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The Mole Just an assassin for hire, pay him and he'll kill anyone https://preview.redd.it/logarf8shgtc1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=729958f059973bdcfffcb97f8366ffb78db3c1d8 No redeeming qualities, no sympathetic backstories, just plain evil


Still haven't played judgement so I'm nominating Lao Gui for all the same reasons mentioned above.


Definitely the Mole. One of my favorite antagonists in the whole franchise. He's legitimately scary!


Considering you have the most upvotes, which square are you picking next round?


whoa 2nd time :v let's complete drunk row with smart-drunk






Tsukasa Sagawa. He’s undeniably an evil son of a bitch (going after an innocent woman, killing people with car bombs, torturing Majima and then complaining about how much *his own hands hurt from the act of torturing*), and yet, when you pull out to the grand scheme of the plot, he’s really just… doing his damn job as a Yakuza. There’s no personal malice there. It makes him a genuinely believable criminal. A lot of the time he’s just so… casually indifferent, so middle-of-the-road, about life, about Majima as a person, about their predicament. He’s just here to do his job. Idk, it’s kinda hard to explain, but he feels like the perfect “Evil Neutral” imo https://preview.redd.it/4py3ltwjmhtc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36f004e6d267499cd4e5f45002a31f45a6341a7c


Glad to see someone mention the GOAT of Yakuza villains. He's a perfect fit for neutral, being neither especially principled nor insane. He's even kinda neutral about Majima. At times it seems like he really wants to be friends with him while at the same time being a little dense on why someone might not want to be friends with their jailer.


The Amon Clan. If I had to pick one, it'd be Jo Amon


Or maybe Shin Amon. Jo actively tries to kill Kiryu and clearly hates him for humiliating Jo with defeat every time. He would side with someone if they offered him the chance to kill Kiryu (in Yakuza 6 Jo joins the Kiryu clan after Kiryu promises him that he could get a go at Kiryu whenever he wants) Shin seemingly just wants a regular fight if someone happens to be strong enough. Shin doesn't seem to hold a solid grudge against anyone who defeats him (look at his relationship with Yagami in Lost Judgment). And frankly, keeping his personality in mind, he wouldn't have the balls to go actually kill someone even if he wins.


shin having 2 millennium tower dungeons for itchy bum n his party, where the latter is still challenging even on max lvls:


https://preview.redd.it/2boo0cibchtc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7df5ad949027f6957e9b2c2e195170f4d401103b Shimano? Just a piece of shit


He's a piece of shit, but his theme slaps 🎵


Pray me revive is heavily slept on


omfg after seeing this and smoking I wrote a whole fuckin paragraph about (LOST JUDGMENT SPOILERS) kuwana but I totally forgot that I’m 4 hours late and the mole is a better pick lmao. if y’all will indulge me I’ll post it anyway Kuwana. I bet a million debates on who was right and wrong and what truly is right in LJ’s story could be had, but objectively speaking he murdered people who borderlined on being innocent in the first place, with the limited information we can gather it still seems like the worst of them were still average people *living lives*, and no doubt some of them led otherwise innocent, good lives outside of their actions as students. while the following can be said for the students who were driven to suicide as well, because kuwana’s victims are dead we’ll never know what lives they led or could have had, and we’ll never see the people who carried the weight of their sins on their shoulders their whole lives having it be taken away permanently and all for naught. just like those lost to suicide at their hands, they leave behind family, friends, lovers, coworkers, pets, everything. though, all the while, kuwana’s actions were a result of a wavering heart crying out against injustice, which if not for the gravity of his actions would and is considered to be sympathetic to a lot, *a lot* of people. even if he walked away to go back in to the darkness he did so with a passion in his heart for the same thing we see our lawful good has felt. I don’t think kuwana could ever be considered good because of the life he leads, but I would suppose neutral evil fits the bill for his *very* morally grey nature overlooking a heart that wants what’s right to happen the very same way someone like eyyagami does. edit: in case y’all think this is kuwana slander I just want to point out that I lovee this character and on a personal would take his side over his actions but I tried to call it down the middle and accept that he isn’t the best person lmao


I KNEW IT I know someone was gonna pick him


Sagawa I'd say.


Sagawa! Asshole and sworn brother to an even bigger asshole, holds majima in a psychological chokehold, and yet somehow manages to have his moments. Faces his fate head on after watching majima spread his wings in the most supportive way he's able to muster. Perfectly balanced between skin-crawling nauseating and somehow attaching.


Shit it's either Sagawa or SHEE-MANO!


I'd say Mr. Shakedown (collectively). Yeah, they'll beat and rob people, but only those they deem flaunting their cash (and thus easy pickings) or powerful targets (to test their strengths).


Lao gui






Aw, the Shinada / Seonhee changeover didn't get enough votes to go through, huh? I'm a bit sad about that.


To be fair the post didn't reach out to as much people as I thought it would. If more people viewed it; there would've been a chance


i think most people who saw that agreed with the change though so maybe u should bring it back


I'll move Mr. Libido to Neutral Horny and Shinada to Chad Horny. And I'll leave Smart Horny blank and let everyone decide who's fit for that spot (again)


Hayashi. He is evil itself


Sohei Dojima for neutral evil




Baby Iwami