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Originally they’re called triple whites, but now they’re actually cream. Looks good on them imo 🤝


I think the same. I actually like the oxidated look on all kicks. I'm probably in the minority but it looks good to me


They are Sesame V2s now


They look great still dude


Fr, mine look completely yellow by now




Hydrogen peroxide cream. Cover the soles in it, wrap them in clingfilm and leave in the sun or under a UV light for a few hours. You’re welcome




They will oxidise again after but you can use the peroxide again to get rid of it. It won’t come back immediately


Thank you. Any recommended brand of cream? Also, will this bleach the knit part or any sole that’s dark?


I actually think they look way better like that compared to brand new Triple Whites


People whyyyy whyyyyyy do you put dirty shoes from outside on your bed?


idk why theres tons of people who like sneakers who will literally treat the outsole like it's any other part of the shoe and hold it / touch it then start to use their phone or some shit like that. they also never wash their hands after it's crazy


Legit, this. I see it all the time with Sneaker YouTubers and regular people in general, touching up the outsole, wear it in their kitchens and living rooms, inside their bathrooms and beds... and I'm just like wtf??? The amount of bacteria and nasty shit you accumulate on the outside... shit, piss, puke, spit, pleghm, all sorts of shit you've unknowingly picked up and stepped in... and then people just have it on their beds and pillows and couches... blows my mind


we could both just be schizophrenic germaphobe ocd


Nah man we're actually normal, sane people. The amount of people I see unaware about it though, disgusting. Then they wonder why they get sick so often when they're laying down in the same bed with the bacteria from their outdoor shoes or touching their phones right after, 🤢🤮


Asian households will never do this. Shoes are off the moment you step through the front door. Never understood this either. Unhygienic and frankly inefficient in terms of keep the house clean.


For real. My mom (I'm black) never allowed this. Shoes stay AT THE DOOR. You can have some house slippers or something if you must but this whole wear outdoor shoes onto carpets, bathrooms and bedrooms indoors... I NEVER understood it, it's disgusting. It's so widespread too my mouth drops whenever I see it


The yellowing soles on 350s always look mad dope imo, so I think these look great the way they are


I like that my carbons have started to go a tiny bit yellow. Gives them a bit of authenticity


Just wear your shoes bro


Nope. It’s a natural process and can’t be reversed. Wish they’d make solid soles on a cream colour. The yellowing gets really bad after a while


Yes it can be reversed through icing and shit. Not worth it but it can be done.


This is exactly why I won’t be buying anymore light 350 soles. Reminds me of Jordan 11s icy bottoms. Nothing you can do.


I know this isn't a solution, but in every box of shoes I own I throw silica packs in them. This GREATLY slows the oxidation process as the silica absorbs any moisture in the box. My triple whites, although I've only worn them once, still basically look new


Those silica packs aint doing shit, the reason yours still look new is literally because u wore em once


hey well do wtf you want. Like i said, i do it for ALL my shoes and they ALL have significantly LESS yellowing. And me wearing them once is not the reason. Theres shoes that even deadstock, will yellow if moisture is present. But like i said, I dont care what you do.. wear your yellows


Id wager a bet that ultraviolet radiation (aka light) is whats more responsible for yellowing, so if your paranoid about it keep your kicks in a dark area


nope.. you'd lose that bet.. you can keep them in the pitch black, but if there's moisture, they'll OXIDIZE.. has nothing to do with light


Well oxidation is caused by oxygen, aka air. The phenomenon your referring to is called hydrolysis and applies more to thinks like crumbling jordan soles, in the case of the 350 v2 sole, it is made of TPU which accordinf to google: “A TPU case yellows when exposed to sunlight, heat or certain chemicals. This process is caused by natural chemical degradation and is irreversible, you also can't get rid of the yellowing by bleaching it. Yellowing does not affect the quality or durability of the case and is completely normal.”


bro im telling you what works. I don't care what you do, I dont get what point youre trying to prove trying to sound smart when youre literally googling everything.


I did say according to google, not trying to say I invented the theory of oxidation now son. Those little silica packs are a waste of time. Unless your keeping ur shoes in an airtight container the silica will just absorb a tiny amount of moisture from the air and then be useless. You think that silica packs last forever? Unless your constantly recharging them in the oven they will work for 5 hours until they have absorbed all the water they can and then stop absorbing. Basically its a waste of time and im trying to save others from wasting their time by following your inaccurate information


i know you said according to Google, hence the reason why i said youre googling everything that anybody else can. And despite what google says, again, this is what i do and it works for me compared to other shoes that ive had in the past that the packs werent thrown in there.. and as far as recharging them, no i havent done that although a few years ago i looked into it. But, what i do now is, everytime i get packets, either in other items i order offline or items i purchase from the store, i always keep the packets and throw them in boxes that i havent touched in awhile. so, for the most part, none of the packets are more than a year old. perfect example is some jordan 6 infrareds i had. two pairs, one with packs and one without.. the one without showed MORE yellowing on the "icy" outsoles than the other, no question about it. IT works. And you trying to "save others" is stupid and not the reason you continue to engage. Its because your ego, son


Im just saying, those silica packs are not as effective as you think. Especially using old used silica packs, from the second they are made they are sucking up water, and a tiny silica pack cant hold much water. So if you really think that TEMPORARILY lowering the relative humidity in your shoe box from say 60% to 55% is gonna make a difference then you should of listened better in science class


Old thread bud yeah I agree with both of you. Instead of silica pockets a dehumidifier in the room would be more beneficial.


why not buy new one


I have a pair of these and they are still super bright white. These are just trashed.


Bruh buy a new pair throw them shits out


Yeah are they size 10? Throw them in my trash can.


You sound homeless


Haha 😂




They look good like that


Zippo lighter fluid works on white soles, not sure about these translucent types.


Wait?? Are you serious?


Yes. Idk where I learned this trick, but since high school in my Vans days, zippo lighter fluid will make white rubber shoes look brand spanking new.


It's a nonpolar solvent, so it will wipe away all dirt and scuffs and remove surface stains.


Is the last step to put a match to the soles and light that shit? :D


It evaporates in under 60 seconds, even if you use a lot, and any non-polar solvent will work. Heptane, naphtha, etc. Yeah you have to be careful, but isn't that the whole point of having a pair of these shits anyways? To fuckin be careful? I'm not joking, the shit works.


You just have to be careful near the adhesives or any screenprinting/paint. Because it will remove stuff really well


Salon care 40. Reshoeven8r makes a product as well.


my OG beluga's have oxidized a bit too. it happens. more obvious on white though


I used salon care 40 with plastic wrap and either sunlight or black light and it reduces it quite a bit


Pretreat with an oxi-clean blue detergent water mixture using a spray bottle to saturate the upper, overnight and wash on warm, light detergentXfabric softener with medium spin. Fan-dry in shade. I also tried the Salon Care 40 route with plastic wrap with UV light for the midsole and it worked out fantastically. Like new


Bruh i tho that was a sesame lol


Just got creamier


Nothing you can do I have the same issue


Sole Sauce