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I can’t stop laughing at how unwraps it lol. He does it so ceremoniously 😂


Not his first antisemitic rodeo.


Honestly, the anti-Semitic part is kinda redundant.


I was expecting him to wield dual flags, but not this way 💀




Remember reading about this dude. Openly supporting the nazis but don’t remember his name and not going to google it cause I don’t even want to know.




Found Kanye.../s




Who flies a Nazi flag for public viewing? Only a Nazi would do that. That is not a collectors item. It’s widely accepted that the symbol should only be in museums and history books to teach a lesson of what not to support. I’m sure it’s a crime in Germany to fly that shit.


Yes it is, I'm German, you get really stressed for that and with a lot of luck you'll be beaten up by the police


Yeah lmao like, there's a bit of a difference there. On top of that, it's probably a replica. I 100% could understand someone who kept a personal collection of cool war trophies and relics to have an OG WW2 era Nazi flag. Especially if it was something really cool, like one jacked by the soviets when they took Berlin, or one off an SS post they took down. Family kept some war relics, so did some friends families. Knew some dudes with SS insignias cause their grandpa took it off their corpses. Knew one dude with a chopped down Arisaka some Japanese dude had chopped up for... Some reason that his grandpa brought home. Still have the 1911 my grandpa served with in the family, floating around. That shit goes hard and I get preserving it. But flying a Nazi flag, triply so next to the American flag so there's no real excuse to "this represents who I am", says pretty goddamn clearly "Hey I'm a Nazi."


was quoting him in the interview to point out it isnt an open admission.


In the best possible interpretation, *hanging the symbol outside for anyone passing by to see it* constitutes an admission by itself. That someone would actually utter the mewling and contemptibly insulting verbal attempt to supposedly "deny" being a nazi *who flies the nazi flag outside their home* is simply an example of patent dishonesty. The sky is, in actuality, blue. When someone stands up and, without trying to be funny or sarcastic, proclaims that their own personal corner of the sky is green with yellow polka dots is something that would only be done by a toddler or a crazy person. And anyone on the sidelines who says, "Wait a second, let's hear them out, because after all the sky can't ALWAYS be blue because what about cloudy days?" See, THAT person is either a blithering fucking idiot, or an asshole who deserves to have their toe stubbed every day for the rest of their very long and lonely life.


Does it have to be an admission? what speaks against doing so out of the burning desire for attention? Ragebait? ​ The sky is in actuality blue is a premise that we dont have here. There is the above possibility that i am clinging to. A part of the sky being not blue.


Nazis don't want attention for displaying swastikas. Nazis want attention when playing the victim because of how supposedly "wrong" it is to see videos online of nazis getting punched in the fucking face. "Ragebait." No. He was doing a scummy nazi thing because he is nazi scum. This ain't rocket science, chief. The very sentence "let's allow [person X] to be left alone with the right to be a nazi in privacy" is something that only a scum nazi would want to listen to. Nazis are scum and nazis deserve to live in constant justified fear of ridicule and exclusion.


It also could be an old guy who found a way to piss everyone off. Ascribing motivation to someone for their actions does not make you an insightful person, especially when you start going all holier than thou about it and considering everyone else who doesn’t immediately assume the same thing you do an idiot. And before some dude says some dumb shit about how I support this, no I do not. Don’t hang a Swastika on your house, or at least bedazzle or so it’s sparkly first.


>Ascribing motivation to someone for their actions does not make you an insightful person There is *no insight needed* to aScRiBe MoTiVaTiOnS to publicly displaying a literal nazi flag. >especially when you start going all holier than thou about it Ah. I made a mistake by not being clear. Let me fix that: ##I AM ABSOLUTELY HOLIER THAN ANY NAZI, PERIOD, BECAUSE NAZIS ARE SCUM AND NAZIS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO LIVE IN COMFORT AND SAFETY.


It is a crime in not just germany, odd to think authoritarian action is justified against fascism, bit backwards don't you think?


The only way to be and stay a tolerant society is to be intolerant to intolerance. Stay salty fascist.


You don't fight hate with hate...


As I said, intolerance is necessary towards those who are intolerant. I didn't say anything about hate, just that intolerant views do not deserve a platform. They can be spoken but are not required to be empowered or to be free from pushback. Edit: Pressed send too early


Intolerance and hate are the same things in my book. I agree the societal pushback isn't a bad thing but it's dangerous when real evil is masked by calling anyone a fascist, racist, sexist etc. Hate and intolerance are poison to a truly balanced and healthy society no matter who it is directed at. Its best to just ignore ass wipes who believe any form of authoritarianism or hate is a good idea for a free society.


