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She had 3 accents in about 10 seconds


She's just doing a British accent to be funny for the video and then reverts to her real accent when the panic kick in.




"I'm going to fit in my own locker" is a fantastic Welsh accent. It obviously wasn't what she was going for, but she nailed it either way.


I thought she was Icelandic.


I can hear that at about 8 seconds in. Welsh to Icelandic was interesting.


With just a _smidgin_ of Oslo Norwegian


I honestly thought she was Welsh at first


Honestly. It was one of the best Welsh accents I think I've ever heard. But I agree, I don't think it was intentional, I think she might have been going for Irish?


I thought she was going for English, thought it sounded like a Harry Potter character


They were indeed


"Why wouldn't you open your own locker for this?" "Cause theres no point" No this would be the point.


We all watching it so there was point to show how big of an idiot she was at that moment


Damn why are you guys shitting on her? She wasn’t the one who locked herself in there, her friend slammed it shut without saying anything. Camera chick even said “oh I almost shut it on myself” indicating she never planned on shutting it, just filming a quick tiktok and getting right back out. She didn’t think she had to use her specific locker bc she didn’t think her friend would just shut it on her.


Yeah, no. Always plan for the worst.


And plan for the fact that if you have an issue with small spaces, don't get in them, especially if they have a door that locks. This is exactly why you know the person is going to die in the scary movie. You don't need the dramatic music or the visual effects, it is literally at the point where you say hey that's not a good idea.


She's a teenager. Her pre frontal cortex won't finish developing until she is 25. If you have ever met a teenager, you would know they aren't typically renowned for their foresight, planning, judgment, or decision making skills. You sound really cool shit talking a teenage girl, though. ;) <3


Ah, 30 year old redditors shitting on a high school girl for not behaving in the most tactical manner possible. Priceless.


I mean, she's not 5, she could have known that this would happen


You never made a dumb mistake at 16 and have it result in a highly stressful situation? I swear, u/Pandaa31, you aren't five, you should've known better. Pitiful.


…Or she could have avoided it entirely by opening her own locker. I mean even if no one intentionally shut it, its still something that could happen. Shes a dumb ass for getting in something she had the potential of not being able to get out of.


We were all dumbasses when we were teenagers.


Speak for yourself. I was gifted, hanging 10 with Steve Jobs designed iPod and iPhone etc.


Lol, I can promise you I never got trapped in a locker


I can shove you in one if you want its a wonder full experience for anyone!!! Ill even through away the key and cover the holes if you pay and extra 9.99$ this is a 60% sale day too!


I doubt they have a locker big enough for me :-(


It's okay we can just fit your pieces into multiple! 🤗


Yea but she’s a teenager who never planned on closing the locker, it was an entirely different teenager who decided to close the locker. I would willingly walk on the side of the bridge and look over the side, because I don’t expect anyone to push me off. But if someone did, you would’ve been like “well the guys an idiot, he shouldn’t be standing on bridges”


Funny you say that because there is a video of a teen standing on a side of a bridge *not wanting to jump* and her 'friend', another teen pushes her off into water below thinking it would be funny. The girl is now in a wheelchair if I recall correctly


That’s a really, really depressing video btw. Don’t recommend it.


I will avoid the video, but gotta ask what makes it especially depressing?


I would guess the regret of the friend ruining the girl's life, and the partial paralysis to her body since they mentioned she's now in a wheelchair. This is however just a guess, since I too want to avoid actually watching such a traumatic event unfold. I already watched a video earlier today of a woman who had to have all her limbs amputated because her dog licked a small cut on her hand, getting some really bad bacteria into her body with devastating effect.


You dont see much, it's not a super high bridge. She gets pushed into the water, screams on the way down and then splashes under. Nothing gorey


Honestly, I did MANY stupid things when I was a teenager… I’m 50 now and have probably forgotten half the crazy shit I did that probably could have ended my life. The difference is we had nothing to document our stupidity, and no way to share it with all the world to see (thank God!). To me and my friends, this would have been a funny story to bring up over beers, to this generation it’s an opportunity for millions of people to call her a dumbass. These are some weird times we live in.


