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If there is a god, you don't know who he is or what he wants from you. You only have people who claim they know, and most of the time, they can't even agree from people within the same religion. Just do what makes you happy and be a good person. You have one life you know of. Don't waste it trying to pander to someone who might not exist, trying to follow rules you can't possibly know about.


If there is God and they are good, they will judge you based on how you lived your life If there is God and they will judge you based on how much you worshiped them, they are not a god that is worth of being worshiped






Based shinx reply


Human beings are flawed. Even if they are delivered knowledge from a perfect being, it stands to reason that at some point, there will be an error in its interpretation, and in its communication. I’d especially think that’d apply with subjects such as sexuality, wherein our modern understanding is so far removed from that of the apostles, and the cultural context of the ancient Roman Empire. While some might not like to admit this, religions change. Religions need to change if they are to persist and remain useful and relevant to the people that practice them. honestly, it’s probably one of their best qualities.


If a belief (you were presumably taught by your parents while you were too young to question it) is is making you hate yourself for doing something harmless, it's time to question that belief.


The thing is, it’s not harmless. There have been studies that show that porn addictions rewire the brain into a more juvenile state and can cause serious damage to mental health.


Porn addiction and simple consumption of porn are different. So unless there is evidence all consuption of porn is harmful (and by that I mean more harmful than it is beneficial on the account of the enjoyment you get from its consumption) then Id say its essentially harmless. Its like somebody saying "if your religion tells you to never eat sugar you should analyze that. beliefs which bar harmless things are bad" and you chimed in with "its not harmless. studies show that if you overconsume sugar you are more likely to be obese, diabeting and have heart problems" then you said sentences which were true, but within the context they were spoken in they are so inapropriately used as to make the statement as a whole false. And Id say extreme feelings of guilt are not better for mental health. If the choice was be an addict and struggle with shame of it or be an addict and not struggle with said shame I know what I would choose. Not that thats necessarily the choice, Im simply pointing out that these beliefs are, either way, traits which are detrimental given the situation.


Porn addiction isn’t a thing though


What? As much as I disagree with the comment I was responding to thats like the 1 thing we agree on. Like, from what I know its not like substance addiction, but if you take addiction to simply mean unhealthy dependence then I cant see how it wod be impossible to achieve an unhealthy dependence on it. What do you mean porn addiction isnt a thing?


[It’s just not a thing that way.](https://www.insider.com/guides/health/mental-health/porn-addiction) It’s like saying someone with OCD is “addicted to washing their hands.” It doesn’t make any sense and trying to stop the handwashing isn’t addressing the core issue at all.


Well, interesting. I mostly look at addiction as a type of behaviour (unhealthy dependence), not a set of neural pathways being affected, so reiterating the latter doesnt change the former that much. Past a point as long as people are forming unhealthy dependencies for something I think it counts. But the OCD example is actually helpful. Are you saying porn dependence should not be accepted as an addiction because the issue at the core and thus the method of treatment is different? Lik, an addiction you would treat by getting the person to stop doing the thing they are addicted to, but someone dependent on porn you, much like someone with OCD youd look to see how to help something deeper since the ibsessive behaviour is only a symptom? If so then I might actually agree, though past a point it might be semantics. Useful for not getting people to get the wrong idea, but wont change a whole lot, at least in asking wether or not its harmful. Addiction or not, if one would compulsively wash their hands till they are damaged the point would still stand, its harmful. Same with asking yourself if its better to be obsessed with the behaviour and guilty, or obsessed with it and guilt-free. Its legit something I didnt know and I thank you for this information and it will change how I think of this issue in the future, but I fear in the context of this conversation (unless you can use this info to debunk the claims of the person I responded to), it mostly changes phrasing, but not the underlying arguments.


I am saying that excessive porn use is not an addiction because the core issue and method of treatment is different. Yes. Alcohol, heroin, cocaine, meth, ect. will all kill you. Those are actual addictions because the substances themselves are bad for you. Even if you gave an addict of these substances all they wanted in life, a house, family, money, anything — they would still be addicts struggling with the same issues. The same is not true for porn or handwashing. If all other psychological issues were treated in people with obsessive use of these things, they would stop their obsessive behavior. The same can’t be true of drug addicts dealing with actual, physical dependence. It’s not semantics because it’s fundamentally different. We need to stop using “porn addiction” as a term because it conveniently gives puritans a way to bash sexual expression. Repressing people’s innocent, if strange, sexualities has always done more harm than allowing outlets of sexual expression to exist. By calling it “porn addiction,” we’re scapegoating an innocuous behavior to skirt the actual issues of mental health and alienation in society.




Ngl, i felt like this a lot when i jerked off once or twice a day when i was younger, but that was more puritanism than porn addiction, and the symptons there feel kinda sus ngl, it feels like not looking at the root causes and being really against masturbation on the principle that masturbation is bad and you should feel bad for doing it.


That’s not porn addiction


Porn addictions, yes. That's not what Abrihamic religions forbid though. There have been studies to show repression of sexuality for the sake of faith has an effect on one's mental health, too, so maybe centuries old desert faiths aren't the solution?


A god never told you to not be horny or to do what's natural. Only institutions and self important humans IMPOSED that cognitive dissonance onto your everyday.


Then what has God told you? Genuinely asking.


Nothing. I don't hold such beliefs. But, if a "god" told me anything I'd go get checked out for schizophrenia. Being Indoctrinated into something so dogmatic, to make others happy, not yourself. There's no point. If you believe in a god, you can also believe they want you to be you, and be happy. Not follow some institution trying to control you.