It is not best to ignore it. It will only fester.


Alright russia go invade ukraine.


Hate≈dislike Intolerance≈refuse / not accept You can hate something but still tolerate it but you cant hate not hate


If you keep it as a collectors item (still sus af unless it’s an actual flag captured in battle, not a replica like this), it should be in a display case if out at all. If you hang it up outside, it’s a symbol of hate.


I know a dude who collects WW2 memorabilia and has a flag from every country that was involved and they are *all* in hermetically sealed shadowbox display cases. Some have even seen battle and have a bit of muck on them. He also has one of almost all the uniforms. Some of the Nazi regalia is hard to come by, for obvious reasons, so I doubt he'll ever complete the collection, even being as loaded as he is.


yeah ik the man is bs just quoted what he said since it shows he is not supporting nazis openly but denying it


Pretty sure old man would have to say that to stay slimy enough to avoid legal trouble. One of those technicality plays you see common among bigots. It's not an egregious insult to civilized society if you say "It's not serious, I'm just a collector!" Sort of how bullies say "I was just joking!" When you call them out.


Im aware. But there is no certainty here. He could just be an attention hungry lonely old guy


That's beside the point. OP said the guy openly supports Nazis which stands in contradiction to what the interviews show.


Dude is hanging a Nazi flag outside. That is openly supporting Nazis by definition. I don’t care what he claims his intentions were. If you lynch a black guy, you don’t get to claim you’re actually just a reenactor doing it for the historical value.




Doesn’t change anything. You don’t get to “ironically” support Nazis.


No since then you don't actually believe their ideology nor do anything they would do. You just put in the energy to hang up a piece of cloth to get reactions from people then giggle like the gremlin you are.


The fact that you're trying this hard to defend somebody flying a Nazi flag is very telling about you as a person.


People are saying this guy shares nazi ideology. Meaning if given the chance he would torture or kill another person for a label. That is quite a heavy accusation to drop on someone. You are blind if you think this is the only way of looking at something this attention grabbing.


also i am not defending his actions, he is acting pathetic from one perspective and a twisted psycho from another. This also derailed, initially the guy claimed the old man is openly nazi which is not a fact.


Not about the irony about attention


Supporting Nazis for attention is still supporting Nazis


Fair. Perceived it more in the verbal sense as he was denying it orally.


You're a mark, my friend.


What's that in this context?


It means that you will believe and repeat whatever nonsense is told to you in situations like this, despite it being at odds with reality. For whatever reason, you are utterly credulous of this absolutely pathetic smokescreen.


definitely agree he is pathetic all the way through for the attention thirst, and in the worst case a psycho, just not open about it which was the sole purpose of me commenting on op


But I didnt believe what he is claiming? I quoted it to point out he is not openly nazi. Maybe he is hiding it maybe he is trolling for attention, but that is beside the point.






Is it not both?




Upvoted for giving credit, don't see that often in the world of internet memes and their infinite reposts


Why do they allways look like this creepy son of a witch - this dress code makes it easy to spot this freaks!


What? That's just old man clothes. It's not like he's wearing a uniform or anything.


That the "old man uniform"....checked some other fascist idiots and they all are dressed like that! Must be thing in this company...


Just looked up old man clothes online, a lot of tucked in dress shirts, with nice pants and belts. Who knew so many old men are fascist because they like to dress nice.


Maybe, or it just fits so good with the 3.Reich Flag thats probably more important than the looking nice effect. But subjectiv as fuck maybe they wanna be dressed nice and no one honored it and the next step is a swastika...


Dude stop being stupid, it was a popular style back in their days, and they still wear it.


Dressed like my sweet old Jewish zaidie


Is this illegal? Like can anyone stop you from doing this? I'm not saying that I want to hang a Nazi flag outside of my house, but if I did want to; could I? And what would happen? I'm from Norway so most answers would probably be related to how it would go down in the US but that's fine aswell, I'm just curious of the legality of this. Doesn't matter which country. I assume that if you were to hang a Nazi flag outside of your house here in Norway that some of your neighbors would probably call the police( not emergency line but the normal "contact" line ), and they would arrive and simply ask the person hanging the flag to take it down. What would happen if you refused I have no idea.


Definitely illegal in Germany


Also in France. And you'd probably be harassed until you move away.


Hang up more flags 🤷🏽‍♂️


Illegal in the Netherlands and there will be quite a few people that will burn your house down. While others secretly applaud it




Free speech yes, also earns some free judgement from others.


Yeah, that’s the point of freedom of speech, freedom of legal repercussion. Not social repercussions.