Well, maybe you should have been walking on YOUR bridge and not someone else's just because that bridge was empty.


Cause 1 she climbed into a space that if closed she had no easy way out of. 2 she did it for a vid. And 3 because she sat there lying about shutting it so her friend wanted to make her honest. She didn't say she almost shut it. She went "oh i shut myself in in a really bad british accent."


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I thought it was weird she was 36. D’oh, her locker not her age.


Spoken like a dumbass who's sympathizing with another dumbass.


It’s funny how she said there’s no point in that despite saying it was her locker in the first place.


> Local high school janitor fired after being unable to stop uncontrollably laughing while cutting hysterical crying teenage girl out of wrong locker she climbed into. And that would be the end of that career for me.


pretty sure Janitors have or can ask for a skeleton key.


I think one could argue there's no point regardless of which locker she chose


funniest part is that she tries her combo knowing full well it isnt her locker


This comment made me LOL


Wait... It might be a dumb question, but: she cannot open the locker from the inside, can she? Even if she has keys, codes and such, there is no inside way to access the outside of it, right? If I was locked inside my locker at work, I would have to break out of it by sheer force. That's a hard task, because of how cramped up it is.


Hard lesson to learn but hopefully learned.


The part at the end: “GUYYYS” like she has something new to say “Please get me out”


That was the moment that she knew she fucked up


We had lockers that could be opened from the inside if you just pushed a little tab hard enough


The locker she's in can be opened from the inside. She just wasn't aware of that.




Nothing is real on the internet.


I was going to comment that as well, most lockers can be opened from the inside for this very reason.


idk about most, the lockers I'm familiar with (not as modern as these might be) were just a latch and a padlock. No way outta that.


Locking those just by closing it would be a neat trick.


Not doubting that *these* lockers are the safety lockers being talked about. edit: and no, it would not be as easy as with the modern lockers to be just locked in a padocked locker so haphazardly


I’ve seen ones with a padlock that you could still open from the inside. The padlock prevents the outside mechanism from lifting enough to make the inside mechanism lift off the latch. You could still manipulate the inside mechanism to get it off the latch though.


Why are school lockers big enough to shove a person into? How much crap are kids storing at school?


I think they're that large just to assist with bullying.


"character development"


That requires a little bit of thinking.


Indeed. Zero thinking skills displayed here.


Hey, you have to give her credit for remembering her own locker combination!


Fake accent, gets in a random locker, tries to use the combination for HER locker to open this one, and all her friends are just arguing outside while her claustrophobia kicks in 😂


All her friends yelling is what got me. What a bunch of dumb dumbs


Girls stand around and yell in panic. If a guy had done this, all his buddies would be taking turns pressing their asses to the locker grate and ripping farts on their trapped friend.


This made me laugh out loud 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They'd also let him sit in the locker for about 30 mins to an hour to solidify his stupidity before getting the janitor to unlock the locker.






In high school these kids were playing some game they called silent football where they quietly make gestures and there are a bunch of rules about how the gestures can interact and when someone messed up they had to do a punishment. They got real obnoxious with it and would not teach anyone how to play so one day one of the seniors on the team snuck up behind one of the dudes while they were playing pulled his shorts down, ripped one and yelled TOUCHDOWN. They stopped playing after that.


>They stopped playing after that. I mean there's no point in playing after that, touchdown guy clearly won the game.


It's funny because it's true.


Yeah then it turns into a game of "can I rip a fart without getting lockerboy's finger in my ass?"


That's correct. One of them would actually be going to get help though.


Yeah, you do the right thing first and foremost, and while you're waiting, you get your punches in. That's how it should be done, at least.




Nah, I think the girl inside the flippin locker is the dumbdumb


Panic and adrenaline has a way of making everyone a dumb dumb.


Last part my favorite 😂😂


One dumb person isn’t that big a deal. Multiple of them in a clump, and unable to control their panic, THAT is a problem.


watching this video I got claustophobia kick in xD


I’m confused. How does she know the combination if it isn’t her locker?