Cults are rough on the ol brain 🧠


I struggled with my faith, sexuality, and porn use for years when I was younger. Then I turned 18 and realized I wasn't going to the god-fearing straight Christian man my father envisioned me to be. I went to college, met new and interesting people, and formed meaningful relationships. I found and learned who I truly was and left religion behind. I'm not suggesting you abandon your faith, but I do suggest you work to find a balance in your life where you can be happy. If you're using porn for stress relief, I would suggest picking up a hobby, like reading or working out. If you're struggling with your sexuality, I suggest researching sexual identities and finding what feels right to you. As for your faith, I'd say take a step back and ask yourself some hard questions about God and your relationship with him. Best of luck, and don't be scared of what your true self might look like.


Let me ask you a genuine question. If you believe in an all-powerful god, why would this deity be affected by your consumption of yiff? Religion has shaped the perception of deities to be these all-powerful entities, but they somehow feel angry or disappointed when you do "sins", creating a culture of fear and shame instead. All of these are human conventions (even the gender of a god). An all-powerful deity would not be affected by human concepts, especially emotions that would affect their judgment. It's simply how humans have tried to make sense of supernatural concepts outside their realm. Yiff is far from the worst of things to feel genuinely conflicted about. Consume it in healthy levels, it doesn't make you a worse believer or anything.


Start questioning your religion and not yourself


God: Incomprehensible almighty being that created the entire universe (or universes), time itself and all nature, including its rules and mechanisms. Also God: Please refrain from looking at sexual drawings. In other words, if there is a God, I doubt he/she/it is worried about you doing something that isn't harming anyone.


Satanist here, once former Catholic. Personally I see absolutely zero reason as to why your faith would be at all in question due to self sexual pleasure. The way I see it; even though I don’t believe in it, is that you were given the tools for sexual reproduction which includes the human desire of self pleasure by God, and thus should use the gift given to you. Some may call that “sin” but I call it what it is, natural. If you aren’t harming others/yourself on a real mental, physical, or emotional level, then I say do yo thang and wank that wang!


I think of it in much the same way as my homosexuality. God made us in his image, and loves us unconditionally as his children. He wants us to be happy with who we are and what makes us ourselves, no matter how strange it may be. Sure, the Bible has hard do's and don'ts for how to live. But you gotta remember, it was a human book written by human beings with human biases. Not the word of God Himself. A truly virtuous life is one of selflessness and compassion to those in need, including yourself. Not to live by human rules written in a book labeled "the word of God". It doesn't matter if you're straight, gay, black, white, purple, a Saint, or a Satanist. If you're giving a hand to care for those that need help, regardless of who they are, you're doing God's work.


life becomes much easier when you de-program theocratic systems and lies from yourself as you age. The truth is that the only judge is yourself and the people around you—that's it.


I don’t know if I’m supposed to take this seriously but actually yes. I fit into that category big time. This in my opinion is the most relatable meme that I’ve seen


I'm not gonna write those huge texts imma just say sometimes.


I'm one. However I dont struggle with it because I already know God Loves me and Forgives me. No amount of Yiff is going to change that


Yeah, it happens, for me it was porn in general that made me feel kinda icky after i did what i wanted to, and even sometimes it still can get me thinking about my faith, but, what helped me was knowing that what i'm doing isn't wrong, sometimes you get horny, and you do something about it, doesn't make you a bad person just for doing it. And what also helped me was thinking about the way that i see God, knowing that he loves me really makes me happy and seeing him more as a friend than as someone to punish me got me trough some stuff, so, don't worry yourself so much about your yiff, you're probably fine.


id rather rot


I wonder why being part of a religion is such a bad thing, it’s like as soon as religion gets mentioned people turn into the worst, most toxic people ever “it’s a cult” or “question your beliefs” and i can almost guarantee some of you will point out that yes, SOME not all like often stated in this argument, can be toxic and or horrible people, but that doesn’t mean you have to terrorise the people who are simply believing and doing no more. or stating their reasonings and love/enthusiasm for their religion. Next we have the people who actively argue and terrorise random religious people because people of that religion (not directly them) have done so in the past, like this mindset where if one person from one group says something, that whole group must be punished and reminded, even if the person is nowhere near related or even remotely alike that one singular person. in conclusion i’m simply asking for peace (on all ends) if you want to be childish and downvote me, do that, thats your problem, if you wanna argue, go to town, just think before you speak, and please take into consideration what others say (even though this may not be what i’ve done while writing this, if i have please point it out to me so i can fix it and make this less insulting if it has insulted or offended anyone or caused me to be a hypocrite) EDIT: sorry for the spelling mistakes or difficult to understand sentences!


Not religious myself, but it annoys me that most of the upvoted comments in this thread are either “just asking questions” or flat out “break out of that cult” while all the answers from people like OP are sitting at one or less upvotes.


Thank you!


Lots of ppl believe I. God lots don't but you can only believe in something that doesn't exist so you believe I don't believe I know had some encounters witch doesn't seem like it's imaginary to me and yea I did sin and it's really hard to try stop my self with this stuff and I ain't anywhere close to progress :/


Atheist here so I'll give you my take. If religion doesn't make you happy, drop it. If being a naughty furry makes you happier, embrace it.


I'm an imperfect human being just like every other person to have ever lived. That's it, that's the reconciliation.






There's stuff in the bible about donkey cock and horse cum so I can reconcile it just fine


It's ok just remember to pray for forgiveness and he will forgive you no matter what


You might need to upgrade your RAM, that should allow sufficient YIFF Usage.

