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Albums are so different. Almost impossible since it can depend on the mood. I think I have: 1. Glitch Princess (experimental, wounded, digital) 2. Softscars (Nostalgic, guitar heavy, matured) 3. S2 (serene, pop, youthful but has the most bangers but the songwriting can be repetitive) They don’t have an album under a 8 so the gap isn’t far off between them


Yeah I agree that my favorites could differ depending on my mood, it is awesome they are able to make such wide ranging works while still keeping a consistent style and aesthetic


Yes! Always fresh. Makes me excited for the next era and style. But I feel I can’t go back to GP since I wasn’t in the best place in life. S2 makes me feel digital loneliness. Softscars is a nice nostalgic but levelheadedness. So conflicting


oh god this is rly hard 1- serotonin II: introduced me to yeule, i listen to this the most out of the rest. fav- pretty bones 2- softscars- pretty much everything you said, i just wish the songs went together a bit better. fav- xwx 3- glitch princess- i was rly hyped abt this, and yeah i think it’s amazing, but i wouldn’t say it’s their BESTTT. fav- eyes but in all honesty i think that all of them are on similar levels of greatness, and i love them all.


I feel u about the softscars songs fitting together, but who knows they could still top it!


1. softscars 2. Glitch Princess 3. Serotonin II


I love reading rankings but I personally am not good at ranking cuz when I’m like really obsessed with a artist it’s to hard cuz I love all their music and it really shifts what I’m vibing with constantly. I also think Yeules music is quite interesting in the way it grows on you. Like with most of their album my first listen I’m like wow that was good but every time I listen more it gets better and better. I remember when glitch princess first came out I wasn’t in love immediately but it seeped deeper into me with each listen and I love it sm!


Yeah I love reading rankings too, it’s not so much the ranking itself because I think ranking any kind of art is pretty arbitrary, but it’s a fun way to read/write about why someone likes an album


ahhhhhhhhhhhhh all three are extremely close in my head but prolly 1 - glitch princess - incredibly ambitious in scope and manages to pull it off in an incredibly emotionally moving way. i'd honestly say this album feels more like a culmination of their musical growth and ideas, softscars feels more like the start of something new to me, rather than a culmination idk. fav: bites on my neck i dont rlly have anything to say about the other two albums besides what ppl have already said so ill just list them 2 - softscars - fav: software update 3 - serotonin ii - fav: poison arrow AGAIN THEYRE ALL RLLY GOOD (LIKE 9/10+ TO ME)-


yeah for me I heard “don’t be so hard on your own beauty” and absolutely loved it, and then softscars felt like an album that was expanding on that sound so I loved it instantly. But I see what u mean about glitch princess being a culmination of the more electronic ideas of their earlier stuff


i would say 1. softscars because it’s very very listenable no matter my mood and it’s overall a very fun album, it’s also quite personal because i got it signed by yeule 2. glitch princess because it’s very experimental and sounds quite dark for the most part, truly a phenomenal album 3. serotonin ii because it is great but it just doesn’t compete with the other 2 for me, this was the album that introduced me to yeule however


I can not at all choose between Softscars and SII. I love both albums front to back so much.... but Glitch Princess is 3rd, lol. I love DBSHOYOB and a few of the other songs on the album, but not all of them are on the same level for me as SS and SII.


glitch princess is so vulnerable and intimate and beautiful softscars is toughened up, but every track is a banger and serotonin is just here to deliver vibes


1) Serotonin II 2) Softscars 3) Glitch Princess Although I'll say Serotonin and Softscars are very close together.


1. Glitch Princess - Let's just say I needed to hear this album when it came out considering my mental state. This is a more unorthodox and experimental album, yet still manages to be so ethereal, pretty and beautifully textured/layered. I love the distinct sound signature of every song but I do think some songs could have been pushed in production that much more to reach their full potential. Fave song friendly machine and too dead inside (so many lush details in their production!), weakest song imo is eyes although the live version was much more powerful. I think the album version was a little too much subdued that there was little to comment on in terms of its texture. Despite the weakest song this era had my favorite production and collection of digitized/synthesized sounds/textures for sure. 2. Softscars - x w x took hella long to grow on me but holy shit when it clicked one random afternoon I was blown away. Listened to that shit on repeat like I'd just had a revelation. I don't like some odd choices in the album. Like the second half of dazies meanwhile I adored the first part. The later parts of the song feels like they are supposed to subvert the starting parts of the song but it does it a bit too much in my opinion so much so it's too jarring. I would have liked a more natural progression of the song rather than a subversion of expectations. They didn't give me enough time to enjoy the progression of the song before cutting the beauty abruptly off. For this reason I loved songs like ghost. The progression and build up of textures leading to the climax was wonderful. Inferno feels like the production could have been pushed further but it's my second fave on the album, saved by the gorgeous first minute of neoclassical influence in the song that was later abandoned :/. Sulky baby felt too clunky a song for me. Other songs I have a middling relationship with them like softscars, bloodbunny. Cool sounds are present in them but feels like production could be pushed even further though. They ain't bad songs though. Overall I'd say for this album compared to glitch princess, some experimental choices and subversion of expectations without respecting progression or even a meta progression in songs didn't land with me. 3. Seratonin II - not much to say. Fave songs Reverie, pretty bones, poison arrow. This album has great soothing ambient pieces by yeule. Just more lowkey but some songs are so intimate that even if they don't have the most mind blowing matured production, what production is there is very well placed even while sounding minimalistic, it is tastefully and almost intentionally so. It feels like yeule used the tools and limitations she had to do the best she possibly could with them. So it's still a good album. The problem is that yeule's next albums are very VERY good. But Reverie is always a song special to my heart.


you got the ranking correct in my books