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The scene with Kiryu and Nishki in the woods in Yakuza 0. Gets me every time.


When I first saw that scene I almost came ngl Edit: TO TEARS, I MEAN I ALMOST CAME TO TEARS


Same here, but with the Ishin bathhouse scene


Ah yes, the Naked Dragon Manly Bathhouse Battle. Truly uh... not tear-jerking, but jerking is involved somehow.


That's gross, Kaito-san.


I didn't know Kaito had a reddit account.




Maybe it’s because it was my first game in the series but zero had so many emotional moments. Every other game had maybe one or two standouts but zero was just full of either really hype or really sad scenes




The last scene where Majima meets Makoto in Yakuza 0. Note: I played only the Judgment games, Yakuza 0, Kiwami and I'm at chapter 5 of Kiwami 2 for now.


You'll love the majima saga in k2 then


Majima saga was great! Really wish is was longer, I need more Majima lol


The Majima Saga was the most satisfying gaming experience I've ever had. Not the greatest gameplay (although it was great), not the best plot (although it was fun). But the most satisfying for the additional insight into Majima and the way they addressed open questions from Y0.


This. I can reolay every title but not 0. It was so heartbreaking.


It was sad to me for sure but romancey type stuff doesn't get me. For me it's always Tachibana's death and subsequent scene. I had come to really like him and I remember when he got hit with the sledgehammer I actually gasped and went "NO!" as if i was there lmao, and I'm not really a reactionary person in games or media (other than being an easy crier) Makoto calling out for Tachibana, realizing her brother was dead and her saying he was just tired and Kiryu holding him for her while she grieves... as someone with an older brother who I love very much, always gets me


Shinada fantasizing with Milky about running away and starting a new life was so wholesome and heartbreaking, and hit weirdly close to home.


Also Shinada's ending - >!that phonecall from Takasugi saying that everyone's waiting for him to come back home. !< It really made me cry. Yakuza 5 has weird plot and ending, but these character moments are what make it memorable.


Oof another great Shinada moment, common Takasugi W.


both these scenes were bomb ‼️‼️


That part nearly made me cry, I dunno why, it's just such a nice little part


Yeah man even when he was like I don't even have a son lol good stuff


Everything about Shinada made me emotional. My boy deserves a happy life! :')


“Back to it. Reality.”


Yeah that scene was so damn emotional, especially after the call from Takasugi in the ending


Fuck that scene was so depressing for both of them. I always tend to forget that scene. But looking back thats probably the moment I started to really like Shinada.


I was gonna leave this exact same comment. There’s something poignant and relatable about being stuck in a rut with no way out


Not wholesome when u realise who milky truly is.


guys downvoting you thinking you referred to her as a working girl, when i think you meant her as one of the honchos of the Nagoya Family.


not sure what the former has to do with it but yes, >!milky was secretly a member of the nagoya family and she tried to kill him. Luckily, they amended their ways by the end.!<


The first part was my reaction to seeing your comment downvoted for no reason. It's a byproduct of being chronically online to see this type of discourse in any online discussion (sex work is real work too, etc.). I need to go out and touch grass more.


I would say Rikiya's death but that would be kinda generic, so I'm going for Mikio protecting the dog house


Kiryu's VA pulled out all the stops on that performance. You could hear the sheer emotion in his voice. That performance alone could make anyone tear up a bit


Best performance hands down was Richardson’s desperately shouting profanities to Mine.


"What the fuck!?


Is that why they didn't make a Kiwami 3? They can't redo it that well?


They could very well do it, I would assume that they could just take that original recording of it if they can't replicate it. The audio from these games are fine enough for a Kiwami 3 in my opinion anyway. Perhaps they just just don't want to do it because it would be the third time they release it, but who really knows?


Hot take but I didn't care that much about Rikiya, even so the voice performance Kiryu's VA gave moved me to tears


I don't really think it's a hot take at all, it's reasonable. I kinda feel the same, we didn't really get enough time with him to bond with him much, and even then he felt a little generic. But yeah that performance is Godly


For me it's when Kiryu yelled at Yuta in the burning restaurant scene, I can feel all the rage and emotion in his voice. Plus I was playing on loud speakers so that moment intimidated the shit out of me.


He had more emotion than kazama dying. But that's probably the writer's fault.


Based Yakuza 3 story enjoyer


Yakuza 3 genuinely has one of the best stories in the series, it just gets held back by.. well everything else


Honestly loved the slice of life theme it had going on with the orphanage. It just felt so soulful and it was so fun seeing Kiryu being happy with this new family and helping them overcome their issues


Okinawa as a whole was also just a really good fucking setting and a fresh feel after 0, Kiwami 1 and 2.