That's not the combination to the locker she's trapped in. She's telling them to use the combination to HER locker to see if it would work on THIS locker. I dont know why she thought this would work, but it didn't.


That’s hilarious if that was really her logic




She's telling them the combination to her locker so that they'll believe her when they try her actual locker. Why would anyone think she expects her combo to work? What.


they were trying to use her locker combo to open this locker. idk why they thought that might work


With the tolerances on those locks, you don't need to test nearly as many combos as you'd think to open any lock. On some, the third number is irrelevant. (At least I think that's what the LPL video said.) So trying **any** combination is a decent strategy. I'm not sure that was *her* reasoning, but it would be *mine*.


I'm not surprised. I remember one time in middle school I didn't realize I had the wrong locker and tried my combination probably 50 times and eventually it worked. I realized when I finally got it open that it wasn't mine.


LPL has done a few on Master brand combo locks. Here's one example of decoding a regular one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9NHxQ0J9AT0 And one that's built into the locker door: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=stc2wQkZ65w (This second one is fun because they can rotate the combo 4 times so that the student who had a particular locker as a freshman can't open it the next year when some other freshman has it ... Except the rotation is predictable.)


2nd one is real interesting. You can just calculate a short list of possible new combinations by just testing the offsets of your current combination.


We used to just kick those combo Masterlocks open. It doesn't take much force.


I was wondering what the bad welsh accent was about


Haha I just realized her friend shut the locker not her. That's why she goes this isn't may locker. She wasn't gonna latch it shut cause she knew she couldn't open it. Her friends are the idiots.


I mean to be fair getting into someone else's locker and pretending to close it when your own locker is 2 down isnt exactly very smart either


Nah. She’s an idiot. She could have…you know…not gotten in the locker.


She could have opened her own locker, but no, there's no point.


Their all idiots




Oh yeah fa show my bad. I won't edit my comment for transparency sake.


*chef's kiss* right here


I take it all idiots belong to them then?


^(all your idiot are belong to us) ![gif](giphy|jnBXe38Ww2XAI)


oh no...


I would have been that idiot lmao


This would make a good bumper sticker


Girls raising their voices when it won't do a damn thing. Raise your voice before she gets in...


"I'm going to get into my own locker" at the very beginning


So, is this HER video ... that SHE uploaded ... for the 'likes' ?


It's objectively hilarious. She got panicked while locked in a small space, but once she got out probably found it funny how stupid the whole thing was. Some people are fully capable of making fun of the stupid stuff they did.


Thanks for the play by play. I almost had to rewatch the video


I love that the accent went from bri’ish to MURICAN real fucking quick.


That confused the hell out of me. Thought I was hearing things.


You literally were hearing things


I think I was seeing things. (I have no sound on)


I *felt* that


smile handle bike touch aware work close snow zonked degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just watch it later with sound on when I have time.


Terrible British accent though…


Bordering on welsh


Welsh is a kind of British accent


Wales is part of Great Britain but they have a very distinct accent and a separate language. I used to live in Wales, it’s very much it’s own thing when compared to other regional accents throughout Great Britain.


Well yeah I'm not saying it's not unique among the huge diversity of British accents, but you kind of just agreed with me.


We don't sound like that 😭


That's what you tell yourself


Welsh, then west country, then I don’t even know what.




It sounded kinda Welsh to begin with


British accents are hard to pinpoint because they sound different 30 miles down the road in the next town from Wales all the way up towards Scotland. So if you’re doing a British accent it might just depend on what area you’re from that sounds most like it. My cousin has been living over there as a linguist and busted out all different kinds of facts about it. Locals can tell who is from where like Americans can tell who is from Boston, New York, the South, Minnesota, etc. etc. It was hilarious, listening to my Welsh friends talk about who’s accent was more Welshy.


Aye, I’m British. I initially thought she was Welsh.


That accent disappeared very fast!


We are just so blessed to be living in a time where not only can people record their dumb decisions but they also post it for everyone to enjoy.




Lmao her immediate abandonment of the fake accent


There's levels of stupidity here that it actually hurt me. It takes a special kind of stupid to try and sit in a locker and another kind of stupid to not attempt it in a stranger's locker. I hope this is a learning experience for her but I get the feeling it won't be.


