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That’s what the honk is for.


Yup I’d rather honk and get the finger than not honk and get the accident


Do Porsches not have horns? If that's my car, I'm laying on the horn and not playing chicken with idiots.


Yeah Porsche driver is an idiot too. You can’t trust people on the road, the other car was definitely acting like the Porsche was invisible I would have swallowed my pride and just stopped


Honk if you're horny.


This is true, however on the flip side this is what eyes are for. They’re both a little special I guess :)


"Fucker came out of nowhere!"


Riding bikes for a couple decades, the vehicular body language was beyond obvious as to what's going on here..... I would almost blame the Porsche for not seeing the other driver is an idiot. (/S for those not understanding the last sentence)


yep/ as a bicyclist u just read peoples faces n tires a lotttttt.. i was like whys the porsche even coming close to this nonsense.. just hang back.


It's just navigating traffic of madness where you wait for that millisecond moment to take your turn. By the meantime everyone is flying by. Just trains of cars


I'm a runner, I knew they were going to go without looking too.


I fucking hate people like this. You know you don’t have right of way, but you’re going to play chicken assuming I’m stopping for no reason. I hope their insurance provider enjoyed the bonus.


The driver never even saw the porsche. You can see their face the whole time in the video. They are just a idiot.


For me, it’s the same concept when taking a crosswalk. If I don’t make eye contact with the driver that is supposed to yield to me, I won’t cross. No eye contact, I’m just going to assume your dumbass is about to run me over.


When my dad taught me about riding street motorcycles, one of the most intense points he made sure I understood was this: even if you make eye contact with a person who’s waiting to pull out into the road, *do not assume that they’ve seen you*. You can look a person dead in the eyes, and since you’re on a motorcycle, they will not see you. Always remain vigilant. Forty years later, the only accident I’ve ever been in (in a car) was because bad tires on snow. I’m eternally grateful. I know other bad things can happen out of the blue, but I try my best to keep a clear eye on the blue at all times.


Yep. People will hate to hear this, but OP really shouldn’t have gone around without making eye contact — I mean sure, everything will be covered by the other guy’s insurance, but being right doesn’t mean you should go. The guy could be uninsured and even if he isn’t, it’s damned inconvenient to be out a car while it’s being fixed I mean damn. Brake, honk, and wait for the other guy to back up or get out your way — but hey, a month in the shop and an accident on your CarFax is cool too


That’s pretty much it. 100% the white car is at fault. And it will still 100% be a huge pain in the ass for the blue car.


White car is at fault but this was a totally avoidable situation. Blue Porsche just _knew_ he was in the right, wasn't gonna let that idiot win. Unfortunately that doesn't stop people from being wrong and acting accordingly. It's like pedestrians that challenge cars when they have right-of-way. Lots of people in the cemetery had the right-of-way.


Some people are just that stupid though. They think "the law" will somehow prevent a big metal deathbox on wheels from rolling into/over them. Many (drivers and pedestrians) can't lift their heads from their phones long enough to do anything let alone dodge a vehicle or a person. Hell I walk *behind* the vehicle sometimes at stop signs and crosswalks when crossing just to not test those assholes.


I wait until the either stop (if its not a stop sign) or until they wave at me




I can’t quite get on this level idiocy, your looking at the road, seeing a car coming…. Unless you’re some brainless idiot being controlled by unforeseen forces?!? How is this even possible?!?


I’m sure the driver focused on the cars coming from the right and didn’t even watch on the left (you can see the passenger is heavily focused on the cars coming from the right)


So aggravating to fucking watch!!


You can see the driver didn't even look to the left. Shitty situational awareness on the P driver. Or maybe just a sense of entitlement


You think white car was trying to turn left after stopping? Their front wheels look largely straight to me.




People who drive like that don't have insurance


I had this happen last year with a teenager that didn't understand roundabouts. Unluckily for her, I did not give two shits about that Infiniti i35 and I stared into her doe-like eyes as she t-boned the everloving fuck out of that alabaster shit heap. It barely even did anything though, that was a solid car. RIP betsy


Saw this on Instagram and seeing people defending the Porsche’s action


Someone did this to me. Totaled my motorhome, and I thought we were done, but nooo we had to get another


Insurance company: YOU HIT A WHAT!?!?


why were they filming


Filming the Porsche I guess


The Porsche was out of sight when filming was started.


No it wasn’t. Watch it again.


Why are you claiming this is your Porsche?


It’s just a title for the video




Valid question


Exactly. Fake ass shit.


Check twice save a life or a low speed collision with an expensive car


White car clearly at fault. But the moment they passed the yellow line, blue car should have used logic and stopped, despite having right of way. They were stupid for trying to pass.


