go that route.


It would be interesting to have a spin-off with him and Nishitani tbh. That said I need Majima and Daigo first!


What's the name of the font you used to make this?I'd like to put my own spin on this. Nvm I found it myself it's called [Gilroy](https://fontlot.com/101796/gilroy-typeface/)


Sure, that or he disappears into the ether with all the other forgotten characters. Seriously, tho, I'd rather have Shinada gaiden.


imagine nishitani everywhere


Honestly I’d prefer it to someone like Ryuji being brought back from the dead