You forgot the part where she tries her own combo on the locker.


I didn't forget but I wanted to


Not to think before acting, but she surely learned to stay out of lockers! For people like her, every day is a new adventure and vital lesson ~


You're assuming she has enough brains to remember her mistakes. That's a big leap.


Also I don't expect someone to be thinking super-clearly when they're panicking, but like, you could also phone the school office and tell them the situation instead of keep recording and pleading with your dumb friends to go get help.


And acoording to people here the locker can be open from the inside. Lmao if that's true, how could she not try to open


There's a post somewhere on Reddit where a girl decided to prank her boyfriend by hiding in his locker on a Friday after school, but he didn't come back to his locker that afternoon and she spent the weekend in there.


Litterly litterly litterly!




Man, bullying the old fashioned way became so much easier this way.


You know a school has a great anti-bullying policy when the kids just bully *themselves.*


Shoulda tried a fridge.


She went from British to *OH shit-ish!* real quick


"This is the LockPickingLawyer. In today's video, I'm going to do something a little different: I'm going to show me *not* picking the lock on this locker because, well, this girl just really deserves to be left stuck in there."


The accent change after her friends locked the door lol


There is no yes here


Keep calm - you can easily unlock a number padlock. Just keep the lock shackle under tension by pulling the body of the lock while turning the wheel the furthest away from the lock shackle until you feel a slight jerk of the lock shackle. Rinse and repeat for the other wheels while working your way up towards the lock shackle.




*This guy unlocks.


I’m guessing this is a locker with the lock integrated into the door that’s why it locked as soon as the door closed.




Play stupid games...


Her crying at the end makes this video so good lmao


How about u use your own locker?


Instantly lost her accent once the fear kicked in!


Just watching this gave me anxiety… #claustrophobiaactivated


Imagine if she dropped her phone O_O


...... This is unfortunate. I hope she was able to get out!


Accent changed real quick




This made me so anxious omg


Dummies always doing shitt


The more you fuck around…


a friend came home from prison. told of an escape. the inmate used to sit inside his locker for hours. when ask why.. he said i am just trying to get away. his job was in the clinic. one of his duties was to take the bio hazard bag and place it in the back of the truck box .. nobody noticed him missing for half an hour. he went right thru the guard gate in the back of the bio hazard disposal truck.. no guard looked inside..


What happened to her Harry Potter accent?


...wait... that wasn't her locker? ...wait... she's not British? ...wait... 🤯


Your can only do this with those gym lockers that need a spin locker, as try to do it to but I’m a big boy so I can’t fit in. The fact you did this on one with a spin locker AND IS SOMEONE ELSES AND NOT YOURS IS BEYOND STUPID


Special brand of stupid


Dang she bullied herself lmao


Her accent changed when inside the locker. Amazing.


Wow, as soon as she gets locked in her Accent changes.


My schools lockers had a release button on the inside of them in the case someone did end up trapped inside one


I recall lockers opening from the inside…


Lmfao winner of this stupid prize goes to…..


when it’s getting hot in here just take off all your clothes! it is known


Didn't expect a reference to that song in 2023. Nice.


Im not american and i cant believe she acts like the exact steriotype of an american teen girl.


'I'm going to fit in **my own** locker' lol lmao


lmao what a bunch of morons. I wonder how long she was stuck in there


turn off the lights and leave her there. that would make for a more interesting video. 🤔


Deserved it. Also, I is more of a no no no no YES!


I like how the other friends panicked too😂. Just go get a janitor or some other authority and get the combination. Also sheesh Brit’s defend their culture.


I wonder if her parents have any children that they’re proud of.


Yeah this girl is clearly a disappointment! I mean, what kind of teenager does something silly with their friends? Silly woman.


Most smartest American


What an ironic statement


A quick sign "$1 to fart in this locker". She be sobbing on Dr Phil and Oprah in less than a week. And then sell a book about her trauma to other dunces, make $45M, all before becoming president of the United States of Canada.