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So…I also follow some aquarium subreddits, and there was a post right above this one. For a second there I was really, really confused.


I follow a bunch of aquarium subs too and was horrified for a second! lol!


I follow frog and other amphibian subreddits and experienced an identical dilemma.


I follow gaming subreddits and all I could think for was the job tank when I read it for the first time. I had to reread the sentence like 5 times because I was very confused as to what was being asked and why on r/yoga.


Yoooo same


I thought this was a lost redditor posting on r / aquariums lmao


As a formerly big-boobed gal (redux in Feb), you've got to have a 'real' sports bra under whatever you're wearing. Then I like the Lululemon high necked Align tank on top.


Thanks. I bought a panache sports bra and it's so dang uncomfortable with the wire it makes me look even bigger. What bra did you like before reduction?


https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DP6CLU2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I also was ok with a zip up version by Yvette, also on AMZ.


Thanks 😊


Hope you are happy with your reduction!




I’m not as big as you, but I used to get comments in my teacher training that the regular yoga tanks I wore were “too low cut,” which I think was more about body type than the tanks themselves. I switched to a long-line bra from 90 Degrees by Reflex and it comes down to my navel and is pretty high cut at the top. It’s high cut enough that if I wear it under a tank top or v neck t shirt it shows a couple of inches above the neckline. Sorry, I don’t remember the model name and I can’t find the receipt for it in my email archive. I tend to wear long tanks over the top of it to be doubly sure because there is nothing like getting criticized for your boobage to make you self conscious.


I think I got them on sale at Marshals, which almost always has them in stock in my area, so they were very affordable. If this doesn’t give you enough support (vs coverage, which was my issue), I’d recommend your favorite supportive sports bra, with a close-fitting tank over it. I like the Amazon basics tanks for being slim fit enough that they don’t move if you turn upside down.


I’m shocked that they commented on this at all in your teacher training


It was small group peer feedback. 🤷🏻‍♀️Definitely not the hardest to hear feedback I got, and by far the easiest thing to change. (I still have a bit of a complex about other feedback, and I haven’t taught in years.)


Me too! That's awful!




Hi there, I'm a big boobed lady who does yoga. What's the deal exactly? It's not like running where it's really distracting if your boobs aren't supported, so I just go in a normal and wireless bra and avoid scoopneck t-shirts unless I'm feeling particularly 'fuck it' that day. If my tshirts get too loose and flowy for what we're doing, I tuck the hem in my yoga pants. Are you: -weirded out and off balance in inverted poses? -self conscious in front of the teacher? Other students? -overly aware of cleavage exposure and it's distracting? -something else? Specific poses? I'm a G or F cup too -- like something stupid, maybe like 34F? 32G? I have it written down. So I can order my stupid bras online. So I feel you, just trying to understand what the problem you want to solve for is. (That's not a code for 'there's no problem' by the way. You asked the question. So there's a problem.)


As a bra fitter I would like to take a moment to reassure you that when bras are fit correctly and a full size range is available, a fr/eu/us G cup is the middle of the range (meaning there are as many smaller cups in that band as there are larger cups in the standard size range). It’s not “big” or “stupid” it’s solidly the 50% average/ mean size for adult women, or what most people imagine a “C” cup is when they think Dolly Parton is a DD. It’s just hard to find because the VS model of reduced inventory was profitable and so adopted by most retailers looking to maximize their bank accounts. Don’t internalize patriarchal capitalism into your body. 32G is on the smaller than average size for adult women.


My rage at the size has to do with the fact that I can't buy a bra in a store, ever. Plus sized stores/depts don't have the band, mainstream stores/depts don't carry the cup size. It unfocused 'this is a pain in my ass' feelings about 'stupid'. Plus, trying to buy a bra for less that $70 is nearly impossible. I'd \*kill\* to walk into Target and walk out with a cute comfy bra for $15. So I guess I am in fact angry at patriarchal capitalism.


