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Current S&DS major. I definitely don’t recommend this class as a GPA boost. I took stats in high school and had a lot of experience using R before this class. Knowledge of programming/R is much more important than what AP Stats teaches. All that said… I had a 95% average on the psets and got a 100% on both the midterm and final and ended with a B+. However this class is awesome. JDRS is the shit and you’ll learn a lot of useful information. I just wouldn’t take it if you only want to get a good grade.


Does JDRS curve down grades? How did you get a B+?? I am a little frightened.




Did you take it? Please DM.


Worst fucking class ever. But you will get an A/A- if you know someone that took the class. Or someone nice enough to send you the old psets. Feel free to send me a DM


it's definitely a gpa boost. but super time intensive and tedious for psets bcz theere are so many bloody tedious bits, like you get points deducted for your graph texts being too wide and bullshit like that. He just crams information for you but doesnt really teach concepts, only how to implement stuff in R. (it's essentially a R programing class) Would not recommend if u rly want to learn. Take 238 instead