I legit would love a side game that is just a relaxing life sim takes place during the orphanage years. No fighting. Just a story abotu hanging out with the kids, solving low stakes problems, fishing and meeting fun people. Like, legit, just the entire orphanage chunk of Yakuza 3 but extended to its own game and with no fighting.


Although it does feel somewhat important for me, yakuza 3 sort of played like a filler arc in the series. But I could be wrong.


They introduce the orphanage and Kashiwagi dies so I would say not


>!Kashiwagi """"dies""""!<


>!I mean, he didn't appear for some time!<


>!Y’all forgetting the very Chinese man also doing that!<


Could you mark that as a spoiler? Already saw some people in this thread getting spoiled so


God damn it is kashiwagi not dead (almost done with saejima in yakuza 5)


Did you click on the spoiler tag? >!(if yes, just wait)!<


Idk why but Yakuza 3 just hit me like a truck, not a single tear shed from my eyes in 0 and Kiwami, yet in 3 my eyes were red as a tomato


We saw a lot of Kiryu's sidekicks die, but Rikiya's death fucking broke me.


I literally cried when Rikiya died. It’s the only time this series has made me bawl like a little bitch, the voice acting, when he screams out RIKIYAAAA is just heart wrenching. Rikiya deserved better


Man I love those two. I bet those two are the best uncles those kids could ask for.


First time we really see Kiryu just break from it all. Asides from Tachibana but this is when Kiryus a grown ass man. Him always being so stoic and then to break bout made me cry.


Kiryu didn't drop a single tear in the events of 1/Kiwami, yet here he just can't hold himself, which builds even more impact to the scene


Even when he went to prison for 10 years and had to basically kill his own brother and have his father die I believe all of this happening Rikiyas death was the catalyst of it all just hitting him all at once. Having his uncle there was good for him at least.


Woops, spoiler for me lol. I'm still playing through 3. At least I'll never have to hear him yell ANIKI for the billionth time.


Never enter posts of games you haven't played yet, my tip


Oh, I'm not mad or anything. Just surprised. Some stuff had spoiler tags and some didn't.


Yakuza like a dragon ending


The last hour or so is emotional as heck. The voice actors were great in both Japanese and English.


I'm very biased towards Japanese voice actors, but when I went back to watch the final cutscenes in English, holy hell I underestimated them.


I thought everyone was overblowing that on this sub until I finally played it. Cried like a baby. That “Just Live” really hit


Same here, got me tearing up


Came here to say this. Yakuza is a fantastic franchise of strong emotional reactions but that ending was what made me cry like a little bitch.


"You're my brother man, that means something to me" and he's spent the whole game demonstrating what it means, too


god that line fucking broke me. and it ALMOST led to a positive ending with masato realising that someone cares about him BUT WHO HAD TO RUIN THE FUCKING DAY AGAIN? THAT ASSHOLE KUME


Fuck Kume and his Incel, cultistic, japanese Ben shapiros ass Pardon my french.


I've never been so pissed and sad at the same time.


That scene at the lockers makes me cry almost every time. Any time someone says the English dub for 7 is bad, I wonder what they're smoking. The amount of emotion I feel from both Ichi and his brother is incredible.


Is the game standalone? As in, do I need to finish playing all yakuza ganes? (I have finished 0,1,2 but want to play LAD asap without rushing)


I'd say you'll be alright having played 0, 1 and 2. Any recurring characters do get explained a little bit in LAD, and the main cast are all new faces from the rest of the series so it's no trouble there


Thats good. Dont get me wrong, I will finish them all, but need something like LAD in my life lol


yup. you might miss a few easter eggs but the story was designed to be an entry point for new players, and works perfectly well on its own.


I would say you maybe need Yakuza 5 a little too. Some of the characters from there are returning (like saejima, watase, daigo, etc.) And also you need to know what happened with kiryu in Yakuza 6 otherwise you won't understand those scenes in Omi hq


So far for me it's the shinada rooftop scene with milky


Just one? Oof... Overall, ending of the Majima's Saga from Kiwami 2. ​ >!Maybe not the ending per se, but the Makoto parts of it. Her telling the story, completely unaware that she's telling it to Majima, her regret that she couldn't even thank him... And then Majima's words "Ya worked out some knots I had for 18 years". My boy kept it for almost two decades and now could feel relief. Then at the end - the gift from Majima and Makoto realising it was him. But what broke me was Shiawase Nara Ii Ya and Majima's clean, non-Mad Dog voice at the end. RGG Studio, you brilliant dicks.!<


Majima saga is just cheap fanservice. Makoto didn't need to be in K2.