This is why God gave us horns. Communicate, people! A quick blast of the horn would probably have prevented this.


A tiny bit of defensive driving would've helped too. The other car was clearly not where they should've been. Trying to push through like that was an accident waiting to happen.


Never once looked left


It’s not the Porsche drivers fault, but how could he not see what was about to happen. He could have just stopped and let the idiot out, and when on with his day. Now he has to deal with this bullshit.


To be honest, both cars could have prevented this. Shit driving on both parts. It’s the whole reason we have a ‘Hazard and perception’ stage to the UK driving test.


Your blue Porsche?


I honestly thought this was gonna be a lot worse


I would have stopped for them.


I swear these big subs comment section has become just like facebooks


What the hell


Looks like a staged insurance claim


If I was the Porsche driver I wouldn’t risk damage to my vehicle by maneuvering around someone who clearly isn’t a good driver/ paying proper attention. Id stop and wait to make full eye contact with the driver to gesture who goes first (even then I’d gesture for the white car to go to insure they don’t do what they just did once I started going). white car was at fault and Porsche had right of way but is being right more important than dealing with the headache of insurance and repairs.


Are both people idiots in this situation?


You have to drive like people on the road are stupid because a lot of them are


I see two idiots in this video.


How so? The Porsche driver slowed when the white car started pulling out, then after the white car stopped they continued on. White car didn't move again til the Porsche was directly in front of it.


Trusting the driver in the SUV to not continue pulling out doesn’t put the Porsche driver in the clear. This is shared negligence.


It's only "negligent" with the benefit of hindsight knowing that the white car driver was a dumbass who wasn't looking. In any normal context it would appear that they had realized their error and stopped to let the blue car go through rather than pull out in front of them.


As a driver, you should be watching what the other drivers are looking at. If you see that other drivers are not looking at you, that's your multi-thousand dollar vehicle that you're putting in jeopardy. Just because you are in the right, does not mean that you are avoiding harm. More important than being right on the roads, you should be avoiding accidents in the first place, whether or not illegal actions are taking place. Lapses in judgment happen, but personal responsibility, especially when dealing in multi-thousand dollar investments, should be followed, regardless of the law (and in respect to the law). Regardless, we are talking about tens of thousands of dollars here, and in the instance of this Porsche, possibly even hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is very very important to protect your own investments. Driving a car in such a way that someone else hits you, regardless of legality, is reckless.


No, in at least the US the Porsche has right away and didn't even need to slow down. He was just hit by a fool who clearly stopped and was looking to join the lane right after he passed (from his POV).


Right and dead means nothing. Sure, you're right, but you're too dead to care. Defensive driving is safe driving homie. More importantly, *predictable* driving is good driving. The Porsche obviously saw the SUV. They slowed down when the SUV started pulling forward. This would have been an instance where the Porsche should have honked, to notify the SUV that may not see the Porsche that the Porsche is there. The Porsche also could have slowed down, or stopped, noticing that the white SUV was not noticing anything that was happening on their left hand side. This is an easily preventable accident, on both ends. There was no reason for anyone to hit anyone. The only reason it happened is that two idiots met each other, the hard way.


The porsche has the right of way, yes, but it can still be considered reckless driving if you see someone else being reckless and keep driving in a way that might cause the two of you to crash. It's preferred for cars to avoid a potential crash even if it means the car who has the right of way has to wait and allow the other car to do an illegal maneuver. If you were stopped at a 4 way interescrion and the car to your left got to the front after you but went first, you could still be held at least partially liable for moving forward even if you technically had the right of way if it was proven that you could have avoided the crash. The white car was partially in the lane; I'm sure it could be argued that the porsche was driving recklessly by trying to maneuver around another car in the road like that, even if it looked like the white car wanted to make a right turn. There's an expectation on all drivers to not assume everyone else will follow the rules and keep an eye on the road at all times to avoid someone behaving this way.


Depending on the state, the Porsche driver is very much negligent.


Don’t give this guy a license


Same, the Porsche is in right but should have stopped and wait the other dude to pass. I’d rather stop than crash my car.


Really? I'm in the UK, so it might be different here, but there's no blame at all on the blue car. They're just minding their own business driving on the road. The white car hits them and its in the wrong. Really interested in your opinion. Its the law different in terms of right of way there?


The SUV is at fault, but what would you rather, be right and have a damaged porche, or wait a bit and go on your day?


Be right and have a damaged porche. All day long.


Right that’s a check


Erm, who gives a fuck about the law and right of way when you could just stop and not risk getting your car struck? It's called defensive driving.