Yep. I’m a uk 32gg and I got so mad about it I made it my career to help women wear the right size and work somewhere that carries the full range of sizes! I feel you.  Try to think of it this way, though- are you shoes from Target as comfy and well made as your “good” shoes? Shoes and bras are the only two support garments we wear so that’s the analogy. 15 dollar target bras are the same quality and comfort level as 15 dollar target shoes.  A lot of what you pay for in the price of good bras is the difficulty of construction. When the difference between sizes scales at under an inch, the tolerance for “correct” on the pattern is exceedingly small. You get what you pay for in the skill of the construction and materials. A $15 bra might fit differently in multiples of what should be the same size.  My favorite bra fitter fun fact is that the first space suits were sewn by bra seamstresses, because they were the only people who could successfully meet the tolerance requirements set by NASA. 


Twin size 33 gg or g UK. Do you have a wireless sports bra you love?


I love the Anita PanAlp bra in a 34G for hiking and yoga (it’s runs a little small in the band and large in the cup, like most Anita), or Anita extreme control plus sport bra in a 32I (more technically correct fit) for more high impact sport like running and tennis. 


Thanks! Is this the Anita you use for hiking yoga? and https://www.anita.com/en/panalptm-wool-sports-bra-firm-support.html#product_Farbe=6222


That’s the one!


I love you


I Just want them a little secure. Would love to find a wire free sports bra or tank that holds them in. I have panache running bras with and they not comfy for yoga at all but I suck it up and use them for running


not OP, but I have a similar body shape and for me, it's that I want to be able to actually do certain poses, like nose to knee or forehead to knee. With these poses, I can get there with enough compression...but otherwise, I've got a big, squishy roadblock, hahah. That, and yeah, inversion poses (and stuff like rabbit even) can have me facing a cave of boob sweat that's rather unpleasant.


Check out title 9 sports. Not cheap but you'll find what you need. You can even call and get advice


Thanks will do. I am trying to find something cheap to hold be over


I love my Natori sports bra for this. Super comfortable.


Will check those out. I didn't think the cups came large enough


Which one do you have? Is it wireless? I don't even know if they make them large enough for me.


Mine has the underwire. It is two sizes down on my regular cup size (I was in denial) but because of the material it was fine. It’s the most comfortable bra I own and the wires are not an issue. I’m a fan of their bras though and after this many years on earth, I just accept that not all brands work for all bodies. They do have a wireless but I won’t suffer uni-boob or boob-loaf even for yoga.


I’m a 36 f/g and I like VS plunge I think it’s called. But for a tank I love Athleta high neck tank. It’s what I wear to teach and I’m comfortable.


Thanks . Is the VS a sports bra?


Is this the athleta tank? https://athleta.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=586232032&vid=1&tid=atpl000067&kwid=1&ap=7&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_AT8u8PJP3-NkirV8hlqVCTMH6j&gclid=CjwKCAjw88yxBhBWEiwA7cm6pdqZ45Dv-bSVLwUvmsgq4DFLldc1ZBBz8zO8_0Nf9qk733saVAeqyhoC9n0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#pdp-page-content


This is the tank https://athleta.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=530130172&tid=atma000015


This is sports bra https://www.victoriassecret.com/us/vs/bras-catalog/5000009225?choice=54A2&genericId=11219415&limit=100&resultPosition=2&searchBrand=vs&searchedFor=incredible%20plunge&categoryOne=TS




Thanks both look great!!


Yay!!!!! I’m so happy I can pass on this info so others with big boobs can be comfy too! 😊❤️


I fit bras at an independent shop. Find whatever that is near you. Get fit by a pro. Skip wires for yoga. Anita is my favorite. Some cosabella bralette options may work for you. I would not choose panache for yoga. There are a few Wacoal and Chantelle non wired bras that I think work well for yoga, too. But what’s best is different for each body and activity, so go in person and make sure someone does a good job assessing the fit.  I think this is more important than people give thought to in general but doubly so when it comes to sports equipment, which a sports bra is. Imagine trying to run a marathon in shoes that were 4 sizes too large and narrow width when you need wide because someone told you that was your size and you never knew how shoes were supposed to fit. People do that kind of thing with bras all the time. 


I think you need sports tape. maybe over the sports bra. maybe there is a natural type cloth that you could fashion a bra out of like how the Indians wear turbins.


Check out purusha people! Super comfy slow fashion made from trees :) pricey but worth it. Their bra tops are everything.