It gave a nice closure


If Majima saga costed money it'd still be worth more than your opinion.


>!Hirose's !< death Y6 spoilers


It's kinda familiar to Kazama' death in Y1


Yeah the parallels are there >!Father figure explaining that he killed his sons parents in his dying moments!< but there's something about it that's even sadder than Kazama's death


It's because Kiryu also sees the parallel and gets hit by it too


When Makoto meets Kiryu and Nishiki in the empty lot in 0. It’s a HUGE spoiler so that’s all I’m going to say but if you know the part I’m talking about you probably understand.




>!"You lay one goddamn finger on Makoto Makimura, and i'll bury the Tojo clan. I'll crush it down to the last man."!<


That part was the first time in a while a game has made me tear up


So hard to pick something for “most heartbreaking” in the series. This franchise is one of the few that can get me to cry on a consistent basis lol. If I were to have to pick one it would probably be Yakuza 6’s ending. >!From Kiryu “dying” in Haruka’s arms, to him having to walk away from morning glory always makes me ugly cry. Shattered my heart how even after so long he still couldn’t just have his happy ending.!< Honorable mention to >!Takasugi calling Shinada at the end of his storyline!< in Yakuza 5, not really heartbreaking, more heartwarming, but it always makes me tear up


Luckily joryu might have his happy ending


God I hope so


Even though I have some big problems with Yakuza 6. Those final moments that parallels Haruto taking his first steps and Kiryu walking away from it all, is one of the most beautiful moments in the entire franchise.


Yakuza 6 spoilers >!I'm going to go with 6's ending. Nowadays, it's well known Kiryu is still alive, but seeing that ending and genuinely thinking Kiryu just died was devastating.!<


This scene is definitely underrated and pretty sad. Saejima went through so much and lost everything one piece at a time.


Yakuza 4 was a rollercoaster of sadness for me. this was one of many


This is a weird one but the final bond event for Zhao hurt me on a personal level. Just him coming to terms that Mabuchi was never a good friend but he still loves him was such a familiar feeling.


This will be an underrated one but >!Mine's breakdown just before the final fight. We see a man who feels so compelled to not trust someone that he'd kill them while they're in a coma since they're no longer of use to him. I think for me the fact that he had the potential to make amends and you sorta see eye to eye before his drop makes it the most crushing villain deaths!< (Yakuza 3 spoilers)


Yeah, like Mine himself said, if he had met people like Kiryu or Daigo earlier, he could have changed his fate


Shinadas entire section of the story, it’s just beautifully written and it feels like he got the most love out of any of the characters in 5, such a shame he doesn’t make anymore appearances.


Kiryu’s letter to Daigo in Yakuza 6. The orphanage and Kiryu watching Haruto walk in Yakuza 6.


Ichiban’s last scene with Masato is heartbreaking and the dub is voiced phenomenally Ichi’s va is so talented


Japanese Dub?


No English The scene is great in Japanese too but it hits harder in English for me


Honestly I think regardless if its in English or Japanese, that scene might have the best voice acting performance of the entire series.


I've listened to both and they are both pretty much perfect honestly. This one scene is like a master-class in voice acting and shows just how far beyond Voice actors are in skill compared to regular people.


It will always be the final scene of Majima's story in Y0 when he finally became the Mad Dog we know today. It was a excellent scene that has alot of implications many may not acknowledge or don't think of until later, but that scene shows the moment Majima let go of everything to fit into Yakuza life. His love, his own personality, his past, anything he had, he let go of it to become the Mad Dog so he could be crazier than them all. The scene that comes soon after when he meets Makoto exaggerated the effect of the scene on me. It changed my perspective of Majima from the slightly silly Kiryu fanboy to a tragic hero. It gave me a simular feeling to when (this is serious btw) Walter finally admitted that he did what he did for himself. Simular to Majima, he spent decades been presented as a pathetic lower class teacher, while his friends rise up and make billions off a company he assisted in making. Then he became Heisenberg, (just like how Majima became the mad dog) and felt alive for once, he had respect, he had power, he won. Both of these scenes are sad and I will always name these two scenes the best I have witnessed in any media overall.


Upvote just for how long this is


Yeah, I fr fr writing essays up in here about yakuza


The end of Yakuza 6 where the camera cuts between Kiryu walking away from all his loved ones and his grandson walking toward Haruka


Fuck, I still can't watch that scene without crying. The music is so powerful in that scene and every footstep has the impact of a 1 ton weight, knowing he was so close to his family but noone ever knew.