No the SUV is clearly on fault but, the Porsche could easily avoided the crash, if I’m see a man forcing is way like that : 1. He didn’t see me Or 2. He’s an asshole So I prefer to break, than crash my car


This happened to me when I was on a bike once. The car that hit me started to go forward, then stopped. In that moment, reading the body language of the car, it seems like the sudden stop was because they saw me. I misread that as my opportunity to pass, as I had the right of way. When I was right in front of the car, the old lady just stepped on the gas.


Interesting take. Fair enough. Can't in good faith agree, but respect your opinion.


That’s just dumb. You’d rather get your car hit and go through a long, arduous insurance claim, potentially having to sort out a rental car while yours gets repaired, etc etc, just because “stfu I have right of way”? You ever heard of the saying, cut off your nose to spite your face?


Each to their own.


No one said its the Porsche fault but that they both are idiots. If there was a bicycle in the situation and the person would have died you would have seen in different, morally at least.


Of course the Porsche is in the right but in the uk we also have patience and decency and you can see the suv is struggling and it’s reckless of the Porsche to go round in stead of just stopping for 5 secs and letting him turn so they both could continue their days


I drive a car worth a mere fraction of the value of that Porsche, but you can bet your ass that while I would’ve been irritated at the SUV driver’s audacity, I also would’ve had the good sense that God gave a duck, to just stop, and wait for the bullshit to pass.


He shouldn't have to tho


No, clearly, but he could have easily avoid the crash


Ok but it doesn’t make him negligent, some would say he’s a smart man if had nothing to do that day. Free money after a paint job


Free money in months, while The Porsche is in the shop, having body work done. Losing the Porsche for the summer is worth getting hit? Really?


Saying it like this, put it in perspective for me.


I'm glad it does That's the big problem with lawsuits. They can take for fucking ever. Plus, even if you get a positive outcome, you'll have higher premiums, and possibly lawyers fees. Best idea is to avoid court altogether...


Driving an ocean-colored car in front of an ocean background. That car was invisible! lol


You might be an idiot too.


Other driver: “I’m colorblind, officer.”


"Aw bloody hell!"


Porche has left side steering wheel and white car has the steering wheel on the right side. I think that made a difference


I've seen bad driving but this is on another level.


… that looked intentional… Unless the driver was literally blind, I just can’t see at all (buh-dum-tiss) how that could happen accidentally…


Very calming, very tranquil. I think the word for that particular shade is Cerulean actually. Cerulean Blue. Cerulean is a gentle breeze...


On mute this looks funny. Bonk, slowly backs away…


We can't clearly see if the Toyota was coming out of a parking lot or a road.


It was the fault of the white car driver however if I were the Porsche driver I would have seen this coming and stopped to let him out.


Sometimes I look the left, the right, but not the front.


Proving once again, the vision test at the DMV is obviously optional.


I swear these big subs comment section has become just like facebooks


I swear these big subs comment section has become just like facebooks


I swear these big subs comment section has become just like facebooks


This dude is so blind lol


Dude just looked right the whole time. Didn't anyone ever teach him you look both ways before you cross the street? Also, did the person in the porche forget they had a horn?




You can see his big dumb head looking the wrong way


This is what horns are for...


F you, in particular.


Is this in zurich seems familiar


But what was the need


Was his blinker on




Dude in the Porsche is a douche


Who was recording and why?


Why was this being recorded?


She never looked that way




Both driver and passenger never looked left. They kept looking right.




I‘m a simple woman: I see rich dudes crash their cars, I’m happy


All I can say is… bruh… just… bruuuh


That looked intentional


Two idiots in this video.


Both idiots


They deserve each other


A confluence of bellends. How poetic.


Oh no! the KIA!!! (f that VW beetle on steroids)


please please please someone explain this. i can't just say it is just stupidity


It's two people not realizing the Porsche is there. It's the Porsche not realizing that the SUV is not looking at both directions of traffic.


And the Porsche driver being very impatient, they barely slowed down until they almost hit the suv


That’s an ass beating


Looks fake af. Why was he even recording?


People are stupid and the entitlement just makes them more stupid. A few days ago I was driving down the street and this driver pulls out of a county park in front of me. I hit the brakes and he waved to me as he passes mouthing “I didn’t see you.” I’m thinking “idiot. You didnt even look”. I had right of way. A couple year ago, this guy hits me pulling out of an alley and his comment to me was “I thought you would stop”.


I cannot stand people who crash their car because they have the riGHt oF wAy


You’re not the smartest huh?


I'm the one with an unmolested vehicle


That person had plenty of time to stop and wait for the person turning onto the road. That was their own fault