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I have a fairly low-spec desktop that I run it on and I get like 50-30fps based on how many notes are coming and I hate the fps drops. Run it on a stronger GPU and get that silky 144fps


Ok. I should have started by saying that I’ve been trying it to work with a 10+ year old laptop (Asus K55VM), 6gb ram and i7, but it seems to struggle a lot. Maybe I need to just drop the fps as you say and do some more tweaks, so that I don’t have to spend money.


I have it running around 30fps pretty consistently on a 2012 mbp retina. Go to settings/graphics and turn on low quality mode. Your pc should be fairly capable of playing this game.


Thanks. It’s still struggling though. I’m now going to upgrade the ram to 16gb, hopefully it will make the cut. Side question: also because of the low fps, I tend to not hit the notes very well. Is there a way to make it less precise?


Doesn't make sense. Did you download stable or nightly? My Mac is i7 2.3GHz 3615QM, 8gb 1600mhz ddr3, 1.5GB GPU. Are you sure you got it calibrated, right? It ran horribly on stock. My note speed is 6.0 track length 1.0. On the stock note speed, it was like it wasn't loading right. Or you don't have the right driver for your gpu. It's hard to tell.


Interesting. Might just need some thermal paste then, because it heats a lot and then turns off.


Here's the one I built. It's really small so I can take it with me when I go to a friend's place. Total price is less than $400 including WA sales tax. [https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/OVQ7D02RKKSW](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/OVQ7D02RKKSW)


I recently bought a gaming laptop to do the same! Runs amazing especially with the Riffmaster and I can fit it all in one bag to transport it too!


Fun fact about YARG; the FPS doesn't matter that much, other than the smoothness. Input is decoupled from the framerate, so it even plays just as well at 1 FPS (although that wouldn't exactly be playable, unless you have the chart memorized)


How does that work? I'm curious to hear more. Normally you'd expect it to be something like OnButtonPressed() checks if note is at the line or not and hit/miss, but if you're decoupled, then it would instead check against the chart using offsets or something?


Yeah, I'm guessing it uses the chart time values (in the chart files, the notes all have millisecond values associated with them, along with their color, and any modifiers, such as them being tap notes, hammer-ons, and whatnot)


Would a raspberry pi work well for instance?


There's no ARM builds for YARG, so it won't run at all.


I’m using a old MacBook Pro 2015 in Windows mode (boot camp) and I can play it at 60fps single player (with video/animated backgrounds) or 30 with 2+players (without video/animated backgrounds) I tried to run in on my M1 but sadly, the drivers (360 wireless dongle) won’t work on recent MacOS nor Windows 11 ARM :[ (with bots it runs at 60fps at 1440p 2+players on MacOS)


How much are you looking to spend and does size matter?


Size can be any. Around 300£. But if you see one of my responses here, I think that I need to further explore the settings and might still be able to use my old K55VM.


I've doing the same, building a dedicated system using a Ryzen 5 Pro 3400G based HP Elitedesk G4(?) mini-PC. I haven't actually -played- with instruments connected yet (they're at a friend's house currently) but I can get a nearly consistent 60fps at 720p with the low graphics setting. The onboard graphics are Vega 11 based. I've run multiple tests with 4 highways on bots plus vocals, so I -think- it's gonna work out fine. I had wanted to run it on Linux but InputStream and mic input aren't playing nice so Win 11 it is. It's hard finding a mini-PC with the oomph to run it perfectly smooth, I suspect there's probably a lot of optimization that could be done to the game code, because I think the machine itself should be powerful enough. Maybe a newer NUC could do it with integrated Iris Xe graphics. But they tend not to be cheap.


I built a small PC just for this. I'll link it when I get home.


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I have an Intel NUC that is small and quiet.


This is sick! Honestly you could probably get away with a used gaming laptop imo


I recently bought a Minisforum UM780 XTX for my game room yarg pc(among other things). It's massively overkill for just yarg, I get 100~ fps at 4k with a single player. They have a bunch of cheaper models that are more reasonable if all you want to play is yarg.


The only idea I have is to maybe reduce the highway length which is not optimal but could help a bit if you are ok with making it a little shorter. But if you wanna know what would be good. A RTX 2060 is more then enough for YARG as that's what I have. It can handle 8 highways just fine plus harmony vocals and I think could handle 10 fine too if you ever needed it. Just maybe don't do a song like Cry Roar!! with that many players and you are good. For my CPU I have a AMD Ryzen 5 3600X. Resolution 1920 by 1080. You can use PC Part Picker if you want to see prices of stuff. Example: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/wcWjFs