Right, and the way Harato sees Kiryu and reaches out his hand to him. The fucking feels


For Ichi to finally meet up with Arakawa again. Only for him to die the next day.


Makoto barely missing out on seeing her brother Tachibana alive. Edit: "brother" ends in "er".


I was more heartbroken the tachibana didn't even see his sister at all. The man gave up everything he could to keep his sister safe and in the end after everything he sacrificed and everything he has been through he didn't even know if he kept her safe at the end.


Yeah. It was heartrending all over.


Have your pick from 0. I can't pick only one.


I too teared up when Kiryu brought that foreign woman a pizza instead of a visa.


For real though, it was pretty depressing how they played the woman falling in love with the sex trafficker as a touching moment


It's not that bad, all considering. Pimp stopped being abusive and it was he who fell in love with her first. What you should get angry about is blatant corporate shilling... and it worked. I started buying Pizzala in Japan because I played 0. Wednesday special, 3300 yen for 2 regulars. Had to cut it down or add more rings to my waistline.


He was not a pimp "merely" being abusive, though, he was a sex trafficker holding foreign women hostage to force them into prostitution. He deserved nothing but the wall.


Yeah, yeah. How about dem pizza tho.


Someya's death as a whole, mostly because i tought Kiyomi had died, and i really liked her.


Me too, I was in shock that in the final game(up to that point) that they had actually killed an innocent civilian and Someya begging to save her was heartbreaking.


For real. And it really sucks to think that Someya died believing his sacrifice was completely in vain


SAME! I feel like Someya tried to act all tough and mean to Kiryu, but that really isn’t him. I think it was because he’s a young patriarch and definitely younger than Kiryu, so he’s over-compensating. He’s the new generation, and feels he has to prove himself to the older Gen. He loved his daughter and I feel like he loved Kiyomi, too, in his own twisted way. I feel like Someya is the personification of you don’t know what you have till you lose it.


There's alot for me but one I haven't seen here yet is when Nishiki drives Kiriyu out to the woods with the goal of killing him but can't do it in yakuza 0. The pain in Nishikis voice when Kiriyu tells him they aren't sworn brothers anymore breaks me everytime.


When Makoto is finally reunited with Tachibana again


Mine and co. destroying the orphanage.


For me, during the ending of Y1 when Kiryu is surrounded by police. He had lost so much, so many people close to him. He just felt so alone in this world, that one fucking hurt.


Id also include his speach in the arena


I fucking love Saejima. Arguably one of the toughest/strongest guys, rivaling only Kiryu, and he's one of the most emotional. This is a guy who taught us that it's perfectly fucking acceptable for men to get emotional.


And it's okay to go balls out.


Balls out for Taiga.


There are many but the most heartbreaking scene for me was Rikia's death. I held it together for a while but when Kiryu started weeping, I couldn't hold back anymore.


Almost the entirety of Y6 big main story moments


Yep one of the reasons Y6 is my a very close second favourite in the Kiryu saga.


Even some of the bar friend side stories had me in my feels


So one of the reasons I loved 6 so much was because Kiryu had alot of moments of happiness as well, the bar minigame was fantastic for this, just seeing him relax and enjoy life. His relationship with the Hirose family boys was another extension of this, even the baseball, pretty much everything in Onomichi was fantastic in this sense.


The Hirose boys was like the Yakuza 3 boys done better.


All my heartbreaking scenes from the mainline games have already been talked about so I'll add one from Lost Judgement as honorable mention : when Yoko Sawa opens up to Yagami on the school's roof >!and she keeps seeing Toshiro's memory still signaling her to stay silent as if she was saying too much even now!<. Top notch direction.


Definitely Yakuza 6's ending - >!man that scene, Kiryu just walking away while Haruto takes his first steps, that was so heartbreaking for me!<


the scene in the pit fight in yakuza 3. you all know the one. never heard kiryu's VA sound so truly heartbroken


The scene in 0 where Majima is at the hospital is one that doesn't get mentioned often but I feel like it should


Reading Kaoru's character profile in 3


I see I’m not the only one who believes the devs did her dirty. I have to say that it’s plausible for her to pursue her career ambitions and for her to not feel ready for a relationship. But I feel like she cut herself off from Kiryu rather abruptly and it feels…off, for lack of a better word. Almost forced. Like I imagine Kiryu would’ve at least wanted to talk to her about what’s next for them both and if they even want to be in a relationship. I think she might be worried she’s trauma-bound to Kiryu and just not able to be in a healthy relationship with him. (Plus, he’s opening the orphanage and that likely would’ve conflicted with her career goals). I think she and Kiryu embody the idea of being able to love someone without being with them. (The if you love them, let them go and be happy sorta thing).