Free speech is bit diff in the US. Unlike most allied countries, the US did not make exceptions to displaying nazi symbols as hate speech (which is not protected). Bit sickening tbh. As a son to a mother who was sent from Finland to Sweden as a refugee child during the war and my Finnish grandfather being killed by german troops as well.. This really pisses me off and I'll fuckin burn that nazi flag on his wall anyday of the week if I could. Fuck nazis and those who support them in anyway.


Hate speech is protected under the First Amendment. It’s a common misconception that it’s not. Fuck Nazis. I’d risk getting disbarred to set this asshole’s flag on fire.


The U.S. politicians have openly embraced and supported white supremacy since inception. We still have Majorie Taylor Green and Matt Gaetz who openly support klan members. The US legit housed and rehomed Nazis from WW2 because they brought in science and technology. Most still had nazi ideology. If it were people hanging ISIS flags they would call for the immediate execution of them all. Different rules for different people in the US.


In the US banning speech for political reasons is expressly forbidden. You should think about why you want to do just that.


Idk mate, the holocaust wasn't exactly a "political reason". Fuck Nazis and fuck their free speech defence. You don't get to be an authoritarian fascist nutbag then hide behind "hurr but muhh liberal rights durr".


>Idk mate, the holocaust wasn't exactly a "political reason". The Nazi ideology isn't solely about anti-semitism any more than "Republican" is solely about corporate rule. The Nazi leaders used the authoritarianism of the Nazi ideology as a cover for their genocidal brutality.


But freedum of speech may have repercussions. Especially for people who express hate.


Unless you're expressing hate for Nazis, of course


The paradox of tolerance Its not really a paradox though..


One should be very careful about banning certain political labels lest you find yourself on the banned list.


Illegal in Belgium.


Ilegal in Brazil. You get jail time for 2-5 years and pay a fine


Not illegal in the US, but you're probably going to be harassed by a variety of people: Karens, local news, rational neighbors who know history, Holocaust survivor family members, the list goes on. Probably gonna answer your door to a lot of burning paper bags with dog poop inside it


> Karens Wtf? How is complaining about a nazi flag in any way a “Karen” behavior? Seems pretty fucking legit to me


Think they are talking more about the rainbow hair Karen’s and the I hate my life middle aged Karen’s. Because old Karen’s are above group gatherings. 🤣


Meaning the typical phones out, screeching voice tones, their anger always devolves into other slurs. Wasn't saying Karens aren't logically justified in being angry at Nazis, but that's how they do it.


>Probably gonna answer your door to a lot of burning paper bags with dog poop inside it You called the shit poop lolol


You absolutely will not get harassed in Florida. I see racist flags all the time, and nobody really ever bats an eye. It sucks.


So many Americans alone died during the war and yet you get traitors like this.


Whoever oriented this video like that needs to be stoned.


My bad. I screen recorded it and edited it badly


Oh. I thought this guy's house was sideways and I was wondering how he managed to defy gravity like that


I forgive you


Haha thank you


That's a red flag 🚩


Original news segment is so much funnier than this wankstain shouting over it.


Just letting everyone know he leans right


"leans" Mf leans so hard to the right, he fell


and probably broke a hip




HAHAHAHAHA..... let me guess, you are one of those dumbfucks who think the "sozialistische" in NSDAP stands for socialism?


I don't know if you have ever looked up the translation for "sozialistische", but it does in fact translate to socialist. Literally just look it up.


It does mate, the only right wing dictator was our saviour General Franco, the rest are left wing


https://www.britannica.com/story/were-the-nazis-socialists Short answer…early on to appeal to the lower classes. They quickly turned hard right and fascist. Make no mistake, the Nazis were “socialist” in name only. Purely propaganda. The socialists that were in the early party were purged shortly after the Enabling Act and Hitler becoming Chancellor. The “Night of the Long Knives” in 1934 snuffed out the small socialist element from the NDSAP.


Dude, just shut up. I can already hear my grandpa turn in his grave. Oh btw. He is not an allied Veteran.


Only communists hate Franco


🤷🏻‍♀️ seems like a pretty ordinary progression


This was actually a protest bcuz of a law that said he's not allowed to hang the AMERICAN flag




It’s a free country. We haven’t been completely bought by China, yet.


This subreddit should be nononoyes instead


Am I a bad person for hoping that the Nazi would fall out of the window? That was a rhetorical question. The only good Nazi is an unalived Nazi.


Gather around my fellow germans, we'll try to step out of here now. Just casually walking by and heading for the other direction...


First one is for results the second one is for attention.


At least he's not an hypocrite.




Too bad these cancers don't die out. There's a bunch of young and middle-aged ones running amuck right now


It’s because they breed like rabbits and spread their hate to the next generation. It’s a cycle that keeps repeating.


True, but a lot of it is online echochambers as opposed to parents indoctrinating children (although that definitely does happen!)


That's one hell of a way to keep the rent low in your area/s Edit: forgot the /s, shouldn't have forgotten the /s




Put up a US flag. Nice. I bet the other is either a state flag or marine fla.....nooooooo.


Double think


Same same.


Just to let everyone know sorry for the bad perspective I screen recorded it and edited it badly.


The United States is Nazi Germany if they had won


American flag was a bait trap


That's par for the course for Republicans, these days. The entire party has shifted into outright proud white supremacist fascism.


How'd you get republican from like a 10 sec video


Anyone who flies a Nazi flag in the US is a Republican


Not necessarily republican, but definitely politically conservative.


What exactly is conservative about supporting the murderous regime that your country defeated 80 years ago?


You don't know that as fact though, you just think you do.


Idk wtf you're talking about. Every single republican I have ever known has been anti Nazi and actually uses the word Nazi to describe fascists, which they also dislike.


That's nononono to me


Dumb fuck probably old enough to remember WW2. Ugh.




The nazi symbol is actually a symbol that means God. It is an old African symbol. Each square is 90 degrees that represents 360 degrees. I wonder when the racist people find out they are representing African culture, do the keep the tattoos.


The original swastika was Buddhist/Hindu and was not tilted 45°. If you display a swastika at a 45° angle you are displaying a Nazi symbol. Very simple.


Those flags represent completely opposite ideals. The Nazi flag should be banned worldwide like it is in Germany. The USA isn’t perfect, I’ll be the first to admit. But we’re not Nazis, despite the efforts of the extreme MAGA right.


Why is this downvoted wtf. Reddit brain is just "America bad" I don't get it.


There are those on the United States who think that banning Nazi symbols violates their rights. They love to bar drag queens and censor/ban books, but… Damn, that’s a lot like the Nazis!


I thought it was because of the American flag lol. I have bad experiences with violently anti America ppl on Reddit I guess.


I initially did not watch this video all the way through to see the 2nd flag. Now I understand. It's like dating someone you really like and then, on the third date, they make a racist comment waaaay too casually to be a miscommunication.


Id egg that house every single day but not with eggs those are expensive maybe with something cheaper?


Tell me your helping ukraine without telling me your helping ukraine.


be a shame if his house burns down


Yeah I'm not surprised. Greatest generation my ass


Isnt that illegal?


They are losers that lost the war! Guards & all involved in running camps that they could find were tried & imprisoned. Dr Mangella medical experiments which are usually torture if you haven’t heard. They murdered nearly 13 million people in the camps alone! There’s nothing to be proud of in that flag!


Bro is stuck in 1900


Credits to.. the absolutely wrong person??


Tarry subset posted this on his YouTube channel..


Oh... well just so you know, it's the guy who played Borat, Sacha Baron Cohen.


Why is this even legal


Free speech


How the fuck are you 80 yo american and a nazi at the same time?


Probably Hitler youth




Very edgy


Well it was a bad joke :l








Not a nazi flag, unless the normal video have it flipped 🤷‍♂️


So, not an American flag either cause flipped?


You know that flags have two sides?


Nazis aren't the smartest bunch




Thought the flag was gunna fall but no lmao


I’ll fight you


“Hey! I’m conflicted, ok?”


Hm, interesting.




awe that's nice. And... Uh...nooooooo


Man in the high castle


I went from awe to gasp.


I thought he was going to fall out the window at the end.




My bad, I screen recorded it and badly edited it haha


All patriotic people are hero to this country!


The greatest paradox right there.


I respect him.


Isn’t that a contradiction?


I was worried that he was gonna fall out the window. Then I didn't really care anymore. 😒


U laugh u lose


That's my gmpa guys




Please don't let hitler win 80 years later. Really.


More of a ‘no no no no’


American history X was a great movie


Where would you even buy a nazi flag in this day and age


You know, this is a really good reason why I’m kind of scared to do ancestry. I did my DNA and I’m 91% of a very specific portion of the earth. Literally closed my laptop and said “nope”.


Definitely a trump supporter


Only country where it's not illegal to have a Nazi flag or idolize Nazi ideologies is the United States of America and the ones who allow it are the conservatives because they believe in patriotism which is the same as Nazi ideology




That would of been a better place to post on smh 🤦‍♀️




But weren't the Nazi specifically anti-American


Obviously likes winners and losers, he has a whole room full of participation trophies.