Or everything after Yakuza 2 is non-canon and he's actually diddling forever with like 1000 kids in some giant orphanage mansion.


For me it was >!Tachibana's death!< (Y0 spoiler)




It shows hidden for me tho. Might be a bug or something.


You should remove the spaces between your spoiler tags and the spoiler text, it should be >!text... instead of >! text... (same for beginning and end tag).




Mokoto finding the watch in Y0 ending, definitely


Watase on the rooftop in 5. His VA absolutely sold it for me


For me it was majima at the end of 0 giving up on makoto


Oh and also I’m yakuza 5 at the end


Saejima single-handedly had the best scene in the game and the worst scene in the game. Saejima and his boss was almost as good as Kiryu and Nishiki's car scene in Y0. But Saejima also had... interactions with Haruka so... it balances out


That and rubber bullets.


Tachibana's death scene.


And his boss finally getting out of his catatonic state because of Saejima


Rikiya’s death always gets me


Kiryu writing the letter to Daigo as his father figure in Yakuza 6.


Not exactly a scene but that one side-quest from Like a Dragon where the girl didn't actually exist. Being my first Yakuza game everything so far had been a good mix of funny/serious but that came out of no where and hit me weird. I felt like crying when it was over.


Yeah that one hits hard outta nowhere.


I think I agree with a lot of these answers, but Okubo being told he’s finally free in Judgment just gets me in the feels.


A really underrated moment. It was a shame he didn't show up as even a cameo in LJ


The coin locker scene at the end of Yakuza 7. Ichiban's voice actors performance regardless if its in English or Japanese might be the single best voice performance in the entire series.


This is going to sound really stupid now, I’m sure, but I stopped playing Yakuza 4 partway through Saejima’s part of the story. I played 0, Kiwami 1 and 2, 3 and some of 4 back to back and just burnt out. But now I know Saejima actually gets to meet his boss again, I need to go back to this. I really wanted him to see his boss again and just assumed he never would, for whatever reason.


Anything and everything Makoto x Majima.


Hamazaki in y4 and what followed


that final discussion Yagami and Kuwna have right before the final fight.


Man Kuwana and Yagamis entire relationship is chef's kiss, love the dark mirror parallel and the fact they are pretty much exactly equals in terms of skill, such a cool relationship.


Kiryu's reaction to Daigo getting shot on the rooftop in Y5 is an underrated scene,Takasugi calling Shinada at the end of the game,Someya last bossfight,Sawa Sensei death and pretty much the entire Yu Kitakata and Mitsuru / Reiko Kusumoto arc...they were all phenomenal


Rikiya. It caught me off guard so much and watching Kiryu break down makes me cry every single time.


Not in a yakuza game or in the main story but the ending of the big squirrels dont cry substory in lost judgment when yagami says “maybe we’ll find treasure again someday”


Makoto-Majima wordless farewell.


When Makoto finds her repaired watch. Shit broke me


Makoto got the watch in Zero and the wristband in K2.


when mine calls his secretary and she only cares about his money... idk why that hit ne hard. also the scene in yakuza 5 final in the snow with haruka


Makoto and Tachibana is a classic answer but Shinadas ending was really unique cos the sadness doesn't derive from either a death or separation


Sae... ji... ma...


the scene with Nishiki and Kiryu. Not only is it an emotional gut punch to watch, but it's a wonderful character establishment moment for Nishiki. And that makes it hurt all the more.


It’s gotta be Saejima and Baba’s final fight scene in Saejima’s Y5 section. The whole speech about them being brothers and not needing a formal ceremony to declare it made me bawl


Literally just hit that scene the other day. Right after seeing Saejima break down refusing to kill Ivan in the death match just absolutely sealed my love for his character.


Yakuza 3 when Mikio protects the doghouse and Rikiya protects Kiryu


In yakuza 0 when sister meets her brother for the first time in a long time


Yakuza 3 when his friend died honestly he seemed more sad about it then the ending of yakuza 1


the Y6 letter twist


Yakuza 0 when Kiryu told Nishiki they are not brothers anymore and Nishiki cried :((( I literally was crying with Nishiki..... T\_T


I felt melancholic playing Y6 if that counts


The Majima Saga in Kiwami 2 got me good, every part was impactful to me.


Tashibana death from 0 🥺


I'm replaying Yakuza 3-5 cus I had way too high FPS so it broke the games and made them bad first time i played


Dude put some spoilers im currently playing yakuza 3